Cathouse MAHO-Dou by Imouto Kitten Part 3: Omomajo Doremi Chapter 2: Onpu's Playtime As Onpu walks through the halls of the Cathouse MAHO-Dou on her way to meet with her next client, she can't help wondering what lies in store for her, especially since she wasn't provided any special instructions before hand. Entering the room designated for the evening's rendevous, Onpu finds herself in a children's playroom, and sitting in a rocking chair is a tall man with long, purple hair that's very familiar to the child idol. "Playing hooky from the Majokai Kindergarten again, Oyajide?" asks the purple apprentice, crossing her arms. "I assure you, Onpu-chan, Majomiller gave me the evening off and that she, Majopon, and Majopii respect my privacy enough for me to do what I like with my time-off." "Sure," replies the girl, not completely convinced of his honesty, "So, any particular reason you arranged for a session in such a room?" "I thought we could have some fun playing together,", he replies before Brandishing the cane topped with his magic crystal and continuing, "but first, a little spell to get Onpu-chan into costume." As the Crystal glows, Onpu is engulfed in a puff of smoke that soon dissipates to reveal a much shrunken Onpu, now barely tall enough to reach Oyajide's knee , her usual attire having been replaced with a too short lavender dress and a pair of thick, padded white cotton panties and baby booties to match her dress. Arms still crossed and with a pout that is more cute than intimidating, Onpu looks up at the wizard, her voice squeaky and with a strong lisp, "Owajide! I knew wou were a wowicon, but I didn't think wou would go this faw!" Hearing herself, she continues, "and why can't I tawk pwoperwy?!" Kneeling in front of the preteen turned toddler, Oyajide pats her head as he says soothingly, "Come, now, Onpu-chan, how often do you get to just be a child? I know you got started with the idol business at a very young age. As for the lisp,, I think it adds to Onpu-chan's absolute adorableness." Letting her arms fall to her sides, Onpu replies "Well, I guess it would be nice to just pway wike a child for a change." "That's the spirit!" cries Oyajide, "Now, what would you like to play, Onpu-chan?" As the two engage in several activities far more innocent than anyone would expect to find in such an establishment, the shrunken girl is unaware of the pool of golden liquid growing in her lower abdomen. Oyajide's spell had reduced every dimension of the girl's body including shrinking her bladder, but had done nothing to reduce the volume of pee the child idol was holding while delaying when she would notice her tinkle tank filling even before accounting for the distraction of the various games they play. After more than an hour and several games, the pair find themselves rolling a large ball back and forth. Oyajide aims slightly to the side, making the ball roll past where Onpu is sitting, her pudgy fingers making enough contact to make it roll off but not enough to let her catch it. "I'w get it!" declares the girl, having long fallen into her role as she stands up and toddles after the renegade ball. Just as she's about to bend over to grab the toy, she's suddenly hit with all the sensations of a full bladder all at once, her hands changing course to clamp over her crotch as she presses her thighs together and shifts from foot-to-foot, her tiny body trembling from head-to-toe. Smiling at having his patience rewarded, Oyajide plays dumb as he asks, "Is something wrong, Onpu-chan?" "Gotta potty!" cries the girl, her voice nearly breaking, "Gotta Potty weally weally bad!" Crawling over to the girl, Oyajide pats her on the head as he encourages, "If you're just now feeling it, surely you can hold it for a bit." "NO!" refutes the purple ojamajo, "If I don't go potty wight now, my tinkle tank gonna burst and I'w be a wet widdle witchwing." "I believe in Onpu-chan," declares Oyajide, his hands snaking there way up under the girl's top, his fingers seeking out her ribs. "You can hold it." "No I ca-" the rest of her protest is cut off by uncontrollable giggles as Oyajide starts to tickle the desperate girl. Onpu is soon flat on her back, her shrunken limbs flailing in a futile attempt to either kick the tickling hands away from her or to retaliate in kind. Lost in her laughter, Onpu doesn't notice as her hold slips, her piddle pot popping, pent-up pee pouring into padded panties, the preteen turned toddler wetting herself uncontrollably as the wizard continues to tickle torture the poor thing. The padded panties are soon saturated with the idol's waste waters, Oyajide smiling widely at the sight of a yellow stain spreading across the crotch of the white underwear, the thick padding managing to hold every drop. Admiring the contrast of her now mostly yellow panties with her lavender top, Oyajide pulls his hands away to let the shrunken singer catch her breath as he comments, "I guess Onpu-chan really couldn't hold it." Catching her breath and holding back tears, Onpu pushes herself up on her elbows and examines the damage before glaring cutely at the wizard and putting as much anger into her voice as she can muster "It all Owajide fault! If Owajide hadn't tickwed Onpu-chan, Onpu-chan wouldn't have made peepee in Onpu-chan's panties!" Patting her on the head, "Come on, Onpu-chan, no need to pout, we'll get you cleaned up in no time." With that, he lifts the shrunken idol under her armpits and holds her to one shoulder as he stands, an arm supporting her butt, the wizard not seeming to mind that his arm and shirt are getting damp from contact with her soaked panties. Oyajide walks into an en suite where he sits his charge on a counter top, quickly pulling her top over her head, before helping her stand so he can pull her piddle drenched panties down to the counter top, the shrunken idol shivering as the relatively cold air of the bathroom hits her wet skin. Picking her up again, the wizard snaps his fingers, the dirty clothes tossing themselves in a hamper as he walks over to the shower and starts the hot water. Placing Onpu's bare bottom upon the tub floor, the wizard stops up the drain, warm water starting to fill the tub as he starts undressing. Oblivious to Oyajide's actions, Onpu splashes around in the water, which is soon waist deep on the shrunken girl.