Kodomo no Yume by Imouto Kitten Chapter 2: Kuro's Dream Kagami Kuro hated being on cleaning duty. Being from a rich family, she had servants to clean up after her at home and thought it ridiculous that the school made students clean the classrooms instead of having a janitor do it. On the bright side, she was sharing this torture with her best friend and crush, Kokonoe Rin, and the Raven-haired girl enjoyed being alone with the taller girl even under such unpleasant circumstances. What she wouldn't do to have Rin-chan gush over her like she does that damn virgin. Kuro is broken out of her thoughts when Rin calls to her, "Kuro-chan!" Recovering from her distracted state of mind, the raven-haired midget turns to the taller girl and replies, "Yes, Rin-chan?" The twin-tailed girl replies, "I'm done with my part of the cleaning, but there's something I was hoping you'd help me with." Kuro replies, "I'm done too. What do you need help with, Rin-chan?" Nervously, Rin asks, "Kuro-chan, will you promise me you won't hate me for what I'm about to ask of you?" Placing her hands on her hips and letting some indignation into her tone, Kuro replies, "I could never hate Rin-chan!" Sighing in relief, Rin slips her fingers under the waistband of her shorts, and says, "This might shock you, Kuro-chan." Before yanking both her shorts and panties to her knees, revealing an erect cock that is of a rather impressive size for a grade schooler. Seeing the penis, Kuro's first reaction is to blurt out, "Rin-chan's a boy?!" Giggling and letting her bottoms drop to her ankles, Rin replies, "No silly, I'm a futanari!" Sitting on one of the desks and lifting her legs up, her panties and shorts now dangling from one ankle, Rin spreads her pussy lips to give Kuro a good look, declaring, "See, I still have a pussy where my balls would be if I were a boy, but my girl cock has been acheing for attention all day, and I don't think jacking off is going to help much if at all." Recovering from her shock, Kuro asks, "Would Rin-chan like me to suck it?" "That would be wonderful, Kuro-chan!" replies the twin-tailed girl, laying back on the desktop, her twin pony tails cascading to the floor. Walking up to the desk, Kuro wraps her hands around Rin's member, thinking 'Rin's cock feels so warm in my hands.' Pulling the tip down to her mouth, the raven-haired girl gives it a kiss before parting her lips and taking Rin's cockhead into her mouth and proceeding to lick it like a lollipop while she strokes the futa's shaft. Rin rests her thighs on Kuro's shoulders and crosses her legs behind the shorter girl's head as several moans of pleasure escape the twin-tailed futa's throat. "That feels great, Kuro-chan! Please take more of me in your mouth!" Shouts the futa, barely resisting the urge to bury her hands in Kuro's hair and force her cock down the raven-haired girl's throat. Kuro starts to bob her head up and down on Rin's member, getting a bit more of the twin tailed girl's futahood in her mouth with each downward motion. Feeling Rin's tip pressing against her throat, Kuro swallows hard against her gag reflex as Rin's prick starts to slide down the smaller girl's throat. Eventually, Kuro's lips make contact with Rin's pubic bone, the futa's tip lodged deep in the raven-haired girl's esophagus. As she sucks on the lower half of Rin's futahood and swallows around the upper half, Kuro slides her tongue out of her mouth to lap away at Rin's pussy. "OH GOD! I didn't think Kuro-chan would be able to do fellatio and cunnilingus at the same time!" Shouts the futa as she feels both of her orgasms approaching. Burying her hands in Kuro's hair and bucking her hips wildly, Rin shouts once again, "Kuro-chan! I'm gonna cum!" Right before a torrent of semen erupts from Rin's member and floods the smaller girl's stomach. Once she's spent her load, Rin pulls her now flaccid futahood from Kuro's mouth with an audible pop, saying, "That was great, Kuro-chan!" Blushing at the praise, Kuro replies, "I'm glad you liked it, Rin-chan!" Getting to her feet, Rin asks, "Would you like me to return the favor, Kuro-chan?" Her heart skipping several beats, Kuro replies, "I'd love for Rin-chan to lick my pussy!" Rin