Kodomo no Yume by Imouto Kitten Chapter 5: Kuro's Dream Redux Kuro laid naked on her massive bed, the silk sheets cool against her heated flesh as she slid the pointed end of a carrot in and out of her immature girlhood, wishing Rin was there to make the cavernous bedroom feel less lonely and empty and that it was the other girl giving her pleasure instead of herself. The carrot wasn't the thickest object the rich midget could find to use as a makeshift dildo, but it was the thickest she could find that was still thin enough to slide past the opening in her hymen without damaging that barrier, and while she had her doubts she'd ever let a man slide his prick inside her, she still wanted to save her cherry for someone she loves to pop. Sadly, even if the vision of Rin as a futanari was just a dream, the carrot can't compare to Rin's wonderful girlcock. Eventually, Kuro pulls the vegetable from her passage, and in frustration, snaps it in two before tossing it to the floor. Feeling lonely and unloved and unable to quench the fire burning in her loins, Kuro rolls over and cries herself to sleep as she has done on many a night. ### Kuro was on cloud nine with excitement. Her beloved Rin-chan would be sleeping over at the rich girl's mansion for the first time, and it would be just the two of them not counting the servants, who had been ordered not to disturb the young mistress and her guest for any reason. Remembering the compliment Rin gave her kitty print panties on the day Kuro found out about Rin being a futa, the raven-haired girl had chosen another pair of kitty print underwear for this evening, though she was already starting to soak through them in anticipation of having her cunny creamed repeatedly by Rin's futahood. Over these, the raven-haired midget wore a simple silk nightie with spaghetti straps that was just barely long enough to hide her panties from the gaze of a standing adult if she stood with her shoulders slumped. To finish her outfit, Kuro fastened a pet collar with a bell on it around her neck like a choker. She might've added a pair of fake cat ears and a buttplug cat tail, but if the evening went as planned, they'd be rendered superfluous. As she examines herself in the mirror, hoping Rin will find her irresistible, Kuro hears a knock at her bedroom door. As Kuro opens the door, she is greeted by Rin, the taller girl in a spaghetti strap top and short jean shorts, it taking so much of Kuro's self-control to keep her mouth from joining her pussy in drooling over her friend's nubile body that she doesn't even hear Rin's words at first. With a yell, Rin breaks through Kuro's lust-fogged thoughts, "Kuro-chan!" Shaking her head to clear it, Kuro replies, "Ye-Yes, Rin-chan?" "I said," starts Rin, "Kuro-chan has a beautiful house, and I think you're bedroom is larger than my entire apartment!" "Thank you, Rin-chan." replies Kuro before adding in a mumble Rin doesn't seem to hear, "though it gets really lonely being in such a big house by myself." Before Kuro can form any further thoughts, Rin pulls her top over her head, giving the raven-haired girl a good view of Rin's delicious flat chest and the taller girl's erect nipples before making it a one-two combo and yanking her shorts and panties to the floor and kicking them aside, leaving Rin in only her socks. Rin's girlcock is already erect, and the sight of her lover in all her glory is almost too much for Kuro to handle as she licks her lips. The only thing preventing the shorter girl from tackling the futa to the floor is indecision between whether to take it slow and start with kissing and heavy petting, to wrap her lips around that wonderful futahood, or to go straight for making Rin give Kuro a nice, gooey creampie. Kuro is broken from her perverted thoughts when Rin asks, "Do you like what you see, Kuro-chan?" "Very much!" replies Kuro. "Well, that's good, but I have another secret to show Kuro-chan." answers Rin. "Another secret?" Asks Kuro, but instead of a verbal reply, Rin closes her eyes as her form starts to shift subtly. Rin's ears start to enlarge and grow pointy as they move up the side of the taller girl's head, growing soft fur as they do so, eventually coming to rest on top of Rin's scalp, their coloration a smooth gradient from matching Rin's hair at the base to snow white at the tips. From the base of Rin's