Naive Blonde, Precocious Blonde by Imouto Kitten Makihatayama Hana wandered the foot paths of Misora in a daze, the toddler turned preteen's thoughts swimming with images of the scene she had walked in on earlier that day. She had had cleaning duty with Doremi-mama for Class 6-1 and Onpu-mama had been on cleaning duty for class 6-2, but the two had vanished while Hana-chan had been busy sweeping, only for the young witch to find the pair of witch apprentices in a rather compromising position when she had gone to put the broom away. Hana-chan hadn't understood what they were doing, but they had seemed to be having fun, but when Hana-chan asked to join, they had gotten all red-faced, told Hana-chan to leave them alone and all but slammed the door to the broom closet in Hana-chan's face. And despite the rather rude dismissal from two of her mamas, remembering what little she had seen of their display left the young blonde feeling warm all over and with a tingle in her tinkle that seemingly had nothing to do with needing to pee. Despite her distracted state of mind, Hana-chan's feet still brought her home to the MAHO-Dou, and spotting the accessory shop, the little witch muses aloud, "Maybe one of Hana-chan's other Mamas can explain what Doremi-mama and Onpu-mama were doing to Hana-chan." A course of action decided, the toddler turned preteen rushes into the shop and to the main work room where the loom and other equipment used to make their wares are kept, the only one already there being her fellow blonde. "[Hello], Hana-chan!" calls Momoko, slipping into English briefly during the greeting, "Hazuki-chan had violin practice and Ai-chan had track practice, so they won't be joining us, but where are Doremi-chan and Onpu-chan?" "Hana-chan was actually hoping Momo-mama could help explain something about Doremi-mama and Onpu-mama to Hana-chan." comments the younger blonde, taking a seat accross from Momoko at the room's main work table. "What's that?" asks the older blonde, curious about what has her adoptive daughter so puzzled. "well," starts the white witch, "Hana-chan, Doremi-Mama, and Onpu-Mama had cleaning duty today, and when Hana-chan went to put the broom away, Hana-chan found Doremi-mama and Onpu-mama doing something in the closet, but when Hana-chan asked what they were doing, they got annoyed and sent Hana-chan away." The older blonde's eyes widen at what the younger is implying. At least, the japanese-American can only think of one thing two girls alone in a broom closet could be doing that would warrant that kind of response to being discovered, not to mention that the green-eyed girl had no idea her redheaded and purple-haired friends swung that way, much less that they felt that way for each other. And yet, Momoko felt like she had to be sure the younger blonde hadn't witnessed something completely different and in her naivete was misrepresenting what she saw. "Mind showing me what they were doing?" Asks Momoko. "Sure!" cries Hana, taking the request literally as she jumps up from her seat, pulls her fellow blonde to her feet, and pushes the green-eyed girl against the wall, Momoko too surprised to do anything but go with the flow. Placing her hands on Momoko's shoulders, the younger blonde explains, "Onpu-mama had Doremi-mama pinned like this to the wall." removing her hands from the other blonde's shoulders, the twin-tailed girl moves the green-eyed girl's hands as she adds, "Oh, and Doremi-mama had one arm around Onpu-mama's waist, squeezing Onpu-mama's butt and her other hand on the back of Onpu-mama's head, so Hana-chan is sure Doremi-mama was okay with being pinned to the wall." As Hana's hands return to Momoko's shoulders, the older blonde can't help gently squeezing the younger's buttock through the thin denim of those almost scandalously short shorts as Hana continues, "And Onpu-mama had a knee between Doremi-mama's thighs and vice-versa. Realizing that such an intimate embrace could only mean that her original conclusion was true, that the child idol and their clumsy, unofficial leader were in a forbidden romance and their adoptive daughter had walked in on them making out in a broom closet. But before Momoko can declare Hana has shown her enough, the younger blonde does something that sends all rational thought rushing from Momoko's mind, the pretend preteen declaring, "And Onpu-mama had her mouth on Doremi-mama's." right