Kodomo no Yume by Imouto Kitten Chapter 3: Mimi's Dream Mimi awakes to find herself lying on Reiji's bed, still wearing his t-shirt. Looking around with blurry vision, her eyes land on a blur she barely recognizes as being her best friend's cousin and caregiver. Noticing her looking at him, Raiji says, "I see you're finally awake, Mimi-chan." as he slips her glasses on to her face. As the world around her comes into focuse, Mimi can see Reiji is wearing only boxers and a t-shirt. Confused that she isn't in Rin's bedroom, the bespectacled girl asks, "Why am I in Reiji-kun's bed?" Smiling warmly, Reiji replies, "I've noticed the way you look at me, Mimi-chan. You've been harboring a crush on me, haven't you?" Blushing deeply and covering her face with her hands, she admits in a whisper, "Yes, I love Reiji-kun." Pulling her hands away from her face, Reiji stares through the lenses of her glasses and says, "No need to be embarrassed, Mimi-chan. You're a beautiful and intelligent young woman that any man would be lucky to capture the heart of, and while your lack of confidence has it's own adorableness to it, it really doesn't fit one with a brain and body such as yours." Staring back through her lenses into eyes full of affection, Mimi asks, "Do...Do you really think I'm beautiful, Reiji-kun?" Cupping one cheek in his hand and leaning down over the well-endowed girl, he whispers, "I do." before capturing her lips in a kiss. Not wanting to overwhelm her, Reiji makes no attempt to enter her mouth or to have her enter his and breaks the kiss after only a few seconds and asks, "Would you allow me the honor of properly exploring your body?" Her blush deepening, the bespectacled girl can only nod her ascent. She can feel her rear being lifted off the bedspread as Reiji pushes the oversized t-shirt she's wearing up to expose her panties and middriff followed by her shoulders as Reiji pulls the garment over her head. Throughout this process, Mimi puts up no resistance and Reiji is careful to not pull on her long, braided hair. Now only in her panties and with a grown man leaning over her, the well-endowed girl reflexively covers her chest with her arms, exclaiming "Do-Don't look!" Deciding that forcing the girl's arms away from her breasts might scare her, Reiji asks, "Would you feel more comfortable showing me your body if I showed you mine?" At her nod, Reiji removes his t-shirt to reveal his chest and abs to the bespectacled girl, his build slim and slightly muscular. Forgetting her embarrassment at exposing her breasts to a man, Mimi reaches her hands out to stroke Reiji's smooth skin, gently tracing the outlines of his muscles with her fingers as she whispers, "Reiji-kun is so handsome." Mimi is broken out of her trance and lets out an eep when Reiji grabs her breasts, one in each hand. She grabs his wrists, but isn't strong enough to remove his hands. As he fondle's the gradeschooler's ample bosom, Reiji comments, "Mimi-chan has such wonderful breasts!" Shaking her head and trying not to moan from the pleasure of having her breasts massaged, Mimi retorts, "No! They're horrible! They're so big and unwieldy!" Licking one of her nipples, Reiji replies calmly, "Nonsense! Most women would kill for a pair of breasts so big, beautiful, and so perfectly round. They're also the perfect balance between firm enough to not sag but supple enough to be easily kneaded. Plus, I'm sure they'll give plenty of milk for nourishing your children when you become a mother. Not even Aki-san had such beautiful breasts!" Before the well-endowed girl can reply, he takes the nipple into his mouth and starts sucking greedily. No longer able to resist the pleasure as Reiji sucks on one of her breasts while kneading the other, Mimi starts to moan softly underReiji's ministrations. After a minute or so, Reiji switches to the other breast to repeat the treatment. As Reiji pleasures Mimi's boobs, a warmth starts to build between her legs and she whines, "Reiji-kuuuun, I...I feel hot down there!" Halting temporarily in his sucking, Reiji moves the hand not kneading breast to rub Mimi's girlhood through her panties, asking, "Down there? Do you mean here?" before resuming his sucking. As Reiji strokes her vulva through her underwear, Mimi exclaims, "YES! It feels like I'm on FIRE!" her moans growing louder as the bespectacled girl starts to thrash. Halting his treatment of her breasts, Reiji moves both hands to the waistband of Mimi's panties, "I can help you with the heat you're feeling, but I'll need to remove your panties." Desperate for relief, Mimi practically screams, "Go ahead and remove them!", but no sooner than Reiji has pulled the garment out from under Mimi's perky rear and off her shapely legs before laying her spread eagle on the mattress then Mimi's hands shoot down to cover her girlhood. Trying to hide his