Daphne and Astoria 2 by Imouto Kitten As Daphne Greengrass steps out of the fireplace into the recieving room of her ancestral home, the emerald green of floo travel giving way to the lime green of healer's robes, she is nearly bowled over by a three year old that resembles her in miniature, down to the color of the child's frock. At her oldest's cry of, "Papa!", the Greengrass Heiress forgets the fatigue of the long shift she just finished at St. Mungo's, meeting the toddler's gapped tooth smile with a far more dignified one. Ruffling her daughter's hair, Daphne returns the greeting, "Nice to see you too, Tracey. Where is your mama and little sisters?" "I'm right here." comes the soft voice of Astoria before little Tracey can reply, a wingbacked armchair enchanted to walk entering the room with Daphne's younger sister and wife in tow, the younger Greengrass lady cradling a 15-month-old in her arms, her maternity gown open to let the infant suckle at her breast, the mother's free hand resting atop her swollen stomach, the fact that her third child is due any day clear for all to see. "Welcome home, sister dearest." Sitting her eldest down and approaching her heavily pregnant little sister, Daphne leans down to give Astoria a chaste kiss, ignoring the gagging sounds Tracey makes at her parents' display of affection. "I hope Tracey and Blaise weren't too much trouble while the veteran healers where running me and the other newly graduated healers ragged for the last day-and-a-half." Cooing over the child in her arms, Astoria replies, "Little Blaise here was a perfect, little angel..., it's her older sister that makes me greatful the house elves are so enthusiastic about having young children to help take care of, especially since little Tracey is like a human snitch and I get terrible nausea and vertigo if I make my chair move much faster than a leisurely stroll." "Oh dear," comments Daphne, protective instincts towards her younger sister, wife, and unborn child and healer training kicking in at Astoria's words, "Do you need me to take a look at your vitals?" Astoria waves the hand not holding little Blaise dismissively, "It's fine, my pregnancy hasn't caused me any discomfort beyond the usual fatigue, cravings, and constantly needing to pee, and I haven't had an attack from the blood curse in months." Grabbing one of Daphne's hands and rubbing her slightly pinkened cheek against it, Astoria adds, "Besides, I keep the protean charmed amulet Granger helped you make on me at all times just in case I have urgent need of my sister, husband, or personal healer." the younger Greengrass sister giving the older a smile filled with affection and appreciation before pulling Daphne in for another, much longer, kiss. When the pair break for air and to relieve their eldest's quite vocal revulsion, Astoria comments to her sister and husband, "Me and our girls have already had dinner, but the house elves have kept yours fresh with warming and stasis charms and have prepared a bath for you. Would you prefer to eat first or to freshen up from your shift?" Getting a mischievious smile, Daphne replies, "I say we let the elves put Tracy and Blaise to bed while my sister joins me in the bath and then we can enjoy a late meal in our private sitting room." Astoria's cheeks growing a few shades darker at what Daphne has clearly left unsaid with young ears in the room. "But Papaaa!" whines Tracey, "You just got home!" "Yes," retorts Daphne to her daughter, "And I'll be home for at least the next three days, possibly longer depending on when your youngest sister is ready to be born. There will be plenty of time for us to spend time as a family. In the meantime, it is nearly your bedtime and your sire is in need of some private time with your mother." Giving the young child a stern look, unflinching even as little Tracey attempts to give her sire the puppy dog look, she continues, "Now, let the house elves get you ready for bed, or I'll order them to not give you any dessert or sweets until I leave for my next shift at St. Mungo's." Dejected but no longer resisting, little Tracey accepts a good night kiss from each of her parents before letting a house elf take her hand as Astoria hands baby Blaise off to another elf and the ladies Greengrass head off to their private suite, hand-in-hand, the animated armchair cradling the younger sister's pregnant form.