spine, right above the cleft at the top of her half-moons, a fluffy tail sprouts, covered mainly in downy fur to match Rin's hair, but again with a snowy tip. And the change that most captivates the shorter girl watching the transformation is in the futa's girlcock as it darkens to a blood red, the head becomes more pointed as the ridge between head and shaft becomes less prominent and the shaft becomes slightly thicker at the base as it gains a taper. Fully transformed, Rin the Futa foxgirl grins to show off cute, little fangs before twirling around, her vulpine member bobbing in place and her furry tail swishing as she asks, "What does Kuro-chan think of my true form?" "Rin-chan looks even more beautiful!" replies Kuro, starry eyed, "And being a fox girl really suits Rin-chan!" "I'm glad you like it!" replies Rin, her tail wagging excitedly, "How about you show me yours?" "Huh?" replies Kuro, confused. "Come on, my fox nose can tell you aren't really human." Realization dawning on her, Kuro blushes a bit. She intended to reveal her own secret this evening, but she never thought her beloved Rin-chan would figure it out before she had a chance to explain. Closing her eyes, Kuro's own ears start shifting in shape and position until a pair of furry black triangles are poking up out of her raven locks while the back of her nightie rises up as a long slender tail, covered in black, silky fur and tipped with white, emerges from the waistband of her panties. There are several seconds of silence during which Kuro worries Rin doesn't like her new look before the newly transformed catgirl feels someone scratching her behind the ears. As her ribcage vibrates in a low purr, Kuro opens her eyes, her now crescent-shaped pupils meeting Rin's gaze, the taller girl having knelt to be at the same eye level as Kuro. As the shorter girl's lips part, letting out a soft moan and revealing many razor sharp teeth, Rin exclaims, "Kuro-chan is such a cute, little kitty!" before pressing her lips against Kuro and pulling the catgirl into a tight hug, nothing but the sheer material of Kuro's nightie separating them. As Kuro melts into the kiss and returns the hug, Rin's tongue ghosting over the feline's sharp teeth as one hand continues scratching behind the shorter girl's ears while the other strokes Kuro's back and tail as if Rin was petting an actual cat, the purring grows louder, filling the room with the sound of the raven-haired girl's contentment. Feeling Rin's vulpine member slipping between her thighs, Kuro presses her legs together and starts rubbing the silky smooth skin of her inner thighs against the appendage, eagerly swallowing the moans this elicits from Rin and using the opportunity to slide her own tongue into the vixen's mouth even as the catgirl wishes their heights were such that she could grind her panty clad girlhood against Rin's member without breaking the kiss. After some time, Rin halts her petting of Kuro's back to reach between the cat girl's thighs, rubbing the shorter girl's vulva through her panties. "Oh my!" exclaims Rin, braking the kiss, "Kuro-chan's panties are absolutely soaked! Did my little kitty not manage to reach a litter box in time and have an accident?" Not waiting for a response, the vixen nuzzles the feline's neck before running her vulpine tongue over the catgirl's collar bone. Blushing at the accusation and shivering at the tongue caressing her skin, Kuro replies, "Nyaaaa! My-my pussy pussy was just drooling at the thought of sucking on Rin-chan's wonderful girl cock!" "Is that so?" Asks Rin before giving Kuro's collar bone a playful nip. Cupping Kuro's half moons with both hands, Rin stands, the catgirl wrapping her legs around the vixen's waist and coming to rest in the crook formed by the fox girl's torso and cock. "We'll just see about that." declares Rin before walking over to the bed and laying the shorter girl upon the silk sheets. As Rin climbs atop Kuro, the tip of the vixen's futahood grazes the kitty's mound, sending a jolt of pleasure up Kuro's spine as a mewling moan escapes the catgirl's throat. Seeing the bright red futahood pointed at her, Kuro reaches a hand to stroke Rin's member, only to have the taller girl slap her hand away. "Kitty will have her chance to play with my fox cock later," Says Rin in a tone that is part teasing and part scolding, "but first, I