Futanari Outbreak by Imouto Kitten Chapter 28: Purple and Pink Doremi was sitting at her desk, trying to do her homework and getting rather frustrated with it when she suddenly felt something warm, wet, and wonderful on her girlcock. Not sure what is going on at first, she unbuttons and unzips her shorts and pulls her panties out to investigate, only to find the backside of the portal Onpu had conjured flush to her pubic mound. Remembering what had happened earlier that day, Doremi realizes Onpu must be playing with the redhead's detached girlcock, and as good as Doremi is feeling as a result, the pink Ojamajo has no complaints. Giving up on her homework for the time being, Doremi stands from her desk, lets her shorts fall to the floor, and retrieves Onpu's girlcock from where she hid it when she got home, finding it already quite hard, and lays on her bed. Doremi gives Onpu's detached girl cock a lick from base to tip before opening her mouth to suckle on the tip, the redhead's tongue swirling around the idol's tip. After a few seconds of this, Doremi uses her free hand to pull her panties aside and spread her netherlips, prodding at her own opening with the borrowed futahood before pushing it deep inside herself. As Doremi starts to use Onpu's girlcock like a living dildo to pleasure her needy, preteen pussy, the sensations around her own shaft increase dramatically, and while Doremi has no idea what Onpu is doing on the other end of the portal, the redhead can only hope her purple-haired friend doesn't stop anytime soon. [bookmark] As Doremi masturbates with Onpu's girlcock, she can feel a warm, wet snugness sliding along her own disembodied shaft, leading the redhead to imagine her fellow ojamajo lying in her own bed, doing much the same as Doremi herself, the redhead subconsciously trying to match the timing of her thrusting of Onpu's girlcock into her own quivering girlhood with the tempo at which Doremi's dick is engulfed by what she's now sure is Onpu's cozy cunny. After a few minutes of such play, Doremi can feel the now familiar sensation of penile climax building up and as she thrusts her friend's futahood into herself faster and faster, the redhead can't help moaning out to her absent lover, "Onpu-chan, I'm going to cum! Please cum in me as well!" And mere seconds later, Doremi shoves Onpu's girlcock deep inside herself as her back arches and she shoves her hips skyward as if trying to force herself deeper into her fellow witch apprentice as Doremi feels her seed erupt and her knot swell on the far end of the portal glued to her pubic mound. As Doremi lays panting on her bed in afterglow, the disembodied dick in her pussy having neither erupted nor knotted, she hears a knock at her window, and hastily pulling her sheets over herself to conceal her lack of shorts and askew panties, her cheeks matching her hair at the thought she was caught in such a position, she glances over to see Onpu hovering outside her window, the purple apprentice smiling at Doremi as she sits side saddle on her broom. Standing up, letting her sheets drop as embarrassment drains away, Doremi walks over to let Onpu float in through the window as she asks, "What are you doing here, Onpu-chan?" Lifting the front of her petal skirt to reveal Doremi's dick knotted in her pussy, the portal having clearly been mounted to the broomstick, Onpu replies, "After I started playing with Doremi-chan and felt you playing with me in turn, I quickly realized I wasn't satisfied with us just using each other like dildos, so I hopped on my broom and flew over for a little cosmic rendezvous." And with that, Onpu hops off her broom, the body of her apprentice uniform vanishing along with the broom, leaving Onpu in only her gloves, boots, and witch hat as she saunters across the room to give Doremi a passionate kiss on the lips. As their tongues tango, Onpu pulls down Doremi's panties and unzips her vest, leaving the redhead in only her pink tee as Onpu lays Doremi on her bed, reattaches her girlcock and starts fucking the pink apprentice, the idol a bit pent up from having her womb filled without reaching her own climax. Pushing Doremi's shirt up, Onpu breaks the kiss just long enough to pull the garment past the redhead's lips, loud moans coming from both girls in that moment before they resume the kiss, the two embracing, their pebble hard nipples rubbing together as Onpu pounds Doremi's pussy, the bed shaking with every impact of flesh on flesh.
As the pair of preteens get lost in each other, the noise they are making disturbs a pinkette in the next room as she tries to concentrate on the last of her homework assignments, and throwing down her pencil, Poppu stands up and marches out of her room, ready to ream her older sister for being a nuisance as usual. But the sight that greets Poppu upon opening her sister's door causes her tirade to die in her throat and for heat to rush from her face to her groin as anger turns to lust in an instant, Poppu's boner so sudden it nearly rips her panties and sends them flying across the room at the sight of Onpu's devine derriere staring the pinkette in the face. More than a bit star struck, but managing to keep some rationality about her, Poppu quietly closes the door and locks it before stripping naked, her girlcock standing proud as she walks over to admire her Idol's perfect posterior, the two older girls too into each other to notice they have company. As Poppu watches, she notices Doremi's dick embedded in Onpu's pussy, though not realizing what it really is, all the pinkette can think is 'Onpu-chan's pussy is right there... I could easily fuck Onpu-chan and become the envy of millions... I just need to pull out that dildo and replace it with my girlcock... That dildo covered with Onpu-chan's juices..." Her throbbing futahood making Poppu's mind up for her, the pinkette works quickly, yanking Doremi's dick from Onpu's passage, still thinking it just a dildo, not even noticing how only magic could make a dildo as realistic as she shoves it insideherself and rams her own girlcock in Onpu, the switcheroo taking less than a second as Poppu starts rutting Onpu like a wild animal. Onpu gasps at suddenly having a cock sliding in and out of her and glancing over her shoulder, her amethyst orbs locking with Poppu's ruby ones, the idol replying nonchalantly, "Oh hey, Poppu-chan, nice of you to join us." as she starts thrusting back against Poppu's thrusts and clenching around the pinkette's shaft, Onpu quickly establishing a rhythm of alternating between hilting in the older sister and being hilted by the younger. "Hmmm... Onpu on Harukaze... what a yummy sandwich." murmurs the purple haired girl as she reachs back to pull Poppu forward, encouraging the smaller girl to lay atop the idol's back.