Content Warnings specific to this story: Loli, Yuri, Toys, Deflowering, Love bites, brief mention of blood, mention of spanking. Author's Notes: The title is a reference both to that old pick-up line and the fact that the two featured girls both have Musical puns for names. At present, this is only intended as a one-shot, but that could always change if I get the right inspiration. Beautiful Music by Imouto Kitten Onpu Segawa was on cloud nine, as not even Magical Stage could've created better circumstances for what she had planned for tonight. Papa was currently assigned to driving a long-distance sleeper train and Mama was working late at the talent agency. While this would normally lead to a lonely night for the child idol, she had invited Doremi Harukaze over to keep her company. To top things off, Onpu had avoided work today and was brimming with energy for the events to come. Onpu cooked steak for the two of them, knowing it to be the odango-headed girl's favorite, and while her culinary skills weren't quite on par with Aiko Senoo or Momoko Asuka, one who fell into the role of homemaker following her parent's divorce, the other an aspiring patissiere, Doremi seemed quite pleased with the purple-haired girl's cooking. Onpu was now leading Doremi to her bedroom where she would put the main phase of her plan into motion. As the redhead follows her into her bedroom, Onpu strikes, slamming the door, the lock clicking in place and pinning Doremi against it. Doremi opens her mouth to speak, but before she can form words, the purple-haired girl's lips are against hers and Onpu's tongue is exploring the redhead's mouth. Doremi's eyes go wide at Onpu's bold actions, but as the initial shock wears off, the redhead leans into the kiss as her eyelids slide close and their tongues start dancing around each other. After what seems like an eternity, their lips finally part as the need to breathe reasserts itself. Through panting breaths, Onpu exclaims, "Doremi-chan, I love you!" Heart thumping, Doremi thinks to herself, 'I must be dreaming.' Inhaling deeply to try and get her breathing and heartrate under control, the odango-headed girl replies, "Bu-But we're both girls! What if the paparazzi found out?" Tears welling up in her eyes, Onpu brings a clenched fist to her chest before speaking, "I don't care about that... I don't care if such a relationship destroys my career." Throwing her arms around Doremi and burying her face in the redhead's shoulder, she continues, "I just want Doremi-chan to love me and comfort me. Besides, fans who can't accept me for who I choose to love are fans I don't need." Doremi thinks to herself, 'if this is a dream, I don't want to wake up.' before wrapping her arms around the sobbing idol. Gently rubbing the crying girl's back, Doremi speaks softly, "I love you too, Onpu-chan." Looking up with watery eyes, Onpu replies, "Do... Do you really mean that?" Wiping away some of the idol's tears, Doremi answers, "Yes, do you think I'd say that if I didn't mean it? To illustrate her sincerity, Doremi places a chaste kiss on Onpu's forehead. Calming down, the purple-haired girl asks, "Then why did you bring up the paparazzi?" Tightening her embrace, Doremi replies, "I've felt this way for a long time, and I've wanted to tell you for months, but I was afraid you'd either reject me outright or would value your career as an idol too highly to risk it on dating another girl." No longer crying, Onpu flashes Doremi a brief smile before saying, "Let me show you how far I'm willing to go for your love." As she breaks the embrace, Onpu unzips Doremi's vest and slides it off the redhead's shoulders, letting the garment hit the floor before grabbing Doremi's hand and leading her to the idol's bed. Once Doremi is sitting on Onpu's bed, the idol grabs the sleeves of the redhead's pink top and quickly removes it before tossing the shirt to the floor. Turning red with embarrassment and trying to cover her budding breasts, Doremi is too distracted to put up a fight as Onpu pushes the redhead onto her back and quickly undoes the fly of Doremi's shorts before sending them to join the odango-headed girl's vest and t-shirt, leaving doremi in nothing but her pastel pink panties and duller colored stockings. Onpu makes similar quick work of removing her own clothes until she's in nothing but a pair of lavendar-colored panties. Upon seeing that Doremi has one arm accross her chest to conceal her nipples while her other hand blocks view of her cotton clad cunny, Onpu scolds playfully, "No need to be embarrassed. Besides, I've got less clothes on than you at this point." Grabbing Doremi's wrists, Onpu pulls the