Welcome to Kitten's Korner

Update 2023/09/27

Long time no hear. First, a few book keeping things:

That said, I do have a short update for Smitten Kitten to share with you today, starring the Ojamajo in their patissiere uniforms and featuring futanari transformation, fun with portals, selfcest, and cumflation.

Update 2023/05/10

Hello folks, sorry for the lack of updates over the last few months. Around the end of March, I attempted to switch Linux distros on my old vintage 2011 HP Desktop. Things didn't go well, and after about a week of trying to fix the problem, that old Desktop suffered hardware failure and I was forced to trade an old i7 for an old Celeron and spent over a week with a computer that was sluggish at everything while I tried to find a ride so I could take out a loan to buy a new computer. The new computer is running a much newer CPU, has an SSD system drive, and four times the RAM of the dead PC, and is running well, blistering fast compared to what I'm used to, and now that I have resources to spare, I'm running a full desktop, granting me more flexibility in which applications I can use.

Still trying to get back into writing after a month of Computer Hell, and Spring arrived early and hot this year, so I've been dealling with mother nature trying to roast me alive for most of the last month-and-a-half, but my main workstation is a full decade newer, I've decompressed from the stress of Computer Hell, and I'm hopeful I can have a piece done in time for Mother's day.

That said, I have a few short pieces I wrote months ago that I had planned to post on April 1 before the computer troubles got out of hand. They are the intro and the first two proper chapters in a series of fics that use a interdimensional strip club as a framing device... and well, both chapters feature loli and futanari. One is a crossover between Original Powerpuff Girls and Powerpuff Girls Z, the other is a bit of SakuraxTomoyo smut.

Smitten Kitten Intro

Deflowering the Cardcaptor

Powerpuff Cross

Update 2023/02/14

Happy Valentine's Day to All and Happy Birthday to Hazuki and Flonne!

So yeah, didn't get much writing done during December or January, but here I am with the first update of 2023! And it's a two fer! Well, kinda. First is a new chapter of Futanari Outbreak featuring a threesome between Hazuki, shiori, and Masaru... Pretty standard fair for Futanari Outbreak, though there is futaloli-on-shota... Also written and posted out of order(Chapters 27 and 28 having been skipped to give me an excuse to do something with Hazuki for her birthday). The other part of this update... well, like much of the Internet, I've been spending too much time with ChatGPT(though, as of the Jan 30 update, its gotten too good at catching me trying to trick it into writing porn, so my usage has plummeted) Still, I've got like 450k words of saved transcripts, most of it at least fetishistic if not pornographic, and plans to edit it into something presentable... Actually posted the first such piece on my A3O for Christmas, but apparently forgot to post it here, but I've got a piece to share today based on a girl stumbling into the Mens' side at a bathhouse... features unusual euphemism(my main way of trick ChatGPT's filters before Jan 30), drunken sex, semi-public sex, impregnation, pregnancy, and childbirth, reverse harem, and a protag of indeterminate age. Only posting the edited version on the front page, but the AI Folder under Fiction will also have the transcript with the prompts, alternate scenes, and repeated bits I cut out in editing. I may or may not have a second update later this evening, working on a piece for Flonne that's not quite ready but which I'm going to try to finish before the day is over.

Hazuki's Threesome

AI generated Story

Update 2022/12/09

Okay, here's an update for the Unwitchy Interactive. Also, both Witchy and Unwitchy have had their current compilations broken up into chapters in preparation to open them up to responses on A3O in hopes that accepting responses both here and there will lead to more reader involvement and more incentive for regular updates. Hope to have an update for Witchy in the next day or two.

Unwitchy Update

Update 2022/12/06

Got two updates for y'all today, one is a long overdue update for Fushigiboshi no Futanarihime featuring the Twins getting it on with Altezza, and hte other a short RinxShippo piece for Inu-Yasha. The former contains threesome(two futalolis, one loli), loss of virginity, and a girl surprised to meet girls with dicks. The other has some mild omorashi(just enough to give the kids an excuse to expose themselves to each other), childish curiousity, loss of virginity, human/foxboy, and knotting.

Futanarihime Update

A Girl and her Kit

Update 2022/11/07

No real update today, though I did quietly upload a couple of Lewd Loli Q&A compilations recently. The main reason for this update is to inform readers that I've made a straw poll regarding which of the one-shots from the recent 13Nights of Loliween readers want to see expanded into multi-chapter stories.

Click here to vote for your favorite Nights of Loliween!

Update 2022/10/31

And to finish out this little series,, we have a tale of a little girl's initiation into a fertility cult. Contains bondage, rape, pregnancy, impregnation, huge cock, futanari, tentacles, cum inflation, pseudo incest, and cults. Also, to provide some final statistics on this project, the avrage word count is 2,074, The shortest was Night 10 at 1,475, the median was Night 4 at 1889, and the longest was Night 6 at 3,230, and the total word count is 26,964.