before wrapping her open lips around Momoko's closed lips. Despite the younger girl clearly having no idea what she's doing or even knowing what a kiss is, Momoko can't help a shudder of excitement coursing through her body as the other girl's lips meet hers. Forgetting that the other blonde is really almost a decade younger than herself, Momoko tightens her embrace, not just resting a hand on the back of Hana's head, but actually holding the younger girl in place as Momoko takes advantage of the white witch's open mouth to deepen the kiss, the older girl's tongue leading the younger's in a forbidden dance. At the same time, the hand on Hana's rear pulls their hips closer together, Momoko's skirt riding up until the green-eyed girl's panty clad girlhood is pressed firmly against Hana's warm thigh, Momoko's own thigh pressing against the denim covering the toddler turned preteen's own flower. Though having no clue about the sensations flooding her senses, Hana puts up no resistence as she melts into the older blonde's embrace, assuming this is just part of whatever game her other mamas were playing and deciding she quite enjoys it despite not knowing what it's called or how to play. When the two blondes finally pull apart to breathe, the younger exclaims, "Wow, Momo-Mama! That was incredible! Hana-chan has never felt something so amazing, not even when casting magic!" Riding a natural high herself, Momoko replies, "[I didn't think kissing a girl would be so exciting!]" momentarily forgetting to even try speaking in Japanese. "Huh?" replies Hana, "What did Momo-mama just say?" "I was just agreeing that it was an amazing kiss." says Momoko before getting a seductive smile and asking, "Would Hana-chan like to go upstairs and try something better than kissing?" "Better than what Hana-chan and Momo-Mama were just doing?" asks the younger girl before pulling away and grabbing Momoko by the wrist, the toddler turned preteen practically dragging the older girl as she dashes for her bedroom. "Slow down, Hana-chan! No running indoors!" cries the green-eyed girl, temporarily falling back into her role as the nominal adult of the pair. "Sorry, Momo-mama." replies Hana with a blush, releasing Momoko's wrist as the pair climb the MAHO-Dou's stairs. Entering Hana's bedroom, Momoko locks the door and declares, "We should strip to our underwear." as she pulls her suspenders off her shoulders to let her skirt pool around her socked feet and pulls her shirt over her head, revealing a matching set of panties and training bra, white with orange trim. "Okay, Momo-mama!" cries the younger blonde, not even questioning the request as she stripps out of her white shirt and denim shorts, leaving her in nothing but a pair of plain, white panties. "Hana-chan looks so cute in only her undies." comments Momoko as she pads over in her black socks, pushing Hana on to her bed and straddling her waist before resuming their tongue tango. Realizing the reversal of positions even with the change of orientation, Hana wraps her arms around Momoko, one hand slipping through a hair ring to rest on the back of the older girl's head as the other hand trails down to cup the patissiere's perky posterior. As the nearly naked duo make out, they can feel each other's body heating up thanks to the skin-to-skin contact, Hana's pebble-hard nippples digging into Momoko's flesh, her thin training bra the only thing preventing the older girl's from doing the same. When Momoko breaks the kiss to launch an oral assault on Hana's neck, the younger blonde's moans are loud enough to be heard throughout the MAHO-Dou, and if the pair weren't so lost in their activities, they would be greatful Majorika and Lala took a trip to the Majokai hot springs. Eventually, Hana manages to find her voice to cry out, "Momo-mama! Hana-chan feels all strange!" Pulling her lips away from Hana's tender flesh, a cherry red mark left in her wake, Momoko replies, "Oh really? Where does Hana-chan feel strange?" "Hana-chan...Hana-chan's chest bumps are all tingly and-" Before the younger girl can finish her sentence, Momoko has latched on to one of the brown-eyed girl's nipples, the white witch gasping from the new sensations as the green-eyed girl alternates between sucking hard on the fleshy pebble and lightly nibbling on the tiny nub. As the older blonde works the younger blonde's nipple, she also shifts so she's more lying