Dinner, Sex, and Omorashi by Imouto Kitten The warm glow of candlelight permeates the room as Doremi enters, fresh from the shower, her candy apple red locks draping to her plump rump and her lithe body covered by a simple, sleeveless nightie of pink silk that hangs to mid-thigh. Noticing her presence, a handsome man glances up to meet her eyes, and with a smile he greets her, "Ah, you're just in time, Doremi-chan, I've just finished preparing your birthday dinner." At his words, the sizzle and aroma of a perfectly cooked steak reaches her ears and nose, and following a wave of his hand, she sees a large platter upon the dining tray in front of the armchair he's sitting in, at least a kilo of prime rib-eye upon it. Noticing her licking her lips, he adds, "Why don't you come take a seat and indulge yourself, birthday girl?" This time gesturing to his lap, his cock out of the fly of his midnight blue pajamas and standing erect in wait for the young girl. Mouth watering and cheeks dusted pink, Doremi crosses the room, commenting, "Oh, you really know how to spoil a girl.", wrapping her arms around his neck upon reaching him and leaning in to give him a kiss. When she pulls away, a saucy smile is on her face, visible for only a moment before she turns around. Leaning forward slightly, she reaches for the hem of her nightie and slowly lifts it, slowly revealing first the back of her upper thighs and then her lovely half-moons, the latter on full display thanks to the absence of any underwear. However, what most intices is what's between her slightly parted thighs, her girlhood glistening, making it clear the redhead is just as eager for his meat as the meat upon the dinner tray. With even more deliberate slowness, she bends her knees, gradually bringing her netherlips to kiss the tip of his cock, the redhead letting out a soft moan as she eases herself upon his shaft, savoring the sensations of being slowly stretched as he fills her. Once seated balls deep upon his shaft, she lets her nightie fall to cover their joining and wriggles a bit in his lap before leaning back against his chest. "Are you comfortable?" he asks, his cock throbbing deep within her as he pulls the dinner tray towards them to lie across her lap, a nod her only reply before taking knife and fork and cutting off her first, bite-sized piece of juicy, perfectly grilled steak. As the meat touches her tongue, a low moan reverberates from deep in her chest as the flavor of her favorite food fills her mouth, the girl's arousal seeming to increase from what shouldn't be at all a sexual indulgence. At first, he's content to just watch Doremi savoring her favorite meal, listening to the sounds of enjoyment she makes with every bite of steak that reaches her mouth and as she chases it with glass after glass of barley tea, but eventually, the temptation to indulge her even further grows too strong, and reaching one hand under the tray and her nightgown, and his other through the arm hole of the sleeveless garment, he startes to tease at her clit and one of the pebble hard nipples upon her barely budding breasts, and before long, it is hard to tell which of her pleasured moans are from the steak and which are from his teasing touches. As she swallows the last bite of steak, she lets her knife and fork clatter to the platter as she leans back against him, tilting her head back as she declares, "That was delicious, I don't think I could eat another bite." "Oh realy?" he asks, lowering a hand from her chest to gently rub her stomach, now swollen from her large meal, "And here I was hoping you saved room for dessert." and when she glances down, Doremi sees the platter is gone, replaced by a serving bowl holding a massive sundae. "Well, I suppose I could fit in some ice cream." replies Doremi, reaching for the spoon and taking a large dollop of strawberry ice cream topped with chocolate sauce and crushed nuts into her mouth, her reaction to the decadent dessert almost as strong as her reaction to the steak, and before long, the girl is indulging herself as if she had no steak at all as he resumes his teasing of her erogenous zones. Although she ends up with a bit of a tummy ache, Doremi demolishes the sundae completely, even going so far as to run her index finger through the last remnants of melted ice cream and chocolate syrup that cling to the ceramic and licking her finger clean. Feeling quite giddy from all the sugar, Doremi pushes the dining tray away before turning around in her lover's lap, smiling ear to ear as she declares, "Thank you for the wonderful meal!" before wrapping her arms around his neck and