Beach Birthday by Imouto Kitten The sun was warm, but not too warm and the air crisp as Jyunichi stepped out on the beach in swim trunks and a wide brim hat. Well into September, the worst of the summer crowds had vanished, but the chill of the coming autumn had not yet arrived, and the Kindergarten teacher decided it was about the best circumstances he and the group he had come with could have asked for this little vacation. The young man is pulled from his enjoyment of the weather as a very familiar voice calls out, "Jyunichi-sensei!" and turning around, he's just in time to catch a Pink missile as it collides with his midsection and he lands flat on his back in the sand. Recovering from the impact, Jyunichi finds himself straddled by one Poppu Harukaze, looking as adorable as ever with her hair in its usual feathery pigtails and sporting a pink bikini to match. Raising a hand to stroke his former student, and secret girlfriend's, candy floss hair, he replies, "I keep telling you, I'm not your teacher any more, you can just call me Jyunichi-kun." a line it feels like he's repeated everytime he's seen the now second grader and soon to be eight-year-old since that Christmas party last year when the seemingly innocent child not only seduced him, but stole his heart. "I wanted to thank Jyunichi-kun for agreeing to chaperone my Birthday Party." Comments the girl, wriggling a bit where she sits, something Jyunichi finds more than a bit distracting. "Yo-You're welcome," replies her former teacher, growing more than a bit flustered at the girl's subtle bouncing, "So-sorry we couldn't have the party on your actual birthday." "No worries," replies the pinkette, "Onee-chan can't afford to miss a day of school, and it wouldn't be great for our friends and me to set a bad example by skipping a day of school either." Feeling a certain bit of her boyfriend's anatomy starting to react to her not so innocent movements and pressing against her butt through their respective swimwear, Poppu's smile turns from angelic to devilish as she jumps to her feet, and bending over a bit to stick out her rear in Jyunichi's direction, she gives her bikini-clad bottom a quick shake and a single spank before crying out, "Catch me if you can!" and making a break for it, kicking up loose sand in her wake. Though caught off guard by his little girlfriend's sudden departure, being a gym teacher and used to wrangling crowds of children even younger than Poppu, it doesn't take long for Jyunichi to catch up to the pinkette, and upon catching her, he immediately starts to tickle her, soon reducing the girl to uncontrollable fits of laughter. As she wriggles and writhes upon the sand, Poppu's arms are too short to properly retaliate against her older boyfriend's tickle assault, but the man kneeling over her doesn't quite have the unassailable advantage he thinks he does. It takes her a while to squirm into the right position, but Jyunichi's fingers suddenly halt in their dance across Poppu's ribs and armpits when he feels something warm grinding against his crotch. Glancing down to get a good look at their position, Jyunichi discovers that, while he was tickling her, Poppu managed to hook her tiny legs over his hips and her bikini-clad girlhood is now pressed rather firmly against the bulge in his swim trunks, said bulge growing bigger as she continues to grind her childish cunny against him. In a whisper barely audible over the waves and the calls of seabirds, Poppu comments, "Oh my, I didn't know Sensei gets aroused from tickling little girls." and for once acting more her own age, she starts to quietly chant, "Sen-sei is a hen-tai, Sen-sei is a hen-tai, Sen-sei is a hen-tai." Between their position and the way she's teasing him, there is little Jyunichi wants more at that moment than to pull those bikini bottoms aside and stuff the second-grader's snug snatch, to pound the pinkette's pussy until she forgets her own name, and to pump her full of his seed, but just because they missed the summer crowds doesn't change the fact that they are out in the open in a very public place, and deciding to be the adult for once, He lifts Poppu under her arms, hugging her to his chest as he stands, hoping no one notices him tenting his trunks as he whispers in Poppu's ear, "Well, isn't the birthday girl a rather naughty nymphet, trying to shamelessly seduce her sensei." though he doesn't quite manage to keep up a scolding tone through out, and as he places a hand under her rear to help hold her up, he can't help but give one of her half-moons a subtle squeeze, or to briefly swipe a finger between her thighs as they wrap around the bottom of his rib cage, the gym teacher noticing dampness on her