next to instead atop the younger girl, one arm snaking around Hana's back to caress, massage, and pinch the toddler turned preteen's other nipple while the yellow apprentice's legs hug one of Hana's thighs to the green-eyed girl's pantied pussy. "Ah! Yes! Momo-mama!" cries out the young girl,nearly senseless under Momoko's ministrations, "Don't Stop playing with Hana-chan's chest." Rubbing her own thighs together, Hana remembers what she was about to say prior to having her nipples assaulted, her voice going from pleasured moans to a needy whine, "but...but Hana-chan also feels strange...down there." Talking around a mouthful of nipple, Momoko replies, "Down there?" as the hand not playing with Hana's other nipple trails down the pretend preteen's trim tummy to rest over the younger girl's own panty-clad girlhood. "Do you mean here?" With that, Momoko starts to vigorously rub Hana through her plain white and rapidly dampening panties. Letting out her loudest moan yet and spreading her legs to allow Momoko better access, Hana replies, "YES! Please, Momo-mama! Please keep rubbing Hana-chan there! Momo-mama make Hana-chan feel really, really good!" Continuing to play with Hana's nipples, Momoko slides her hand inside the brown-eyed girl's now soaked undies, the toddler turned preteen arching her back as the green-eyed girl slides a dainty finger in Hana's virgin girlhood. After several minutes under the older blonde's ministrations, Hana feels something familiar yet foreign building in her belly, the white witch crying out, "Momo-mama! Hana-chan feel weird... it feel like Hana-chan gotta pee, yet different at the same time!" Talking around a mouthful of budding breast, Momoko replies, "It's okay, Hana-chan, just let it all out." before redoubling her efforts. Squirming and thrashing in Momoko's embrace almost as if having a seizure, Hana cries out, "No, Hana-chan gonna pee, Hana-chan gonna pee, Hana-chan gonna PEE!" But Hana's cries fall on deaf ears, or rather, they only encourage Momoko, the older blonde sure the younger is just unfamiliar with the sensation of approaching climax... and then Momoko delivers the coup de grace, locating Hana's clit and giving the tiny, super sensitive bundle of nerves a pinch between thumb and forefinger, Hana screaming at the top of her young lungs as her very first orgasm rips through her, her every muscle spasming and, much to Momoko's surprise, the brown-eyed girl's bladder giving out, the white witch peeing uncontrollably as she basks in afterglow, soaking Momoko's hand, Hana's panties, and the bedsheets in liquid gold. When Hana recovers from the experience, Momoko pulls her hand from Hana's twice soaked undies, licking her fingers of the younger blonde's mingled pee and pussy juice as she comments, "[Wow, Hana-chan really did pee.]" "Huh? What Momo-mama saying?" replies the younger girl as she catches her breath, dazed from what she just experienced and confused by the older girl's lapse into English. "I was just surprised Hana-chan actually peed." replies Momoko, giving her charge a bright smile. Trying to sound indignant, but still too spent to really manage it, Hana retorts, "Hana-chan said Hana-chan was gonna pee." "And I'm sorry for not believing you." replies Momoko before her smile turns mischievious and she adds, "How about I lick Hana-chan clean." "Huh? But Hana-chan is all yucky down there." replies the toddler in preteen flesh, tilting her head to the side in confusion. "Not really," replies Momoko, "Besides, I hear it feels even better for a girl to be licked down there than to have someone rub them." "Really?" replies Hana, warming to the idea, "How could anything feel better than how Momo-mama was making Hana-chan feel just now?" Rising to a kneeling position, Momoko drops her own panties before straddling Hana's head and dropping to all fours. As she peels off Hana's now mostly yellow panties, the green-eyed girl replies, "Just lay back and see... and feel free to follow my lead if Hana-chan likes it." and before the younger girl can say another word, Momoko has reached around Hana's thighs to spread her folds and buried her tongue in Hana's depths, the older girl inhaling deeply of the white witch's scent. All doubts and all other thoughts for that matter are driven from Hana's mind as she feels a tongue lapping away at her intimate folds for the first time, a pleasure second only to the