need to see if kitty was being truthful." Reaching a clawed finger to the collar of Kuro's nightgown, Rin asks, "Do you mind if these clothes get ruined?" Shaking her head, Kuro replies, "They're easily replaced." Hearing this, Rin uses a claw to make a clean cut down the front of the garment, using just the right amount of pressure to make the catgirl shiver in pleasure and fear as the vixen grazes the skin beneath the fabric without leaving a mark. Parting the front of the gown turned robe, Rin nuzzles the opposite side of Kuro's neck before trailing kisses down to the kitten's nipples, which she teases with her teeth before continueing further down. Reaching the waistband of Kuro's panties, Rin slips a claw under the side bands, slicing cleanly through the material, which falls away to expose the kitty's girlhood to the foxgirl. Throwing the smaller girl's legs over her shoulders and lifting the kitty's cute little butt off the bed, Rin inhales deeply of Kuro's scent, commenting, "It doesn't smell like my little kitty peed her panties, but just to be sure..." before burying her face between Kuro's thighs and plunging her vulpine tongue into her friend's folds. As Rin laps up all of the pussy's pussy juice, Kuro's mewling grows louder as the catgirl's entire body squirms from the intense pleasure the fox girl is giving her, the vixen's long, vulpine tongue digging deeper and deeper within the kitten's depths to find more delicious nectar. Before long, the tip of Rin's tongue is swirling around Kuro's cervix as it caresses all of the sweet spots of the shorter girl's passage. "Ri-Rin-chan!" shouts Kuro as she feels a climax quickly approaching, "I-I'm gonna...!" but her words are cut off as orgasm crashes into her, her thighs trapping Rin's head in a vicegrip as her girl cum gushes forth into the vixen's mouth. At the same time, Kuro's bladder gives out, and while such would normally embarrass her to no end, the cat girl is too busy convulsing in the throws of sexual bliss to even notice, especially since Rin expertly guzzles down the pussy's piddle with the rest of the raven-haired girl's release, not letting a single drop escape to stain the silk sheets. When Kuro's thighs finally release their grip on Rin's head, the vixen gently lowers the catgirl's lower half to the sheets, smiling with a single fang exposed at the result of her efforts. Kuro lies sprawled in afterglow, her pale skin glistening with a thin covering of sweat and forming a beautiful contrast with the raven locks fanned out beneath the catgirl as her flat chest heaves and her tail and ears twitch from aftershocks. When Kuro finally catches her breath and regains her senses, Rin comments, "I believe Kuro-chan's claim that she didn't miss a visit to the litter box," the catgirl blushing brightly at her friend's words, "But I still need to punish little kitty Kuro-chan for peeing while I was licking her." Fearful what her punishment will be, Kuro begs, "Pl-please don't punish me! I promise I'll be a good kitty! Nyaaaaa!" Grinning with all her teeth, Rin replies, "don't worry, Kuro-chan! I'll go easy on my cute little kitty!" With those words, Rin places the tip of one of her index fingers to the slit at the head of her girlcock while pressing the tip of her other index finger against Kuro's peehole. Rin then traces her fingers along the top of her shaft and over Kuro's clit and mons, glowing yellow lines appearing in their wake as if to highlight both girls' urethras. When her fingertips are over their respective urinary spincters, Rin draws a loop on their tummies, highlighting both girls' bladders. Kuro's shows up as a hollow outline indicating it being recently emptied while Rin's, appearing to be quite a bit larger, shows up as a partially filled outline. As Kuro stares in confusion at what the foxgirl is doing, the color starts to drain from the outline of Rin's bladder as Kuro's starts to fill in. As this is happening, Rin lets out a sigh of relief as Kuro feels a sudden urge to pee in her own bladder. "Ah, it feels great to finally empty my bladder after so long." declares Rin as the glowing yellow lines vanish, her own bladder outline having been completely empty and Kuro's nearly filled right before they disappeared. Pressing her thighs together and barely resisting the urge to grab her crotch, Kuro asks, "Wha-what did