Cell's Loli Harem by Imouto Kitten Chapter 1: Cell and Sakura Cell stood in the night sky above an unfamiliar town. The last thing the bio-android remembered was his body being ripped apart and vaporized as he was engulfed by the combined might of his and Gohan's Kamehameha, and a desperate wish to teleport to safety. Apparently, some deep seated survival instinct had managed to grant him his wish and he had managed to regenerate, but he had no idea where he was, and the readings he was getting from his ki-sense were baffling. For starters, he couldn't sense any of the Dragon Team's ki, not even Gohan, Vegeta, or Piccolo despite the fact they should shine brighter than the sun to his senses. Stranger still, the tiny pin pricks of ordinary sentient life were far too numerous, numbering in the billions rather than the millions, and instead of the expected mix of humans, furries, and talking animals, they were nearly entirely human. Focusing, Cell deployed the other senses Gero had gifted him that humans generally lacked. His electromagnetic senses found the world awash in far more radio waves and microwaves, this world like a powerful, roaring fire compared to the candlelight of the world he knew. A scan for Dragonballs returned nothing, though he supposed that made sense if he couldn't sense any Namekian ki. But he nearly fell out of the sky when he scanned for magic. Whereever he was, the town below him had been a hot bed of magical activity for quite some time, and in addition to several individuals at least as magically powerful as that hag Uranai Baba, he could feel a magical signature that shone like the sun, Rivaling what Gero had implanted in his memories from scanning Shenron or what Cell had felt from Porunga during his time as a reverted nymph. And yet, the ki he could feel at the heart of this magical signature was human, and barely above average, though focusing on it, he could sense dozens of lesser, but still strong magical users in very close proximity, practically nestled within the greater magic like the ki of an unborn child in its mother's womb. No closer to figuring out what really happened or where he was, but intrigued by what he had found, Cell locked on to the human mage's ki and teleported.
Cell soon materialized in a bedroom, the decor screaming that a little girl lived here. Cell could sense two humans elsewhere in the house, ki slightly stronger than his target, one with magic that had been severely depleted, the other with magic that shone like the Moon next to his target's sun. Looking around the room, he spotted what looked like a stuffed animal that surprisingly had just enough ki to be sensed and was magically powerful and a pink book with an intricate design on the cover from which dozens of magical signatures radiated, but it was the occupant of the bed that really drew his attention. Laying in the bed, covers kicked aside and wearing pink pajamas was a young girl, no older than eleven or twelve by Cell's estimation, and yet, the young girl was clearly the source of the magic he had sensed, even in her slumber, the strongest magic on the whole planet and rivaling the might of a pair of magic, wish-granting dragons. Though it was a very different kind of power from ki, this girl was clearly every bit the prodigy that Gohan was. Cell extended his tail, the stinger expanding, the bio-android's first instinct being to gobble this girl up whole, adding her magic to his own power, but as he watched her sleep, the sheer, unadulterated cuteness of this girl tugged at heartstrings Cell hadn't realized he had, and his plans suddenly changed. Closing his stinger, Cell held his hand over the girl's chest, and modifying one of Piccolo's more useful non-combat abilities, Cell made her pajamas vanish, leaving the girl completely bare before Cell's gaze. As Cell's eyes ran over the girl's youthful, yet athletic curves, her skin free of any blemish, the bio-android can't help commenting, "Perfect, she'll make a fine mate." Kneeling at the foot of her bed, Cell gently spreads the sleeping girl's thighs to reveal her perfect, preteen pussy before parting her petals, the flesh within a pretty pink. Sliding his tail between his own thighs, Cell lines up his stinger with the girl's entrance and slides the needle-like tip inside her, careful not to pierce her flesh as he finds her cervix and enters her womb, the very tip of Cell's stinger at the center of her womb by the time her nether lips are kissing the flare of his tail. Cell starts to slide his stinger in and out of the girl's passage, his secretions slowly seeping into her womb from his tip as her own juices start to flow, lubricating his movements.
Kinomoto Sakura was having a lovely dream, unaware of the presence that had invaded her bedroom in the waking world.