Steamy in the Onsen by Imouto Kitten Yoh Asakura let out a sigh of relief as he gingerly lowered his aching body into the onsen, the hot, mineral rich water melting away the pain his muscles had gained through yet another day of his fiancee's training from hell. Closing his eyes, the slacker shaman lies back, feeling nearly weightless in the water, especially compared to the heavy weights he had been made to carry as he ran a hundred kilometers through the outskirts of Tokyo and then had to do a thousand each of push-ups, sit-ups, and pull-ups. The young shaman is broken from his relaxation by a feminine voice, far more tender than usual calling out to him, "Hey Yoh." Cracking an eye open, Yoh nearly drowns himself in surprise at the sight that greets him. Standing in the doorway from the adjacent changing room, wearing nothing but her rosary, her arms crossed to accentuate her budding breasts, is Anna, a rare smile on the Itako's usually stern face. With a loud Splash, Yoh sits up, a blush that has nothing to do with the heat of the onsen on his face and his hands trying to cover his already hardening boyhood as he stammers, "A-Anna, wh-what are you doing in here?" Her smile turning to a smirk at how easily she managed to fluster her usually way too laid back fiance, Anna Saunters over to the edge of the water, a seductive sway to her hips and making no attempt to hide the slightest bit of her petite form, her gentle curves and supple flesh that conceals strong but svelt muscles on full display to the increasingly aroused and embarrassed boy's gaze. Standing over her half-submerged betroved, hands on hips and her hairless girlhood where it's nearly impossible for Yoh to avoid looking, Anna replies, "Can't a girl join her future husband in the bath?" "Of-of course." replies Yoh, the young boy simultaneously more terrified and more aroused than he can remember as Anna steps into the onsen and lowers herself to sit opposite him, her thighs parted nearly 180-degrees and the soles of her feet together, the water the only thing to obstruct Yoh's view of Anna's usually hidden treasure. Closing her eys, Anna tilts her head back against the side of the onsen, sighing contentedly as a silence falls between the couple, Anna at peace, and Yoh quite flustered. After a minute or two of basking in the hot water, Anna cracks an eye open, her usual sternness entering her tone as she gives her fiance a one-eyed glare and asks, "Are you going to come service your queen like a proper king should, or are you just going to sit there gawking like Horohoro does when he thinks I don't see him staring at me?" Letting her tone slip to a more teasing one, she continues, "And don't think I didn't notice how hard your sword got when you first saw me in all my glory." "sorry Anna!" cries the boy,, protectively cupping his balls with both hands, fearful that his drill sargent of a fiancee is on the verge of castrating him with her bare hands. Stifling a giggle at just how flustered and nervous Yoh is at being mere feet from a naked girl, Anna reassures him, "Do you really think I would join you in the bath if I didn't want you getting excited over my naked body? I would've at least wrapped a towel around myself if I didn't want you looking, and besides, if anything,, I'd be more mad if my future husband didn't find me attractive on a reflexive level." Turning to a more commanding tone, she adds, "Now get over here and service your woman before I really do get mad." "Ye-Yes, Anna." stammers the slacker shaman as he closes the distance, "Uh, what did you have in mind?" "Sinking your sword in my sheath would be nice," comments Anna, Yoh's face going redder than her bandanna at her words, "but since you're clearly too nervous to jump straight to that, how about massaging my back?" As Anna rolls over, crossing her arms on the side of the onsen and resting her chin upon them, Yoh can't help but admire her backside, every bit as lovely as her front before straddling Anna's waist and placing his hands upon her shoulders. In stark contrast to her often abrasive attitude, Anna's skin is smooth and silky, but as Yoh presses his callused fingers into her flesh, he is met with resistence, the muscles hidden under the itako's goddessly extttterior like steel. "You'll need to use more pressure than that to give me a decent massage." comments Anna, "Do I need to add finger curls with 5kilo weights tied to each joint to your training routine." "That won't be necessary, Anna." replies Yoh, pressing harder into Anna's flesh, kneading the hard muscles with force that would leave a normal couple in pain. Closing her eyes, Anna lets out a contented hum under her fiancee's ministrations, almost sounding like a cat. As Yoh works his way down her back, she can feel his erection coming to rest between her half moons, and knowing what she really wants from him, she can't help but slowly grind back against him enticingly. When Yoh reaches Anna's rear, she speaks up once more, "Not bad, but that's enough foreplay, hurry up and run me through with your sword before I tackle you to the floor..." letting the rest of her implied threat hang in the air. Yoh gulps as he pulls back far enough for his erection to nestle between Anna's slightly parted thighs, his tip coming to rest against her virgin opening. As Yoh rubs his tip along Anna's slit, her stern tone returns in full force as she comments, "Stop teasing me, or I'll make you run 200 kilometers tomorrow with twice the usual weights." Paling at the prospect of such a grueling increase to his already grueling training regiment, Yoh thrusts his hips forward, hilting himself in Anna's amazingly tight, teenaged twat, a grunt of pain the girl's only reaction as her betroved pierces her maidenhead. Marveling at the sensation of being buried within a woman's folds for the first time, Yoh glances down and spots a red tint to the water around their joining, the boy nearly panicking as he cries out, "A-anna, I think your bleeding!" "Don't be stupid, Yoh." replies Anna, "You just popped my cherry, it's completely normal and nothing to worry about... Now hurry up and fuck me before I decide to make tomorrow's training make your prior training look like a casual stroll through the park!" Taking