gusset despite her having not gone near the water yet. "Come on, Jyunichi-kun, don't tease me." whispers Poppu in return before trying to steal a kiss. Dodging her lips, but giving in enough to plant a kiss on her forehead, he replies, "You started it, Fairy Floss," as he starts carrying her back towards where the rest of the party guests are gathered, "and birthday girl or not, you can wait until we're somewhere we won't get caught." ### Of course, Poppu's antics didn't stop there. Whether she was stretching in preparation for a swim, playing volleyball with her friends, or building a sand castle, the little minx never misses a chance to show off how that pink bikini shows off her slender thighs or her trim tummy, or the way those bottoms hug her cute, little butt, and on more than one occasion, he has to stealthily adjust his swim trunks to conceal his arousal from his other former students and the older girls Poppu had invited, and Jyunichi can't help thinking that his little girlfriend is going to be the death of him with how much she's teasing him. There was even a moment where he found her crabwalking through the damp sand, obstensibly imitating a crab she had spotted, but the gym teacher is certain her movements are meant entirely to make him hot under his non-existant collar, especially with the mischievious smile she gives him when their eyes meet. And when she takes her turn at splitting a watermelon, he's certain the way she locks out her knees and sticks out her butt, giving him a good look at how her bikini bottom hugs not only her butt, but her girlhood as well as she brings her stick down in a perfect overhead strike, her legs framing the nearly identical halves of the melon she cleanly splits in two was done on purpose and as he joins the other guests in applauding her skill, he can't help wondering how much she practiced to get that pose down so well. And naturally, as the group enjoy a meal of watermelon, a extraordinary birthday cake courtesy of one of the older girls Poppu invited, and other beach friendly party foods as they encircle a bonfire and the coming dusk paints the sky orange, Poppu insists on sitting in his lap, her bikini-clad bottom grinding against his erection. Just when he thinks he's either going to jizz in his pants or snap and fuck his little girlfriend in front of the other guests and damn the consequences if Poppu doesn't stop with her teasing, the child discards her plate, empty aside from a well-stripped watermelon rine and tilts her head up as she calls his name in a barely audible whisper, "Jyunichi-kun," "Ye-yes, Poppu-chan?" replies the young man, struggling to stay composed. "I found a nice, out of the way spot while exploring earlier..." Bouncing in his lap for emphasis, she gives him a saucy smile and propositions, "How about we sneak off and you can give me the birthday present you denied me earlier?" Sunset was soon approaching and he knew they would have to leave not long after night fall to ensure they got back to Misora in time for the children to get a good night's sleep before school the next day, but at that moment, he was too far gone to resist being lead by his cock, though thankfully, Poppu had enough awareness to grab his hand and not his bulge as the pair sneak away from the party and the pinkette leads him to a small cove, the surrounding rock walls more than enough to conceal them from anyone who doesn't look through the gap at the cove's entrance and just large enough and shallow enough for a couple to enjoy some alone time. As soon as they are alone, Poppu tackles him once more, splashing both of them with sea spray as he lands face up in the shallow water, and Poppu wastes no time in claiming the kiss she was denied earlier, her tongue aggressively invading her boyfriend's mouth where it meets his and begins a fight for dominance. When they break for air, Poppu sits up, straddling his midsection and letting him spot something. Lifting a hand to her wasteband, he gently presses on the bladder bulge protruding above the pink garment, no doubt the result of all the watermelon she ate, at least as much as anyone else at the party, as he teases, "Oh my, that's quite the bump... sure you didn't swallow a watermelon seed?" Squirming a bit under his touch, clearly feeling the effects of eating so much watermelon on a day a bit on the cool side for a beach trip, Poppu manages to shoot back, "Do you think I'd look cute with a watermelon growing in my belly?" Though his comment was a joke, and the idea of someone actually having a watermelon growing inside them is adsurd, Jyunichi would be lying if he claimed the mental image his girlfriend's question conjures wasn't hot as hell, though he knows