Content warnings specific to this chapter: Yuri between a young teen and an older teen, hints of homophobia, hints of penis envy. Author's Notes: Well, only one person voted in my poll for which Ojamajo I should pair with Hazuki, and that one vote was for Hazuki/Poppu yuri. Anyways, I managed to get it written with just a few hours to spare to meet my Valentine's deadline. Hope the one person who bothered to vote enjoys the result, and I hope the rest of my readers aren't too repulsed by me writing pure yuri. Note that this takes place during the time frame of the light novels and is after what I've read in fan translation, so my apologies if I contradict the source material beyond writing against canon pairings. Also, if I've done the math right, this story takes place on Hazuki's seventeenth birthday. Anyways, enough of my rambling, Happy Valentine's Day to my readers, Happy Femslash February to my readers, Happpy 25th Birthday to Hazuki, and on with the story. P.S. I'd like to write something to celebrate Hana's Sweet Sixteen next month, but can't think of anything. If anyone has any suggestions, I'd be happy to hear them. Be My Valentine, Senpai! by Imouto Kitten The final bell of the day had not long rang as Harukaze Poppu, seventh grader at Karen Girls' Academy, ran accross the school's courtyard, snow crunching under her feet, as she made a mad dash to the building that housed the upper grades in hopes of catching a certain brunette befor she left for home. What the pinkette had planned could land her in a lot of trouble; even giving Valentine's chocolate to a boy or being found to have a boyfriend was enough for one of the academy's girls to recieve a lengthy lecture on chastity from the sisters and a number of demerits. The fact her target was another girl, and one of her fellow academy students might be grounds for expulsion on charges of depravity and trying to corrupt another student, and could land both her and the object of her affections in hot water if her feelings were returned, but Poppu couldn't deny her feelings, and she couldn't hide them from the one she loved any longer. Poppu had fallen for her sister's best friend, and while she suspected Hazuki's heart belonged to Yada Masaru, she was determined to let the older girl know how she felt. As she enters the building through a door that opens on to the eleventh grade hallway, Poppu catches sight of a orange hairbow in the sea of brown uniforms. Running up to the owner of the vibrant hair accessory, Poppu shouts, making use of the formal address the academy students are expected to use when addressing an upperclasswoman, "Wait-up, Fujiwara-senpai!" Stopping at hearing her name, Hazuki turns around and asks the panting pinkette as she approaches, "Did you need something, Poppu-chan?" After catching her breath and getting her heartrate mostly under control, Poppu asks, "Fujiwara-senpai, would you mind helping me with my math homework this evening?" Poppu wanted to throw herself at the older girl, but knew she had to wait until they were alone to make any kind of move, and asking for homework help seemed like the perfect excuse to be alone with her crush. "Sure, " replies Hazuki, "Rika-san gave me the afternoon off since it's my birthday. If you want, you could walk home with me and we can get started right away." "Sounds good!" exclaims the younger girl, "Just let me let my mother know I'll be late getting home." As Poppu pulls out her cellphone to make a quick call home, Hazuki can't help but admire the refined beauty of her best friend's little sister. Secretly, the older girl had also been harboring a crush on the pinkette, but had long ago given up on anything ever coming of it. She cared for Masaru, yes, but she was dating him mainly because the one she truly loved seemed so out of reach even when she was standing within arm's length. Finishing her call, Poppu puts away her phone and the two leave the building. The walk to Hazuki's house is a quiet one, Poppu afraid to speak lest she blurt out her confession in public and Hazuki lamenting that both her true love and she were born girls. Upon reaching Hazuki's home, they are greeted by Baaya and Hazuki asks that they be left alone so they can study in quiet. Dropping her school bag next to her desk, Hazuki asks, "Should we get started on our homework?" "Sure, " replies Poppu, "but first, I have a present for you." While she was expecting her friends to give her birthday presents, Hazuki can feel her heart swell at the thought of recieving a present from her crush. Poppu pulls a box roughly a foot square and three inches thick, wrapped in bright red foil and tied with an orange, silk ribbon, from her schoolbag and holding it in both hands, presents it to Hazuki. As she silently takes the box, it turns out to be heavier than Hazuki expected. Right away, she can tell that the foil is of a high-quality suitable for folding an origami display