Rin-chan do?" as she feels like she's on the verge of wetting herself again, and this time without the excuse of being out of her mind with pleasure and without Rin's mouth in position to catch her golden liquid as it escapes her control. "Oh, I just used a bit of fox magic to transfer my pee to your bladder." "You...you can do that!?" cries Kuro in shock. "Yeah," replies Rin, "And if your reaction is any indicator, what just gave me a moderate need to pee is enough to put little kitty Kuro-chan in desperate need of a litterbox!" "Nyaa," protests Kuro, not wanting to admit how right Rin is, "I-I can hold this much just fine!" "That's good," replies Rin, "because I wasn't planning to let you pee for quite some time and my little spell also makes any new pee my body makes go straight to your bladder!" With this, Rin conjures a liter bottle of water and starts guzzling down while Kuro works out the implications of Rin's words, horror dawning when she realizes all that water the fox is drinking is on a collision course with the golden lake resting heavily in the catgirl's belly. As Rin finishes her water and crushes the empty bottle between her palms only for it to vanish as her hands meet, Rin asks, "Is my cute, little kitty ready to be mounted by the big, bad, futa fox?" Longing to feel Rin inside her, but worried she won't be able to handle being fucked on a full bladder, Kuro asks, hoping against hope, "Rin-chan, could I go to the toilet first?" Patting Kuro's head, Rin teases, "I could let my little kitty go tinkle..., but if Kuro-chan is such a little kitten, I'm not sure I should be playing grown up games with her." "NYAA!" Cries Kuro, horrified at the thought of being denied the fucking she desires, "I'm a big kitty! I can handle grown up games just fine!" "Then be a good kitty and hold your pee while I mate you." replies Rin, a victorious smirk on her face. Realizing she has little choice, Kuro rolls over on her stomach and shakily rises on to all fours, discarding her sliced clothing in the process. Bending her elbows until she's nearly kissing the sheets and swaying her hips side-to-side, Kuro begs, "Please, Rin-chan, Please fill my pussy pussy with your wonderful fox cock!" Instead of complying immediately, Rin kneels behind Kuro and slides her index and middle fingers into the raven haired girl's passage to massage the catgirl's g-spot as the vixen's thumb flicks across the kitty's clitty. Kuro moans loudly at Rin's touch, but it isn't enough for the catgirl as she whines, "Nyaa! I need Rin-chan's red rocket in me! NOW!" Withdrawing her hand, Rin licks Kuro's juices from her fingers before cupping one of the kitty's half moons and using a hand to line her vulpine member up with the catgirl's opening. As Rin prods Kuro's outer lips teasingly, the kitten squirms and mewls in need, but the vixen seems content to draw things out as the hand not gripping her futahood moves from the catgirl's buttock to stroke the long, slender tail the shorter girl is holding erect. Just when Kuro thinks she's about to go crazy with sexual frustration from Rin's teasing, she feels a pair of small, but strong, hands gripping her hips, and without any warning, the catgirl feels herself being yanked backwards as her fox lover's futahood is rammed balls deep, or what would be balls deep if the vixen had balls, within the raven-haired girl's pussy pussy. "NYAA!" cries Kuro at the sudden penetration, "So full! My pussy pussy feels so full!" "Little kitty Kuro-chan's cunny feels so warm and cozy!" cries Rin, "It feels like my girlcock's gonna melt!" Leaning over the smaller girl, Rin molds her body against the catgirl's back and reaches under to pinch the kitty's tiny nipples as she partially withdraws before slamming home once more in the raven-haired girl's passage. Before long, the pair are rutting like a couple of wild animals, Rin's pointed tip repeatedly battering against Kuro's cervix as the catgirl is reduced to a mewling mess, her throbbing tinkle tank nearly forgotten in her pleasure. Rin reaches a hand down to play with Kuro's clit, gasping as the catgirl clenches up around the vixen's futahood, "Keep that up, Kuro-chan, and I'm gonna cum in no time!" Panting heavily, Kuro manages to get out, "YES! DO IT! Fill me with Rin-chan's hot seed!" Unable to hold back at Kuro's words, the vixen gives one last, powerful