helps the shorter girl up on to the desk, Kuro's long, black hair fanning out beneath her as she spreads her legs to expose her panties to Rin. Examining Kuro's panties, Rin comments, "What cute, kitty-print panties you have, Kuro-chan!" before pulling the garment to the raven-haired girl's knees. Once Kuro's girlhood is exposed, Rin wastes no time burying her tongue in the smaller girl's folds. Feeling intense pleasure wash over her, the raven-haired midget exclaims, "Rin-chan's tongue feels wonderful!" Which only encourages the twin-tailed girl to bury her tongue deeper and move it more vigorously within Kuro's depths. It isn't long before the smaller girl is exclaiming, "Ri-Rin-chan! I-I'm gonna cum!" mere seconds before her passage tightens like a vice around Rin's tongue and Kuro's girl juices coat the taller girl's face. As she recovers from her orgasm, Kuro looks down to see that Rin has finished removing the raven-haired girl's panties, has flung the smaller girl's legs over the taller girl's arms,, and that Rin's futahood is poised at the entrance to Kuro's virgin passage. Desperation lacing her voice and barely resisting the urge to bury herself in Kuro without permission, Rin pleads, "Ku-Kuro-chan! I-I'm hard again! Is-is it okay to stick it inside you?!" Her heart fluttering at the thought of being fully with her beloved Rin-chan, but not wanting to seem too eager, Kuro replies, "Normally, the thought of having a cock inside me would disgust me, but if it's Rin-chan, I guess it's okay." Smiling widely, Rin replies, "Thank you Kuro-chan! And sorry if this hurts." With that, the futa thrusts her hips forward, hilting her member within Kuro in one swift stroke, the pair letting out loud moans as Rin's tip meets Kuro's cervix and their pubic bones collide. Kuro barely notices the twinge of pain from her hymen tearing as the sensation of fullness from Rin's cock spreads through her. "I love the way Rin's cock stretches my cunny! It's so big and thick!" Exclaims the raven-haired midget. "And I love the way Kuro-chan's cunny is squeezing my cock! It's so warm and tight!" replies the twin-tailed futa. Grabbing Kuro's legs by the ankles, Rin pulls her cock almost entirely from the smaller girl's passage before thrusting back in. Soon, the futa has set a rather pleasant pace. Looking down at Kuro, Rin comments, "What a lewd, yet cute expression Kuro-chan has on her face! You must really like being fucked!" Instead of issuing a retort, the blushing Kuro instead exclaims, "Kiss me, Rin-chan!" As Rin leans over the raven-haired girl to do so, Kuro wraps her arms and legs around the taller girl and quickly invades Rin's mouth with her tongue. After several minutes of passionate kissing, Rin breaks the kiss to exclaim, "Kuro-chan! I'm about to cum! Is it okay to cum inside?!" Panting heavily, Kuro replies, "Yes! Please cum in me, Rin-chan! Please pour all of your love into me!" No sooner than the words leave Kuro's lips, Rin's cock erupts deep within the smaller girl, flooding the raven-haired girl's womb and sending Kuro over the edge, the smaller girl's pussy milking the futa's cock for all it's worth. As they come down from their shared climax, Rin makes to pull out of Kuro, much to the raven-haired midget's protests, "No! Please don't pull out of me, Rin-chan! I need Rin-chan to make love to me some more!" Instead of pushing back into Kuro, Rin wraps her arms around the smaller girl and pulls her onto Rin's lap as the taller girl sits down in one of the classroom's many chairs. Resting her chin on top of the shorter girl's head, Rin asks, "Is Kuro-chan really that needy for sex?" Kuro replies softly, "I'd be content to just be held in Rin-chan's arms like this for a long while..." "Then we can stay like this for as long as Kuro-chan wants." Replies the taller girl, giving Kuro a kiss on the forehead as she gently rubs the smaller girl's back. Snuggling into Rin's chest, Kuro says in a whisper, "That sounds nice." as she savors the gentle caress of Rin's hand and the warmth of the futa's cock still in her pussy and Rin's seed in her belly. Before long, Kuro drifts off to sleep in Rin's arms, and the dreamscape fades into nothingness.