Cathouse MAHO-Dou by Imouto Kitten Aftermath 2A: When the Master's Away, The Pets will Play Still wearing the chastity belts their client locked them in, Doremi and Hazuki enter one of the MAHO-DOu's changing rooms, the passed out Poppu cradled in her sister's arms. As Doremi lays her sister on the room's couch, Hazuki takes a key from the vanity desk to unlock her chastity belt. Dropping the bondage garment to the floor with a thunk and pulling the dildo from her pussy, Hazuki comments, "Our client left me so horny, NYAA!" as she hands the key to Doremi. Freeing herself, Doremi replies, "Yeah, I'm horny enough to let a guy cum in me outside the MAHO-Dou's birth control enchantments, de Wan!" Looking over her oldest friend, Doremi adds, "and Hazuki-chan looks very cute as a catgirl, de Wan!" Before tackling the brunette to the floor and capturing Hazuki's lips in a kiss, the dog girl's tail wagging enthusiastically. The bespectacled catgirl eagerly accepts the dog girl's advances, purring audibly as the two make out, her own tail snaking up between her legs to brush against Doremi's pussy. When the pair finally come up for air, panting heavily, Hazuki announces, "I have an idea to relieve our cock craving cunnies, nyaa!" "Really, de Wan?" Asks Doremi, practically vibrating in excitement. Hazuki merely nods as she uses her current form's feline grace to wriggle out from under the redhead to retrieve her tap from the vanity. A quick spritz later and the bespectacled catgirl lets out a cry of "Pretty Witchy, Hazuki-chi nyaa!" before summoning her poron and casting, "Paipai Ponpoi Puwapuwa Puu Nyaa! Give me a kitty cock and Doremi-chan a doggy dick, nyaa!" In twin swirls of orange musical notes, the two girl's clits swell, incasing their urethras as they grow, both taking on an elongated, tapered shape, Hazukis a hot pink with a ring of barbs near the base and Doremi's a bright crimson. "I see, de wan! This way, we can fuck each other to our heart's content, de wan!" cries Doremi as Hazuki undoes her apprentice transformation and sits her tap on the vanity and turns to face her friend just in time to be tackled once more, the dog futa rubbing her puppy prick against the catgirl's pussy prick. Hazuki enjoys the almost innocent skinship quite a bit, but when she feels Doremi's tip bumping against her opening, she grips the dog girl's futahood in both hands as she scolds, "No Doremi-chan, nyaa! I should be the first to be on the giving end, nyaa!" Whining in need, Doremi replies, "But why, de wan!" "Setting aside that it was my idea, nyaa," starts Hazuki, "When Doremi-chan cums, the base of Doremi-chan's doggy dick will swell into a massive knot and I'll have to wait until it deflates for my turn, nyaa. If I go first, Doremi-chan can have her turn as soon as I'm done cumming, nyaa." "I guess that makes sense, de wan." replies Doremi before laying back quickly, her doggy dick bumping against her tummy in the process and spreads her legs in invitation for Hazuki. With her mouth curling into a feline smile, Hazuki crawls atop her oldest female friend, initiating another kiss as she grinds her kitty cock against Doremi's doggy dick, building up anticipation even further. When Hazuki breaks the lip lock and starts trailing kitty kisses down Doremi's chin to the dog girl's collar bone, the red head whines, "Hazuki-chaaan, de wan! Please don't tease me, de wan!" Continuing to lap at Doremi's skin, Hazuki works her way down to the redhead's flat chest, commenting, "Be patient, Doremi-chan, nyaa." as her roughened tongue runs over the pink apprentice's pebble hard nipples, making Doremi let out a sound part moan, part canine whimper. Hazuki continues down Doremi's trim tummy until she reaches the dog girl's crotch, at which point, the catgirl gives her friend a long lick from the bottom of her slit to the tip of her puppy prick, the redhead shivering in pleasure under the assault of the bespectacled kitty's pink appendage. Wrapping forepaws around Doremi's shaft, Hazuki takes the dog girl's tip into her mouth, rough tongue twirling about the head of the canine cock as she strokes the shaft, reducing the redhead to a whimpering mess. As Hazuki services Doremi's doggy dick, occasionally grazing the crimson cock head with a sharp tooth, though never hard enough to leave so much as a scratch, the cat girl takes advantage of the extreme flexibility afforded by her feline form, her spine curling almost into a complete circle as Hazuki brings her rear forward, lining the tip of her kitty cock up with Doremi's pussy and snakes her legs under Doremi's thighs to cross her ankles over Doremi's navel. Once contorted into the desired position and sure Doremi is too distracted by Hazuki's hands and mouth to realize what's about to happen, the catgirl uses her legs to leverage her hips up and forward, burying her kitty cock deep in Doremi's passage all of a sudden, the redhead gasping in pleasure at the sudden penetration. Giving Doremi no time to recover, Hazuki starts bucking her hips as she increases the speed at which her hands stroke the older girl's shaft and her tongue licks the tip, her penile spines scraping against Doremi's walls with every withdrawal of the catgirl's kitty cock.