Kodomo no Yume by Imouto Kitten Chapter 4: Rin's Dream Redux The memory of the dream she had of losing her virginity to Aoki-Sensei had haunted Rin all day and left her feeling quite frustrated. Even now, as she lay in bed, a hand down the front of her pajamas and her fingers vigorously sliding in and out of her horny little cunny, the sensations washing over her simply can't compare to what she had felt during her dream. Growing tired and her wrist starting to hurt, Rin gives up on trying to scratch her sexual itch and withdraws her hand, licking it clean of her juices before rolling over and trying to go to sleep in hopes that her dreams will bring her the satisfaction the waking world deems fit to deny her. ### Aoki's study is much better lit from the morning sun streaming in through the tall windows as Rin enters, now dressed in a school uniform consisting of a long-sleeved, royal blue blouse with a red neckerchief, a matching pleated skirt, white thigh highs and black mary janes, her hair in its usual twin tails. Though the skirt should extend pass her knees, Rin has rolled the waistband so that the hem comes to mid-thigh, the slightest sliver of pale flesh visible between the hem of her skirt and the cuffs of her socks. "Sensei! I'm here for my punishment!" cries the girl to get the attention of the teacher sitting in the high-backed desk chair and sounding way too cheerful about it. Turning to face her, Aoki-sensei declares, "You're late, and you're wearing your uniform in violation of the school's dress code. These will add to your punishment." Standing up, the teacher leads his student to a corner where the floor is raised and has her stand with her feet shoulder width apart before securing her to the spot with padded shackles. He then instructs her to place her palms flat against the wall in front of her, an act that forces her to bend at the waist to make an almost right angle. After securing her hands to the wall, Aoki-sensei retrieves a long, thin piece of wood from a nearby rack. Normally, this implement would be used by teachers to point to things on the chalk board that would be impractical to point to with one's index finger, but this one was reserved as an implement of discipline. Swishing the piece of wood through the air, Aoki starts to list Rin's crimes, "Breaking curfew, indecent sleepwear, interrupting a teacher's work, lewdity unbecoming of a young lady, being tardy for a disciplinary appointment, and improper wearing of your school uniform. Given the large number of violations, I think 30 lashes should be appropriate." Shocked at her sentence, fear replacing the cheerfulness she had mere moments earlier, Rin cries from her prone position, "Th-thirty!? Sensei, please have mercy!" "If this was your first time breaking the rules, I might have been more lenient, but you've proven to be rather stubborn and leave me no choice but to be quite harsh." Grabbing the hem of her skirt, he lifts it and pulls it over her back to expose her panties, and grabbing the waistband of the undergarment, he pulls it to her knees before rolling down her socks to fully expose her butt and the backs of her thighs. Feigning embarrassment, Rin cries, "NO! Don't look at my privates, Sensei!" "With what you did last night, you've got no room to talk when you're exposed as part of your punishment." replies Aoki, lifting his implement outside of Rin's limited field of view. The only warning Rin has that her punishment is beginning is the swish as the implement slices the air for a split second before the crack as it makes contact with her skin, her yelp of pain following just as quickly. As Aoki pulls the implement away from Rin's buttock, a thin, angry red line is left behind. Tears already welling up in her eyes, Rin is given just enough respite for the string to fade before another swish and crack impacts her thigh, a second angry mark left in it's wake. As Aoki continues Rin's punishment, she soon loses count of the strikes as pain overwhelms her and she is reduced to open crying, tears streaming down her face and dripping to the floor. After a barrage that seems to last hours as it sets her butt and thighs on fire, Aoki pauses in his assault, luring the girl into a false sense of security. As the period of length stretches past the five minute mark, a sobbing Rin chokes out, "Is..Is it *hiccup* over?" A look of dread crosses Rin's face as Aoki announces, "That was just fifteen." Rubbing the implement against her tender, reddened flesh, he adds, "I just gave you time to recover to ensure the second half of your punishment was as painful as the first half." before pulling the implement back from the girl's already abused backside. Rin's terrified scream of, "NOOOOOOOOOOO!" is cut off by another crack of wood against her flesh and the tears start flowing anew. By the time the onslaught concludes and Aoki announces, "and that makes thirty.", Rin is a complete mess, criss-crossing lash marks marring the once