pulling him into a passionate kiss, her lips and tongue sweet as the lingering flavor of strawberries, chocolate, and vanilla spread through his mouth as their tongues dance. Reaching under her gown, he cups a half-moon in each hand and starts to gently knead her supple flesh, the red head moaning into his mouth under his ministrations. Although she had been satisfied simply warming his cock while she had good food to distract her, now that she only has the intimacy of their embrace to focus on, Doremi's pussy, having thoroughly soaked his crotch in her love juices, craves more, but when she tries to lift her pelvis to start riding him, he decides he wants to continue the slow, sensual buildup. He grips her hips, holding her in place as he continues to knead her rear, his tongue taking control and exploring her mouth as she starts to squirm, desperate for friction between her enflamed insides and the hard shaft buried therein, but unable to obtain even a fraction of the stimulation she desires. Having him inside her, kissing her, touching her, but not actually making love to her soon grows maddening to Doremi, and deciding she's going to lose her mind if she doesn't get satisfaction soon, she breaks the kiss and throws her head back with a cry of, "Please! make love to me!" "Oh, is that what my sweet, little candy apple wants?" he asks teasingly, making no move to actually give in just yet, but instead standing up, holding her hips firmly so he doesn't slide out or move within her. Wrapping her legs around his waist and futilely trying to buck her hips against his unbreakable hold, She cries out a one word response of, "YES!" A devilish smile crossing his handsome face, he says nothing as he lays her upon a bed, her cherry locks fanning out beneath her atop silk sheets matching her nightie. As he untangles her limbs from around him, she thinks he's about to give her what she wants, but he instead holds his cock still within her as he comments, "You're really cute when you're needy, Doremi-chan." before planting a kiss upon her forehead, soon following with one on the tip of her nose and one on each of her blushing cheeks. As he starts trailing kisses down her neck, Doremi whines, "Pl-please, make love to me! I...I need to feel you moving inside me!" "Patience, Doremi-chan, patience." is his only verbal response before he starts suckling on the most sensitive spot on her neck, the girl shivering as she lets out a loud moan. She tries again to buck her hips, desperate for even the slightest friction between her walls and his shaft, but he anticipates her every movement, denying her and driving her desire to ever greater heights. "Pleeeeas," she whimpers, nearly in tears from the heat threatening to engulf her, "I need it... I...I'm going to lose my mind if I don't get it." Satisssfied the mark he's left on her neck won't soon fade, he sits up and caresses her thighs as he says soothingly, "Just hold out a few more minutes, Doremi-chan." before pushing up her nightgown to expose her slightly pudgy tummy and her barely budding breasts. Starting just above her hips, he starts to massage her, working his way up her body to her stomach, still bulging from her large meal before resting a hand upon each of her breast buds, the girl whimpering at the latest in a long line of sensations working her up without bringing her towards proper release. When he leans down to take a nipple in his mouth, his tongue twirling tantalyzingly about the tiny teat, the torturously drawn out foreplay becomes too much for the needy girl, and she suddenly shouts, "Stop teasing me and fuck me already!" Sitting up, a satisfied smirk upon his lips, he replies, "As my lady demands." before gripping her hips firmly once more and pulling back his own hips until only his tip is within her passage, the man shivering as much from the relatively cool air of the room upon his member, his shaft glistening with girl juice, as from the anticipation of giving her exactly what she wants after working so hard to get her desperate enough to use such vulgar language. Holding his tip at her entrance as part of a final tease, he suddenly slams himself balls deep within her, the girl gasping as the powerful thrust knocks the wind out of her, only to soon be followed by a second and then a third thrust. Before long, he's set a rapid pace leaving Doremi delirious with pleasure, moaning loudly as he finally gives her what she's been begging for, but even as a familiar coil winds up deep within her, another pressure makes itself known, all the tea and melted ice cream starting to catch up with her. As she starts to squirm