the threat seriously, Yoh pulls his hips back only to thrust back in and has soon set a pace that would reduce a normal girl to a panting, incoherent mess, but Anna is far tougher than any normal girl and even most grown men, and her body demands more as she cries out, "Harder! Fuck me with all your might! Show me you have the strength to be Shaman King!" Yoh procedes to pound Anna's pussy, but being a virgin himself, it isn't long before he can feel his climax approaching, crying out to his fiancee and lover, "A-Anna! I-I'm going to cum! I need to pull out!" But before Yoh can withdraw from the itako's warm, wonderful depths, Anna proves that her internal muscles are just as strong as the rest of her steely body, squeezing Yoh's member like a vice as she nearly growls out, "Don't you dare! You are not allowed to spill even a single drop of your precious seed anywhere but deep inside me!" Pushing herself up enough to reach between her legs to cup Yoh's balls, she adds, "Now, ifI relax, can I trust you to empty these inside me?" "O-of course," replies Yoh, and as Anna loosens around him, he gives a few more quick thrusts before erupting, painting Anna's insides white as the boy experiences his first orgasm not brought upon by his hand. "Hmmm, being cummed in feels nice," comments Anna as the shaman's seed spills within her, her hand idly fondling Yoh's testes, the two orbs pulsing against the girl's palm with every spurt of their precious cargo. As Yoh's seed trickles to a halt and his shaft softens within her, Anna tightens up again, ensuring neither his flaccid member or any of his sperm can escape as she rolls over to face her future husband. Lifting her long, well-toned legs out of the water to rest them atop Yoh's shoulders, Anna traces her fingers over Yoh's abs as she comments, "I hope you're up for another round, it would be pathetic for the future Shaman King to leave his queen hanging." With this, she grabs Yoh's chin and pulls him down for a kiss, taking full advantage of the boy's surprise to invade his mouth with her tongue as her free hand guides Yoh's hand to one of her budding breasts, encouraging him to squeeze the subtle mound, quite pleased when she feels him growing hard once more within her. When she withdraws her tongue, Yoh's follows, and she greedily sucks on it as it accepts her invitation into her own mouth. By the time their lips part, Yoh's other hand has found it's own way to Anna's other breast bud, the itako barely restraining from shamelessly moaning under his touch as she demands, "Now, fuck your queen like a real king should... make me cum so hard I lose my mind... give it to me so hard I can't walk in the morning..." pausing for dramatic effect, she adds in a threatening tone, "And there will be no sleep for you tonight until you've thoroughly satisfied me and if you can't manage that, I'll just need to triple your training because if you aren't up to the task here, you certainly aren't up for your next match." Knowing full well that Anna will certainly not hesitate to keep him up all night and then run him ragged the next day, Yoh leans over her, nearly pushing her knees against her chest as he braces his arms against the side of the onsen and starts to jackhammer into her, a pleased hum escaping her throat as Yoh fucks her with a ferocity only possible thanks to the hellish training she's put him through and which would leave a more fragile girl begging for mercy, and yet, she continues to demand, "Harder! Faster!" over and over. Yoh isn't sure how he manages it, but some way, some how he holds off on his second climax long enough to bring his demanding fiancee to one of her own, the itako letting out a roar to make a lioness jealous, no doubt sending everyone else in the inn running for the hills. Of course, the way this makes her internal muscles clench around Yoh sends the slacker shaman over the edge immediately after, Yoh joining his queen in mutual bliss as he pumps a second, larger load deep within her waiting womb. As the pair come down from the high of their first coupling, they simply bask in the afterglow and the warmth of the onsen for several minutes, the mineral rich waters washing away sweat and relaxing muscles as the young couple lay there in a lovers' embrace. Eventually, Anna breaks the companionable silence, giving Yoh another kiss, this one far more tender before commenting, "Not bad for your first time." "Yo-you're welcome." replies Yoh, taking the faint praise for the heartfelt thanks it really is coming from the usually stoic girl as he pulls away, letting her climb out of the water. As Anna dries herself with a towel, she comments, "Naturally, I expect your performance to only improve... and you better not slack with your normal training..." "Ye-yes, Anna!" replies Yoh as he climbs out of the water himself, only to let out a cry of surprise as Anna wraps her hand around his semi-flaccid cock. "And I better not catch you playing with yourself from now on." comments Anna, squeezing her man's cock for emphasis, "You feel any twinge of desire, you seek me out and take me like a king should take his queen... If I find out you've spilt your seed anywhere but inside me, I'll be locking your naughty dick in a cage too small for it even when flaccid and forcing you to please me with your hands and mouth until your blue balls burst." Yoh can only stand there with a slack jaw and wide eyes as Anna releases his cock and pulls on a snow white bathrobe before she asks, "Aren't you going to make yourself presentable for the walk to our bedroom?" "Of-of course." replies Yoh, hastily drying himself off before Anna's wording sinks in, "Wa-wait, our bedroom?" "Of course," replies Anna with a smirk to her flustered fiance, "Now that we're intimate, it doesn't make much sense to continue sleeping in separate beds, much less separate rooms... besides, I'm still able to walk, you still have your work cut out if you want to earn a good night's sleep tonight." Yoh quickly finishes toweling off and dons a robe of his own, his a coal black to Anna's snow white, and he barely has time to tie the belt before Anna is grabbing his arm and all but dragging him out of the Onsen and towards their new, shared quarters for the third of many rounds.