Mister Tentacles and his Pet Girl by Imouto Kitten Chapter 1: Abduction It was a balmy summer night as I shuffled through the shadows of a village on the outskirts of the forest I called home. The moon was full and I was feeling restless as the moon had gone through a complete cycle of waning and waxing since I last partook of my favorite treat. My sharp sense of smell alerted me to the presence of what I was seeking, and facing towards the source, I saw a small speck that shone brightly in the night thanks to my eyes having a wider gamut than the humans that had built this village. Approaching the warm body exuding the alluring aroma, I was please to realize that what I had spotted was too big to be a rodent or cat, but too small to be a fully grown human. Reaching the cottage where the scent originated, I found an open window, and peering within, assisted by a moonbeam, I was delighted to discover that it was a bedroom, and that what I had been searching for was lying upon the bed. Climbing through the window, I approached the bed and its sleeping occupant. The human was a young female, halfway between birth and adulthood if I had to guess, perhaps having lived through eight or nine winters. The moonlight reflected off flawlessly pale skin and short hair that looked somewhere between silver and patina in color. I was pleased to note that not only had the night been warm enough for her to leave her window open, but she wore only white panties and a matching tank top and had foregone any covers, her smooth, slender thighs and midriff exposed to my appreciative gaze as she lays curled in the fetal position, sucking her thumb in her slumber. My many appendages shudder in anticipation at the sight of the adorable, little sweetie sleeping in front of me with barely any cloth to impede what I had planned for the little sweetheart. Careful not to wake the little girl, I climb onto the foot of her bed, and reach outa few tentacles to wrap around one of her arms and one of her legs before gently nudging her to roll over on her back. It takes some time, but eventually, the child is laying on her back, arms laying across her trim tummy as I watch the barely perceptable rise and fall of her flat chest. I now wrapped a pair of tentacles around her knees and spiralled them towards her ankles as I lifted her legs up, her panty clad girlhood peeking out from between her thighs. Still holding her legs up, I sent out a mass of tiny tendrils, each tipped with a number of small but sharp protrusions resembling teeth. With precision to rival the most skillful of spider weavers, I bit through the stitches holding the gusset to the front of her panties,, undoing the seam but leaving the cloth undamaged as it falls away to expose the child's most precious treasure. Her immature mound was devoid of hair, not even a hint of peach fuzz, and her outer folds were quite plump. Trembling in excitement, I withdrew the mass of toothed tendrils to replace them with equally slender appendages, these instead tipped with tiny suckers that gently attached to the sleeping girl's puffy nether lips and slowly spread them a part to reveal the forbidden fruit hidden within. Even in the moonlight, her inner folds were a lovely pink to contrast her pale skin, her tiny entrance looking quite inviting and her even tinier pee hole making me practically salivate at the thought of the intoxicating drink it promised,, and she had the cutest, little clit! It was tempting to thrust my thickest tentacle into that tight, tiny twatty, to tear this girl's tender flesh to tatters, but no, I wanted her to enjoy herself as much as I would enjoy myself, and shredding the little sweetheart's sweet smelling and surely snug snatch simply wouldn't do. Instead, I set one of the tendrils holding her folds apart to gently sucking on her tiny pleasure nub as an even slimmer strand, this one with a rounded tip spirals around the clit sucker before slipping into the child's pee hole and slowly working it's way to her tinkle tank. As the tiniest tendril reaches its destination, it starts sucking up her pee, the tangy flavor of her waste waters like the finest wine upon the tastebuds lining the tendril's insides. As I drink her piddle, I send out a larger sucker, a tongue emerging from it's mouth to give the sleeping sweetie a slow lick from the forward most extent of her butt crack to where the tendril enters her pee hole before gently prodding her virgin opening, eagerly lapping up her girl juice as she grows wet under my ministrations. Hearing a moan escape the child's throat and fearful I've already woken her, I send out a pair of inch-thick tentacles that gently touch her temples, letting me scan her surface thoughts. My mental probe is enough to reassure me that she's still asleep and that she's currently lost in a pleasant dream, but I refrain from digging deep enough to learn the contents of her dream as I resume eating out her sweet snatch. While I focus primarily on the little sweetheart's precious place, two more pairs of tentacles emerge from the tangled mass of my body, one pair wrapping around the hip straps of her panties, pulling the slightly damaged garment up her torso, bunching up her tank top in the process, the other pair reaching for her feet, tongues emerging to bathe her soles and her tiny toes in my saliva.