Sex on the Beach by Imouto Kitten Onpu Segawa projected an aura of confidence as she strutted out on to the stretch of beach that had been reserved for today's photoshoot and filming, the idol completely unashamed of how her new bikini, made of silken material the same vibrant hue as her hair, accentuated her plump, little rump and her budding breasts, and equally unashamed of the several inches of girlcock pressed against her trim tummy that was proudly protruding from her waistband and the bulge in her bikini bottoms that lead from that to her cameltoe. Trusting her camera crew to do their jobs and capture her every action from all the right angles, Onpu strikes a pose, hands on hips, a loose end from her bikini ties lazily held between thumb and forefinger, her expression and posture silently screaming, 'You think you have what it takes to satisfy this?' However, the spell is soon shattered by a cry of, "Onpu-neechan!" coming from the changing booth the idol hadn't long vacated. Turning to the source of the call, Onpu spots a mop of dark, curly hair and a single eye poking out from behind the booth's slightly ajar door, the much smaller girl they belong to clearly far more nervous about the shoot than Onpu. "Is something the matter, Sayaka-chan?" Asks Onpu, closing the distance. Some time ago, Onpu had noticed how adorable her best friend's little sister's best friend was and had decided to take the little girl under her wing, and the duo had already had several successful duet performances with Onpu playing the bold onee-chan to Sayaka's Coy imouto, but this was the younger girl's first time doing a "naughty" shoot as the agency liked to call them, and Sayaka's timid nature was on full display. " I really have to wear this?" Asks Sayaka in reply to her mentor and surrogate big sister's query. "What's wrong, you look absolutely adorable in it." replies Onpu, her girlcock twitching at the memory of seeing Sayaka change into her own swimwear for the shoot. "Bu-but...!" stammers Sayaka, "Everyone will... everyone will see my... my thingy!" Onpu knew exactly what the younger girl was referring to. Majorika had only mumbled something about the 'pink menace' when the older girls had asked about it, but somehow, Poppu had convinced their mentor to take some of the pinkette's friends as apprentices, and like the older Ojamajo, the younger group had experimented quite extensively with using magic to play grown up games, including turning each other into futanari. Giving herself a few strokes to take the edge off as she throbs in arousal, Onpu replies, "Come on, my dear little imouto, no need to be shy, my girl cock is on full display, and I'm sure anyone who sees yours will think it absolutely adorable. I'm sure they'll sooner beg to lick your lollipop than make fun of you." It takes a bit more coaxing, most of it caught on film by the camera crew, most of which are magical constructs but with a few witches Majoruka hired to avoid issues with human crew in regards to things that are hard to pass off as special effects 'on set', but eventually Sayaka emerges fully from the booth, revealing herself to be wearing a matching bikini to the one Onpu is wearing, the fabric hugging the younger girl's tiny tush and twatty tightly, especially with how the littlest futa's smaller girlcock is tenting her bottoms, the shy girl clearly aroused despite her nerves, and naturally, while the preteen popstar is starting to show the beginnings of breast development, the first grader is completely flat aside from the rice-grain sized nipples protruding through her nearly transparent top. Taking the younger girl by the hand, Onpu leads Sayaka to where the crew has setup a lounge chair and beach umbrella for the duo's use, Onpu retrieving a bottle of sunscreen from an ice chest as she lets go of Sayaka's hand. Sitting cross legged upon the lounge chair and patting her thigh in invitation, Onpu calls out to her co-star, "Come here, my dear imouto, let Onee-chan lotion you up so you don't end up red as an octopus." As Sayaka takes her seat, her tiny tush pressing against the older girl's erection, Onpu squirts a generous helping of sunscreen into her palms and rubbing her hands together, starts to massage the lotion into Sayaka's skin, starting at the brunette's shoulders and working down her arms before targetting the brunette's delicious, flat chest, being sure to get sunscreen everywhere the bikini top doesn't cover, even sliding fingers under the purple cloth and grazing the little girl's nipples under the guise of being thorough. Satisfied Sayaka is properly protected from neck to sternum, Onpu's fingers find the younger girl's ribs, the tickle assault causing a giggle fit accompanied by Sayaka squirming in her surrogate big sister's lap, the brunette's butt bouncing against Onpu's futahood and the idol-in-training's own erection bouncing in her bikini bottoms. Eventually, Onpu squirts more lotion in her palms to lube up Sayaka's stomach and back, sliding hands down the brunette's bottoms to tease her little bottom and privates before continuing down Sayaka's thighs. Finishing Sayaka's feet, Onpu requests, "Now, close your eyes." Before applying sunscreen to Sayaka's face and ears, and once that's done, she stands the little girl on her feet and hands her the lotion before laying face down on the lounge chair and commenting, "Now, its Imouto's turn to do Onee-chan. Be sure to be thorough, my dear imouto, you don't want Onee-chan to burn, do you?" "Ye-Yes, Onee-chan!" cries Sayaka, fumbling the bottle a bit as she realizes that made it sound like she wants Onpu to burn and correcting herself, "I mean no, Onee-chan!" Onpu giggling a bit at how naturally Sayaka fits the insecure little sister role. As Onpu rests her chin upon her crossed arms, Sayaka straddles the older girl's upper back and starts massaging sunscreen into the senior idol's shoulders, the brunette scooting back every so often as she works her way down Onpu's body. Upon reaching the point that her bikini-clad futahood is resting in the cleft of the older girl's bottom, Sayaka can't help grinding against Onpu as she massages lotion into the small of the senior idol's back, Onpu smiling that her costar seems to be loosening up a bit. When Sayaka reaches Onpu's feet, the amethyst haired girl rolls over, commenting, "Now do Onee-chan's front.", the smaller girl needing to sit in the perfect position to recieve a titty fuck if Onpu had the required assets, in order for Sayaka to reach the older girl's collar bone. Working her way down Onpu's body a secon time, this time it is Sayaka's butt that comes to meet the other girl's futahood, and feeling her surrogate little sister rubbing her butt against the top of her shaft, it takes all of Onpu's considerable self control not to grab Sayaka's hips and impale the little girl upon her throbbing erection. But today's shoot is meant to be a sexy swimsuit modeling shoot and the porno part comes later, so Onpu lifts Sayaka off of her, applies sunscreen to some spots Sayaka missed, and guides the younger girl out on to the sand so the pair can show off for the camera.