flawless skin of her buttocks and the back of her thighs, small trickles of blood dripping from a few that cut a little too deep. Her eyes are red from her crying and snot is mixing with the tears drenching her face. Her entire body is trembling from the aftershocks of her punishment, and if not for her bonds, she would've collapsed to the floor from the ordeal. Aoki retrieves a first-aid kit from a drawer of his desk, and soaking a wad of gauze in rubbing alcohol, starts to clean the cuts and abrasions left by the punishment. The Alcohol burns terribly, but Rin is too exhausted to do much more than whimper at the use of supplies chosen to make treating the marks as unpleasant as possible. Once done cleaning the wounds, Aoki starts to liberally apply a healing salve, but like with the use of alcohol as disinfectant, the ointment used was chosen specifically to irritate the enflamed skin. As he's about to pull up her underwear, he notices her girlhood catching the light. Prodding a finger at her opening, the one she had forced him to cum in the night before, he discovers that she is completely drenched. Sliding two fingers knuckle deep in her and curling them into her perineum, Aoki yanks upward so most of Rin's weight is baring down on his fingers and her pussy, causing her to let out a noise that is half pleasured moan and half pained grunt. Sighing in exasperation, Aoki says, "Not only are you a trouble maker, but apparently you're a masochist! You just recieved one of the harshest punishments I've ever dealt out, and yet you're wet as a whore!" Feebly, Rin protests, "I'm not a masochist, or a whore!" Undoing his fly to free his erection and lining up his tip with Rin's opening, Aoki replies, "Then you should be able to withstand this without climaxing!" Before slamming balls deep within her pussy. As Aoki starts to fuck Rin with the same lack of mercy he showed during the caning, her pussy starts to feel really good, but the pleasure is counter balanced by the pain of Aoki rubbing against the marks left by the punishment. Despite irritating her injuries and her bonds making for a rather uncomfortable position, Rin is unable to hold back her climax, cumming around her teacher's member. As her passage convulses in orgasm, Aoki is sent over the edge as well, flooding his battered student's young womb. Pulling out of Rin's pussy, his slacks smeared with the ointment and his seed dripping from her girlhood, Aoki asks, "Do you still deny being a masochistic little whore after cumming so quickly?" "I'm not a whore!" retorts Rin, "I only want to do it with Aoki-Sensei! A whore wouldn't care who she got it from!" Gripping Rin's buttocks hard enough to hurt even without the recent spanking, Aoki press his tip to Rin's anus as he says, "Maybe this will encourage you to be more truthful." Realizing his intentions, Rin screams, "Not that hole! It's exit only!', but her protests fall on deaf ears as he plunges balls deep into her rectum. "NO! TAKE IT OUT!" screams Rin at the sudden intrusion into her anal passage, but Aoki ignores her protests and starts pounding her ass harder than he pounded her pussy minutes earlier. Though his dick stretches her insides painfully, Rin soon starts feeling pleasure from the anal fucking, exclaiming, "Even in my butt, Sensei's cock feels great!" "Do you admit you're a masochistic little whore?" Asks Aoki, as he unlocks the shackles holding her hands and grabs her wrists for extra leverage as he increases his pace. "I'm a masochist," Starts Rin, "but I'm no whore! I love being fucked by sensei, and I want sensei to roughly fuck all of my holes every morning, every afternoon, and every night from now on, but I only want sensei to fuck me! I'm sensei's masochistic litle fuck toy, but I'm no one's whore! I'm sensei's horny, little nymphet, but I'd sooner crush another man's balls before I'd let him fuck me!" This string of confessions is more than Aoki can take as he floods Rin's bowels with hot cum, the preteen trembling in her own orgasm. as he does so. When they come down from their shared climax, Aoki undoes the shackles holding her feet and lifts her up, a hand under each knee, her shoulder blades against his shirt as he asks, "What does my masochistic litle fuck toy, my horny little nymphet want me to do next?" 'Sensei!" exclaims Rin in delight, "Please take that dirty cock you have in my ass and ram it up my naughty, horny cunt and give me another load of hot cum deep in my belly!" Without Hesitation, Aoki does as she asks, giving her pussy an even rougher fucking than her ass, the dreamscape fading as Rin hits her strongest orgasm yet. ### When Rin wakes the next morning, the dream unusually vivid in her memory, her panties thoroughly soaked to the point she has to sniff them to convince herself she didn't sleep walk to the toilet and wet them, Rin is puzzled by the contents of the dream and wonders if she really is a masochist and if anal would feel that good in real life.