Chibiusa and Usagi by Imouto Kitten. Tsukino Ikuko let out a sigh as she heard a crash followed by a pair of female voices arguing. It had only been a few days since she first took in her niece, but already, the constant bickering between the adorable little pinkette and her own daughter was getting old. Sitting down the dish she was washing, Ikuko dries her hands and puts on her best "you've been bad and should feel bad" face before stepping out of the kitchen and into the living room to find the pair of odango-headed girls wrestling with one another, seemingly oblivious to the destruction around them. Raising her voice to be heard over whatever the pair are shouting at each other, Ikuko cries out, "Break it up, you two!" Almost immediately, the pair halt their fight to sit on their heels, both looking chastised yet still giving each other scornful glances, lightning flashing whenever their eyes meet. "I don't know what you girls were fighting over, and I realy don't care, but this is no way for cousins to behave!" Turning to glare specifically at her daughter, she adds, "And Usagi, you're more than twice Chibiusa's age, you should be setting a better example." Clapping her hands as if to declare the matter settled, Ikuko declares, "Now, I want you two to clean up this mess... and then I want the two of you to take a bath together." "Together!?" the pair cry in outrage, "with her!?" pointing at each other. "Yes, maybe some skinship while soaking in a hot, relaxing bath will help you two bond and mellow out around each other." declares the physically older woman before turning her back on them and heading back to the kitchen to finish the dishes. Despite constantly giving each other dirty looks, it doesn't take long for the pair to clean the living room and make their way to the bathroom. [bookmark] However, as the pair start undressing for their bath, the diminutive time traveller grows a bit self-conscious, especially upon seeing the blonde's near supermodel physique minus her serafuku, the pinkette's biggest secret after her true identity and being from the future starting to tent her skirt. As Chibiusa tries to adjust her skirt to conceal the quickly growing problem, Usagi notices her unwelcomed houseguest has only removed her blouse. "Hey, I don't want to take a bath with you anymore than you want to take one with me, but Mama won't be happy if we don't do as she says." declares the teen as she reaches for the pinkette's waistband. "NO!" yells Chibiusa, trying to dodge Usagi's grabby hand, only for her to trip over her own feet, letting Usagi reach her target and yank both Chibiusa's skirt and panties to her ankles. Chibiusa's face goes pink as her hair and Usagi's eyes go big as saucers and she starts to drool as Chibiusa's secret is revealed, namely a very erect penis easily a foot long and as thick as Usagi's wrist. "Wa-wait, you're a boy?!" shouts Usagi once her brain manages to reboot. Standing up and kicking her clothes aside, Chibiusa stomps her foot as she declares, "No, I'm a girl!" Lifting up her girlcock and pointing at its base, "See, I still have a cunny and everything!" But Usagi isn't really listening, the sight of that magnificent member driving all thoughts beyond, 'Me likey cock.' from her mind, even thoughts of how Mamoru recently dumped her out of nowhere. Crawling over to Chibiusa and looking damn sexy in the process, Usagi practically purrs as she declares, "That's a yummy looking cock you have there, cutie." and before Chibiusa can react, she finds Usagi's lips wrapped around her tip and Usagi's breasts wrapped around her shaft. The pinkette can't help letting out a moan and her knees tremble as Usagi proves herself to be a natural born slut, twirling her tongue around Chibiusa's tip as those marshmallowy tits caress her shaft.