thrust, her tip breaching the catgirl's cervix and her knot swelling just inside the pussy's pussy as the foxgirl's seed shoots forth. "NYAAAAAA!" Yowls Kuro as her own orgasm tears through her tiny body, her insides convulsing around the vixen's futahood trying to milk the foxgirl for all she's worth as Rin floods the kitten's womb with what feels like liters of fresh vulpine seed. Being the first to recover, Rin rolls her lover onto her back, the vixen still knotted inside the catgirl's cozy cunny. As Kuro lays in after glow, her tongue hanging out and her chest heaving, Rin comments softly, "Little kitty Kuro-chan looks really cute after an orgasm." Running her hand over Kuro's sweat slickened skin before coming to rest on the bulge of the pussy's protruding piddle pot, Rin adds, "Amazing! Kuro-chan is holding so much pee and yet she managed to hold it through an orgasm!" Kuro winces at the reminder of the prodigious pool of pent-up piddle pounding powerfully against her poor, overworked spincter, "Ugh, I've never had to pee so badly! Please, Rin-chan, may I go to the toilet now?" "Sure, Kuro-chan!" replies Rin as the vixen attempts to pull out of the catgirl's passage, the kitten's lower lips stretching as the foxgirl's crimson knot bulges out between them, but not enough to allow removal of the vulpine member from Kuro's depths. "Looks like little kitty Kuro-chan's pussy pussy doesn't want to let go of my girlcock!" Squirming both from desperation and the stimulation caused by Rin's gentle tugging, Kuro whines, "Then how am I going to go to the bathroom?" Unless you want me inside you as you use the toilet, I guess you'll just have to hold it until my knot deflates."" Replies Rin, a blush crossing Kuro's face at the first half of the statement followed by a grimace at the second half, "But I know just the bit of fox magic to help you keep all that potent, pent-up piddle from pouring out!" and before Kuro can ask any questions, she pinches the kitty's clitty between thumb and forefinger. As she rubs the little bundle of nerves, it starts to lengthen and thicken, and before long, a feline futahood is resting in Rin's palm. "Huh? I grew a cock?!" exclaims Kuro as she realizes what Rin just did. "How is that supposed to help me hold?" "Do you have any idea how hard it is to pee with an erection?" Asks Rin as she starts to stroke Kuro's kitty cock while also caressing the catgirl's taut, trembling, tormented tinkle tank with her other hand, "I can be absolutely bursting, but if I try to piss while erect, I can't force out even a single drop!" Her explanation complete, Rin leans down, her spine curving to an extent most humans couldn't manage before she lets her vulpine tongue hang out, saliva dripping onto Kuro's kitty cock. Kuro is surprised by just how good it feels to have Rin drool over her member, clasping her hands over her heart and closing her eyes as she moans softly from saliva coating her tip and running down her shaft. As good as this feels to the newly minted futa, it's nothing compared to the pleasure that courses up her spine as Rin first kisses her tip and then parts her lips again to engulf the feline futahood's tip, the vixen's tongue swirling around Kuro's peehole. Rin continues further, her spine forming a nearly complete circle as her lips engulf more of Kuro's new girl cock, stopping just short of the barbs encircling the organ's base. As Rin starts to bob her head up and down, Kuro is lost in the pleasure of recieving her first blowjob, something she thought completely impossible. So lost in pleasure, the catgirl not only forgets about her overfilled bladder, but fails to notice when Rin's knot deflates and the foxgirl pulls out to straighten her spine. Kuro wants to scream in frustration when, just short of orgasm, the wonderful, wet warmth engulfing her feline futahood pulls away, but as she sits up and opens her eyes, any protest dies in her throat as her eyes land upon Rin. The futa foxgirl is lying on her back, her twin tails strewn to either side, her tail fanned out beneath her. Her legs are spread, and her bright red erection stands out as it lays upon her pale, flat tummy. Grinning evily and reaching under her thighs to spread her vulpine vulva for the catgirl, Rin asks, "Now that we've separated, would little kitty Kuro-chan like to go potty, or would she