redhead's arms away from her torso to get a good look at the odango-headed girl before exclaiming, "Doremi-chan is beautiful!" Speaking for the first time since Onpu began undressing her, Doremi replies, "Cer-certaintly not as beautiful as Onpu-chan." Onpu crawls on top of Doremi, positioning her legs so that both girls have their left leg between the other's legs. Leaning down, Onpu whispers in the redhead's ear, "You don't need to flatter me." Before Doremi can utter a response, Onpu's hand finds the back of the odango-headed girl's head, and the purple-haired girl's lips have captured the redhead's in another passionate kiss. As their tongues wresle, Onpu's free hand creeps down to Doremi's panties. Upon reaching their destination, Onpu's fingers begin tracing the outline of Doremi's folds through the pastel pink panties as the purple-haired girl grinds her own cotton covered crotch against Doremi's thigh. Unacustomed to the sensations assaulting her senses, Doremi begins to thrash in an attempt to get away from Onpu's teasing digits, moaning loudly into the idol's mouth in the process. However, with her being pinned under the purple-haired girl, all Doremi accomplishes is increasing friction between the redhead's thigh and Onpu's pussy as the idol continues her assault on the redhead's core. After a minute or two, Onpu breaks the kiss and shifts position, lowering her mouth to Doremi's neck and wrapping an arm around the redhead's upper torso. Positioning her lower body entierly between Doremi's legs, the idol snakes a hand under the odango-headed girl's thigh to continue playing with the redhead's pussy and she begins sucking on Doremi's neck. In-between loud moans, Doremi yells, "On-Onpu-chan, I...I'm going to go crazy!", but despite her protests, the redhead finds herself wrapping her limbs around Onpu as the idol continues to administer pleasant torture. When Onpu senses that Doremi is right on the edge, she halts in her masturbation of the redhead's pussy, leaving behind a very obvious damp spot on the odango-headed girl's panties. Catching her breath, Doremi asks, "Why did you stop?" Pulling away from Doremi's neck, a very prominent mark left where she was sucking, Onpu replies, "I didn't want you cumming too soon." With that, Onpu begins trailing kisses down Doremi's chest and stomach, giving each of the redhead's nipples a quick lick along the way. When she reaches the waistband of Doremi's panties, Onpu hooks her fingers under the fabric at the redhead's hips and pulls the garment down, lifting the odango-headed girl's rear off the bed in the process. Leaving Doremi's panties bunched up around the redhead's knees, Onpu pushes Doremi's stocking clad legs upward, folding the odango-headed girl in half at the waist with her butt in the air. With Doremi's girlhood now fully exposed and glistening with arousal, Onpu wastes no time and buries her face in the redhead's crotch, her tongue greedily lapping away at Doremi's juices. "OH GOD! Onpu-chan's tongue feels so good!" exclaims Doremi as pleasure washes over her. Pausing in her licking, Onpu replies, "I'm glad you like it because Doremi-chan's juices are delicious!" As the idol continues to probe her lover's sex with her tongue, driving the muscle as deeply into Doremi's passage as it'll reach, even licking the redhead's hymen in the process, Onpu pinches Doremi's clit between her thumb and forefinger, sending even stronger waves of pleasure coursing through the odango-headed girl's body. As Onpu continues to eat out Doremi's cunny, it isn't long before the idol's own arousal becomes too much to ignore. Pulling her face away from Doremi's crotch, Onpu gets on all fours and positions her own crotch above Doremi's face. As Onpu reaches back to pull down her lavendar panties, Giving Doremi a good look at the ass and pussy that many a horny fanboy would give their left nut to see, she pleads in a needy tone, "Doremi-chan, I want you... no, I need you to lick my pussy as well." As Onpu lowers her dripping wet cunny towards Doremi's face, she also lowers her own face back towards Doremi's cunny. Grabbing their lover's buttocks, both girls plunge their tongues into the other's pussy at the same time. As they continue to eat each other out, occasionally switching between licking the other's slit, plunging their tongue into the other girl's passage, and sucking on the other's clitty, both girls are moaning loudly, the vibrations of their vocalizations adding to their lover's pleasure. It isn't long before the two girls bring each other to orgasm, their respective releases coating the other's face. As they tremble in orgasm, Onpu collapses on top of