Dickgirl Delinquent by Imouto Kitten Chapter 1: Experimentation As raspberyl slowly regains consciousness, the last thing she can remember is taking a thrashing from her rival, her every muscle aching in memory of her defeat, a very different ache from the one of a job well done that comes from a long day of community service work. As the diminutive demoness tries to move her sore body in hopes of working out the kinks, she discovers her arms and legs are pulled taut, heavy shackles around her tiny wrists and ankles. Eyes flying open, she tries to look around, only to realize her horns have also been bound, immobilizing her head, limiting her view to little more than the ceiling of the room she's been imprisoned in and what little she can see in the periphery. Attempts to flutter her wings and wag her tail make it clear that she's bound tightly to a hard slab of some sort with a shackle at the base of her tail barb, and if the chill she feels over most of her body is any indication, she's been garbed in something much lighter than her usual attire. "What's going on?" asks the bound girl when she finally manages to find her voice. "Ah, Beryl, you're finally awake." says a familiar voice with a maniacal chuckle before the owner of the voice leans over the prone girl, a familiar shock of white hair and round-rimmed glasses filling the demoness's field of view, "Wouldn't want you to sleep through what I've planned for my defeated rival." "MAO!" cries Raspberyl, outraged that her rival would go so far to add insult to injury after beating her in one of their duels. "Release me from these chains, right now!" "Glad to hear you forgetting your manners for once," replies Mao, the dean's son straightening up and adjusting his glasses as light ominously reflects off the lenses, "But what would be the fun in just letting you go? Especially when I have a diabolical plan that should put an end to your delinquency?" "As if I'd ever stray from the Delinquent's Path!" retorts the demoness defiantly. "Well, we'll just see about that," replies Mao before grabbing a remote control and pressing a button, causing a panel in the ceiling over Raspberyl to flip, revealing a mirror. As she catches her reflection, Raspberyl's cheeks flare up, bright enough to make her hair look pale by comparison as she closes her eyes in embarrassment. Being chained to an examination table straight out of a mad scientist's laboratory, shackles on her wrists, ankles, and tail and steel rings on her horns bolted into the slab was completely expected, especially since mad science seemed to be the #1 Honor Student's biggest passion after video games and anime/manga, but she wasn't dressed in a hospital gown or covered with a thin sheet as she had guessed from the draft in the room. "Where in all the netherworlds are my clothes!?" screams the girl indignantly. "I knew you were a pervert, Mao, but I never thought you'd go this far!" and indeed, the draft Raspberyl had felt hadn't been do to less covering than she was use to, but the complete absence of covering. Her captor had stripped her completely bare while she had been out, without a shred of thought for modesty or basic decency, her flat chest, pudgy midsection, plump mound of venus, and cute, slightly chubby thighs on full display to anyone who enters the room, and twice over thanks to the mirror positioned to give the bound girl a perfect view of her own nakedness. Mao hadn't even let her keep her panties or camisole... hell, there weren't even band-aids or black bars to conceal her nipples or slit like in those dirty manga Mao had tried to force her to read, and thanks to her bonds and her being more of a spellcaster than a fighter, she had no hope of covering herself, not even tucking her tail between her spreaddd legs and her wings couldn't wrap around far enough to cover her tiny titties. "You know, Beryl, you look rather cute when you're embarrassed."comments Mao, breathing hard as his eyes roam over the diminutive demoness's bound and exposed body. Channeling shame into rage, she retorts, "Stop staring, you pervertt, unchain me, and give me back my clothes!" "Like I said, what would be the fun in that?" replies Mao, setting down the remote and placing his hands upon his newest test subject, one hand cupping one of her A-cup breast buds, the other caressing her tiny tummy, gently pushing into the layer of baby fat under her silky skin. "Besides, I've already flash frozen your clothes and shattered them to smithereens... Hmmm... if nothing else, all that delinquent hogwash about proper hygiene does make your body nice to touch." "St-stop that," replies the demoness feebly, her body reacting to her rival's touch even as her mind screams that this is wrong and shameful. "Your nipples are getting hard." Comments Mao, "Guess the goody-goody delinquent isn't quite as pure as she