piece and the ribbon, while not top-quality silk, is made of finer material than the ribbon she wears daily to hold her hair. Carefully untieing the silk bow and unfolding the foil which had been held in place entirely by how it was folded, Hazuki discovers that the foil is a perfect square more than two feet on an edge and that the ribbon is sufficiently long to replace the one in her hair. Within the wrappings, Hazuki finds a finely crafted lacquered wooden box. Though never one to boast about her family's wealth, Hazuki knows the wrapping and the box alone should've cost Poppu several months allowance. Recieving a questioning look from the older girl, Poppu says, "Go ahead and open it." Though the lid fits snugly enough to form an airtight seal, it slides off easily due to the quality of the polish. Within are 36 chocolate hearts, each in it's own little compartment, dividers forming a six-by-six grid. Lifting up one of the palm-sized sweets, Hazuki can see fingerprints from where they were sculpted by hand and a minute carving of a violin, looking as if it was drawn with the head of a pin. Taking a bite, Hazuki's mouth is filled with the flavor of rich, dark chocolate. As Hazuki silently savors her mouthful of chocolate, Poppu says, "Are they good? I made them myself." Swallowing the first bite, Hazuki says, "They're delicious!" Before popping the rest of the chocolate heart into her mouth. "I'm glad you like them!" replies the pinkette before dropping the bombshell she's been waiting all day to deliver. "Happy Valentine's, Hazuki-chan!" Hazuki nearly chokes at Poppu's words. Surely, she misheard and the younger girl was just wishing her a happy birthday. No way was the high-quality of the gift due to it being a romantic gift rather than the pinkette simply having too much pride to give someone of higher social standing a cheap present, but still, a part of the brunette couldn't help hoping that she hadn't misheard. Swallowing hard to clear her airways, Hazuki asks, "What did you say?" Confidently, Poppu declares, "I said, Happy Valentine's Day, Hazuki-chan! I love you, so I put all of my love into making those chocolates just for you! I know you're dating Yada-kun, and I understand if you don't want to be around me from now on, but I couldn't live with myself if I continued not telling you of my feelings!" Tears of joy trailing down her cheeks, Hazuki replies, "I love you too, Poppu-chan! I was only dating Masaru-kun because I thought another girl could never return my feelings!" Her own eyes welling up with happy tears, Poppu launches herself at the older girl, the pair embracing as the younger straddles the elder's lap. Tilting the younger girl's head up, Hazuki leans down to gently kiss Poppu's lips, the pinkette eagerly kissing back. When Hazuki parts her lips slightly, Poppu takes this as an invitation to slip her tongue into the older girl's mouth, the brunette showing no hesitation in sucking upon the younger girl's tongue. As the two continue to explore each other's mouths, their tongues intertwined in an elegant dance, Hazuki's hand trails down Poppu's back and under the skirt of the younger girl's school uniform to cup the pinkette's buttock, a thin layer of soft cotton the only thing preventing direct skin-to-skin contact. When Poppu doesn't flinch away from such an intimate touch, the enboldened brunette continues towards the pinkette's panty-clad girlhood to trace a finger over the outline left in the thin fabric concealing the younger girl's treasure. A bolt of lightning shoots up Poppu's spine when Hazuki's finger grazes the smaller girl's clit, the pinkette breaking the kiss to exclaim, "Ha-Hazuki-chan! What was that intense sensation?!" Seeing the expression of shocked pleasure on her new girlfriend's face, Hazuki comments, "Poppu-chan looks so cute!" before answering with another question, "Have you ever touched yourself down there before?" Blushing, Poppu replies, "Everytime I take a bath or go to the toilet, but it's never felt like that before." Moving her arm under Poppu's rear to support the pinkette's weight, Hazuki stands up and carries the shorter girl to the bed as she says, "I guess I get to teach Poppu-chan about how a woman can pleasure herself or another girl." Laying her lover gently on the bed, Hazuki crawls to kneel over the smaller girl and starts unbuttoning the pinkette's blouse before spreading the garment to either side to expose Poppu's flat chest and stomach, her tiny nipples hardening upon exposure to the open air. Placing an index finger to each of Poppu's nipples, Hazuki starts in a lecturing tone, "I think we'll start with your chest." Massaging the little nubs with a circular motion, Poppu moaning softly from the contact, Hazuki says, "As you can tell, the nipples are quite sensitive and even a gentle touch can elicit pleasurable sensation. You haven't started developing proper breasts yet, but the entire mammary