Doremi. As their shared climax subsides, Onpu turns around and they take turns licking their juices from each other's faces before kissing again, the taste of both their juices mixing as their tongues intertwine. After a minute or so, Onpu breaks the kiss and stands to remove her soiled and tangled panties. Doremi soon follows suit, also removing the hairbands holding her dishevelled odango in place, her vibrant, red locks cascading to her butt. As Doremi makes to remove her stockings, her only remaining article of clothing, Onpu stops her, "No! keep the stockings on. I think you look sexy in nothing but those stockings, and you look even more beautiful with your hair down." Blushing at the complement, Doremi replies, "Th-thank you." Scolding playfully, Onpu says, "Didn't I tell you there was no need to be embarrassed?" The idol nudges Doremi into sitting back down on the bed before adding, "Now, I've got another surprise for you. Just sit there while I get it." As Onpu turns around and walks to her dresser, Doremi can't help staring at the idol's perfectly round ass. When Onpu reaches the dresser, she pulls out the top drawer and removes an item that Doremi cannot see, but from Doremi's perspective, it looks like Onpu is putting on a thong, straps of thin, black material sliding between the idol's buttocks and coming to rest on the purple-haired girl's lower back where the waistband of her panties would be. Finished making adjustments to her newly donned accessory, Onpu pushes the drawer back in before turning around slowly to reveal that, instead of a thong, Onpu is now wearing a strap-on. The black, rubber phallus measures roughly 5 inches in length and an inch in diameter, and remains pointed directly at Doremi as Onpu walks back to the bed despite the seductive sway of the idol's hips as she walks. Standing in front of Doremi, positioned perfectly to make the redhead lean over and fellate the fake penis, Onpu asks, "Do you like it?" Her tone betraying her nervousness, Doremi asks, " you plan to fuck me with that?" Onpu replies, "I won't force you, but I was hoping you'd let me pop your cherry and try to give you a g-spot orgasm. Of course,, if you want to, I wouldn't mind letting you pop my cherry first." After mulling over the idea for several seconds, Doremi lays down, her red mane fanning out beneath her. Holding her hands next to her shoulders and spreading her legs, Doremi answers, "I'd be honored to let Onpu-chan pop my cherry." Leaning over Doremi and positioning the tip of the strap-on at the redhead's entrance, Onpu says reassuringly, "I'll be gentle." Before pressing into Doremi's passage. When the phallus meats resistence in the form of Doremi's hymen, instead of forcing her way through the redhead's virgin barrier, Onpu pulls back and makes several shallow thrusts, each pressing slightly harder against the barrier, trying to gently stretch it. While Onpu's actions aren't exactly uncomfortable for the redhead, Doremi is impatient to be filled and wrapping her legs around the Idol's waist, she forces the purple-haired girl's hips forward. As the phallus pierces her hymen and comes to rest against her cervix, tears well up in Doremi's eyes and she reflexively bites her lip to avoid screaming in pain. Onpu wraps the redhead in a comforting embrace before saying soothingly, "It's okay, you're past the worst part." After a few minutes of quiet crying as she's held by her lover, Doremi says softly, "You can start moving." Wiping a tear from Doremi's cheek, Onpu responds, "I'll start slowly. Please let me know if it starts hurting again." At Doremi's nod, the idol begins to slowly pull her hips back until the strap-on has nearly left the redhead's passage altogether before slowly pushing back in. Onpu sets a rather sedate pace, not wanting to cause the redhead any more pain and recieving several soft moans for her efforts. As the pain of her torn hymen subsides, relaxed away by Onpu's gentle thrusts, Doremi whispers into the idol's ear, "Faster. Please do it faster." Giving Doremi a smile, Onpu begins to pick up the pace. As Onpu continues to slide the strap-on in and out of Doremi's slick passage, she lays on top of the redhead in such a way that their nipples rub against each other as the two engage in another kiss. When the two girls come up for air, Onpu asks, "Are you ready for me to kick it into high gear?" At Doremi's nod, the idol unwraps the redhead's legs from around her waist, and holding them under the knee begins to pound the other girl's pussy relentlessly. As she does so, Onpu does her best to angle every thrust to hit Doremi's G-spot before bottoming out against the redhead's