would have people believe... Hmmm let's see." the magenta-haired girl lets out a gasp of pleasure as Mao's hand drops between her legs, "Wow! You're already wet! and I've barely touched you! Maybe I won't need to use the aphrodisiacs to help jump start the modifications I have planned for you, Beryl." Despite herself, the demoness can't help moaning as her captor continues to tease her nipples and her precious place, and when the mad scientist finally withdraws his hands, she's torn between relief and disappointment. "Well, I think that's enough with the physical examination." comments Mao, stepping out of range of what Raspberyl can see in the mirror before returning with a cart laden with several large syringes, the long, thick needles glinting in the lantern light clearly much larger than necessary to inject the mystery liquid within each. "Can't wait to test out my new... enhancement formulas." the boy's words sending a chill up the girl's spine as he hefts the first of the syringes. Rubbing one of her hardened nipples between thumb and forefinger, Mao points the needle menacingly at the tiny nub as his captive begs, "I don't know what that stuff is, but please, don't give me an injection, especially not there!" "But my calculations say this needs to be injected into the nipple for best results." replies Mao before mercilessly jabbing the needle into the demoness's nipple, though stopping well short of pushing the needle in as far as possible, which would've easily hit a rib if not puncture a lung or her heart. She winces at the needle piercing her sensitive flesh, and the unknown drug burns as it's injected in a perverse reversal of lactation, but Raspberyl doesn't give mao the satisfaction of screaming in pain even as she grits her teeth... not even when he grabs a second syringe and repeats the process with her other nipple. Discarding the pair of empty syringes, Mao crawls atop the examination table so he can straddle Raspberyl's waist and get better access as he starts to massage her breasts, the diminutive demoness unable to do anything but moan as the injections seem to have increased her sensitivity and her chest heats up as if she had used a localized fire spell on herself. "Wh-what did you do to me!?" she manages to croak out right before she feels a swelling in her mamaries and a stretching in the skin covering them. "Oh, just a little boob booster." replies Mao, glasses fogged and breathing heavy, "Perfect for turning lolis into oppai lolis." and indeed, by the time Raspberyl feels the swelling and stretching come to a halt, her formerly barely budding breasts have grown to be as big as a pair of grapefruits protruding from her formerly flat chest. "Hmmm... nice and firm, and the anti-stretch mark component seems to be a success as well..." adds the mad scientist, kneading his captive's muchh enhanced bosom before jumping off the table and grabbing the next syringe. This time, Mao pinches off a handful of baby fat on the bound demoness's hip before hilting the needle deep within her lower abdomen before repeting the process on the opposite hip, the girl tensing up, but still refusing to let out a scream. "What was in those?" asks Raspberyl, not sure where exactly the tips of those needles had been aimed, assuming Mao had a specific target in mind. "Oh, just some enhancements for your ovaries," replies the boy nonchalantly, "encourage production of sex hormones, ensure peak fertility, peak virility, preparation for the most important modification, stuff like that." However, the demoness latches on to the word fertility, failing to process the rest of his sentence as her face goes pale and she asks, "Wa-wait, yo-you aren't planning to rape me with intentions of getting me pregnant, are you!?" "Nah, I've got something far more interesting in mind," replies Mao, hefting a syringe larger than the others and walking to the foot of the examination table. "Besides, rape isn't my style, if I wanted to make you my personal sex slave, I'd load you up with drugs to increase your libido and sensitivity and then tease you horns-to-tail until you were begging for it." With that, Mao reaches for Raspberyl's pussy, pulling on the skin where her labia meet to expose the demoness's tiny clit before starting to rub that tiny, hypersensitive bundle of nerves between thumb and forefinger, the girl crying out in pleasure despite herself and the muscles in her thighs twitching in a way to suggest she'd be thumping a leg or two if her bonds allowed. "Well, you're certainly as weak to clitoral stimulation as the next girl." comments Mao as he lines up the needle on the latest syringe with the tiny nub held between his fingers. Had she been of clear mind, Raspberyl would be begging him not to do what he's about to do, not that it would do her any good, but the demon delinquent is way too inexperienced