Erika's Exhibition by Imouto Kitten As the video starts, Erika's face and upper torso fill most of the screen as she speaks, "Hello, Ikki. There's something I want to show you, but before I continue I need you to make sure you're alone and that no one will walk-in on you while watching this video." After a pause of several seconds, she continues, "Are you alone and secure? Good." With those words, the camera zooms out, showing Erika from head to socked feet and revealing that she's standing in her bedroom, her bed running along the wall behind her. Reaching her hands up to her chest, she undoes the fastener holding first one overall strap and then the other before lowering her arms to let the pink denim pool around her ankles before kicking her overalls aside, leaving her only in her baby blue tee with matching socks and panties, the tee just short enough to play peek-a-boo with her navel. Without the slightest sign of embarrassment, Erika asks the camera, "Like what you see, Ikki?" before sitting down on her bed, reclining among pillows and plushies propped against the wall and pulling her knees up to her shoulders, the camera zooming in so she dominates the screen. Bringing a hand to her crotch, she caresses her girlhood through her undies, letting out a soft moan as she declares, "Ikki... I've barely touched myself... and yet I've already soaked my panties just from thinking of you..." reaching for her waistband, Erika lifts her butt from the mattress to pull her panties to her knees, stretching the garment between them, the gusset, slightly darkened in the center of the frame. "Ikki, can you see how my girl parts glisten?" Asks Erika to the camera before parting her petals with thumb and middle finger, her index fingercoming to rest atop her immature clit and starting to rub. "Oh Ikki!" cries Erika in ecstacy as she rubs her clit, the Camera zooming in on her privates as she continues to play with her love button, her narration still coming through loud and clear, "My little clitty wants you to give it a good tongue lashing... and my cunny..." With this, her other hand enters the frame, a finger prodding at her opening, caressing the membrane covering most of her entrance, "My cunny longs to be filled with something long, thick, and stiff... but my cherry makes fitting even my pinky inside difficult... Oh Ikki, I wish you were here to pop my cherry and fill me up..." As Erika continues her non-penetrative masturbation, the Camera pans up to show her face, flushed with pleasure before zooming back out to show the girl in her entirety. After some time of just shamelessly masturbating for the camera, Erika discards her panties to let her spread her legs even further and pushes her tee up to expose her flat chest and rock hard nipples. Continuing to play with herself with one hand, her other hand comes up to pinch at her nipple as she cries out, "Oh Ikki! My nipples are so hard and sensitive... oh, how I long for you to suck and nibble on them as you cram your cute, little cock up my cozy, little cunny and fill my tummy with your cream... just the thought is nearly enough to make me..." With that, Erika's entire body trembles as she lets out her loudest moan thus far and a sudden discharge from her girlhood coats her hand. Erika's tremors soon give way to the girl going limp against the pillows stacked between her and the wall, a blissed out expression on her face as she licks her juices from her fingers and the video fades to black.
A fade from black reveals Erika's bedroom once more, this time from the foot of her bed instead of the side, the nest of pillows and plushies gone. Erika is on all fours, rear to the camera and again wearing pale blue socks and panties, but her tee has been replaced with a matching camisole, the spaghetti straps leaving her shoulders on full display. Shaking her pantied posterior for the camera, Erika asks, "Hey, Ikki, don't I have a cute butt? Don't you just want to spank it for all those times I wrote an article that made you look bad or downplayed your role in the heroics you and Metabee get up to?" reaching back, Erika rolls her panties down, mooning the camera and exposing her glistening girlhood. Lowering her head to her pillow and thrusting her rear in the air as far as it'll go, Erika reaches a hand between her thighs to spread her netherlips, once more showing off her most intimate place for the camera as she narrates, "Ikki, doesn't my virgin, little cunny look all cute and cozy? Don't you just want to take that hard, little cock of yours and shove it in there? Don't you just want to rip through my cherry and make me yours?" Reaching over her back with her other hand, Erika parts her halfmoons to show off her anus, "Or maybe you'd rather stretch out my tight, little rosebud... Isn't it just the prettiest shade of pink?" As the hand between her thighs caresses her girlhood, rubbing her clit and prodding at her hymen but never actually penetrating, the hand on her butt teases her rosebud before eventually sinking a finger to the first knuckle. "Oh Ikki, it feels nice to wiggle a fingertip in my butt... but I bet you'd stretch me so much more than my fingers ever could and could go so much deeper! Oh, I'm not sure which hole I'd want you to use first!" Erika continues her masturbating for maybe another minute before visibly trembling for a few seconds before collapsing upon her sheets.
Another fade to and from black finds Erika practically naked, the only fiber covering her body being ropes that criss-cross all over her torso in a diamond pattern, framing her navel and non-existant breasts, her arms tied behind her back, and her knees tied to her elbows to leave her pussy completely exposed, the exposure even more complete thanks to pieces of medical tape holding her labia apart. A trio of bullet vibrators have been taped over her nipples and her cunny. Completing the scene, instead of appearing to be laying on her bed, or in her bedroom at all, she appears to be laying on a bare, concrete slab. Though she's clearly trying to sound scared, the excitement is clear in Erika's voice as she cries out, "Please Ikki! I've been captured by the Rubber Robo Gang! These buzzy things they've put on my nipples and privates are driving me crazy and who knows what they're going to do to me if I don't tell them what they want to hear! And to make matters worse, I've needed to pee since before I got captured, but they refuse to let me go to the little girls' room!" Erika squirms against her bonds, making it clear she's really been tied up and this isn't some set of trick knots she could get into and out of on her own. "Wh-what if those nasty Rubber Robos want to molest me! I don't want to lose my cherry to those freaks! Please Ikki, please rescue me before those nasty rubber robos can have their way with me!" letting out a whimper of desperation, "and before I make a mess and pee everywhere!" Erika's squirming, whimpering and moans of pleasure continue for another minute or so before she cries out, "Oh no! I...I can't hold it!" as her squirming gives way to trembling and her bladder gives out, the scene fading to black as she appears to pass out from her ordeal.
When the scene fades from black, Erika is again standing before the camera in her overalls as she smiles at the camera and declares, "I hope you enjoyed that little show, Ikki! If you made it this far, I'm sure you've either made a mess of your shorts or are throbbing like crazy, though I kind of hope you didn't bother watching the whole thing and ran out to find me and ravage me... and naturally, I wasn't really captured by the Rubber Robos, though I wouldn't mind playing the damsel in distress about to be raped by the villains for you to play the hero and then ravage me yourself... and in case it hasn't gotten through your thick skull yet..." Standing straighter and placing a hand over her heart, Erika confesses to the camera, "Ikki, I love you!" and with that, the video ends.