cervix. This treatment has Doremi moaning loudly and shouting things such as, "YES! Pound my pussy!", "Fuck me harder, faster!", and "Make me cum!" All of which only encourage the purple-haired girl to continue her assault. It isn't much longer before Doremi is screaming in orgasm, but instead of seating the strap-on within the redhead's convulsing passage, Onpu continues her powerful thrusts at the same blistering pace. This soon triggers a second orgasm in the redhead and then a third, followed by Doremi losing count as wave after wave of blindingly intense pleasure washes over her. When Doremi finally regains her senses, she finds Onpu lying on top of her, a strap-on buried deep in her own passage, and temporary amnesia regarding the last several minutes. When the idol flashes her a smile and asks, "Did you enjoy that?" their recent activity comes flooding back to the redhead's mind. Exhausted from the fucking she just recieved, Doremi replies weakly, "It was incredible." After several minutes of resting in a mutual embrace, Onpu sits up, the phallus sliding from Doremi's passage, and declares, "My turn to have my cherry popped!" Before the tired redhead can formulate a response, Onpu has unfastened the strap-on from her own crotch and started putting it in place around Doremi's pelvis, readjusting the straps to fit the redhead's slightly broader hips. Confident that the phallus is securely in place on it's new master, Onpu asks, "So, how does Doremi-chan want to go about popping my cherry?" Instead of answering the question, Doremi asks, "Shouldn't we wash it first?" Onpu replies, "Why? It's only been in Doremi-chan's pussy. Would you have a problem having something that went up my pussy going in yours?" "I guess not." Is Doremi's somewhat embarrassed reply. Smiling, Onpu asks again, "Now then, how does Doremi-chan want to pop my cherry?" Giving it a minute's thought, Doremi finally shifts position so she's lying on her back with her knees together and elevated before saying, "I want Onpu-chan to squat, using my thighs as a back rest, and slowly lower herself onto the strap-on." As the idol crawls back onto the bed and slowly stands, she replies, "I like it." Coming to stand with a foot to either side of Doremi's torso, Onpu commands, "Grab my ankles. I don't want my legs sliding out from under me." Once Doremi has a firm grip on her Ankles, the idol says, "I hope you enjoy the show." before placing her hands on her knees and slowly lowering her self to the phallus, all of her talent as a performer being channeled into the erotic display. As Onpu bends her knees to lower her pelvis, she also spreads her thighs as far apart as she can, giving Doremi a good view of the idol's girlhood as it approaches the strap-on. Once she's squatting mere centimeters above the phallus, Onpu starts leaning backwards until her butt and lower back are resting against Doremi's thighs. The idol uses the thumb and middle finger of one hand to spread her labia, her index finger rubbing her clitty, to expose her dripping wet core to Doremi's gaze. The purple-haired girl then uses her other hand to line-up the fake penis with her opening, the tip sliding inside her. As the phallus comes to rest against her hymen, Onpu holds still and says, "It's pressing against my cherry. One good thrust is all it would take to pop it." Onpu is a bit disappointed that Doremi seems too mesmerized to take the bait, thinking to herself, 'I was hoping she'd grab my hips and force me down.' but presses on regardless. Little-by-little, Onpu allows more of her wait to bear down on the phallus poking at her cherry, her smile turning to a grimace as her barrier starts to stretch pass the point of comfort. After what seems like an eternity for the purple-haired girl, the pressure becomes too great and her hymen gives way. The sudden lack of resistence causes her to fall, her clit slamming into Doremi's pubic bone as the idol's passage is filled completely. The mixture of pain and pleasure rips a scream from Onpu's throat and breaks the trance the idol's display had placed on the redhead. Sitting up and crossing her legs beneath the idol's rear, Doremi gathers Onpu into a hug and asks, "Are you okay, Onpu-chan?" Eyes glistening with unshed tears, Onpu replies, "I'm fine." Wrapping her arms around Doremi's neck and her legs around the redhead's waist, the idol whispers in her loveer's ear, "I want it hard and fast." Grabbing Onpu's butt, Doremi begins raising and lowering the purple-haired girl on the strap-on, the idol moaning loudly with each downward thrust. After a while, Doremi lays back down, freeing her legs to help her thrust her hips against