The Smitten Kitten by Imouto Kitten Deflowering the Cardcaptor Standing back stage in a frilly outfit that would be more appropriate at a formal gala than a strip club, , Sakura Kinomoto comments, "I'm not sure about this, Tomoyo-chan." Walking up next to Sakura in a matching outfit, Tomoyo replies, "Follow my lead, and you'll do great, Sakura-chan." and as Catch You, Catch Me starts playing, Tomoyo leads Sakura out on to the stage, the club lights a mix of pink, powder blue, white, and lavender for the duo's performance. Tomoyo leads Sakura in a sped up version of a ballroom dance, the pair looking like a couple of princesses as the audience looks on, though Tomoyo soon undoes clips at Sakura's shoulders, and as Sakura mirrors the action, they one after the other swing their arms out, discarding the detachable sleeves of their dresses with a flourish, soon followed by them untying the laces holding a mantelet and pulling it from each other's shoulders and tossing them towards the audience. As their dance continues, kicking off their formal flats is next, and soon after, Tomoyo guide's Sakura's hand to her hip and a handle there, and grabbing the same handle on Sakura's dress, Tomoyo instructs in a whisper, "Pull and flourish like you were unveiling something." and when the pair do just that, the entire bell of their dresses comes away, leaving them both in just a short skirt that does nothing to conceal their panties nor the garters holding up their stockings. Sakura blushes at suddenly being so exposed, but before she can try to run backstage, Tomoyo pulls Sakura in close, shifting to a far more intimate dance as their lips meet. Holding Sakura in her embrace, Tomoyo reaches down to unclip their garters, the stockings rolling up without the tension to hold them up, and as Tomoyo's hands start to unbutton both Sakura and her own vest, she gracefully uses her toes to slide the now ankle-length socks from their feet. Giving Sakura a twirl, Tomoyo discards both of their vests with a flourish, revealing the bodices of their dresses to be backless, though she soon undoes the clips at their napes, letting the bodices and inner skirt fall to the stage, leaving the girls in only matching, side tie panties, Sakura now blushing head to foot and an obvious bulge in the front of Tomoyo's panties. By now, nearly everyone in the audience is masturbating to the show or tossing small tributes in the form of coins and candy at the stage, but Tomoyo is fully focused on Sakura as she guides the other girl's hands to the ties of her panties, and in unison, the two girls pull at each other's ties, those final scraps of cloth falling away to reveal both girls' hidden treasure, but also that Tomoyo has grown a cock for this performance. And before Sakura can react to Tomoyo's new bit of anatomy, Tomoyo musters up strength she lacks out in the real world to lift Sakura clean off her feet and impale the cardcaptor upon her girl cock, the sudden rush of pleasure this sends through Sakura having her forget she has an audience and wrap her arms and legs around her best friend and now lover. Tomoyo spends some time simply savoring the sensation of finally being one with her beloved Sakura-chan before announcing, "Oh my, Sakura-chan's snug snatch is even sweeter than I imagined." before walking towards the rounded front of the stage and dropping to her knees and laying Sakura upon the stage such that her shoulders are right on the edge andSakura's head hangs off the stage. Unwrapping Sakura's legs from around her waist and holding Sakura's ankles, Tomoyo pulls back before driving her futahood to the hilt in Sakura's passage once more, the cardcaptor still too dazed from the strip show and the initial penetration to do much as Tomoyo works herself into a frenzy, living out a fantasy she's had since first meeting Sakura that only grew stronger upon learning that they were cousins, Sakura so overwhelmed by the situation that her moans are soon reaching a volume to give the music a run for its money. "Oh my, doesn't Sakura-chan have the most adorable ahegao?" Asks Tomoyo to the cheering and furiously masturbating audience, the cheers only growing louder as she asks, "Want to watch me impregnate my beloved Sakura-chan?" the club's magic responding to Tomoyo's will as Sakura's tummy turns transparent to show Tomoyo's tip battering at Sakura's cervix and revealing the cardcaptor's womb, just waiting to be flooded by Tomoyo's seed. And flood Sakura's waiting womb Tomoyo does as with a final thrust, she buries her tip in the cardcaptor's cervix, dumping more than a liter of pearly seed directly into Sakura's baby factory, the overwhelmed girl passing out from pleasure overload as her best friend inflates her belly like a balloon. Once she's done cumming, Tomoyo pulls out, admiring her handiwork with satisfaction even as she notices that her girl cock is still rock hard. "Oh my, looks like Sakura-chan is going to need to train some before she can handle me properly... sadly, while my heart belongs to Sakura-chan, I'm not sure I can wait until she wakes up for another round... anyone willing to help a futa out?" With that, a quartet of girls wearing the Tomoeda Elementary School Uniform approach the stage, Mei-Ling in the lead with Rika, Chiharu, and Naoko trailing behind, the Chinese girl boasting, "I'm sure I can handle you better than Kinomoto!", Tomoyo smiling at the prospect of turning the female half of her class into her harem... With Sakura-chan as her one and only Queen of course.