Purple, Pink, and Yellow by Imouto Kitten As Onpu drifts back to the world of the waking from dreamland, the first thing she notices is something soft and warm curled into a ball against her chest, followed shortly by a faint scent of cotton candy that has become pleasantly familiar over the last few months. Opening her amethyst colored eyes, Onpu is met with the adorable sight of her best friend's little sister still sound asleep, the usually very mature for her age girl obliviously sucking her thumb in her sleep. Onpu didn't know how it had happened, but somehow, the little pinkette had wormed her way into the idol's heart, and if she weren't afraid some jealous fanboy or fangirl might hurt the little angel curled up in her arms, Onpu would announce to the whole world that she's in love with Harukaze Poppu. combing her fingers through one of the sleeping girl's feathery pigtails to straighten out a few strands that had gone crooked in the night, Onpu can't help but comment, "Poppu-chan is too darn cute." though only in a whisper, not wanting to wake the sleeping angel before pressing her lips to the pinkette's forehead and inhaling deeply of the cotton candy scent that lingers from the younger girl's shampoo. Continuing to cuddle her sleeping Girlfriend, Onpu slides her hand down Poppu's spine, smiling at how easily her fingers glide over the silk nightie Onpu had talked the smaller girl into wearing instead of her usual, eighth-note print cotton gown, the mature sleepwear matching the one Onpu is wearing except that the idol's is lavender and the pinkette's is the color of cherry blossoms. Reaching the pinkette's plump and perky posterior, Onpu cups a tiny half moon in one hand, gently kneading it for a few seconds before temptation gets the better of the idol and she lifts up the hem of Poppu's nightie to caress the child's cheek directly, both girls having foregone underwear the night before. Though tempted to go for her girlfriend's girlhood, Onpu instead rolls the sleeping sweetheart on her back and reaches up the pinkette's nightie to explore her lower tummy. Onpu smiles upon finding what she hoped to, a lemon-sized bulge between Poppu's precious place and her navel. Despite boasts to having a strong bladder, Poppu was still young and her piddle pot really wasn't that big in absolute terms, and the idol just loved to watch her little angel wriggle and writhe as her waste waters demand release. Onpu was also the only soul aside from Poppu and her oldr sisterwho knew of the time the pinkette had piddled her panties while out on an errand by herself and Doremi had used magic to summon a washing machine, the one time the clumsy redhead's spying had actually paid off that day, and on more than one occasion, Onpu had wished that time travelling to witness the incident first hand was something she could do with her own magic instead of needing magical stage. As Onpu starts to caress the sleeping girl's bladder bulge, Poppu starts to squirm in her sleep, the idol's actions intensifying a need to pee just shy of waking the pinkette, but it's only when Onpu starts using Poppu's piddle pot like a drum to tap out the beat to one of the idol's songs that the younger girl actually starts to wake. As a still half-asleep Poppu mumbles out, "Gotta pee..." Onpu presses her attack pushing firmly against the pinkette's protruding piddle pot, Poppu's eyes snapping open and her chubby thighs slamming together as she cries out her girlfriend's name, "Onpu-chan!" well aware that no one else would be so bold to wake her in such a manner. "Good morning, Poppu-chan!" calls Onpu in reply before capturing the pinkette's lips in a passionate kiss as the hand on the smaller girl's tinkle tank moves lower, the idol sliding a dainty digit into the tight gap where Poppu's thighs meet her crotch, the younger girl squirming under her girlfriend's touch. When Onpu pulls away to let Poppu breathe, the pinkette whines, "Onpu-chaaan! Let me go before you make me wet the bed!" Removing her hand from Poppu's crotch, Onpu sniffs her finger before sucking it clean before she replies, "But Poppu-chan is already wet... and I can tell it's Poppu-chan's peach juice and not her lemonade." the pinkette's face turning as pink as her hair at the older girl's teasing words. Taking advantage of her girlfriend's distraction, Onpu grabs Poppu by the knees, and prying the smaller girl's thighs apart, the idol hookes the pinkette's legs over her shoulders, Poppu's pink nightie falling around her shoulders as she's all but hung upside down by the older girl. "Please, Onpu-chan! Have mercy! I don't think I can hold it much longer!" cries the helpless girl as the idol sticks out her tongue and approaches the pinkette's pretty pussy. As Onpu's tongue thrusts into the tyke's tight, trembling, tinkle-tormented twatty, Poppu is overcome with intense pleasure, any further protests rendered incoherent by loud moaning and her legs wrapping tightly around the idol's neck, preventing Onpu from withdrawing from