Izumi and Ranamon 2 by Imouto Kitten Following her rape at the slimey hands of Ranamon, Izumi Orimoto had been ready to give the perverted toad some much deserved payback as Fairymon, but in the chaos that had ensued as Takuya and Kouji invaded the lair of the Evil Legendary Warriors to rescue their fellow chosen, the amphibious digimon had managed to escape punishment for the time being and the Chosen had ended up captured once more, this time scattered within the inner world of Sephirothmon. Izumi now found herself enjoying a picnic with a trio of Honeybeemon on the shore of a large lake within a forest, and though her pussy still ached from Ranamon's rough treatment and she felt like wincing to think how much worse it might have been had the toad in nymph's clothing been allowed to finish playing with the warrior of wind, the blonde did her best to not let her discomfort show as she chatted with the trio of dino-insect hybrid digimon. She was sure the Honeybeemon were another chapter of ranamon's fanclub, especially with how she had had to free them from several traps that had likely been intended for the human, but Izumi couldn't bring herself to hold their worship of a rapist against them, not when the perverted toad was clearly quite skilled at hiding her true nature and how easily it was to convert her fanboys with a show of genuine kindness. Letting her guard down, Izumi decides to enjoy the first bit of peace she's had since she had been captured along side Junpei and Tomoki to be tickle tortured for information on the wearabouts of Takuya and Kouji, laying back in the grass on the lakeshore, her legs parted to allow a cool breeze up her skirt to soothe her tender girlhood, the presence of the male honeybeemon the only thing holding back the temptation to remove her panties or to do some skinny dipping in the cool water of the lake. As Izumi relaxes, trying to forget the slimey touch of her amphibious assailent while giving her body some rest to recover from the physical damage, the Honeybeemon are lured into the woods for another meeting with the warrior of water. "Listen here, you dino-bugs," hisses the green-skinned digimon, her annoyance at her lackey's repeted failures and her sexual frustration at having her nemesis escape before she could finish her fun twisting her cute features into something slightly more appropriate to the ugliness hidden under that skin-deep beauty, "I've got unfinished business with that Fairy princess, but I can't risk a direct confrontation now that she has her D-scanner back." Presenting the trio of insectoid lizards with a poisoned apple, the pettiest idol in either the Digital or Real World delivers an ultimatum, "This is your last chance. Give this to her and make sure she eats it. Succeed, and I'll even let you watch while I have my way with her... fail, and you'll be wishing for deletion by the time I'm done with you!" Though reluctant to betray Izumi after showing them kindness Ranamon never did, the prospect of getting to see some hot girl-on-girl action coupled with the fear of what their dark mistress will do if they refuse, the Honeybeemon accept the apple and buzz off back to where the blonde is resting. ### When Izumi awakes to find the honeybeemon have returned with a bushel of apples, the warrior of wind is eager to accept one of the fruits, completely unsuspecting as one of the flying dinos hands her the poisoned one Ranamon had given them. When the blonde bites into the tainted fruit and starts chewing, she passes out, a powerful hallucinogen thrusting her into a nightmare. ### "Shameless slut!" "Cocksucking whore!" "Bitch in heat!" "Insatiable cum dump!" Izumi is bombarded with insults from a seemingly endless wave of specters bearing the faces of girls she knew from before she came to the digital world, her cries of denial growing ever more feeble under the relentless onslaught of girls calling her every demeaning name in the book. "cock starved cunt!" "50-yen prostitute!" "Jailbait jezzebell!" ### "No, it's not like that." groans Izumi where she lays on the grass, her drug-induced sleep anything but peaceful as Ranamon stands over her seemingly helpless victim. But as the warrior of water reaches to yank down Izumi's skirt and panties, she's surprised by the unconscious girl trying to kick her as she cries out, "NO! I'm not a whore, and I won't be anyone's willing fuck toy!" Ranamon manages to jump back to avoid taking the human's sneaker to the face, but the