Watering the Flowers by Imouto Kitten Chapter 2: Watering Her Flower Kimura stood with his back against the locked door of the garden shed at Misora First Elementary, trying not to moan from the pleasure coursing through his body, not wanting to alert any other early arrivals to what was happening in the shed. The source of Kimura's pleasure was his girlfriend Marina, currently on her knees, her lips wrapped around the base of the boy's member as her tongue dances over his glands in time with the tune the girl is humming. It's been months since Kimura discovered Marina's secret to keeping the school's flower beds looking beautiful, an incident that had lead to them confessing their mutual crushes and had helped break the ice towards engaging in intimate play. What had started as watching each other as the peed into the watering can Marina used for the flowers had lead to this, the girl performing fellatio in the garden shed, the thought of someone discovering them adding to the thrill. Also intensifying the situation is that neither has yet made their daily deposit for watering the flowers, Kimura fighting as much to not use Marina's mouth as a urinal as to keep his voice from giving them away and Marina working as hard to keep her white panties from turning yellow as she is towards making Kimura cum. Both the boy and the girl still have all of their golden lakes trapped behind the dam when Marina finally brings Kimura to climax, and unlike her previous attempts, which had ended with coughing fits and her face covered in preteen jizz, Marina manages to swallow all of Kimura's load this morning without issue. When she's done enjoying her boyfriend's warm cream, Marina smiles up at Kimura and asks, "Did you enjoy that, Kimura-kun?" "Very much!" replies Kimura, before offering, "Would you like me to return the favor?" Pressing her thighs together, Marina asks shyly, "May...May I please... may I please empty my poor, pounding, piddle pot of it's pent-up piddle first?" Though she knows the answer, having played this game more than once before. "No," replies Kimura, "I like the way Marina-chan squirms when I lick her twitching, tinkle tormented twatty." Laying out a small mat they had smuggled from the gym's storage closet, Marina lays down and spreads her legs, "Then make it quick before my bloated, bulging bladder bursts like a balloon!" Kneeling between Marina's legs, Kimura reaches for the waistband of her panties and begins to slowly slide them down her slender legs at an agonizingly slow pace, enjoying the way his girlfriend's thighs tremble beneath his fingers. Once the plain white cotton is out of danger of being dyed yellow, the boy pushes her thighs as far apart as possible, the girl whining, "Pl-Please don't spread me so much." Seemingly ignoring her protest, Kimura parts her labia, commenting, "What a pretty, pink pussy Marina-chan has!" Blushing fiercely and covering her face, she pleads, "Don't say such embarrassing things!" Inhaling deeply, finding her scent intoxicating, he continues, "But Marina-chan's secret flower is far prettier and more fragrant than any of the flower's she's grown for the public's pleasure!" but before she can utter a coherent response, he gives her a long lick starting nearly at her rosebud, passing over her cherry blossom, and halting with a flick accross her pleasure bud, a moan escaping her throat at the action. As Kimura starts to eat out the flower girl in earnest, alternating between swirling his tongue inside her opening, licking her spout, and sucking on her clit, Marina squirms almost violently under his ministrations, moaning loudly enough she'd be worried about being overheard if she wasn't so lost in pleasure, and spouting words of encouragement to her boyfriend. "OH KAMI, YES! It feels so good! Don't stop!" cries the girl, her desperation and embarrassment momentarily forgotten in her lust. Continueing his pleasant assault on his girlfriend's girlhood, Kimura reaches a hand up to gently caress the bulge of her bloated bladder. After a minute or two, he reminds her just how much liquid she's holding by pressing down on that rock hard bulge. "NO!" Shouts the girl squirming in both desperation and pleasure, but unable to coordinate her muscles enough to escape or push him away. "If you presist in putting pressure on my positively pounding piddle pot, the pints of pent-up pee pooling behind my plug are going to pour out!. But he continues to squeeze her pee sack, adding stress to her already strained sphincter. Sensing she's nearing her limit, both in regards to her bladder and in regards to her climax,, he seals his lips around her pee hole before simultaneously rubbing her clit with his thumb and giving her bladder one final push, a panicked, "IT"S COMING OUT!" the only warning she can muster before her body convulses in orgasm and the first pulse of pee is propelled pass his lips. As she empties her pent-up waters, too lost in euphoria to care at