her girlfriend's sweet, succulent snatch even if she wanted to. As Onpu's talented tongue alternates between plundering the pinkette's pulsing, pink passage, laving the little lady's lovely labia, and caressing the cute child's kiddy clitty, Poppu's pleasure and desperation grow in tandem, the small girl driven nearly senseless under the idol's ministrations. But then Poppu feels a familiar coil tightening up in her lower tummy as her tinkle tank gives a tremendous throb, the warning managing to penetrate the fog surrounding her mind as she cries out, "Onpu-chan! If...if you don't stop...I...I'm realy going to pee!" Doing her best to talk and lick at the same time, Onpu replies, "It's okay, Poppu-chan, let it all out!" and before the pinkette can muster another protest, the purple-haired girl has sent her over the edge, Poppu's mind going blank as an orgasm washes over her, the pleasure so intense she doesn't notice as her bladder gives out. At the first taste of the tang of tinkle on her tongue, Onpu pulls away from Poppu's crotch, the smaller girl's legs now like jelly as the idol admires her handiwork, or rather tonguework as her blissed out little angel's golden fountain erupts forth, spraying both girls and soaking both of their nighties and the sheets beneath them. When Poppu is finally empty, Onpu comments, "Oh my, look at the mess you made, Poppu-chan! I think a shower is in order." before scooping up the smaller girl and holding her similarly to how she would hold Hana to burp the baby witch, the pinkette barely having enough awareness to wrap her arms around Onpu's neck and her legs around the idol's midriff. Upon reaching the bathroom, Onpu shows off the balance and poise vital to her dance routines by managing to strip both girls of their soaked nighties without putting her girl friend down, dumping them in the sink and running cold water to dilute the pinkette's pee. Still holding the smaller girl to her chest, Onpu starts the shower and steps in, immediately pinning Poppu to the wall and devouring the younger girl's lips in another kiss. But Onpu doesn't settle for merely making out under the hot spray, closing her eyes in a silent request for Poppu to do the same as she grabs a bottle of shampoo and starts washing the smaller girl's fluffy lockes, the scent of cotton candy filling the confined space as the idol massages her girlfriend's scalp. Done with the pinkette's hair, Onpu grabs some body wash and proceeds to use it like massage oil to slick up her little angel from head to toe before aiming for Poppu's pussy and sliding a soapy finger inside. After a minute or so of fingering her girlfriend under pretense of cleaning her cunny, Onpu turns Poppu around in her arms, looping one arm under the little lady's thighs as her now free hand reaches up to remove the shower head from it's mount, the pinkette humming contentedly as Onpu rinses her off. But of course, humming turns to moaning as Onpu turns the shower head on Poppu's pussy, taking full advantage of the thumb knob on the handle to cycle through the sprayer's many settings, and having already been worked up by Onpu's finger, it isn't long before Poppu is driven to climax once more. When Onpu finally sits Poppu down on shakey legs, the Pinkette immediately turns around, drops to her knees, and wrapping an arm around each of the taller girl's thighs, buries her face in Onpu's feminine folds, hellbent on repaying the older girl for the pair of earth shattering orgasms she's recieved so far that morning. Though not nearly as skilled with her tongue as the idol, Poppu makes up for it with raw enthusiasm and before long, Onpu is bracing her arms against the walls of the shower to avoid collapsing to the floor as she cries out words of encouragement, "YES! Do it Poppu-chan! Eat my cunny! Eat it like it's the most delicious pudding!" The little girl eager to please. As Onpu grows more incoherent and her thighs tremble even more, Poppu can tell her girlfriend is close to her own climax, and recalling that Onpu didn't use the toilet before they got in the shower, the Pinkette can predict what will happen when Onpu reaches that crescendo of feminine pleasure. And so, just as Poppu makes Onpu tilt over the edge, the Pinkette jumps back, just barely avoiding a golden shower as Onpu's own bladder releases it's nightly cargo, the purple haired girl's pee arching straight for the drain before her knees give out, leaving the idol kneeling over the drain as she finishes riding out her orgasm and emptying her piddle pot. As the idol's afterglow fades, Poppu returns the favor from earlier, helping to wash the taller girl before the pair climb out of the shower and each wrap themselves in fluffy towels. Scooping up her little angel, Onpu comments, "It's the weekend and I don't have idol work today, what do you say that after we get dressed, we enjoy a breakfast of crepes and pudding and then head to the amusement park for a date?" "Sounds great!" replies Poppu before the pair share a loving smile.