in his grip as he conttinues to pound her preteen pussy, he looks down and asks, "Is something wrong, Doremi-chan?" "Uh, i have to pee." replies Doremi in a breathless whisper, struggling to take in enough air to speak. "What was that, I couldn't hear you?" he asks, not slowing in the least as he continues thrusting, each slam of his cock deep inside her feeling like a strike to her pulsing piddle pot. Gasping for air, she manages to shout, "I need to pee!" her face turning crimson at the confession. "Oh, is that all?" he asks teasingly, "It would be a real shame to stop now, especially with how you were begging for it earlier... Do you think you can hold it?" As her tinkle tank throbs once more, she's not at all sure she can, but before she can reply, he releases his grip on her hips to snake his arms under her thighs, pushing her knees up to her shoulders as he shifts his weight atop her, squeezing her swollen pee sack as he picks up pace and captures her lips in a kiss, swallowing any protests. Doremi is torn. On the one hand, the way he repeatedly thrusts his cock deep inside her tight twatt feels absolutely amazing and she loves being dominated by the older man. On the other, the way her tinkle tank throbs and trembles, threatening to soak both of them and the bed in her waste waters is torturous and her uncertainty that she can hold out long enough for him to finish is quickly morphing into certainty she won't make it even if he let her go right now. But he's not content with simply fucking her until she loses control as his fingers find their way to her ribs and armpits, her squirming increasing tenfold as he adds tickling to his assault on her senses. Breaking the kiss to let her breathe, her moans are mixed with intense laughter and it's all she can do to cry out, "You...are...going...to...make...me...pee!" Not that he shows her any mercy, his tickling digits dancing over her skin to refocus on the grapefruit-sized bulge of her bladder. Doremi couldn't tell what order it happened in or whether the events were simultaneous or a chain reaction, but before long, the red head is cumming around his cock and peeing uncontrollably as he slams balls deep inside her and unloads his seed, the jet of white pouring into her womb every bit as powerful and copious as the jet of yellow pouring out of her to drench both of them and the bed sheets beneath them. By the time she has finished emptying her bladder and he has finished emptying his balls, her womb has bulged to the size of her formerly full piddle pot. Doremi looks up through eyes glazed in afterglow, and he opens his mouth as if to offer to help clean up, but before either can say a word, the scene shifts suddenly, and instead of a candle lit bedroom with a large bed with silk sheets, Doremi finds herself alone in her own bed in her darkened bedroom, her nightie replaced with her usual pajamas and her hair still in her signature odango. The one detail that is unfortunately unchanged is the warm liquid pooling around her bottom, and the girl comes to the realization that it was all a dream, and to make matters worse, the accident she had in her dream had lead to her wetting the bed for real. The pleasant dream ruined by the crummy reality, Doremi throws off her pee soaked covers and makes her way to the bathroom, trying to keep her footsteps as quiet as possible. Peeling off her pissy pajamas and hopping in the shower, Doremi tries to do more than just clean herself, but the details of the man she dreamed of grow ever more fuzzy, and her fingers simply aren't able to match what she felt in the dream, and in the end, it's a clean, but sexually frustrated pubescent girl who climbs out of the shower and wraps herself in a towel. Once back in her room, Doremi decides to go ahead and get dressed for the day before gathering up her pissy bedding and pajamas and tip toeing to the laundry room. Unfortunately for the redhead, it's about that time that her mother Haruka emerges from her parent's bedroom to start preparing the family's breakfast, the older woman asking her usually hard to stir daughter, "What's got you up so early, Doremi?" before noticing the bundle of soggy sheets and catching a whiff of urine. Realizing part of what happened, the Harukaze matriarch covers her face with one hand as she declares in exasperation, "You wet the bed, didn't you? You'd think you were turning 4 today instead of 11..." tearing up at being caught red handed and the realization that her birthday was getting off to a very rough start, the odango-headed ojamajo can only muster, "I'm the unluckiest pretty girl in the whole world!"