this point, Kimura greedily guzzles her golden liquid, not letting a drop escape. Once she's empty and has regained her senses, a pouting Marina chastizes her boyfriend, "Kimura-kun, that was for the flowers!" "Sorry, Marina-chan," replies Kimura, "but it shouldn't take long for your pee to work through my system." Seeing the girl still pouting, Kimura decides to distract her by sliding his renewed erection along her slit, "Hey, Marina-chan, may I stick it in?" Marina turns red as a tomato at the question, the two of them having never gone that far, but after a moment's hesitation, she nods her head as she whispers, "Please be gentle." Leaning over his girlfriend, Kimura slips his tip into Marina's opening, resting it against her maidenhead as he captures her lips in a gentle kiss and strokes her silky hair. As the two preteens are lost within their kiss, both of them moaning softly into each other's mouth, Kimura slowly but firmly presses into Marina, halting only once he's balls deep, his tip against her cervix and swallowing her gasp of pain. The two lay in a mutual embrace for a long time, neither moving an inch until Marina breaks the kiss to tell her boyfriend, "You can start moving now, Kimura-kun." The boy starts to slowly rock his hips against Marina's enjoying the sound of her soft moans in his ears and her warm tightness around his shaft. As she is showing no signs of further pain, Kimura starts to pick up pace and is soon fucking the flower girl frantically, Marina shouting, "YES! It feels better than when you lick me! Please keep making love to me!" Kimura is soon on the verge, exclaiming, "Marina-chan, I'm gonna cum!" "It's okay, Kimura-kun!" shouts the girl, enjoying herself too much to stop, "Shoot it all inside me!" and that's just what he does as her command sends him over the edge, thrusting as deep as he can within her as his hot seed pours into her young womb. Panting, the spent boy lays on top of his girlfriend, but Marina, having not yet cum, isn't satisfied with laying there as she wraps her legs around Kimura's waist and starts bucking her hips against him, desperate to cum around his member. It is also at this time that Kimura's throbbing bladder makes it's presence known, and he knows he won't be able to hold back the flood for long. Worried she'd be angry if he pees in her, Kimura tries to warn her, "Marina-chan, I can't hold it much longer! If I don't get to the watering can soon, it's going to come out!", but the girl is too lost in her lust to care at this point, and the grip she has on him is too strong for him to escape without possibly hurting her. He tries to hold on, but his sphincter eventually gives up, and it's the first spurt of his pee, of all things, that finally sends her over the edge. As her second orgasm of the day, much stronger than the first, washes over Marina, she is too lost in bliss to notice that her boyfriend is inadvertantly using her as a urinal even as the warm liquid spraying into her sends her into multiple orgasms. Kimura is also overwhelmed, cumming for a third time that day from the relief of emptying his overfilled bladder combined with how his girlfriend's orgasming passage is squeezing him. In fact, the fit is so tight that none of his pee leaks out and it all goes straight into her womb. After what feels like an eternity, but is really only a minute or two, Kimura's stream slows to a trickle and Marina's climatic tremors slow to mere aftershocks. Her eyes fluttering open, Marina starts in a dreamy tone, "That was incredible, Kimu-" but she cuts herself off when she sees her tummy bulging outward from the waste waters within her womb, making her look several months pregnant, the bulge as big as their bladder bulges combined. Regaining her voice, she asks, "Ki-Kimura-kun, did you pee in me?" "I couldn't help it!" cries the boy, his cock still plugging up her pussy. Smiling, she tells the panicked boy, "It actually feels really nice." Dropping her smile, she adds, "But we should see if we can drain me into the watering can." Fortunately, the watering can is within arm's reach, and after pulling it closer, the two preteens press against each other and Kimura manages to lift Marina until her rear is over the can's opening. Carefully, Kimura starts to slowly pull out, pee leaking out around his shaft as he does so, and once his cock has been fully uncorked from her cunny, the trapped tinkle gushes forth like Nachi Falls. Once empty, Marina glances down into the watering can and is surprised by how full it is, "Wow! I guess my pee really did go straight to Kimura-kun's bladder." After they both get cleaned up and Marina puts her panties back on, Kimura helps her carry the watering can to the tap to finish filling before quietly watching her gracefully water the school's flowerbeds, thinking how lucky he was to have walked in on her all those months ago. The watering done, the young lovers head off to homeroom, walking hand-in-hand.