Bubbles and the Professor by Imouto Kitten Exhausted from having been ridden by two of his girls, the Professor retrieves his pants from where Buttercup left them on the living room floor and heads to his bedroom, planning to take a short nap to recover his energy. However, a sweet, nearly angelic call of "Daddy!" drives any thought of rest from his mind as he enters his bedroom. After what her sisters pulled that day, he really shouldn't be surprised, but the sight of the sweetest, most innocent of his girls laying on his bed waiting for him still comes as a shock. Bubbles is wearing her Harmony Bunny costume, but the white onesie has undergone a couple of important modifications. Firstly, the ends of the sleeves have been sewn together, and with how Bubbles is positioned, that leaves her with her hands effectively tied under her legs after her knees had been pushed up to her chest. The other significant alteration is a heart-shaped cut out over Bubble's crotch, revealing not only that she isn't wearing undies, but that the fluffy, fake tail, instead of being sewn to the seat of her onesie, is anchored by a buttplug and the blonde powerpuff has a carrot crammed up her cunny. The professor stares mesmerized for a minute or two before bubbles comments, "Come play with your little bunny, daddy!" Licking her lips, she adds, "That's a yummy looking lollipop Daddy has between his legs." and glancing down, Utonium realizes that not only is he once again fully erect, but between not bothering to put his pants back on and his disheveled lab coat being parted in front, it's fully exposed to his youngest's bright, blue-eyed gaze.