Hikari's Ice Creampie by Imouto Kitten Hikari Yagami slowly woke in a small cave, a bed of pine needles insulating her from the frozen ground and a small campfire making the space, not warm, but at least somewhat tolerable. The last thing she remembered was getting separated from the other chosen children and even her own partner in a blizzard and as she examined herself, she found her yellow t-shirt had been replaced with a red winter dress trim with white fur, her pink shorts with white, winter leggings, and her neckerchief with a white, woolen scarf and she now had thick mittens on her hands and ankle high snow boots on her feet. Looking around the cave, she spots a snow white and very rotund digimon sitting a ways from the fire and as their eyes meet, the snowman like creature smiles and greets her, "Hellow, little girl, I'm Frigimon. Nice to see you awake. When I found you out in the storm, you were unconscious and not shivering, so I was worried I was too late to save you." Jumping to her feet, Hikari walks over to the digimon, barely reaching his knee as she hugs his leg and replies, "Thank you for saving me. My name is Hikari, and if there's anything I can do to repay you, just say so." "That's not necessary." replies Frigimon, patting her head. "Are you sure?" She asks, climbing up on his lap, straddling his thigh, the digimon feeling the warmth coming off her bottom as she wiggles in her new seat, "I thought I was going to be buried in the snow and turned into a popsicle, so I really want to thank you properly."