the closest he'd ever get to fulfilling such a fantasy in real-life would be if he got Poppu Pregnant, a possibility that should at least be a few years off. "I bet you'd look absolutely adorable with a big, watermelon belly!" comes his reply as he rubs her protruding piddle pot some more., pressing harder as she slides back in desperation. Eventually, her butt runs into the tent in his swim trunks, and apparently wanting to get away from his probing fingers before she wets her bikini, she comments, "I've been wanting to see Sensei's cock all day, so let's see how big its gotten!" as she smoothly rises into a squat, grabs his waistband as she steps back and comes to stand between his thighs, his swim trunks pulled down far enough to reveal his erection, standing at attention, the tip even with her crotch. "Wow, I think it got bigger since I last saw it!" exclaims Poppu, eyes going wide at the sight of his erection. Grinding one foot into the wet sand for stability, the pinkette lifts her other foot to run her sole along his shaft, Jyunichi shivering at her touch. "Do you like the feeling of a little girl's foot on your cock?" and at his nod, she adopts her teasing tone from earlier, Sensei really is a hentai! Makes me wonder if I can even trust you to be around all of my cute, little kohai at Sonatine!" "It's only like that because a naughty nymphet has been trying to seduce me all day!" comes his retort. "None of my other students, past or present, have ever gotten a reaction like this from me." "Good," replies Poppu, "I don't want Jyunichi-kun getting hard for any other girls. Your cock belongs to me and me alone!" With that, she steps forward, planting her feet in the sand to either side of his hips as she pulls her bikini bottoms aside with one hand and parts her petals with the other, exposing her entrance to Jyunichi's horny gaze, that most enticing of holes looking way too small to accomodate his member despite the many times the pair have done things like this in the last 9 months. Without needing to either stand on her tip toes or bend her knees, Poppu kisses the tip of Jyunichi's cock with her cunny, giving him a saucy smile as she comments, "My pussy is very hungry, please give it plenty of the cream it craves!" before dropping into a squat, taking the entirety of the member inside her in a single, well-practiced motion. Jyunichi has no idea how such a small girl manages to take such a large cock, but as he's engulfed by Poppu's pussy and womb, her cervix squeezing the midpoint of his shaft as if to say, "you aren't getting away until I'm done with you', he's feeling too good to realy care. Pushing her feet into the sandy bed of the cove, Poppu rises halfway back to standing, half of Jyunichi's cock emerging from her passage, her cervix's grip around the collar of his cock trapping his head in her womb and preventing her from rising all the way. Placing hands on her knees and leaning forward, Poppu starts bouncing in earnest upon her older boyfriend's manhood, soon working herself into a frenzy, the birthday girl having obviously spent the day looking forward to this as much as the young man. Admiring the way his prick plunges into Poppu's puny pussy over and over and how adorable she looks lost in pleasure as she rides him, Jyunichi can see the way his cock bulges her trim, little tummy, the outline of his cock head popping up from behind her bladder bulge every time she drops her hips. But as good as being inside her feels and as mesmerizing as the sight of her belly bulging from both being crammed full of cock and bursting with pee, the trance is broken when her passage suddenly clenches up around him and her hands shoot for her crotch as she halts in her movements. "You okay, Poppu-chan?" he asks, a bit concerned he might have accidentally hurt her. "I just really need to pee," replies Poppu, squirming a bit before continuing, "All of that watermelon wants out!" Resuming her bouncing while keeping her hands firmly clamped over her crotch, she adds, "You better hurry up and fill me with cream before I have an accident." Kind of wanting to see his little girlfriend lose it like one of the barely potty-trained Sonatine first years, Jyunichi tries to hold off his impending climax, but between having already been close before Poppu had let on just how much she's feeling her bursting bladder, the way her desperation has caused her to tighten up around him, and the fantasy working against his efforts to make it a reality, it isn't long before he's erupting inside her, the tight seal formed by her cervix ensuring his seed has nowhere to go but into her womb, the hollow organ quickly becoming a cum balloon, soon dwarfing the swell of her