region is an erogenous zone for many females and even some males." Feeling exposed, Poppu reaches up to grab Hazuki's top as if to unbutton it, but halts in her actions to ask shyly, a blush dusting her cheeks, "Hazuki-chan, may... may I see your breasts?" Grabbing Poppu's wrists, Hazuki replies, "Of course you may." Placing the smaller girl's hands to the mattress, Hazuki removes her own top to reveal a plain, white cotton bra. Reaching behind her to unhook the clasp, Hazuki's bra falls to expose the pale flesh of the brunette's moderately sized-breasts. Her blush deepening, Poppu exclaims, "They're beautiful!" Smiling widely, the bespectacled girl leans forward, her breasts dangling in front of the pinkette as she says, "Go ahead and touch them if you want." Her heart racing, Poppu reaches up, her small hands sinking into Hazuki's supple flesh as the pinkette fondles the older girl's mammaries. "They're so soft and silky." Whispers the younger girl, savoring the feel of Hazuki's breasts as they overflow Poppu's hands. Moaning softly, Hazuki says, "Don't be afraid to squeeze them or pinch my nipples, Poppu-chan. I like having my breasts roughly fondled." As Poppu sandwiches one of Hazuki's nipples between thumb and forefinger and squeezes the opposite breast tighter, Hazuki reaches down to flip up the front of Poppu's skirt and again touches the pinkette's clit through the younger girl's now damp panties. At Poppu's gasp, Hazuki declares, "I'm going to continue teaching you about the parts of the female body that can grant us pleasure. Feel free to suck on one of my breasts if you don't think you can keep your voice down." As Poppu starts suckling at one of Hazuki's breasts, the brunette shifts position so the pinkette is laying accross her lap, one arm supporting the younger girl's head as she suckles like a starving infant. With her other hand, Hazuki removes Poppu's panties and starts rubbing the younger girl's clit directly. Stifling a moan of her own as her student moans around her boob, Hazuki says, "This little nub at the front most part of your girlhood is the clitoris. It is analogous to the male penis, but where the penis serves as a conduit for both urine and semen, the clitoris serves only as a source of pleasure, and is extremely sensitive due to all the nerve endings that are spread over the penis being concentrated in the clitoris." Moving her finger along Poppu's slit to twirl the tip around the pinkette's peehole, Hazuki says, "The skin around the urethral opening is also quite sensitive in females and is sometimes referred to as the U-spot." Moving further back, Hazuki prods the opening of Poppu's passage as she says, "This is the opening to your vagina, into which a boy would insert his penis during intercourse and through which children are born. Is it okay if I slide my finger inside?" As Poppu nods with a mouthful of Hazuki's breast, Hazuki slides her finger quickly, but gently into the pinkette's depths. The fit is quite snug, but Hazuki's digit slides smoothly through an opening in the younger girl's hymen and reaches all the way to Poppu's cervix. "Wow, Poppu-chan is so tight inside. I'd bet you'd crush a boy's penis if he managed to get it in you. Too bad I can't use magic for my own benefit. " Tickling Poppu's cervix, Hazuki resumes her lecturely tone, "Anyways, this is your cervix, the opening to your womb, where a baby would grow if you ever became pregnant. Some women find cervical stimulation uncomfortable, but with how your squirming and the vibrations you're sending into my breast have intensified, I'm guessing you're among those that enjoy having your cervix touched." Encircling Poppu's cervix with her fingertip, Hazuki continues, "The indentations surrounding the cervix are collectively known as the vaginal fornices. For some women, these areas are very sensitive to stimulation, and the forward most of these, sometimes called the Anterior Fornix zone or A-spot can be especially pleasurable if touched." Withdrawing her finger partially and curling it into the front wall of Poppu's passage, Hazuki concludes, "Last, but not least, we have the G-spot, usually located in the front vaginal wall 5-7 cm from the opening. Like many of the regions I've mentioned, not all women can gain pleasure from the g-spot, but based on your reactions throughout the lesson, I suspect you find pleasure from all of them." Extracting her finger from Poppu's depths and pulling the pinkette off her breast, Hazuki asks, "Did you enjoy the lesson, Poppu-chan?" Panting heavily, Poppu replies, "Ha-Hazuki-chan touched me in places I didn't know I had, and every touch felt like electricity was shooting through my body!" Smiling widely, Hazuki asks, "Now that I've taken you on a tour of your pleasure spots, would you like me to give your girlhood a proper workout?" Her eyes going wide at the implications, Poppu exclaims, "Pr-proper workout!? All those intense