rather return the favor from the other day and pop my cherry?" Both Kuro's kitty cock and her tormented tinkle tank throb in need, one to cum, the other to pee, and both threatening to drive the little kitten crazy, but in the end, lust wins out over piss and Kuro crawls over to Rin, her raven tresses cascading to either side to drape over both girls. Bringing her tip to Rin's opening, Kuro asks, "Ri-Rin-chan, can... can I really stick it in?" "Yes, Kuro-chan," starts Rin, "I want to feel that cute little kitty cock inside me! Just remember, my pussy isn't a potty, so no peeing inside me!" Without further hesitation, Kuro thrusts her hips forward, piercing Rin's hymen as she buries her feline futahood to the hilt within the vixen's vagina. Ignoring the taller girl's pained gasp, the catgirl starts humping furiously, her barbed member scraping the walls of Rin's passage as Kuro loses herself to the sensation of Rin's warm, wonderful womanhood grasping her kitty cock like a velvet vice. When Rin starts to scratch the cat girl behind the ears and guides her mouth to the vixen's nipple, Kuro is too lost in pleasure to make out her lover's words as she latches on to the vixen's teet and warm milk floods the feline's mouth. Though her bladder throbs in protest at her taking in more liquid, Kuro finds Rin's milk intoxicating and can't stop herself from guzzling as much as she can. As Kuro continues to rut the vixen while suckling at the taller girl's breast, Rin uses her free hand to trace Kuro's spine and stroke the cat girl's tail, illisiting a loud purring deep in the feline's chest. Feeling herself growing near, Kuro wills herself to detach from Rin's nipple to exclaim, "Ri-Rin-chan! I-I'm going to cum!" Wrapping her legs tightly around Kuro's waist and guiding the kitten's lips to her other nipple, Rin replies, "It's okay, little kitty Kuro-chan! Go ahead and shoot all that warm, gooey kitty cock cream deep in my cum craving cunny!" Those words are enough to do Kuro in as she hilts herself one last time, embedding her tip in Rin's cervix as her kitty cock erupts with thick cream. As Kuro recovers from her climax and withdraws, her feline futahood shivels as the spell wears off and it is reduced once more to a mere kitty clitty. At that moment, Kuro's bladder throbs in reminder of how full it is and the raven-haired girl grabs her crotch as she exclaims, "I really can't wait any longer to go pee!" Waving her hand, Rin conjures a litter box on the floor next to the bed, declaring, "There you go, Kuro-chan, go ahead and let it all out." Blushing, Kuro replies, "I...I could never go in... in that!" "Sure you can!" replies Rin, Lifting the shorter girl by an arm under each knee and kneeling to hold the cat girl over the litter box. "NYAA! Let me go use a real toilet!" cries Kuro, going crimson all over in embarrassment. "Maybe this will help you relax..." Says Rin as she lifts Kuro up far enough so the vixen can slip her fox cock up the kitty's kitty. As the vixen starts to mercilessly pound the pussy's pussy, aiming every thrust to pommel her piddle pot, Kuro starts begging, "Please, don't make use the litter box!" But her pleas fall on deaf ears. As the pair reach a shared climax, Rin erupting deep inside Kuro's womb and knotting the kitty once more, the dam breaks, Kuro's golden liquid gushing forth with such force it drills a hole in the surface of the litter and with such quantity that it forms a puddle from where the litter can't absorb it quickly enough. It is at this moment that the dreamscape shatters as Kuro awakes with a joltt. ### Back in the waking world, Kuro's eyes shoot open as she feels a warm wettness originating around her crotch and spreading out around her, completely soaking her silk sheets. She immediately realizes that she's wetting the bed, but she's unable to stem the flow, and thanks to lingering sleep paralysis, she can't even throw off her covers or get out of bed in an effort to minimize the damage. By the time motor control returns to her, her bladder has already finished emptying and all she can do is uncurl from her fetal position to lay on her back as she marvels in the surprising pleasant sensation of laying in her puddle of warm pee. As she drifts back to sleep, her last conscious thought is, 'I wonder if it would really feel that good to get fucked on a full bladder.'