to focus through the unfamiliar pleasure her rival is inflicting upon her, and as such, she is completely blindsided as Mao pricks her clit, slowly sliding the needle deep into the root of the most sensitive part of the magenta-haired girl's body. Raspberyl finally screams, but as much in pleasure as pain as Mao had timed the stab such that it coincided with her orgasm. While he had been quick and professional, or as professional as a mad scientist working on an unwilling test subject can be, with the previous injections, this time around, Mao is slow and methodical both with the insertion of the needle and the depression of the plunger as if savoring his rival's torment as the drug responsible for the largest of the changes Mao has planned permeates the tissues of Raspberyl's girlhood. Once empty, Mao withdraws and discards the syringe as he comments, "Now to sit back and watch my latest masterpiece work its magic." Just as Raspberyl's nerves are recovering from being stabbed in the clit, an intense heat explodes in her nethers, far more intense than the heat that had preceded her breast expansion and spreading throughout her entire body, her skin glistening with sweat and her muscles clenching violently in a manner that would have her thrashing if there was any slack in her bonds. Feeling another swelling sensation, this time in her crotch, Raspberyl's eyes, previously squeezed shut as she tries to endure the assault on her senses, fly open and the small girl stares in morbid fascination as her reflection's clit, swollen to the size of a grape, continues to grow longer and thicker, the girl horrified by the perverse transformation she's going through. By the time the effects of the drug have run their course, the diminutive demoness panting on the exam table as tensed muscles finally relax, her clitoris has grown into a rather impressive cock, especially given her short stature and is quite erect, pointing straight up at the mirror and easily visible over the twin peaks of her now big boobs if she could tilt her head down. When the newly transformed oppai loli futanari finally finds her voice, it is filled with shocked disbelief as she exclaims, "MAO! You...you gave me a pe-pe- a boy's thingy!?" the delinquent unable to bring herself to even call her new bit of anatomy by it's proper name. "Isn't it marvelous?" replies Mao, glasses foggy once more and breathing heavy. "And by the time I'm done with you, you'll be too distracted by the desire to play with your new girl dick to bother with all that delinquent nonsense!" As he reaches out to give her futahood a few strokes, eliciting moans from the girl's throat. "St-stop that!" replies Raspberyl, "and...and turn me back to normal!" Much to her surprise, he actually stops with the stroking as he replies, "Even if I had mixed up antidotes to the Boob Booster, gonad generalizer, and futa formula, why would I bother giving them to you?" and without waiting for her reply, he grabs a tailor's tape measure and takes measurements of the length and girth of Raspberyl's girlcock. "Hmm... ten inches long, and a bout 6.5 inches in average girth... not quite the horse wiener proportions I was hoping for, but still on the large side for a humanoid demon, especially for a token mini moe such as yourself. Mao steps out of view once more, and when he returns, he's holding something Raspberyl can't identify, "Wh-what's that?" "It's called an onnahole," replies Mao, sliding the silicone sleeve over Raspberyl's futahood, making the girl moan once more, "I need a sample of your cum so I can do a sperm count, and this is what I'm going to use to milk you." Before Raspberyl can muster any further protest, Mao has slid the Onnahole all the way down the demoness's throbbing member and has attached a deflated balloon to the sex toy's back opening, ready to catch the futa's first load of jizz. Squeezing the artificial vagina around Raspberyl's shaft,,,, the mad scientist startttts pumping his rival's newest appendage, the magenta-haired girl reduced to a moaning mess and vibrating in her bonds as pleasure a girl is never meant to feel courses through her small body. Being completely inexperienced in matters of sex, it isn't long before Raspberyl feels a strange sensation neither quite familiar nor completely unfamiliar building up in her cock, "MAO! I...I need to go to the little demoness's room! Right now!" "Feel like you're about to piss yourself?" replies Mao, showing her no mercy and in fact increasing the pace at which he milks the bound futa's member with the onnahole, "I catheterized you and dosed you with an anti-diuretic while you were out, so I'm 99.666% certain you're just about to cum! Come on, Beryl, just let out the sample I need to confirm the transformation is as complete as I calculated!" After a few more pumps, Mao slams the onnahole down on