Kodomo no Yume by Imouto Kitten Chapter 6: Mimi's Dream Redux The erotic dream Mimi had in which she lost her virginity to her beloved Reiji-kun had done more to pique her interest in sex than years of friendship with Rin-chan and Kuro-chan despite the other two girls near constant spouting of lewd jokes more appropriate for people ten years their senior had, and having not found much on the subject in the school library, the well-endowed elementary schoolgirl had combed every public library and bookstore for scholarly tomes on the subject, her overdeveloped for her age breasts and curves breaking down many a barrier to her pursuit of knowledge without her realizing it. This evening found the bespectacled girl sitting in bed, reclined against her pillows as she hungrily devours a medical text that goes into excruciating detail on a week-by-week basis of what expectant mothers can expect during pregnancy and the prenatal development of a human life from zygote to embryo to fetus to a baby ready to be born. As the young girl easily absorbs the content designed for medical students studying to be obstetricians, her young womb practically quivers at the thought of baring Reiji-kun's child, and it is only the bespectacled girl's fascination with what she's reading that keeps her from reaching a hand under her pajamas to practice the theory she learned from another book that went into detail on the female anatomy and how to stimulate various erogenous zones. As the hour slips past her usual bedtime and her eyes grow heavy with both drowziness and the fatigue of prolonged reading by the light of her bedside lamp, the well-endowed gradeschooler eventually lays down, resting her book face down across her ample bosom as she turns out the light, her last conscious thought being wonder at what it would be like to be pregnant with Reiji-kun's child. ### Mimi stood naked in front of a full-length mirror, examining her short, but well-endowed and extremely pregnant frame from every angle she could manage. She had been pleasantly surprised when she discovered that not only could a girl's first ovulation predate menarch, but that she had been at the most fertile point of her first ovulation the night Reiji-kun had taken her virginity. Reiji-kun had been just as delighted at the news, and even Rin seemed happy at the prospect of getting a baby cousin, though Mimi wasn't sure how much of Rin-chan calling her mama, talking to her baby bump and addressing the unborn child as imouto-chan after they had learned that Mimi would be having a girl, and asking if Mimi would have enough milk left over for her elder child was Rin-chan expressing genuine desire to forge a parent-child bond with Mimi and a sisterly bond with Mimi's child or just the other girl's usual joking around. Not that nine-months of being showered with love by both of the Kokonoe cousins coupled with daily, and often several times daily, lovemaking from her beloved Reiji-kun had been enough to wash away years of self-confidence issues, a fact proven when Mimi announces, "I'm fat!" Reiji-kun, also naked walks up behind Mimi and kneeling wraps her in a hug, his slightly toned chest pressing into her back and his exposed erection nestling in the cleft of her butt. Rubbing her titanic tummy, he whispers in her ear, "Mimi-chan, how many times do I need to tell you, that big, beautiful baby bump of yours just makes you all the more alluring and that it just means there's more of you for me to love?" "But..." she starts to retort, only to be cut off as Reiji lifts a hand to turn her head so he can capture her lips in a kiss, her mind going foggy and her knees turning to jelly as a result, his firm, yet gentle grip the only thing preventing the pregnant preteen from falling to the ground, potentially hurting both herself and their unborn child. Breaking the kiss, Reiji replies, "No ifs, ands, or buts, Mimi-chan is absolutely beautiful, and any man who would disagree is a fool." Mimi opens her mouth to try an voice another protest, but this time she's cut off by a gasp of pleasure as Reiji pulls his hips back and drives his member balls deep within the mother to be's passage. "Since Mimi-chan won't listen, perhaps a hands-on demonstration of how irresistible Mimi-chan is will get the point across." whispers the father of her unborn child in her ear as warmth radiates from her core. As Reiji starts to pound the pregnant preteen's pussy, Mimi braces her hands against the mirror's surface, watching as her reflection's milk-filled mammaries and baby-filled belly both sway back and forth in time with Reiji's thrusts, the young mother-to-be's face turning pink as her attempts to keep her pleasured mewling quiet fail. Without any warning, Reiji suddenly grabs Mimi under the knees and lifts her off the floor, the combined weight of mother and unborn child forcing his cock deeper inside her as her back comes to rest against his toned chest. Still fucking his lovely, little lady, Reiji rises to his feet and walks over to an overstuffed armchair before sitting with Mimi on his lap. Continuing to raise and lower the mother-to-be upon the hard cock responsible for her current condition, he starts to rub circles on her baby bump with one hand and reaches his other hand to play with her tiny clitty. As her moans grow louder, Mimi does her best to relax, to give into the pleasure her beloved Reiji-kun is giving her, her eyes fluttering shut as her head lulls to the side, and her leg twitches uncontrollably from the sensations shooting through her nerves from her pleasure button. As her neck is exposed, Reiji capitalizes on the opportunity to suckle at Mimi's pale flesh, increasing her ecstacy even further. All of a sudden, Mimi feels movement in her womb, crying out, "Reiji-kun, I...I think you just woke our baby!" This prompts the young man to rub circles on her swollen stomach more quickly, the unborn child in the preteen's womb seeming to grow more active in response to its papa's touch. When Mimi lets out a loud gasp and her hands shoot downward from their resting spot atop the bespectacled girl's titanic tummy, obviously heading for her crotch but unable to reach around her protruding, pregnant belly, Reiji pauses in his attentions upon her neck to ask in her ear, "Is something wrong, Mimi-chan?" Her