Sophie and Mirlo by Imouto Kitten Mirlo, princess of the Waterdrop Kingdom, was feeling more nervous than usual. Her good friend and fellow princess, Sophie of the Windmill Kingdom, had invited the shy beaver girl to the Windmill Castle for a sleepover, and despite her reservations, Mirlo had been unable to tell the outgoing and exuberant half-doggle no. Unlike the princess parties it was just the two of them, which helped put Mirlo's social anxieties at ease, but the more intimate setting soon proved a double-edged sword when Mirlo saw her friend's choice in sleepwear. While Mirlo was dressed in frilly silk pajamas the same pale blue that dominated her princess gown and consisting of a long sleeved nightie that reached her knees and bloomers that reached her ankles, Sophie was wearing a far more revealing outfit Mirlo doubted even the twin princesses of the Sunny Kingdom would wear to bed unless they were spending the night in the Flame Kingdom. For Sophie was wearing nothing but a pair of purple spandex shorts that hugged her hips and butt snuggly and a white crop top that barely passed the bottom of the ribcage. The Half-doggle's wagging tail was even on display! Mirlo owned undergarments that covered more skin than her friend's choice in sleepwear. And as much as Mirlo tried not to think about how pretty her fellow princess was, seeing the half-doggle so exposed and in clothes that didn't make it hard to imagine what they did conceal, Mirlo was having a hard time not reacting. Like her mother before her, and her mother's mother before that, and as far back as the Matrilineal Waterdrop Royal Family could trace, Mirlo had been born with a little extra between her legs, and despite her best attempts to think of anything other than Sophie's scantily-clad body, the shy half-beaver was already at half-mast and struggling to not visibly tent her pajamas. "Is something wrong, Mirlo?" Asks Sophie, her canine heritage on display through the way she tilts her head, "You're even quieter than usual tonight." "N-no, n-nothing's wrong." denies Mirlo unconvincingly, unable to keep her cheeks from turning pink under the half-doggle's scrutiny. "Oh, come -on, Mirlo, I can keep a secret." replies Sophie, not believing her friend's denial, "Are you thinking about a cute boy?" "O-of course not!" replies Mirlo, though this more honest response does nothing to diminish Sophie's curiosity. Wiggling her fingers, Sophie pouts, "Come on, tell me." and when her fellow princess remains silent, the half doggle tackles Mirlo and starts tickling the half-beaver.