the idol's slippery core. As the idol's moans grow louder, Onpu buries her face against Doremi's neck, latching onto and sucking at the same spot from earlier. Enjoying the suckling against her neck and having a perfect view of the creamy white skin of Onpu's neck, Doremi likewise latches onto her lover's neck and begins sucking. After several minutes, Doremi's thrusts bring Onpu to orgasm, the idol's passage convulsing around the artificial phallus. Instead of letting out a scream of pleasure as her body is rocked by a climax far greater than any she had while masturbating to fantasies of the redhead, Onpu bites down on Doremi's neck, drawing a small amount of blood in the process. Doremi winces at the pain, unintentionally sinking her own teeth into Onpu's flesh. When the idol stops trembling in orgasm, both girls pull away from the other's neck, instinctually licking away the small amount of blood from where they had pierced each other's skin. In unison, the two girls apologize, "Sorry for biting you." After a brief silence, Onpu adds, "I'm the one that should apologize since I bit first." Doremi replies, "It's fine. Besides, that's no excuse for me to bite back." Smiling, Onpu puts a more positive spin on the bites, "If nothing else, I guess these love bites can serve as evidence that we've marked each other as ours." As Onpu dismounts and unstraps the toy from Doremi's crotch, the redhead replies, "I guess you're right." Noticing a small amount of blood trickling from Doremi's girlhood and checking her own crotch to find evidence of the same, Onpu adds, "Besides, that wasn't the only blood we drew from the other tonight." Onpu wipes down the strap-on with some disinfecting wipes from a canister atop her dresser before returning it to its hiding spot. Turning back around, she reaches out for Doremi's hand and helps the redhead to her feet, saying, "What do you say we get cleaned up before going to bed?" The two gather up their strewn clothing and drop them in Onpu's hamper before heading to the bathroom, both of them still naked since neither of Onpu's parents will be home for hours to come. Although they shower together, each girl washing her lover's body, exhaustion from their activities keep their shower from getting steamy in the less literal meaning of the word, though they spend more time than is strickly necessary washing each other's nipples, pussies, and rearends. Once clean and dry, and Doremi has made an impressive display of restoring her signature odango,the two return to Onpu's bedroom where the idol has one last surprise for the redhead. Onpu pulls two hangers out of her closet, matching nighties hanging from them, both still having the tags attached. Handing a pink nightie to Doremi, Onpu proceeds to put on it's lavendar-colored twin. The garments are made of top quality silk and have an elegant style that looks sexy on the two preteens without looking slutty and are just long enough to protect the wearer's modesty provided they don't bend over. As Doremi bends over to retrieve a pair of panties from her overnight bag, giving the idol a good view of the redhead's ass, Onpu grabs Doremi's wrist, declaring, "NO! If I wanted you wearing panties with your gift, I would have bought us matching pairs to go with our matching nighties." Understanding Onpu's meaning, Doremi wraps the idol in a hug and says seductively, "I didn't know Onpu-chan was such a naughty girl, wanting to sleep pantyless with her new girlfriend." With that, Doremi delivers a playful smack to Onpu's butt before capturing the purple-haired girl's lips in another kiss. When they come up for air, Onpu replies, "Yes, Doremi-chan. I'm a very naughty girl. You should probably give me a proper spanking." Squeezing Onpu's butt through the fabric of the idol's nightie, Doremi replies, "Maybe after a good night's sleep. I'm much too tired right now to give my naughty girl of a lover the punishment she desires at the moment." Onpu whispers seductively into Doremi's ear, "I look forward to recieving my lover's punishment." Instead of rolling out the sleeping bag she brought with her, Doremi crawls into Onpu's bed with the idol, the young lovers lying in a mutual embrace, one arm around the other's neck, the other hand resting on the other's butt, their nighties the only thing separating their budding breasts and trim tummies. With their nighties bunched up around their waists, they position their legs so that their naked pussies are pressed firmly against the other's thigh. As the two lay there in such an intimate position, they drift off to sleep, their dreams filled with fantasies of the pleasures they will share together.