sensations and that wasn't even a proper workout!?" Her smile widening, Hazuki replies, "I was barely teasing you, Poppu-chan! Give me a chance, and I could put you into a state of euphoria so overwhelming your entire body shakes uncontrollably and you can't even remember your own name on account of the pleasure blocking all thoughts of anything else. Of course, if you don't think you're ready, that can wait for another day, and you'll need to trust me enough to completely let down your gard as that state of euphoria leaves a woman completely vulnerable." Both nervous and excited at the prospect, Poppu says, "I...I don't know if I'm ready for such pleasure, but I trust Hazuki-chan completely, and I'm sure you'll stop if I say it's too much." Placing a quick kiss on Poppu's forehead, Hazuki replies, "Of course I'll stop if it becomes too much, and I'll be sure to protect Poppu-chan while she's vulnerable on account of sexual euphoria." Turning the younger girl around and offering her the opposite breast to suckle at, Hazuki brings the hand previously supporting Poppu's head to the pinkette's vulva. Once Poppu has latched onto the brunette's boob, Hazuki slides her middle finger into the smaller girl's passage as her thumb attacks Poppu's clit. As Hazuki stimulates Poppu's core from both without and within, moving back and forth between the various hotspots in a hard to follow pattern, the pinkette's small body starts to tremble from the overwhelming sensations coursing through her nerves. The only thing preventing the younger girl from screaming her pleasure is that she's being held tightly against Hazuki's chest, her moans muffled by the brunette's breast, the older girl enjoying the vibrations her young lover is sending through the mamary. After several minutes of Hazuki's ministrations, Poppu's entire body goes rigid, the pinkette's passage contracting almost painfully around Hazuki's finger and the brunette letting out a gasp as her lover's teeth clench around the nipple of the breast the younger girl was sucking on. And then, as suddenly as she tensed up, Poppu goes limp, passing out from the sensory overload of her first orgasm. *** Poppu awakes to find herself cradled in Hazuki's arms and wrapped in a blanket. Blinking the sleep from her eyes, Poppu asks, "What happened?" Hazuki replies, "You passed out shortly after I brought you to orgasm. You've been out for about half an hour and I've been watching out for you while you were unconscious." "So Hazuki-chan touching me down there while I suckled on your breasts actually happened? It wasn't just a dream?" asks the smaller girl. "Sure did!" Answers Hazuki. "How are you feeling?" "I feel relaxed and have a warm, tingly feeling all over." replies the pinkette. "Sounds like you're still experiencing afterglow." Nervously, the brunette asks, "If you don't mind me asking, how did you afford such an extravagant Valentine's present for your love confession?" "My Ojii-san does lacquerware as a hobby. When I told him I wanted a nice box for giving some Valentine's chocolates to my crush, he agreed to make something appropriate at no cost." Answers Poppu, snuggling against Hazuki's chest. "He probably thinks I intended to give it to a boy though." "That was nice of him. Hope he doesn't get upset when he finds out his granddaughter is dating another girl." Replies Hazuki. "What about the wrapping and the chocolate themselves. Those are quality materials." "The ribbon and paper I just saved up my allowance, and I managed to convince Doremi to bring me a couple of pounds of the MAHO-Dou's finest chocolate." Admits Poppu before changing the subject. "Would Hazuki-chan like me to make her feel good?" Blushing, Hazuki answers, "I'd like that, but is Poppu-chan sure she's feeling up to more of that sort of activity today? And don't you still need my help with your math homework?" Scratching her head, Poppu admits, "Actually, that was just an excuse so I could be alone with you long enough to deliver your present and confess my feelings. I know what we've shared this afternoon would be deemed unacceptable behavior for a Karen Girl and that we both risk expulsion if anyone at school found out about our relationship, so I wanted to have a convincing cover story. I don't actually have any homework for tonight, but none of the 11th graders would be likely to know that." Blushing, Poppu continues, "So, if it's okay with Hazuki-chan, I'd like to spend the rest of our false study session returning the favor for Hazuki-chan teaching me about the pleasures of a woman." Leaning down to kiss Poppu's lips, Hazuki replies, "My girlfriend surely is smart enough for a scholarship student at Karen Girls' Academy, and I'd be delighted to see how well you've learned the lessons I've taught you." Sitting Poppu on the edge of the bed and standing up, Hazuki removes the remainder of her ruffled uniform until only her socks and panties