I certainly won't be trying something as ambitious as last year's Advent Calendar this year, and probably not even 12 Days of Lolimas or some such, as I want to spend the rest of the calendar year catching up on the commission work I've been neglecting, catching up on Q&As and my Interactives, and maybe clearing a few things out of my wip folder, but I wouldn't mind trying another Horny Holidays like sprint early next year for say Valentine's or Easter... Just not sure how many days would be thematically appropriate for such and what the target posting schedule should be... If anyone has suggestions on that subject, I'd be happy to hear them.

Update 2022/10/31

Tonight's tale features a trio of boys getting more than they bargained from a set of identical triplets. Aside from being Loli-on-shota, the main warning is that there are threats of cock removal.

Update 2022/10/29

Tonight's tale features a young, blind girl going on a quest to slay a gorgon, and finding things aren't quite what they seemed. contains monster, erotic statuary, and futanari with snake penises. Just two more nights to go.

Update 2022/10/28

Tonight's tale features a quartet of girls getting more than they bargained for when they try summoning the great pumpkin. Contains monster, tentacle vines, unusual cum, cum inflation, interspecies impregnation, and birth. I've already started writing two of the remaining three nights, so things are sounding good for finishing this project on time.

Update 2022/10/27

Tonight's tale features an inexperienced and self-taught witch trying to summon a guardian to protect her alchemy lab from annoying boys in her neighborhood. It features beastiality, multiple cocks, knotting, and mild cum inflation. Also, as I type this, I am officially out of buffer, though I hope to at least get started on tomorrow's tale before calling it a night.

Update 2022/10/26

Okay, a bit late posting tonight's tale, but I did have to draft most of it today instead of having finished drafting ahead of time and just doing a final proofread the day of posting... Anyway, tonight's tale has a little girl created in the style of Frankenstein's Creature getting molested by her creator. Features psuedo incest, foreplay disguised as a health exam, and I suppose it technically counts as necrophilia... My buffer is down to only a single partial draft, though the word count is higher and I think its further along in its plot than the partial draft of tonight's installment I had to start with.

Update 2022/10/25

As we come to the halfway point of this journey, tonight's tale features an eternal loli of a vampire seducing a lolicon. Bit heavier on plot and lighter on sex than most installments in this series. Also, as time goes on, I run out of buffer... Before now, I always had at least one future night's tale fully drafted the night before and several in progress, but at the momentI only have part of the draft for nights 8 and 9 and only have solid ideas for two out of nights 10-13 that I haven't started writing yet. I'll endeavor to finish all 13 nights before All Hallow's Dawn, but don't be surprised if the schedule slips.

Update 2022/10/24

Tonight's tale has a group of young girls getting a bit more than they expected when they try summoning a demon. There's size difference, huge cock, loss of virginity, cum inflation, the kind of penetration that should be lethal but causes no harm because sex magic. Also, as far as I know, the Lustrum mentioned herein isn't a pre-existing fictional alloy... and I picked the name because it suggest lust(it's forged from cum and pussy juice) and luster(it's shinier than silver, the most reflective of real metals(silver is the traditional backing for mirrors for this reason).

Update 2022/10/23

Greetings Readers. Tonight's Tale features a twist on the Werewolf Mythos and features loli on shota, loss of virginity, werewolf transformation, furry, and dubious consent.

Update 2022/10/22

Greetings, readers, tonights tale is one of siblings possessed by forces from beyond the veil. It contains sibling incest, loss of virginity, and mutual non-consent... There are also hints of off-screen violence near the end.

Update 2022/10/21

Welcome to night three of loliween! Tonight's tale is a bit more vanilla, at least by my standards. There's a succubus and some futaloli-on-loli action with lost of virginity, but beyond that's its pretty tame... Okay, there's a mention of recursive pregnancy and the Succubus at least speaks of breeding her quarry, but still, nothing that weird... Also, thinking about it, I may need ideas for the final two or three nights if I make it all the way to Witchy 13., so feel free to drop me a line about any kinky reimaginings of classic ghosties and ghoulies you'd like to read.

Update 2022/10/20

Welcome readers, to the second night of Loliween. Tonight's tale is a cautionary one about the hazards of dropping your guard when foraging in the woods, in which a young Witch finds herself ambushed and captured by frog monsters and becomes a living incubator for their eggs. It features loli, beastiality/monsters, paralysis, and oviposition. I hope you enjoy and I'll be back tomorrow with a third tale for your perverted reading pleasure.

Update 2022/10/19

Happy Loliween!

Okay, so I'm more about Sexy Stories than Spooky ones, but I still wanted to try my hands at a series of short, loosely halloween-themed stories. As such, the Goal is to, every night from now until Halloween, to post something seasonal... Didn't get as much written in advanced as I would have liked, but the stories for the next two nights are fully drafted, and I have an average of over 1000 words written for Nights 4-7, so here's hoping I can manage to finish all 13 nights on time.

