Fuck the Food Chain by Imouto Kitten As Tails trudged his way towards the captain's quarters aboard the Blue Typhoon after a long day of dealing with the Metarex and Eggman's latest plots, nothing could have prepared the young fox for what awaited him in his private sanctuary, as upon entering his sitting room, he's greeted by not one, but two irresistably cute young girls. Despite being a tech genius to rival his home planet's greatest mad scientist, Tails isn't sure how, but both Cosmo and Cream have managed to sneak into the Fox's private quarters without triggering any alarms, and while the pair are adorable enough individually and when wearing their usual attire, the matching outfits the girls are wearing at the moment are quickly rendering the fox incapable of rational thought. For you see,, the pair are currently wearing little more than matching silk nighties, the garments differing only in that Cream's is the pink of strawberry ice cream while Cosmo's is the green of mint ice cream. As the pair approach, their footsteps muffled by Tails's carpet and the ankle socks matching their respective nightgowns, the hems of said nightgowns fluttering to play peek-a-boo with their panties, the rabbit's a rose pink and the seedrian's a lime green, Tails can feel a stirring in his loins, and he can feel his tips poking out of his sheath as he moves his hands to try and cover his arousal as a blush penetrates the white fur on his muzzle. As the females flank the flustered fox, Cream lets out a giggle as she exclaims, "No need to hide your reaction, Mr. Tails!" the polite girl retaining some of her formality despite the intimate situation. "Besides," cuts in Cosmo, affection shining in her eyes, "if you're hiding what I think you're hiding, it's exactly the kind of reaction we were hoping for." Before Tails can formulate a response, each girl has slid an arm under one of his, trapping him in a two person embrace and forcing his hands away from his crotch. The pair smile as the flailing fox's hands come to rest upon the bunny's bubble butt and the plant's perky posterior, and the two girls let out a shared giggle at the expression that cross's Tails's face as he realizes just where his hands landed. "Wow! Mr. Tails is turning redder than Mr. Knuckles!" comments Cream, her tone managing to be both teasing and innocent at the same time. "It's okay, Tails, you can touch us where ever you want." Adds Cosmo, and to prove her point, she reaches a hand down and places it over Tails's encouraging him to give her dainty derriere a squeeze as she parts her thighs to press her flower against the fox's furry thigh, Cream mirroring the seedrian's actions. The sensation of having both of his lower limbs trapped in the warm embrace of a cute girl's thighs, one with silky skin, the other with velvety fur and both all but grinding their girlhoods against him is nearly more than the poor fox boy can take, but what brings Tails to total, fully unsheathed erection is a pair of hands, one dainty and bare, the other larger and gloved, coming to rest upon his crotch. "Oh my!" cry the girls in surprise as they get their first impressions of Tails's equipment, having seen nothing prior to him covering himself and having maintained eye contact with the fox since capturing him in their embrace. However, it isn't Tails's size that has them excited, although he is easily five inches, rather respectible for an anthro, especially one so young. No, what surprised Cosmo and Cream is the discovery that the Tails that gave the fox his nickname aren't the only thing he has more of than is usual. Pulling back to confirm with their eyes what their hands felt, the two girls are awestruck by the sight that greets them. For indeed, jutting out from where his white belly fur meets his orange crotch fur, Tails has not one, but two vulpine cocks, one right above the other, bulbous bases tapering to pointed tips, each five inches from root to peehole and a nearly blood red crimson. "Well, that should make sharing much easier." comments Cosmo with a smile on her face. "Yeah," replies Cream with a giggle, "I was afraid we'd end up fighting over who's turn it is to go for a ride." As the pair of girls eye the Twin tailled fox's dual dicks hungrily, the boy can't decide whether to die from embarrassment that his biggest secret has been exposed, sigh in relief that the girls don't seem bothered by his second bit of extra anatomy, or to run in terror as the rabbit and seedrian's expressions turn almost predatory. Tails would later be grateful for his indecision at that moment as both girls drop to their knees in front of him, each taking one of his fox cocks in their hand before giving their respective tips a tentative lick. Being the shorter of the pair, Cream targets Tails's lower member, and finding the bead of precum she got with her first taste of cock, she starts licking the fox's shaft as if eating an Ice cream cone, gripping the base with her hand and running her tongue from the lowest point she can reach to the tip, alternating from licking up the left side, the right side, and along the bottom and wishing she could rotate her new favorite treat to get at the topside. Meanwhile, Cosmo has opted for twirling her tongue around the tip of Tails's upper member, and though the two girls have very different techniques, either one alone would be enough to leave the fox boy panting in pleasure, the two combined leaving the young genius's mind in