Content warnings specific to this story: Peeing, hints of budding sexuality. Author's notes: Requested this on Omorashi dot Org a long time ago, but no one ever took up the request, and I finally decided to write it myself. Marina and Kimura are easily my favorite couple from among Ojamajo Doremi's massive supporting cast and I'll probably write a lemon with them eventually, but for now, here's some omo-flavored fluff. Watering the Flowers by Imouto Kitten It was barely pass dawn as Marina Koizumi quickly made her way towards the shed that housed Misora First Elementary's gardening equipment. In her lower abdomen, her bladder, filled to bursting with pee accumulated during a good night's sleep, was throbbing, threatening to release it's cargo against her will and urging her to make haste for her destination. Marina had long been in the habit of waiting until she got to school to take her morning pee and was thus use to walking to school with a full bladder, but on this particular day, an unusually large amount of urine was battering against the floodgates of Marina's spincter trying to force its way out to soak her panties. In her desperation, Marina had skipped visiting her class's homeroom to drop off her school bag and in her distraction, she forgot to lock the shed door behind her as she drops her bag to the floor and grabs the large, metal watering can she uses to water the school's flowerbeds. Placing the watering can in the middle of the shed floor, Marina quickly lifts her dress, yanks her panties down to her knees, and squats over the watering can's opening, her back to the door. No sooner than she's in position, the floodgates open without her prompting as a powerful torrent of pale gold liquid erupts from her girlhood. Eyes closed in the near ecstasy of emptying her overfilled bladder, Marina lets out a sigh of relief and whispers, "Barely made it." as her perceptions narrow to the near-orgasmic bliss of a long overdue pee and the pitter patter of her stream hitting the inside of the can. Meanwhile, Takao Kimura is also heading for the garden shed, hoping to enjoy the tranquility of the early morning with the girl he likes before the vast majority of students arrive to school, but nothing could prepare him for the sight that greeted him as he opens the shed door that Marina forgot to lock. Marina's back was to Kimura as he walked in on her, and while her dress had dropped down to protect her modesty, and even if it hadn't, her long, straight hair, which nearly dragged the floor with her squatting, would've been enough to prevent the preteen male from catching a glimpse of her cute rump, the girl's posture and the sound of first liquid hitting metal and then liquid hitting liquid made it obvious what the dark-haired girl was doing. Visions of what the scene might look like from the watering can's perspective flashed through Kimura's mind, and while he couldn't see anything inappropriate from his position, the boy felt like a pervert for watching the scene before him yet couldn't bring himself to look away as Marina continues to empty her bladder, oblivious to her having an audience. After what feels like an eternity for Kimura as he stares transfixed at Marina's back, but is really only a minute or two, the girl's golden stream slows to a trickle, the last few drops echoing loudly in the silent shed as they join the pee in the watering can. Kimura can here a few more short bursts as Marina forces the last of her pee out and can see a subtle shake of her hips and sway in her hair as she wiggles her bottom to remove the last traces of pee from her girlhood. Once satisfied that she's empty and dry, Marina stands up, still oblivious to Kimura's presence and pulls up her panties, though the boy doesn't catch so much as a glimpse of white cotton as she does so. Whispering to herself, she says, "That's better. Now, to finish filling the watering can and water the flowers." Only now does she turn around, her eyes going wide as they make contact with those of her crush. Both preteens do admirable impressions of tomatoes as they stare into each others eyes, the girl at the realization she had an audience and the boy at being caught being that audience. Silence comes over the shed, and after a subjective eternity, Marina is the one to break the silence, "Ki-kimura-kun, Ho-how long have you been there?" Fearing that the girl before him is about to unleash uncharacteristic fury upon him, Kimura gulps before admitting in a near whisper, "When I came in, I could hear the sound of liquid hitting metal..." Bracing for a violent blow, Kimura is surprised when her reaction, instead of anger and violence, is one of near hysterical panic. "Please, Kimura-kun! Please don't tell anyone about this! I don't think I could live with the shame if everyone knew my secret! Please don't tell anyone that I've been watering the flowers using my pee!" Shocked at her admission, Kimura yells, "Wait, you do this everyday?! This wasn't just