crescendo of her climax spreading from her core to the furthest reaches of her petite frame, the brown-eyed girl reflexively closing her thighs around Momoko's neck and crossing her legs behind the green-eyed girl's shoulders as her eyes flutter shut and loud moans escape the toddler turned preteen's throat. As the initial shock of how good it feels to have Momoko lick her pussy passes and Hana can manage to find her voice, the white witch exclaims, "Momo-mama's tongue feels amazing!" and catching a whiff of the older girl's own growing arousal, Hana opens her eyes to find Momoko's glistening girlhood hovering mere inches from her face. Finding the scent of the older blonde's arousal alluring and wanting to repay Momoko for the wonderful sensations coursing through her, Hana places her hands on the preteen patissiere's perky posterior, and lifting her head, the aged up toddler buries her nose in the green-eyed girl's pussy, inhaling deeply, and finding the scent even more inticing up close, sticks out her tongue to give Momoko's peach a tentative lick. This causes Momoko to moan into Hana's flower, and finding both the taste and the reaction pleasant, Hana is soon lapping away at the older girl's folds, doing her best to replicate the yellow apprentice's ministrations. Soon, both girls are working together for their mutual pleasure, both guzzling down as much of the other's girl juice as possible, their moans filling the room despite both of them being muffled by their partner's crotch. Despite her best efforts to make Momoko feel as good as Hana had when she had lost control of her bladder from pleasure, Momoko's head start and greater experience has Hana pulling her mouth away from her fellow blonde's treasure to cry out, "Momo-mama, Hana-chan feels like Hana-chan felt shortly before Momo-mama made Hana-chan pee!" an announcement that has Momoko redoubling her efforts, making the younger blonde squirm beneath her. As Hana's second orgasm wracks her slender body, she buries her mouth against Momoko's pussy, the toddler's scream of ecstasy enough to send the green-eyed girl over the edge as well, her own pleasured cries prolonging Hana's climax as both girls drench the other's face in their juices. As the tremors from their respective orgasms give way to afterglow, Hana's head falls back against her pillow and Momoko collapses atop the younger girl, both girls panting heavily from the experience. When she finally catches her breath, Hana exclaims, "That was amazing Momo-mama!! And Momo-mama tasted almost as good as pudding!" "Hana-chan's cunny was quite yummy as well, and Hana-chan is a rather quick study!" replies Momoko, Pushing herself up to her hands and knees as she turns around to face the younger blonde. "Is there any other fun things we can do playing with each other's peepee?" Momoko laughs at how innocently Hana asks the question before tapping a finger against her chin to think about it. "Well, there are some things we'd need a boy for, but I do remember seeing one thing in a manga I don't think Mama and Papa meant to leave where I could see it." Standing up, Momoko transforms, willing the body of her apprentice uniform not to materialize, "Pretty Witchy, Momoko-chi!" before summoning her poron and casting, "Perutan Pepton Paralila Pon! Double dildo appear!" In a spray of musical notes, a foot long, inch thick piece of rubber materializes in Momoko's gloved hand, both ends shaped like a human penis and a slight bulge at it's center. Propping herself on her elbows and tilting her head in confusion at the odd-looking toy, Hana asks, "What's that for, Momo-mama?" "It's called a dildo." replies the older blonde before explaining further at the continued look of confusion on Hana's face, "Instead of a hole between their legs, boys have a fleshy rod that sticks out when they need to pee. It's suppose to feel amazing when a boy stuffs his rod in a girl's hole." "But we don't have any boys here." replies Hana, the expression of confusion giving way to disappointment. Waggling the dildo at Hana, Momoko replies, "That's where this comes in. Both ends are shaped like a boy's rod,, and we can stuff one end in me and the other end in Hana-chan. I've done it by my self with a shorter, single-ended dildo and really liked it, would Hana-chan like to try it?" "YES!" cries the younger girl, "Hana-chan would love to give it a try!" As Hana lies back