total meltdown. Of course, Cream and Cosmo are just getting started, and what little breath Tails has left is taken away as Cosmo parts her lips and draws the fox's cock into her mouth, her warm, wet, wonderful mouth, and not to be outdone, Cream quickly follows suit. Before long, the girls are bobbing their heads in a synchronized rhythm, one pulling back until their lips are wrapped around the tip of the cock she is servicing as the other takes Tails other member knot deep, swallowing his tip and a fresh drop of precum. Having his dual dicks double teamed by such a cute pair of girls soon has the fox on the verge of a climax far beyond any he's self-induced and he cries out, "Cr-Cream! Co-Cosmo! I-I'm going to cum!" only for his euphoria to turn to frustration as both girls pull their mouths off his cocks entirely, the angry red members just shy of massive eruptions as Tails whines, "Wh-why did you stop!?" Standing up and dusting herself off, Cosmo replies, "I don't want you wasting any of your seed before you've had a chance to pollinate my flower." Letting out another giggle as she gets on all fours, Cream shakes her bunny butt towards Tails, declaring, "And my cozy, little bunny cunny craves honey!" before standing up as well. "Why don't we head to the bedroom?" Asks Cosmo, taking one of Tails's hands as Cream takes the other, the fox putting up no resistence as the two girls lead him, his twin cocks twitching in anticipation of what he suspects the pair have in store for him. Reaching the bedroom, the two girls sit the fox down on the foot of his bed, merely a full by Earth standards but plenty spacious for the three of them given their short stature compared to humans. Placing Tails's hands upon the sheets, both girls order, "No touching yourself!" before stepping back far enough to allow the fox's eyes to roam over their entire bodies from their socked feet to the tips of Cosmo's buds and the crooks of Cream's ears. Taking in the beauty of the pair, Tails lifts a hand, clearly wanting to stroke his aching erections, but the fox manages to stop himself. Smiling at how the fox manages to obey the one rule they gave him, both girls reach a hand up to slowly slide a shoulder strap to rest in the crook of their opposite elbow before mirroring the action so their crossed arms are the only thing keeping their nighties in place, both girls complete lack of cleavage on full display as they watch Tails squirm with a look of mischief and admiration in their eyes. After a full minute of tormenting the horny fox during which he manages to resist the temptation to jack off to the lovely strip tease the girls are giving him, Cream and Cosmo let their arms fall, their nighties sliding down their torsos to pool around their ankles. Neither girl has any reason to wear a bra,, so they stand before tails in nothing but socks and panties, pebble hard nipples standing out on their flat chests, bright pink protruding through the white of cream's chest and belly fur, Cosmo's a dark green upon her pale skin. Neither their usual dresses nor the nightgowns they just dropped to the floor were very form fitting, and now that the girl's youthful curves are exposed to him, Tails can't help but redouble his efforts to take in and memorize every detail of their respective forms. Cosmo's whole body is quite slender with only the slightest widening around the hips, making Tails think that he could easily wrap his hands completely around her willowy waist. Though shorter by quite a bit, cream clearly has more meat on her bones and would be what some would consider pudgy, a clear bulge to her belly compared with Cosmo's trim tummy, but all Tails can think is that the rabbit looks pleasantly plump and incredibly cuddly. After a minute under the fox's appreciative gaze, Cosmo breaks the silence as she kicks her night gown out of the way and walks over to rest her head between cream's ears, hugging the shorter girl from behind as she asks, "So, what do you think, Tails?" "Yo-yo-you're-" stammers the Fox before taking a deep breath and exclaiming, "Both of you are too cute for words!" Giggling, Cream comments, "Thank you for the compliment, Mr. Tails." "Yes, I'm glad you think so." adds Cosmo as the two girls approach the bed, each of them straddling one of Tails's thighs before going in to kiss the fox on the cheek, the heat of his latest blush felt on the girls' lips. Pulling back with matching smiles, the girls take in the goofy grin on the fox's flushed face as they start to grind their pantied pussies against his thighs. "Now remember," starts Cosmo, "You're not allowed to touch yourself." "But you can touch us anywhere you want." adds Cream. "And you get the honor of removing our panties!" the pair cry in unison before leaning in for another kiss, this time both girls aiming for the fox's mouth, which is hanging open in surprise at their shared declaration. Soon, the trio's tongues are tangled in a three-way tango as Cream and Cosmo continue to grind against Tails's thighs, his fur becoming matted with their juices as their panties are soaked through. Despite their earlier words, Tails can't bring himself to immediately go for his prizes, instead opting to place his hands on the back of their heads, gently stroking Cosmo's verdent, leaf-like lockes and massaging Cream's scalp through the velvety peach fuzz covering the bunny's head. Though not quite what they want, the girls find Tails's touch enjoyable nonetheless and