People who peek at my wip folder might recognize parts of tonight's installment as I started on it for last Halloween, but then fell so ill that I could barely get out of bed long enough to prepare my meals and was out of it for two weeks. This is a weird one, featuring an old witch summoning a virgin's womb outside her body, fucking said womb, pouring her essence into the womb to the point of her body withering and crumbling to dust and then being reborn from the womb before using a magic portal to fuck her mother in a more normal fashion... Honestly have no idea how to tag this for the A3O posting.{/p>

Also, until further notice, I will not be accepting any new commissions. It's been months since I made any real progress on my in-progress commissions and I have 9 clients on my waiting list. Now that the weather is cooling off and I can think straight, I hope I can make some progress towards clearing out my back log, but even if I could force myself to write 1000 words daily on commissions without the quality of writing suffering, I've probably got at least a few months of work on that front, and a more realistic pace probably puts it closer to a year. I intend to finish not only what I've already recieved a down payment on, but the fics I've agreed to write for those on my waiting list, but I'm not comfortable committing to anymore than I already have until I've cleared out most of the back log.{/p>

Anyways, on with the seasonal smut!

Update 2022/09/10

Happy Belated Birth Day, Poppu!

Actually had the draft for this done before going to bed in the wee hours of the morning of Poppu's Birthday, but then got distracted and didn't get to reading it for typos in time to post it, so here it is, a day late, which is kind of symmetric since the story itself takes place the day before Poppu's birthday. Anyways, this is nominally a sequel to Poppu's installment in the Loli Advent Calendar(as and aside, I've started work on what I hope to be 13 Nights of Loliween to be published late October, wish me luck in staying on track), but is fairly self contained. There's typical beach stuff, semi-public sex, some light Lolidom, some Omorashi, and a relationship between a young girl and her former Kindergarten Teacher.

Update 2022/08/06

Hey folks, got a short piece for you based on a recently rediscovered fav from my teens... A solo fic in which Erika from medabots records a solo porno to intice Ikki. Features loli, female masturbation, mentions of spanking, bondage, and a little bit of omo. Perhaps a bit less detailed than my usual work, but it's written from the perspective of a video recording of the events rather than actually being in the action... I may or may not elaborate on what's happing around the video, but this is another mostly forgotten anime from the late 90s/early 00s I hope to increase the amount of English-language erotica in existence for it.

Update 2022/08/02

Okay, horrendously overdue(the last update for these was in November!), but here are updates for both Witchy and Unwitchy Interactives. Hopefully, the next updates will be more timely.

Witchy Update

Update 2022/06/19

Happy Father's Day!

Okay, didn't manage to get all three Powerpuff/Professor Utonium fics done before the day, but here's Buttercup's installment, Bubble's is wip, and while I doubt I'll finish it before midnight even with the forecast declaring today the coolest in months(Today's high is only 79F, which is merely too hot when it's been too damn hot all Spring, I do hope to have Bubbles done soon... Anyways, Buttercup's installment features Lolidom.

Update 2022/06/11

Okay, so I had hoped the next update would be Buttercup's turn with the professor, but my muses had different ideas and had me finish up an MLP fic that's been sitting in my wip folder for a while... Anyways, it features Rainbow Dash helping out Futa Fluttershy and contains loss of virginity, clop, futanari, and unusual euphemisms(I ponify baby batter as foal funnel cake for one)... also, I've left the file in my wip folder since I'm not sure whether to file it under Fun with Futanari with my other futa-dominant works or under To Beast or not to Beast with my other furry and beastiality works... reader feedback on where to file it would be appreciated...

Update 2022/06/03

Okay, the Summer Solstice is still a couple weeks away, but local weather has already been too damn hot for most of the last two months... and I have no AC for my bedroom/home office... Despite that, I've set myself the challenge to publish as many Daddy-daughter fics as I can between now and Father's day, and I have the first of them for you today.

It's a Blossom/Professor Utonium fic featuring Blossom showing the professor what she's learned about sex through self study. As such, there's loli, pseudo incest, and a whole bunch of anatomical terminology. And naturally, I've got fics with Buttercup and Bubbles getting their turn with the professor planned and have started on the Buttercup installment.

Update 2022/05/11

Well, in case it isn't obvious, all that momentum I built from the Loli Advent Calendar finally came to a screeching halt and I didn't get much writing done in April.{/p>

Anyways, I have the first of what I hope to be a series of one-shots inspired by questions I get for the Q&As on my A3O account. This first installment is based on a prompt from the Magical Futanari Q&A, featuring a Futa, puppy Hana-chan getting it on with Nishizawa-sensei. Had originally hoped to have it done in time for Hana's birthday, but I failed to manage that and then hit my latest slump. Anyways, it contains Futanari, animal transformation, beastiality, age gap, loss of virginity, and I guess technically counts as Lolicon and student/teacher despite the loli not being in human form and being in a different class from the one the teacher teaches.

Update 2022/03/03

Happy Birthday Onpu-chan!

I admit, today kind of snuck up on me, as it would have been nice to finish one of the Onpu-centric pieces in my wip folder, but I do have a long overdue update to the Livestream.

Update 2022/02/21

Okay, much smaller update than I would have liked to make, but her's a long overdue update for Kitten's Klub... Also, I finally got around to cleaning up another page of the Klub archives.

Klub Update