remain. Poppu follows suit, stripping completely naked, and upon seeing Hazuki lay down with socks and panties still on, asks, "Isn't Hazuki-chan going to remove her underwear." Blushing, Hazuki replies, "I thought Poppu-chan should have that honor." as she gives the younger girl a come hither gesture. Climbing on the bed, Poppu crawls over to the older girl and grabs Hazuki's panties by the waistband. The brunette lifts her rear off the bed to assist Poppu in pulling down the garment before the pinkette straddles the older girl's midsection, giving Hazuki a good view of Poppu's cute little butt in the process. Leaning down for a better look at Hazuki's vulva, unknowingly exposing her own girlhood to the bespectacled girl's line of sight, Poppu spreads the older girl's labia and starts to prod various areas. "So, this is Hazuki-chan's clitoris?" Asks the pinkette as she pinches the nub at the top of the brunette's slit between thumb and forefinger. Gasping loudly at being touched in such a way by hands that aren't her own, Hazuki replies, "Yes! yes, that's my clit-" She's cut off by another gasp as Poppu slips a finger up the brunette's passage. "And that's my vagina you just slid a finger in! It-it feels so much better than when I touch myself!" Encouraged by Hazuki's reaction, Poppu proceeds to rub the older girl's clit back and forth between thumb and forefinger while plunging the fingers of the other hand as deep into the brunette's passage as possible. Thanks to Poppu's shorter and narrower fingers and Hazuki's wider and longer passage, Poppu can easily fit three fingers within the older girl, but can only reach about halfway to Hazuki's womb. The brunette's cervix and fornices beyond her reach, Poppu focuses on trying to locate the older girl's g-spot. Being so close to the source, it doesn't take long for the intoxicating aroma of Hazuki's love juices to fill Poppu's nostrils. Somewhat lightheaded with lust, Poppu says, "Hazuki-chan smells wonderful! I wonder how she tastes." Before Hazuki can process Poppu's words, the pinkette has planted an open-mouthed kiss between the brunette's legs and is lapping away at the bespectacled girl's juices. Although she's well-versed in what parts of the female anatomy trigger pleasure when touched and has been masturbating with some regularity for a few years, Hazuki has never concieved of orally stimulating a girl's sensitive parts and is thus completely blindsided by the sensations Poppu's tongue sends racing up the brunette's spine. As Poppu alternates between sucking on Hazuki's clit and plunging her tongue up the brunette's passage, Hazuki gazes through the valley of her breasts to stare at Poppu's glistening girlhood wishing, not for the first time that evening, that she owned a penis and could shove it up the younger girl's vagina and ejaculate directly into the pinkette's womb. Catching a whiff of Poppu's own heavenly scent, Hazuki is overcome with the urge to give her girlfriend the same pleasure that is currently leaving Hazuki unable to think straight. Grabbing Poppu's hips and arching her back to account for their height difference, Hazuki buries her own tongue in Poppu's folds, which only seems to encourage the pinkette to pleasure the brunette more thoroughly. The two seem to be racing each other to see how can make the other cum first, a race that ends in a tie, the two trembling in orgasm at the same time, drenching each others faces in copious amounts of girl juice. Hazuki collapses to the bed as Poppu collapses on top of her, both panting heavily as they lay there in afterglow. Poppu is first to recover and turns around to give Hazuki a kiss, the pair able to taste each other's juices as their tongues intwine. Upon breaking the kiss, Poppu lays her head upon Hazuki's soft breasts and the two lie there for several minutes, quietly enjoying the mutual proximity. Noticing the sun starting to set through her bedroom window, Hazuki breaks the silence, "Poppu-chan, would you like to sleepover tonight? I'm sure Baaya and my parents wouldn't mind." Sitting up and stretching, Poppu replies, "That sounds nice, especially if I can sleep in Hazuki-chan's arms." Smiling brightly, Hazuki says in an uncharacteristically bold manner, "If my girlfriend's sleeping over, in my arms is the only place she's allowed to sleep!" Blushing slightly, Poppu replies, "I better call Okaa-san to ask her if it's okay. I'll tell her we lost track of the time while studying. I'm not sure I'm ready to let my family know I'm dating another girl." "That's fine, I'm not sure I'm ready to tell my family or the other Ojamajo myself." Replies Hazuki. "And after you make the call, we can take a bath together to wash away the evidence of our activities." Fumbling her phone at these words, a red faced Poppu replies, shocked at how bold her girlfriend is acting, "Th-that sounds nice..." Before schooling her features and preparing to call her mother.