piddle pot with no sign of slowing in its growth. Just as Jyunichi has no idea how he even manages to fit inside his little girlfriend in the first place, he's also amazed by how much greater his cum volume is when he's with her compared to when he use to masturbate, pumping several liters into her tummy instead of the small dribble he gets whenever he uses his hand. By the time he's done cumming and Poppu stands up, letting his now limp member plop out of her passage, she really does look like she has a ripe watermelon in her belly as she starts to look around, probably for a place to empty her bladder. But Jyunichi is not yet ready to give up on trying to make her lose control and realizing something was missing from the insemination, he comments, "I notice you didn't cum, let me make it up to you." and before Poppu can muster a response, he's grabbed her hips and pulled her forward, her knees digging into the sand to either side as she's pulled off balance, and pulling her hands away from her crotch, he drives his tongue deep inside her as she lands on his face. "Jyu-Jyunichi-sensei!" cries the girl, trying to get away from the tongue suddenly stirring up her most precious place. "If...if you do's going to come out!" As it turns out,, Poppu had been right on the edge, for Jyunichi has barely started eating out his girlfriend when her body starts trembling in climax, her bladder giving out in the process and her spasming womb causing his seed to spurt from her pussy now that there's nothing to plug her up, and Jyunichi does his best to lap up every drop that comes out of her, though she does manage to make a mess of his face regardless. Once she's empty, Jyunichi sits up, placing her on shakey legs, and as she regains her senses from the orgasm he just gave her, she cries out, "BAKA! Not only is sensei a Hentai, but he's also a baka!" but before his girlfriend can break into a full on tantrum, he's pulled her into a kiss, the Pinkette coming to rest in his lap, and while the kiss does calm her down, she can soon feel Jyunichi growing excited again, his erection rising up to press against her butt. "Sensei is insatiable!" cries Poppu as she breaks the kiss. "Oh, like my naughty nymphet isn't eager for more." comes his reply before lifting her up, pulling her bottoms aside once more and impaling her on his member, the girl having no protest to another round as she lets out a moan and kisses him again. When the kiss is next broken, it's due to Poppu letting out a yelp, more of surprise than pain, as Jyunichi's palm comes down upon one of her half moons, the girl asking, "What was that for?" "Overseas, they have a tradition,, where children get a spank for each year on their birthday... though if you prefer, that could be for the way you tackled me to the sand this morning." Poppu doesn't say anything, but her non-verbal reactions make it clear to Jyunichi that the idea excites her, and as he continues to bounce her in his lap, he occasionally gives her another smack on her plump, little rump. "Two, that's for making me chase you down." "Three that's for halting my tickle assault by grinding against me." "Four, that's for tempting me with pre-swim stretches." "Five, that's for teasing me at the volley ball net." "Six, That's for that crab walking display." "Seven, that's for the clearly practiced watermelon split." "Eight, that's for grinding against me during the bonfire!" With the eighth smack to her bottom, Poppu tips over the edge into her second orgasm of the evening before collapsing against Jyunichi's bare chest, but as she's basking in afterglow, she's suddenly snapped out of the post-climatic euphoria by another strike. "And that's for riding me with a full bladder." "Hey," Protests Poppu, though clearly, the late hour and the exertion of the day's activities are starting to catch up with her as a yawn lets off steam before it can even start building, "That was nine spanks." "Did I forget to mention they also include one for luck?" replies Jyunichi, rubbing gentle circles on Poppu's back and kissing her forehead, his little girlfriend relaxing under his touch... In fact, his efforts to relax her are so effective, that by the time he's finished using the shallow, but clear water of the cove to wash away evidence of their activities and put their clothing back in its proper place, his girlfriend has curled up in his arms and fallen asleep. Realizing that the sun has now fully set, Jyunichi whispers, "Good night, and happy birthday." to the sleeping girl as he starts back towards where they left the party, the teacher hoping at least a few of the other children he's supposed to be chaperoning have already started preparing for their departure.