A Veela's Appreciation by Imouto Kitten Chapter 2: The Morning After As the sounds of his roommates going about their morning routines penetrate Harry Potter's drowsy mind, the Boy-Who-Lived can't keep his cheeks from heating up as he remembers a quite vivid dream involving a little girl doing things no girl her age should have any notion of and being powerless to resist her charms. As guilt duels with lust over Harry having a wet dream about the baby sister of the Beauxbatons' champion, the boy's somewhat sleep-deprived mind becomes aware of something warm laying atop his torso and something even hotter squeezing tightly around his morning wood. Tilting his head to try and get a look at the weight pinning him to his mattress, Harry is met by the sight of a tousled head of silvery blonde tresses, somehow looking immaculate even in the disarray of bed head. Now fully awake but no where near refreshed enough to think clearly, the emerald-eyed boy can't help but yell the first thing that comes to mind, "Oh, bloody hell! It wasn't a dream! I really did take advantage of a little girl!" Fortunately for Harry, the rune stone his little lover placed on his bed post is still working, the magic of Hogwarts prolonging its duration... less fortunately, at least from the boy's currently panicked perspective, his words ring loudly in the confines of his bed curtains, waking the angel sleeping atop him. "[Not zo loud, 'Arry Darling...]" Says Gabrielle in a sleepy pout, lifting her head just enough to rub the sleep from one eye, looking absolutely adorable in the process, and making Harry's cock throb in response as lust gains the upperhand in its duel with guilt. "[Oh,]" moans Gabby in response to Harry's wand jumping within her, "[Does my darling's morning wood need my attentions?]" At Gabby's words, Harry's panic gives way to confusion... the French words falling from those plump, pale pink lips still gibberish to Harry's ears, yet he somehow comprehends her meaning. However, before he can try to ask about the strange phenomenon, his angelic lover has pushed herself upright and begun gyrating her hips, the boy's lust driving guilt from his mind as he is once again overwhelmed by the velvet vice of a young veela's vaginal passage, Harry moaning in ecstasy as his member is slowly dragged from within her depths only to be sucked back in over and over. Glancing over her shoulder, Gabrielle smiles at the sight of the rune stone still glowing, glad she doesn't have to worry about the other Gryffindor boys overhearing or peeking through the curtains as she leans forward, placing her palms on Harry's chest and asks, "[Do you like eet, 'Arry Darling? Does my petite pussy feel good around your wand?]" "Gabby, It feels amazing!" replies Harry, digging his fingers into the bedding. "[I'm zo 'appy zu 'ear zat]" replies Gabby, increasing her pace as she leans back, grabbing the hem of the top she wore through last night's activities as she continues, "[I zink I'll give you a special show for zat compliment.]" Pulling the top over her head and placing her hands on the mattress between Harry's legs, the young girl pulls her legs up until her feet are resting sole down on the sheets, her budding breasts thrusting towards the canopy of the four-poster as she adopts what muggles would call a crabwalking position. For some time, she simply holds that pose, letting her lover roam his eyes over her nude form, watching the boy's face grow ever redder as he takes in every detail of her body, from her plump, little, perfectly pedicured toes to her creamy, well-toned thighs, her trim, little tummy, his face darkening several shades as he briefly imagines it swollen up with the first of many Potter children, to her delicious looking flat chest, her harden nipples looking quite suckable, and finally her angelic face wreathed in a halo of silvery tresses. As bright green eyes meet deep blue eyes, Gabrielle gives her mate a smile to put the sun to shame and asks, "[Do you like what you zee? 'ow do I look in all my glory?]" Only one word manages to slip past Harry's lust-addled mind to pass his lips, "Beautiful." the response making Gabrielle's smile brighten even further as she resumes riding Harry's cock, her new posture giving him a good view of his wand sliding in and out of her passage and of every gentle curve of the nymphet's nubile body. With all she's done to work him up, it isn't long before she can feel him twitching within her, her smile turning more sultry as she comments, "[Are you about to cum, 'Arry Darling? Eet'z okay, spill your zeed within me zu your 'eart'z content!]" as she wills her cervix to open up to accept a fresh deposit. Unable to resist such a request from the little goddess caressing his dick with her internal muscles, Harry forces himself upright as he grabs Gabby's hips and forces himself balls deep within her, the head of his cock popping into her small womb once more as they both climax, wrapping each other in an embrace as Harry pumps her belly full of his seed and her passage ripples along his shaft Tilting her head back, Harry bows his head to capture Gabby's lips in a soft, sensual kiss, their tongues enjoying a relaxing waltz as the afterglow washes over them and Harry wishes he could've taken the young Veela to the Yule Ball. The couple sit there, simpley enjoying their mutual embrace until a very different biological need rears it's head, Harry breaking the kiss and blushing as he admits, "Uh, Gabby, I need to pee." Blushing in realization, she replies, "[Zo do I.]" as she crawls off his lap, inadvertantly giving him a good view of her perfectly pert half-moons, making it quite tempting to take the little girl once more, this time from behind with her on her hands and knees and damn the consequences of ignoring their full bladders, but he shakes his head and realizing the sticky mess their activities have made of his crotch, he grabs the first bit of loose cloth he can find and uses it to wipe himself clean, only realizing afterwards that he grabbed Gabrielle's discarded underwear, blushing as he hands the now smeared with seed and girl juice unmentionables to their owner with a muttered, "Sorry." Giggling at the look of mortification on his face, Gabrielle replies, "[Eet's okay.]" and Harry realizes he's back to finding her words incomprehensible, both in sound and meaning. Looking around and not seeing any clothes belonging to his little lover aside from the soiled knickers and the far too flimsy top, he removes his own night shirt, figuring that, though short for his age, it should still be long enough to serve as a makeshift dressing gown for the young veela. "Here, put this on." Taking the garment, Gabrielle brings it to her face and inhales deeply of her mate's scent before commenting, "[Merci, 'Arry Darling... you Zuly are my chevalier, protecting my modesty like zis.]" After Gabby has wrapped his shirt around herself to his satisfaction, Harry peeks out of his curtains, sighing in relief to find the dorm empty. Retrieving his invisibility cloak from his trunk, Harry hands the silvery fabric to Gabby as he says, "Here, wrap this around you so no one sees you." Though she too doesn't understand his words, she can make an educated guess upon recognizing the cloak, her face lighting up in surprise that her mate would own something so rare and valueable even as she places her hand atop the one holding the cloak and replies, "['Arry darling, I refuse to hide zat we 'ave been bonded.]" Again recognizing her meaning if not her words, Harry asks, "Okay, what exactly does that mean? And why can I sometimes understand what you're saying when I don't know French?" "[Eet iz ze bond. Eet letz bondmates understand each ozerz zoughtz even when zey can't understand each ozerz wordz. At ze moment, eet only workz if we are touching skin-zu-skin, but will grow zonger over time.]" Pressing her thighs together, she adds, "[I can explain more later, but unlezz you want me to embarass myzelf, you'd better escort me to ze toilettes.]" Blushing at the implications of what the bond is telling him, Harry drops the cloak back in his trunk before offering Gabrielle a hand to help her to her feet, "Su-sure... and we should probably take a shower as well." The young veela taking his hand just in time to comprehend the latter half of his sentence, her face lighting up once more as she stands and hugs herself to the offered arm as the pair exit the dorm.