a case of you having an emergency and using the nearest container available?!" Realizing that she let slip more than could be inferred from what he saw and heard and hoping no one heard his outburst, Marina decides to come clean, even as her blush deepens, "Well, you see... for a while now, I've been taking a multi-vitamin before bed every night and holding my pee in the mornings until I get to school. The urea in urine is a natural fertilizer, and the excess from the multivitamin my kidneys filter make my pee very rich in nutrients that help the flowers grow big, strong, and bloom beautifully. I normally lock the shed door when I fill the watering can, but I was fuller than usual this morning, and I guess I forgot to lock the door in my rush to avoid an accident." When she's done with her explanation, Kimura replies, "It's okay, I'll keep your secret. Wouldn't want the flowers to wilt because you had to stop using your special formula on them." After some hesitation, he adds, "If you want, I could help you with watering the flowers..." Softly, she asks, " you mean...?" "I'd be willing to contribute my own pee to ensuring your flowers stay beautiful. It can be our little secret." As the last of his words leave his lips, he finds himself encircled by her arms. "Thank you, Kimura-kun!" Marina exclaims happily. After a minute or so, she releases him from her grip. Retrieving a pen and slip of paper from her school bag, she writes something down before pressing the paper into his palm, saying, "This is the multi-vitamin I take. It's over the counter and pretty cheap, so you shouldn't have any trouble getting hold of it." With that, she grabs the watering can and nearly skips out of the shed to finish filling it from a nearby tap. ### Over the next few weeks, the two preteens get into a habit of meeting each other at the school gates first thing in the morning and walking hand-and-hand to the garden shed. At first, there's a lot of blushing and asking each other to stand outside the shed as they make their deposit, but over time, the two become more comfortable around each other and more open to having the other present as they pee. ### One day, Kimura, remembering the imagined flash of Marina peeing as seen from the can's perspective, asks, "Marina-chan, you mind if I watch you pee, up close...?" nearly whispering the last two words. "I don't know..." replies Marina nervously, her cheeks turning pink. "I mean, I'm not supposed to let boys see me down there..." "I'll let you watch me, and I'll even go first!" replies the boy, trying to convince his girlfriend to let him watch her. "I guess that would be okay." she replies hesitantly. With Marina watching, Kimura whips out his member, and aiming for the opening in the top of the watering can, lets loose a powerful stream of pee. As Kimura empties his bladder, Marina stares transfixed at his barely pubescent boyhood, a strange feeling washing over her and for some reason getting an urge to reach out and touch it, though embarrassment has her suppressing that desire. All too soon to the girl's mind, Kimura is shaking the last drops from his tip and declaring, "Your turn, Marina-chan!" " I have to?" asks the girl, her face imitating a tomato. "Come on," replies Kimura, "I let you watch me, it's only fair I get to watch you in return." "I guess you're right..." she says in reply. Hesitantly, she reaches under her dress and pulls down her panties before squatting over the can partially filled with Kimura's pee. "Lift your dress, I can't see anything!" Cries Kimura as he drops to all fours to get a better viewing angle. Her entire body going crimson, Marina lifts the front of her dress to expose her virgin girlhood to the eyes of a boy her own age for the first time. With her boyfriend staring at her unplucked flower, Marina tries to relax enough to empty her overfilled bladder, but is too embarrassed to do so. Eventually, however, her bladder, throbbing for relief, overrides her embarrassment and her golden stream bursts forth as she covers her face with both hands. Similar to Marina watching him, Kimura is also transfixed by the sight of his girlfriend peeing and also has to suppress the urge to reach out and touch her privates, though he does so not out of embarrassment, but out of fear that she'd get angry. When she's finally done peeing, he asks, "Now, was that so bad?" Pulling her hands away from her face, she replies, "I guess not..." After that, Kimura stands before helping Marina to her feet and she pulls up her panties before carrying the watering can with their combined pee out to dilute with tap water. ### After that first time watching each other pee up close, such intimacy became part of their morning routine and they eventually got into the habit of peeing into the watering can together, aiming their streams so they cross, and eventually, the bonding from such activity eventually lead to them doing even more intimate things together, but that's another story.