Onpu and her Papa 2 by Imouto Kitten As Onpu started to stir the next morning, she felt something big, hard, and wonderful filling her pussy, and as memories of the night before, of deliberately wetting her bed as a prelude to recreating an incident she had shared with her Papa when she was in Kindergarten, having her father make love to her as she kept up the act of pretending to be much younger, and falling asleep with her sire's seed in her womb and her papa's prick plugging her pussy, she realizes that the warm body beneath her is her beloved papa and that not only is he still balls deep in her precious place, but he has a major case of morning wood. Feeling quite horny herself and deciding it would be rude to do anything other than take care of the hard cock buried in her depths, she clenches her cozy cunny a few times in an effort to wake her Papa, but when the sleeping man shows no signs of waking she slowly lifts her cute, little butt before dropping back down, moaning softly as her actions causes her Papa's prick to shift within her snug snatch. She repeats this motion several times, rhythmically tightening her tiny twatty as she does so, but her father remains sound asleep. Pouting, Onpu throws off the blanket and sits up, her pajama top barely covering where she's straddling her Papa's prick as she starts to bounce atop the cock that made her, wondering if she can make her papa have a wet dream before he wakes up. As she pistons upon her Papa's prick, Onpu reaches up to pinch her nipples through her pajama top, and before long, the child idol has lost herself in ecstasy, eyes closed in bliss as melodic moans pour from her mouth,, her juices thoroughly drenching her father's crotch. Onpu feels the coil of her pending climax winding ever tighter in her belly, but just before she's able to reach that peak, she feels a pair of strong, yet gentle hands gripping her hips, halting her at the peak of her bounce. Looking down, she meets the gaze of her father, the man barely awake as he comments groggily, "Good morning, baby girl. Were you trying to have some fun without me?" With that, he lifts his daughter clear off his cock, the purple-haired girl whining at the loss of stimulation, "NO, Papa! Pwease Papa! Pwease put it back in! Onpu-chan's kitty needs Papa's pwick!" "Ah, but I can't let my little girl go unpunished for acting so selfish, no matter how cute she is." Sitting up and placing his daughter on the bedcovers, he commands, "Now, get on your hands and knees so you can recieve your punishment." Doing as she's told, Onpu shakes her butt at her father as she asks, "Wouldn't Papa wather do Onpu-chan wike a doggy than punish Onpu-chan?" "Nice try, young lady, but you aren't getting out of your punishment that easily." replies the train driver, grabbing the idol's hips firmly once more. "Wh-what is Papa gonna do to Onpu-chan?" replies the purple-haired girl in a shakey voice, only half acting as she's not sure if this is just part of their game or if he really means to punish her for impatiently starting while he was still asleep. Instead of a verbal answer, he raises a hand and brings it down on her exposed rear, a superficially loud sound filling the bedroom, but the lack of any real sting to the strike telling her that her beloved Papa isn't really upset with her and that her 'punishment' is just another part of their games. Of course, being the professional child actress she is, Onpu reacts as if her father had put real force behind his palm, crying out in pretend pain, "Owwie! Papa, it hurt!" "Good, it's supposed to hurt." replies the man as he lifts his other hand and brings it down on her other cheek, the strike again sounding much harder than it realy is. "Owwie!" cries the idol in mock pain at the mock spanking as her father continues to lightly spank her dainty derriere, "Pwease Papa! It hurt! It hurt weally weally bad! Pwease Papa! Pwease stop! Onpu-chan sowwy! Onpu-chan be good girl!" By the time her father is done pretending to spank her, Onpu's act has her burying her face in the sheets, watery eyes pouring into the bedclothes as she pretends to sob, her unblemished rear sticking up in the air. Caressing her rear as if trying to comfort her after a real spanking, Onpu's father says softly, "Sorry I had to do that, but I hope you understand that I discipline you out of love." Turning his caresses into kneading her half moons with his fingers, he parts her nether lips and brings his tip to her opening as he asks, "Does my baby girl still want to be filled with her papa's prick?" False sobs giving way to genuine moans, Onpu pushes herself up to her hands and knees as she replies, "Yes, Papa! Pwease Papa! Pwease stuff Papa's big thick Papa pwick up Onpu-chan's Kitty! Pwease dwive the pain away with pweasure and make Onpu-chan feel good!" [bookmark] "As you wish, baby girl." with that, he grips her hips and pulls her back, driving himself balls deep in his preteen daughter's snug snatch, Onpu crying out in delight as the cock that made her fills her once more. As he