Kitten's Kharacter Korner

Here, you'll find information on all of my original Characters. Please let me know if you spot any inconsistencies between this page and how characters are described in their respective stories.


The Twin Titans of Thaumaturgy

Name: HikariName: Yami
Name Meaning: Japanese for lightName Meaning: Japanese for dark
Sex: FemaleSex: Male
Age: 12Age: 12
Height: 5' 3"Height: 5' 9"
Hair: Bluish white in a hime cut to her kneesHair: Reddish Black, short and spikey
Eyes: Sapphire BlueEyes: Ruby Red
Skin: PaleSkin: Tanned
Elemental Affinity: IceElemental Affinity: Fire

Profile: Half-identical twins and polar opposites who share a deep, twincestuous bond. Hikari is calm and collected while Yami is bold and brash. Hikari is diplomatic and nurturing while Yami is combative and protective. Hikari is a mistress of ice and healing magics while Yami is a Master of fire and destructive magics. Though powerful individually, able to challenge lower tier gods in single combat, the twins powers are at their greatest when they work together. Originally concieved as a pair of fancharacters for Ojamajo Doremi who would've been comtemporaries of Fami, they've been recast for other fandoms including Pokemon(where their signature pokemon are Espeon for Hikari and Umbreon for Yami) and Disgaea(where there elemental affinities originate, Hikari learning all levels of Ice and Heal, Yami learning all levels of Fire and Wind, and their native Evilities multiplying their stats together and granting them access to all levels of Star if standing next to each other).

Fox and Bunny


Profile: Latest in a long line of female kitsune serving as Priestesses to the Goddess Inari and is blessed as the Goddess is with both male and female parts, a fact her vulpine kin take as proof that her mother's union with a human samurai in violation of a vow of chastity is blissed by the goddess. Skilled with fox magic and the sword, she has a mischievious streak that can come across as cruel, but she genuinely cares for those she claims as her property.


Profile: The first of Hiko's pets and the one to grant the fox the nickname Asahi-chan, Asahi being one way of saying sun in Japanese. A natural born burrower and usually timid, she's taken well to her mistress's lessons in potion making.


Profile: The other female from Tsubomi's litter, the two are nearly identical, Hiko only able to tell them apart due to minute differences in their scents. Even more timid than Tsubomi and has a habit of mirroring her sister when they stand side-by-side(e.g. If Tsubomi erects her left ear and droops her right, Futaba will erect her right ear and droop her left).


Profile: Tsubomi and Futaba's older sister and the most outspoken of the trio, reluctant to accept her new reality as a sex slave to a fox. Nicknamed Tsuki-chan from the Japanese for moon and a reference to the moon bunny of Japanese folklore, she's annoyed whenever Hiko uses the nickname.

Ninjin, Daikon, and Usataro

Profile: Ninjin and Daikon are the male half of Tsubomi's litter and Usataro is Usako's twin brother and older brother to the younger rabbits. Ninjin and Daikon share much of Tsubomi and Futaba's temperment while Usataro is protective of all her siblings. Thanks to being in his prime and a life of helping his father tend the family's farm, Usatarois well-toned and easily the strongest of the rabbit family and could be a master kickboxer with some training. Usataro had a pre-existing incestuous relationship with Usako prior to being drafted as Hiko's vassels.

The Genderbent Warrior


Profile: Originally a strong knight wielding broadsword, usually chivalrous but sometimes chauvinistic, was cursed into a much smaller and weaker female body for offending the wrong woman. Now wields rapier and relies on a speedier fighting style as he quests for a cure.


>p>Profile: The busty and bubbly healer and barrier maiden of the party. >Is not above using her feminine wiles and playing the ditzy blonde most >assume her to be to get people to drop their guard and spill their >secrets.


Profile: The Ranged attacker and tactician of the team, usually far more serious than her traveling companions. Is a bit selff-conscious about her boyish figure and often jokes about Roxie using magic to buff her far more ample butt and bust.


Profile: A powerful mage skilled in both offensive and defensive magic who prefers to travel alone and doesn't care for being propositioned by strangers. Placed the curse upon Alex that turned the former man into a woman, earning the nickname "Red Bitch" from Raven in the process. Does not take kindly to people shortening her name without her permission.

The Sorcerer and His Little Queen


Profile: A powerful sorcerer with ambitions of leading the land into a new golden age of prosperity, acceptance, and stability. Is diligently working to build his power base while being careful to avoid the pitfalls that drove many of his forebearers to insanity and tyranny even if they started with noble intentions.


Profile: A young girl on the cusp of womanhood, innocent and with deep affection for Fritz, unaware of the nature of the sacrifice he intends to thrust upon her. Though not a natural at the Arcane Arts, she possesses a great potential and is being considered as Fritz's first apprentice, potentially becoming his true equal rather than just a source of power.

Little Witch


Profile: A young witch that lives alone in a hut in the woods. Her small stature and slowed aging due to her elvin ancestry leads many to mistake her for a young child. Skilled with wielding Fire, Ice, and Lightning with her magic staff, she can perform levitation and most cantrips without a magical focus and do most enchantments and transmutations through mere contact.


Profile: A knight among knights able to swing a two-handed sword one-handed without issue who happened to be in the right place at the right time to rescue Nina from a terrible fate and with whom the witch was immediately smitten.

Piddle Pucelle Pipi


Profile: A young girl with a small bladder and a tendency to get so caught up in whatever she's doing that she doesn't notice her need to pee until its too late. Is called "pee pee" frequently due to her frequent accidents.