cheeks turning from pink to crimson, she replies in a barely audible whisper, "Our baby just kicked my bladder, and it made me realize just how badly I need to pee." "Is that so?" asks Reiji, aiming his next thrust directly at her bladder, the organ not all that full, but squeezed quite severely by the weight in her womb, and the strikes from her unborn child's feet and the tip of Reiji's cock doing it no favors. Mimi whines, but Reiji shows no mercy, lowering the hand on her baby bump to press on the much smaller bulge of her bladder, the young life in her womb seeming to become more active at this gesture even as she starts to rub her own swollen stomach, cooing softly to her unborn child, "Please, baby, please stop kicking mama's tinkle tank before you make mama have an accident." But neither Reiji or their unborn child show her any mercy, and if anything, the way Mimi tightens up around Reiji's member as she clenches her every muscle in an attempt to hold back the impending flood only spur him on. Barely able to think straight from the mixture of sensations assaulting her nether regions, Mimi hugs her titanic tummy as tight as she dares, her toes curling as she pants heavily, "Pl-please, I'm-I'm really, I'm really going to...I'm really going to pee!!" "Go ahead and let it all out, Mimi-chan." Whispers Reiji in the bespectacled girl's ear, and before she can voice any further protest, he pinches her clit once more, and she explodes, a prolonged cry of ecstasy escaping her throat as her cunny convulses around his cock and her bladder gives out, the mother to be not even noticing when the father of her child joins her in climax. As she comes down from her orgasm to see the evidence of her accident, her piddle having soaked the front of the cushion they're sitting on and then cascading to the carpeted floor, she places her splaid hands over her scarlett face as she lets out a distressed cry of, "I can't believe I did something so shameful." "Come now, Mimi-chan," whispers Reiji soothingly, "It's nothing that can't be cleaned up easily enough." With that, He pulls her off his member, his seed seeping from her snatch as he shifts her into a princess carry and stands. Carrying her over to the bed, he gently lays her upon the covers before retrieving a bottle of massage oil from his nightstand drawer. Spreading her legs and coating his hands with the lubricant, Reiji comments, "Now seems as good a time as any to give you your daily perineal massage." As he smiles down at the girl. Returning his smile, she relaxes as he slides his index fingers inside her by a few centimeters and presses firmly, but gently against the back way of her pussy, Mimi moaning softly at the contact. After a minute or two, Mimi tells him, "I'm ready." As he spreads his fingers apart and starts gently rubbing up and down the walls of her passage, gently stretching them in preparation for the young mother-to-be's approaching labor,, Mimi's moans growing louder in approval of his ministrations. However, the massage causes Mimi's arousal to flare up anew, and eventually, the girl is begging, "Re-Reiji-kun, Pl-please, I-I need your pe-penis inside me!" Unable to tell her no, Reiji withdraws his fingers and rolls the pregnant preteen over on her side. Lifting her leg up and hugging it to himself, he slides inside her once more, making her cry out in pleasure as he starts to gently make love to her. His hands still slick with the massage oil, her uses his free hand to rub her baby bump, adding to her pleasure before changing the arm holding her leg so he can massager her back and her plump, little rump, relaxing her even further. When his gentle treatment finally brings her to climax, it's rather low intensity,,, but leaves her in a state of euphoria for several minutes. When she comes down, she's relaxed nearly to the point of falling asleep and Reiji is about to lay down as well, intending to spoon up behind her when Mimi suddenly clutches her swollen stomach and for the second time that dday, a large amount of liquid gushes forth from her crotch, though this time the liquid is clear rather than yellow, and instead of gushing from her urethra, it's coming from her pussy, gushing out around the cock responsible for her current condition. With greater confidence than she usually manages, Mimi declares, "Reiji-kun, I think my water just broke. I think our baby is ready to come out." Pulling out of the soon-to-be mother's passage, Reiji helps Mimi rise to her knees so that gravity can assist with bringing their child into the world. Reiji continues to rub soothing circles upon the pregnant preteen's prodigious paunch and whispers words of encouragement in her ear, but Mimi barely notices these as her attention focuses like a laser upon the all-important task of giving life to her soon to be born daughter, everything but the sensations of her contractions and the regulation of her breathing slipping away from her conscious thoughts. Mimi isn't sure whether the time that passes is measured in minutes, hours, or days, but she experiences little pain or other discomfort as her labor progresses, and it is only when her newborn daughter's first cry breaks the serenity of the bedroom she's shared with Reiji for the last nine months that she snaps out of her trance-like state. "You did wonderfully, Mimi-chan!" compliments Reiji as he lifts the newborn from the bedspread and presents the tiny girl to her mother for her first meal. As Mimi accepts her daughter from her father, the child latching onto her nippl, she realizes just how exhausted she is from the now concluded labor, and if not for Riji catching her, the bespectacled girl would collapse to the mattress. Cradling the mother of his child in his arms, Reiji smiles down at the exhausted new mother as he comments, "I can't decide which of you is more beautiful.", Mimi giving him a tired smile in return before falling asleep in his arms as the dreamscape fades away. ### Mimi wakes the next morning to find she wet the bed, but is too distracted by the memory of her dream to be all that bothered as she places a hand to her lower abdomen, right over where the anatomy texts she's been reading suggest her womb should be as she thinks, 'If being pregnant is half that amazing, I can't wait to become a mother.'