Raspberyl's raging hardon just as perly white seed shoots from her tip, the bound girl letting out a cry of primal lust as she fills the collection balloon and inflates it until it's nearly as big as her boosted breasts. "Hmmm," mumbles the boy, examining the volume of the demoness's release as she goes limp on the table once more, "I expected a lot more, but this is still quite copious for a demon of your size." As Raspberyl recovers from her first male orgasm, Mao carefully removes the onnahole, careful not to spill any of the collected cum as he steps out of sight. Despite having just came, Raspberyl is still harder than her namesake gemstone, and if anything, the loss of stimulation leaves her new bit of anatomy throbbing in need. As she listens to Mao mumbling to himself, doing overlord and Seraph knows what with the semen sample he forcibly extracted, the demoness can't help but stare up at her reflection, and thinking that her altered body looks cute. 'Raspberries, what am I thinking!? A delinquent shouldn't be admiring her own nude body, especially not with such lewd modifications!' she chastises herself, trying to shake her head despite the steel rings that have her horns bolted to the slab. However, she feels a twitching coming from her new girl cock, and she can't help but stare in morbid fascination as her previously rigid member flexes into a circle, the tip reaching down to prod at her exposed pussy. Hearing her let out a gasp as her cock kisses her pussy, Mao turns towards her, letting out a laugh as he comments, "Oh good, looks like the prehensility is kicking in!" "Wh-what's happening!?" cries the girl, more than a bit put out that that not only has she grown a dick, but that it seems to have a mind of its own. "Oh, I just included some samples from an elephant, calculating that it would make your cock prehensile like a pachyderm's," adjusting his glasses, he adds, "and it looks like your new cock is so eager for it's first taste of real pussy that it's willing to go for the one it shares a body with." "MAO! You...you can't do this!" Cries the panicked girl, once more making a futile attempt to thrash in her bonds. "But I'm not doing anything, Beryl." Replies the boy calmly, "This is all your own body's doing, not my fault if you're losing control of your primal urge to breed." "But I'm a vir-" cries the girl in protest, only to be cut off by a scream of mixed pain and pleasure as her prehensile prick gives a tremendous thrust, mercilessly piercing her maidenhead and slamming into her cervix with the force of a Big Bang, leaving only a small u-bend of cock visible upon her pubic mound. Heh, looks like you're about to give new meaning to go fuck yourself, Beryl." Comments Mao, breathing heavily and adjusting his opaque glasses. "Th-this is so wrong." chokes out the Demoness as she recovers from the sudden loss of both of her virginities, "Mao, you need to st-" At that moment, her angry words give way to moans as the only part of Raspberyl's body that is able to move starts sliding in and out of her pussy, her own walls so much warmer, wetter, and more wonderful around her shaft than the onnahole Mao had used to milk her and the new sensation of having a hard, thick cock wriggling around in her depths doubling her pleasure. As his rival is reduced to a moaning, panting mess upon the exam table, Mao comments, "Seems you're really starting to enjoy your transformation, Beryl." but before he can continue watching the scene of the delinquent fucking herself silly, a ding can be heard throughout the lab, and Mao cackles as he announces, "Ah, the analysis I ran on the semen sample is complete!" and he steps out of range of the mirror, not that his test subject can think through the haze of pleasure to notice. When Mao returns, he reads from a print out, "Hmmm... sperm count of 666 million, quite high for anything other than an Incubus... Also, the sample tests positive for all chemical indicators of ovulation one might find with a urine test... Therefore, Beryl, I conclude you're as virile as a horse and fertile as a turtle... Better be careful with sliding your girlcock in and out of your cunt, even your precum could probably knock yourself up." The tail end of that sentence finally breaks through the dickgirl demon's sexual haze as she cries out, "Wait what? I could impregnate myself? No! I can't have a baby, I'm not even dating anyone! It would be a disgrace for a delinquent to have a child out of wedlock! Mao, you need to get my p-pe- that thing out of me before its too late!" "How Pathetic that the delinquent can't even bring herself to call a penis a penis." Mao replies with a chuckle. "Besides, I wouldn't want to interfere with the experiment at this point, and it's not my fault if you lack the self control to pull out of your own pussy before you give yourself a creampie."