and spreads her legs in anticipation, Momoko giggles at the younger blonde's enthusiasm as she reaches down to part her nether lips with one hand and gently slides one end of the dildo within her depths, stopping as the central bulge nestles against the older girl's folds. Crawling atop Hana, Momoko lines the opposite tip of the toy up with the younger girl's opening before remembering something, "Hana-chan, it hurt a bit when I used a dildo for the first time... I'll try to be gentle, but sorry if it hurts at first." "That's fine, Hana-chan trusts Momo-mama!" exclaims the pseudo preteen. Reassured, Momoko leans over Hana, looping an arm under each of the younger girl's knees before capturing the white witch's lips in a kiss as the yellow apprentice slowly pushes the dildo into Hana's pussy, swallowing any cries of pain and wiping away any tears shed from those brown eyes. Once the toy is fully seated within both girls, only the central bulge peaking out from beteween their perky posteriors, Momoko waits a minute or two before breaking the kiss and asking, "Is Hana-chan okay? Can I start moving?" "Hana-chan is still a bit sore down there, but most of the pain has passed." replies Hana, "Does it start feeling good when Momo-mama moves?" In stead of answering, Momoko lifts up, the dildo's middle half sliding out of both girls and opening a gap between them so Hana can see how the toy connects them before dropping back down, drawing a moan from Hana's throat as the toy goes cervix deep within both girls once more. Momoko repeats this motion about half a dozen times before Hana cries out, "Momo-mama, please go faster! Hana-chan want it faster!" Smiling down at the younger girl, Momoko lets go of Hana's legs before crashing her lips upon the toddler turned preteen's lips, the two girls embracing each other as Momoko starts thrusting with abandon. The two blondes swallow each other's cries of pleasure and before long, Hana has wrapped her legs around the older blonde to provide leverage to buck her own hips in time with Momoko's thrusts. Their commingled juices quickly drench the dildo, making it slide easily between their lips, though Momoko occasionally tenses up so she can force more than half of the toy's length into Hana's gushing girlhood. Feeling herself nearing climax and sensing that Hana is growing close as well, Momoko sits up, and using all of her weight to force the dildo as deep as possible, their pussies fully kissing around the toy's central bulge, the older blonde grinds her clit against the younger blonde's as she exclaims in English, "[Come on, Hana-chan, let's cum together!]" Soon after, both girls hit their strongest orgasms yet, both of them arching their backs as their mixed juices gush forth in such volume that they would've drenched the bed as thoroughly as Hana's earlier accident had if the sheets had been dry. Eventually, Momoko collapses upon Hana, neither girl feeling up to removing the toy as they pant heavily, both their bodies occasionally twitching with aftershocks from their shared climax. Momoko is the first to recover enough to speak, asking, "Did you enjoy that, Hana-chan?" "That...was...better...than...casting...the...strongest...magic!" pants Hana, a megawatt smile on her flushed and sweaty face. Letting out a yawn, the much younger than she looks child comments, "But Hana-chan is getting sleepy now." Letting out a yawn of her own, Momoko replies, "Yeah, that really wore me out." "Ah, but Hana-chan's bed is all yucky." whines Hana, too tired to move. Forcing herself to a sitting position, Momoko replies, "I think I can take care of that." before casting, "Perutan Pepton Paralila Pon! Clean us up and wrap us up!" As the magic does it's job, the remnants of pee, sweat, and girl juice vanish and Hana's blanket is pulled out from under the couple, rolling them so Hana lands straddling Momoko, the pair letting out one last moan as this jostles the dildo still connecting their girlhoods. As the blanket covers them, Hana declares, "Hana-chan would like a turn on top, but Hana-chan need a nap first." before letting out another Yawn and snuggling against Momoko's chest, mumbling, "Nighty night, Momo-mama." Letting out a yawn of her own, Momoko wraps her arms around the younger girl and kisses Hana's forehead before whispering, "Good night, Hana-chan." before laying her head on Hana's pillow as sleep claims both blondes.