The Smitten Kitten by Imouto Kitten Introduction. As you enter the establishment, you are greeted by a young looking catgirl in a violet serafuku and whereing a matching pimp hat with a rainbow feather sticking out of the hat band. "Welcome to the Smitten Kitten." declares the catgirl, doffing her hat, "I am the madam of this fine establishment. You may call me Kitten." Replacing her hat, she explains, "This place exists in the gaps between realities, dimensions, and times, and can draw people in from any time or place and return them to where and when they came from. We tend to cater to those who are young in body if not mind and spirit, often what many would consider far too young for an establishment such as this, though occasionally someone older will be brought in... after all, sometimes a boy just wants to plow a milf or a girl wants to take a ride on her daddy... or a futanari is up for either... which reminds me, the magics that flow through and hold this place together make nearly any fantasy possible, from girls growing penises to boys turning into girls to adults reverting to a more youthful state to partial or complete transformation into a different species to girls being able to experience pregnancy without the lifetime commitment or any of the negatives they wish to omit... various fre use scenarios, both openly consensual and with the used pretending to be forced...the possibilities are endless." Leading you into the main room, dominated by a stage that thrusts out into the room and surrounded on three sides by circular tables to provide an intimate atmosphere, she adds, "I already have quite a number of performances lined up, but if you have any requests, please let me know and I'll see what I can arrange... and some of the performers will gladly bring an audience member onto stage or take them backstage for a private show."