Hunter's Harem by Imouto Kitten Chapter 1: This must be a Dream As the hunter trekked through the forest to check if anything had been caught in the traps he had laid out, a familiar whimpering catches his ears, and thinking he caught a fox, excitement fills him as he moves through the underbrush towards the nearest trap. However, as he reaches the spot the whimpering is coming from, he's shocked to find not a wounded animal, but a naked girl who looks to be no older than about eight or ten. "Oh fuck!" cries the man, forgetting he's trying to be quiet as his hand shoots for the portable first aid kit on his belt. However, as he releases the trap and gingerly takes hold of the ankle that had been trapped within, he starts to notice the girl's unusual features. A young girl being this deep in the woods is unusual enough, especially with her being completely naked, but the head of tousled tresses that draw his attention are the same shade of orange he's come to know from the fox peltes he trades for supplies whenever he goes into town, and it doesn't take long for him to notice that instead of rounded, fleshy ears on the side of her head, pointed, furry ears stick up through that fiery mane, and one of the bushiest fox tailes he's ever seen emerges right above the cleft of her cute little rump... and if he's honest with himself, her butt isn't the only cute thing about the injured girl lying before him... and upon further inspection, he found the foot he was holding appeared to be digitigrade and was covered in white fur just a bit paler than the girl's skin. He had heard local legends that these woods were home to creatures part human, part animal, but had dismissed them as superstition on par with Big Foot or the Lochness Monster, and a big part of why he chose to live out in the woods was because his preference in women veered towards girls like the one who had gotten caught in his trap and he feared losing control and harming a little girl without meaning to. Half-convinced he must be having a fever dream from eating some misidentified berries or improperly cooked meat, but deciding no point being nasty to a cute girl even if she's a hallucination, he examines the injured foot, or he supposes paw, before spraying the cuts made by the trap with disinfectant, making the girl let out a hiss and lift her head to stare at him, as if finally noticing she's no longer alone, revealing the eyes of a fox, not a human. Caressing her thigh, he says soothingly, "It's okay, I'm trying to help." before resuming his ministrations. He doesn't think the ankle broken, but applies a small splint just in case and wraps the injured paw with a roll of gauze. Done dressing the injury, he gives her a smile, awkward from lack of practice as he declares, "There, I hope that feels better." " does," replies the girl, timidly speaking for the first time barely above a whisper, "Th-thank you." With that, she tries to stand, but as soon as she puts weight on her injured ankle, she lets out a yelp of pain and starts to tumble, the man reflexively reaching out his arms to catch her and cradle her to his chest the only thing preventing her from landing in the dirt once more. "Ow, that hurt!" declares the girl with a whimper as the warmth of her lithe body seeps through his hunting shirt. "I don't think you'll be walking on your own for some time."