frog-like digimon is too shock to interfer as Izumi fights off the effects of the poison, spitting out the tainted apple flesh in her mouth and Spirit Evolves into Shutumon, the warrior of water barely having time to slide evolve into Calamaramon and attempt to ensnare her opponent in her tentacles before she's ripped to shreds. Calamaramon is almost surprised when she manages to get a tentacle around each of Shutumon's limbs and pin the warrior of wind to the ground, but decides to roll with the punches as she declares, "Well, fairy princess, since you wouldn't let me have my fun before, I guess I'll have to settle for tentacle fucking you to deletion!" With this, the giant squid wraps an additional tentacle around the harpy-like digimon's midsection, nearly crushing the prone girl as additional tentacles prod at the bottoms of the Warrior of wind's bikini-like armor. But before the warrior of water can tear away the little bit of fabric protecting her target's modesty, Shutumon manages to break the grip of the tentacle holding one taloned arm and swipes at the other tentacles, gouging flesh and making her assailent recoil in pain. ### When the battle between the Beast Warriors of Wind and Water has concluded, Shutumon has scanned her opponents Beast Spirit, leaving her opponent, once again in her Ranamon form and essentially helpless to defend herself, coughing up dirt as she pulls herself out of the trench she made when she was thrown to the lake shore. Rolling on her back and staring defiantly as Shutumon hovers over her, Ranamon spits out, "Why didn't you just take my human spirit and finish me off like that loser Grottomon?" "Because I decided some personal payback would be better," replies the Warrior of Wind, standing over her defeated opponent, "Turns out you aren't the only warrior with some, unusual quirks." With that, Shutumon reaches for her armored bikini bottoms, undoing clasps on her hips and letting the garment fall to the ground as she starts rubbing her crotch. As Shutumon parts her labia, Ranamon's eyes widen as something phallic wriggles out from the entrance to the warrior of wind's womanhood, glistening with girl juice and nearly a foot long and thick as it's owner's wrist by the time it has fully emerged. "I'm not entirely sure how my anatomy works when I'm in this form," comments Shutumon at Ranamon's shocked expression, "But I can at least give your naughty twatty some long overdue punishment." As Shutumon closes the distance, her irregular futahood pointed straight at Ranamon, the green-skinned girl crab walks backwards, crying out, "Keep that thing away from me!" before rolling over and trying to jump into a run. However, before Ranamon can get far, Shutumon is upon her, shredding the Warrior of Water's swimwear with one swipe of her talons and firmly gripping the defeated digimon's hips with the next, leaving Ranamon on her knees and elbows, nude and completely at her former victim's mercy As Ranamon feels the tip of Shutumon's apparently prehensile prick brush along her froggy folds, the Warrior of Water cries out in a near panic, "No! I'm a virgin!" Carefully parting the green-skinned girl's nether lips with taloned thumbs, nestling her tip in the virgin opening within, the Warrior of Wind retorts, "How many digigirls let out that exact plea right before you raped them? How many boys have you cockteased with this svelt, little swimmer's body and tight, little butt?" Shutumon adding a smack of talon upon Ranamon's rear for emphasis, "No, I'm sure you deserve much worse than I have in store for you, and tearing away the thing you protected so well even as you stole it from countless girls is just the beginning." Before Ranamon can muster any further protests, Shutumon has returned her grippppppp to the frog girl's hips, and simultaneously yanking back on the defeated digimon's hips and thrusting her own forward, piercing Ranamon's maidenhead and forcing the full foot of futa fuckmeat deep within the smaller girl's body, the Warrior of Water crying out in pain not only from her popped cherry but from the way the beast warrior's length and girth stretch her inexperienced twat near the point of tearing. Being a penile virgin and having never taken the time to explore her new bit of anatomy, Shutumon is overwhelmed by the sensations of being squeezed by the snug, slippery snatch of the amphibious girl, and it takes all of her self control to resist the urge to roughly rut the green-skinned girl.