frustration, Reiji says, "Now, Mimi-chan, I can't help you if you don't let me see you down there." Blushing deeply and subconsciously rubbing her palm against her vulva, Mimi replies, "But it's embarrassing to let a boy see me naked!" Deciding it'll probably be easier to distract her than talk sense into her, Reiji stands up and drops his boxers to the floor before pulling Mimi to the edge of the bed and leaning over her again, this time fully naked himself. As his erect member bobs mere inches above her abdomen, Reiji says, "Look how hard you've made me, Mimi-chan!" Forgetting her embarrassment, Mimi grips Reiji's member, its length such that she can place her hands around non-overlapping sections of his shaft and his girth such that she can barely encircle it with one hand. Entranced by the male organ, she comments, "Reiji-kun's penis, it's so big and stiff, and it feels so warm!" Cutting to the chase, Reiji breaks her from her trance by asking, "Would you like me to stick it inside you?" With only a moment's hesitation, Mimi positions his tip at her virgin opening before withdrawing her hands and placing them on the bedspread by her head before saying, "Yes, Reiji-kun! Make me a woman! Make me your woman! Just be gentle with me, okay? I am a virgin after all." Grabbing her by the ankles, he places them next to her head, her rear lifting up off the bed and angling things so she has an excellent view of his cock poised to plunge into her depths. Kissing her on the forehead, he asks, "Are you ready, Mimi-chan?" At her nod, he starts to apply pressure behind his member, spreading her lips as his cockhead enters her. He soon meets the resistance provided by her hymen and whispers, "This might hurt for a bit." Before increasing pressure, Mimi grimacing as her hymen starts to stretch. Suddenly, Mimi's hymen gives way completely, the bespectacled girl letting out a yelp of pain as the sudden loss of resistance has Reiji burying his cock all the way to her cervix, his balls slapping against her ass. Wrapping her in a comforting embrace, pinning her legs to her sides in the process, Reiji gently rubs her back while asking, "Are you okay, Mimi-chan? " Wrapping her arms around his neck and blinking away her tears, she replies, "It hurt at first, but I'm okay now. Oh my, Reiji-kun's penis feels even bigger and warmer in my vagina than it did in my hands!" Wiping away the tears streaming down her cheeks, Reiji replies, "And your vagina is much warmer and tighter than Aki-san's was." Smiling warmly at the well-endowed gradeschooler, he asks, "Ready for me to start moving?" As she nods her ascent, he slowly withdraws about halfway before sliding back in, setting a slow pace to ensure she's fully recovered from the loss of her virginity and has fully adjusted to his size. After several minutes of this sedate lovemaking, Mimi begs, "P-Please, Reiji-kun! Do me faster! This slow pace is driving me crazy!" As Reiji picks up speed, Mimi pulls him into a kiss, and he is surprised for a second time when Mimi is the first to open her mouth, running her tongue along the seam between his lips in silent request for entry. As he pounds her pussy, the two engage in a tongue wrestling match, swallowing each other's moans of pleasure Feeling his orgasm approaching, Reiji breaks the kis to exclaim, "Mi-Mimi-chan, I'm about to ejaculate, is it okay to do it inside you?" Smiling widely, the gradeschooler replies, "I haven't started menstruating yet, so Reiji-kun can inseminate me as much as he wants! But even if I had started my cycle, the thought of Reiji-kun impregnating me sounds delightful!" Trying to wrap her legs around Reiji's waist only to remember they're pinned by Reiji's arms, Mimi asks, "Reiji-kun, please let me wrap my legs around you." Releasing the bespectacled girl long enough for her to wrap her legs around him, Reiji captures her in a tighter embrace, her ample bosom squashed pleasantly against his chest. Before long, the two are climaxing in unison. As they come down from the high of orgasm, Reiji pulls out of Mimi, much to the girl's disappointment, but she's too tired from the experience to hold him in place. Leaving her spread Eagle on the bed, Reiji moves a full-length mirror to where Mimi can see her very sexed up reflection. Smiling at the bespectacled girl, Reiji comments, "I poured so much semen in you! Just look how your vagina is overflowing!" before sitting on the bed and laying Mimi's head in his lap. Yawning softly, Mimi comments, "Reiji-kun's semen feels so warm in my uterus..." before letting exhaustion claim her, the dream sequence fading as she drifts off to sleep. ### The next morning, all three girls wake to find their panties soaked in their juices, all three blushing at the memory of their respective dreams and doing their best to conceal their embarrassment from the other two.