Maggie, Lisa, and Bart by Imouto Kitten. Lisa was just about to crawl into bed for the night when she heard a tiny knock at her bedroom door. Going to investigate, the hall initially seems empty, but feeling a tug on the hem of her teal nightie, Lisa glances down to spot her baby sister, Maggie, the younger sibling standing there in nothing but a white diaper. "Maggie!" exclaims the older girl, "What are you doing out of your crib and where did your onesie go?" Unable to reply verbally and not giving Lisa a chance to pick her up, Maggie places both of her tiny hands on Lisa's knee, and leaning on her big sister with all her weight, manages to nudge the much older and taller girl back into her bedroom, stumbling, but avoiding a spill thanks to her grip on Lisa's knee. Regaining what little balance she can manage, Maggie repeats her display of strength to shut the door, leaving the pair of sisters with as much privacy as they can get. As the two girls lock eyes, Lisa asks again, "Why are you out of your crib?" and in lieu of a verbal answer, Maggie puts her hands on her hips and undoes the tapes, letting her, thankfully clean, diaper fall to the carpet. There is a moment of silence before Lisa exclaims, "When did you get that?!" For you see, protruding from just above Maggie's tiny, toddler twatty stood a bright yellow and clearly erect penis. Maggie's member wasn't that big in absolute terms, maybe five inches long by Lisa's estimate and barely thick enough Lisa wouldn't be able to touch the tips of her thumb and forefinger if she wrapped a hand around it, but on the toddler's tiny body, it looked huge, easily longer than any segment of her limbs and thicker than her thigh. Lisa didn't change Maggie's diapers that often, but her baby sister had certainly been a normal girl the last time she had, so after another stretch of silence, the older sister asks, "Maggie, when did you grow a penis?" Maggie had no idea where her new bit of anatomy came from, but with all the zany things that happen in and around Springfield, the toddler wasn't going to question it, nor was she going to question the urges that had come with her transformation. Shrugging her shoulders, Maggie extends a finger and jabs it towards the ground before crossing her arms and tapping a foot in expectation that her big sister will be smart enough to understand the gesture. "Huh?" replies Lisa, making Maggie scowl like their mother and cluck her pacifier once in annoyance before dropping to her hands and knees. "Oh, you want me to get on all fours?" As Maggie climbs to shakey feet and nods, Lisa gets down on her hands and knees instead, confused by the situation but hoping that playing along with the toddler's requests will eventually satisfy her curiosity. Smiling around her pacifier, Maggie toddles over to stand behind her big sister, flipping up Lisa's nightie to knead the older girl's plump rump through the soft fabric of white cotton undies, though not for long as she soon reaches for Lisa's waistband and yanks with all her strength. "Maggie, what are you-" starts Lisa, only to be cutoff by a cry of mixed surprise, pain, and pleasure as Maggie mercilessly buries her massive member cervix deep in Lisa's luscious lovehole, popping her big sister's cherry without a thought. Maggie doesn't give Lisa time to recover from the sudden deflowering and is soon rutting the older girl like a bitch in heat