Caged Kitten by Imouto Kitten Yagami Hikari awoke upon something soft and fuzzy at one end of a long, narrow room. Rubbing the sleep from her eyes and examining herself and her surroundings, she realized she had been sleeping in what appeared to be a large pet bed, the room barely wide enough to let the second grader stretch out crosswise. The only other thing she can see in the room is what appears to be a large litter box at the far end, and the tiled flooring between here and there and the way the long walls seem to be made of a different material than the end wall behind her brings to mind the stalls of public restrooms. But what has Hikari's emotions shifting from wondering where she is to fear is the realization that she's practically naked and her last memories before waking up in this place flooding back. The only articles of clothing the little girl is wearing, if they can even be called clothes are a leather collar with a brass bell, mittens and booties that resemble a cat's paws upon her hands and feet, and reaching up to feel her head, she suspects she's wearing a headband with fake cat ears, especially after twisting to look over her shoulder reveals a fake cat tail somehow attached to her bare bottom. Shivering from the small room not being quite warm enough for her current state of undress and fear, she recalls how she had lost track of time playing at the local playground on what she assumes to be the day before, and had been skipping home under the sunset sky when an adult arm had suddenly hugged her from behind and a matching hand had covered her face with a wet washcloth, the girl having been caught too off guard to put up any struggle before passing out. Hugging her knees to her chest, tears start to roll down Hikari's cheeks, the little girl wishing, not for the first time, that Tailmon had been there with her instead of being literally a world away, though this is the first time said wish is motivated by the desire to be protected instead of the desire for companionship. Hikari is drawn from her pity party at the sound of a door opening at the far end of the long room, only serving to reinforce the idea of this being a stall in a bathroom as a man enters and comes to stand over her. "Wh-who are you? Wh-where am I?" asks Hikari, looking up at the man. "Glad to see you awake, Kitty, but who I am and where you are is unimportant." replies the man, leering down at the small girl. "My name is Hikari, Yagami Hikari." replies the girl, more than a bit uncomfortable about how he addressed her. "Not anymore," replies the man, "From now on, you're just a little kitty here to please men. If you want a name of your own, you'll need to prove yourself a good girl." "Huh, but I am a good girl..." replies Hikari in confusion, "And what do you mean, please men?" "So innocent and naive, just the way we like our kitties to be," replies the man with a chuckle before unzipping his pants, "For your first lesson in pleasing men," He fishes his cock out of his pants, nearly smacking her atop the head as it bounces free of its cotton confines, "You can suck on this!" Upon glancing up and seeing the penis, Hikari's eyes go wide. She knew boys were different from girls, and had even seen her brothers a time or two thanks to them sharing a room and him not being the most proper of boys, but what now hung over her head was much larger, harder, and more intimidating, as if it was the SkullGreymon to her brother's Agumon. "Yo-you want me to suck on th-that?!" cries Hikari in a mix of fear and disgust, "Bu-but do-don't you pee with th-that?!" "Come now, little kitty, it ain't that bad..." says the man, "Though, if you don't want to be a good girl and suck on it, I can show you what happens to bad girls." With that, he pulls a small remote from his pocket, and as he pushes the main button on it, Hikari lets out a yelp as an electric shock courses through her tiny body, Hikari clutching a hand to the source, namely the collar around her neck. Releasing the button, the man lets Hikari catch her breath before using the collar to pull her to her feet, her mouth at the perfect height to suck his cock once she's standing. "Now, is the little kitty going to be a good girl and suck it or do I need to give the kitty another jolt?" "Please don't give me another jolt!" cries Hikari before closing her eyes and sticking out her tongue, cringing a bit when she gets her first taste of cock