Tales of the Triploids by Imouto Kitten Triumvirate The auditorium was filled to capacity and then sum with diplomats and reporters from around the globe as a trio of petite figures took the stage. The center figure had skin of a pale lavender and the translucent gel covering her scalp shined like amethyst, her attire consisting of a simple white tunic that hung nearly to the figure's knees, a violet belt cinched around the waist and a matching cape hung over her shoulders and clasped with an amulet of silver engraved with a flower-like pattern of overlapping circular arcs, the cape nearly reaching the floor and only avoiding such thanks to the being gliding over the polished wood of the stage, the pointed toes of her bare feet just a few inches above the ground. The lavender-skinned Being had adopted feminine pronouns and the name Luna among humans as her native tongue, which included vocalizations well into the infra and ultrasonic regimes as well as radio waves that would make litttle sense to terrestrial recievers, was quite incomprehensible to humans, and most human languages didn't have the nomenclature for what Luna was. To Luna's left floated a figure very similar in appearance except that his skin was a pale blue, the gel that served as the closest thing these creatures had to hair bright cerulean, and the belt and cape he wore royal blue with a bronze clasp. To Luna's right, the third figure had pink skin, magenta gel, and a red cape with a golden clasp. The blue skinned one had adopted the name Sol among humans, and the pink-skinned one had adopted the name Stella, and while Luna had adopted feminine pronouns for lack of something better that would be universally understood among the Earthlings, Sol's use of masculine and stella's use of feminine pronouns respectively were far more accurate to their actual nature. Though their chosen Earth names had lead some to calling them the Celestials, the trio's combined title in official diplomatic matters between their race and humanity was The Triumvirate, and they were nominally both the leaders of their race's largest political institution and their race's ambassadors to Earth. As Luna takes the podium, Sol and Stella standing to either side, she needs to hold firmly to the sides of the lecturn to keep her face visible to the gathered onlookers on account of being significantly shorter than the average human adult. As she glances out over the crowd, she can see several people looking a bit disquieted as she recalls that the hard, protective lenses over her eyes remind many people of the compound eyes belonging to the class of creatures humans call insects, many of which are reviled by humans for various reasons. Not wanting to discomfort her audience, Luna adopts what she has come to learn the humans consider a motherly tone as she begins her speech about her people's sincere hopes for forging a mutually beneficial working relationship with the people of Earth, speaking slowly and enunciating her every word to avoid slipping into the higher octaves that remind humans even more of insects or the low tones associated with the likes of thunder and other sounds that are often heralds of danger. By the time she has finished her speech, even the tensest members of the audience have relaxed and the mood in the room is overall pleasant as Luna and her partners field questions from their fellow diplomats and the reporters.
As the trio return to their embassy suite following the press conference, they slip back into their native tongue, what of it is perceptible to human ears sounding more like avant garde music than any human language. Pulling the clasps away from their throats, they let their capes and tunics fall to the plush carpet, revealing their outfits to have been a single garment and exposing lithe, gently curved figures and the only parts of their anatomy that give away that they aren't all the same sex. With a group sigh, the trio drop down to stand upon the carpet, Sol griping, "Man, it's exhausting staying lighter than air for so long, especially with how hot and light Earth's atmosphere is." "Ugh, tell me about it, and I don't understand why humans insist on wearing clothing all the time." grumbles Stella, "I mean, most of this planet is clearly warm enough that they don't need the extra insulation for the most part, and it's not like most of their garments provide much protection against everyday hazards." "Come now, Sol dear, Stella darling," replies Luna, "I know some of their customs are a bit strange, but I'm sure they would think the same were our positions reversed, but it would be rude to expect them to go out of their way to accomodate our way of life when we're the visitors to their home." Pulling both of them into a hug, Sol and Stella's backs pressed to Luna's sides as her arms reach down to stroke Stella's feminine folds and Sol's quickly hardening Shaft, Luna's own, much larger tool sandwiched between the hips of her lovers. "Now, what does my husband and wife say we retire to our bedroom for some relaxation?"