they each reach an arm around to run their fingers through the fluffier fur of the fox's scalp while their other hands reach down to lightly grip a fox cock apiece. Tails moans into the three-way kiss from the sensations of having his dual dicks softly stroked, but as he continues to focus on the girl's scalps, their ministrations slow to an agonizing extent, their silent order for him to get on with it coming through loud and clear. Tails lowers his hands to stroke along their spines, Cream and Cosmo showing their appreciation by speeding up their stroking of his shafts, only to slow once more at the fox's hesitation to venture below the belt. After what seems like forever, the two girls finally manage to coax Tails into fondling their fannies through the motions of their hands on his members alone, moaning appreciatively as the fox finally squeezes a half-moon in each hand. Half of the bunny's big beautiful bubble butt proves to be more than a handful, and the fox soon discovers that the fluffy tail protruding through a hole in the seat of Cream's panties is even softer than his own fuzzy namesakes. And while Cosmo's dainty derriere is downright diminutive next to Cream's, Tails finds it a delight to knead the pair of petite but perky cheeks concealed within the Seedrian's silky undies. Cream and Cosmo are delighted that Tails seems to have finally gotten over his nerves as he slides a hand under their undies to continue his ministrations upon their bottoms and even reaches further to slide a finger along their slits. Eventually, Tails grows bold enough to take charge and nudges the girls off his lap before dropping to his knees in front of Cosmo. Hooking his index fingers inside her waistband, he quickly pulls the lime green fabric down the plant-girl's slender legs, getting his first look at Cosmo's flower in the process. Like the rest of her body, the skin upon Cosmo's crotch is pale and perfectly smooth, the seedrian lacking anything analogous to pubic hair, and as Tails uses his thumbs to part the plant-girl's petals a floral scent invades his sinuses as his eyes fall upon her inner folds, which are the same dark green as her nipples. As Tails leans in in preparation to taste Cosmo's nectar, he notices Cream reaching a hand for her own pantied pussy, prompting the fox to mock scold the rabbit, "Ah ah ah, no playing with yourself if you want a turn at what I'm about to do to Cosmo." "Yes, Mr. Tails!" replies Cream obediently, crossing her arms behind her back even as she rubs her thighs together. "That's a good, little bunny." comments Tails before turning his attention back to the flower girl's flower and burying his vulpine tongue within her folds. Tails finds Cosmo's nectar to be quite sweet and even a bit intoxicating as he tries to explore her every nook and cranny with his tongue, quickly reducing the seedrian to a mewling mess, her knees buckling under the fox's ministrations. Sliding his hands up Cosmo's hips, Tails proves he can indeed encircle her waist, his thumbs meeting where her naval would be if she were of a mammalian species and his index fingers digging into the cleft at the base of her spine. Taking advantage of such a grip, Tails pulls away from Cosmo's crotch just long enough to lift her off her feet and toss her slender legs over his shoulders before digging in once more, the fingers not involved in maintaining his grip on her waist kneading her dainty half-moons, further enhancing her pleasure. Meanwhile, this display is driving Cream crazy, the young rabbit nearly yanking her own ears out by the roots as she struggles to resist the urge to cram as many fingers as she can into her searing bunny cunny as she wonders how Tails managed to stay so calm earlier and telling herself it'll be worth it when she has her turn to be on the recieving end of Tails's apparently quite talented tongue. When Cosmo cries out, "Tails...I-I'm going to cum!", the fox withdraws his tongue and sits her down on shakey legs, ignoring her protest of "Why did you stop?" as he turns to cream. Tails can tell how antsy Cream has gotten from watching him eat out Cosmo, and when he demands, "Get on all fours and shake that big, beautiful, bunny booty!", the rabbit is as eager to comply as he expected. As Tails circles Cream, taking in the cute rabbit's form from every angle as her hips sway, a pouting Cosmo repeats her question, "Why did you stop licking me, Tails?" crossing her arms under her non-existent bust, looking more cute than menacing in the process. "Well, you did leave me hanging earlier," comments Tails as he drops to his knees behind Cream, "I figured it was only fair to build anticipation on your end in the same way." "Well, I guess you're right." admits the plant-girl, bowing her head as Tails grabs Cream's waistband and quickly yanks the pink garment off the bunny's bubble butt and down her thighs. Where as Tails's white belly fur ends just above his crotch, even with Cream on her hands and knees, Tails can see that the white fur that had started at Cream's chest continues between her legs, her white pubic mound framed by lightly tanned thighs and big, beautiful bunny butt, the pattern of her fur making the young rabbit look as though she's wearing a white thong with the mother of all camel toes. Instead of going straight for Cream's bunny cunny, Tails gives Cream's ample ass several smacks, the girl's glutes jiggling under her velvety fur with each impact of the Fox's gloved palm upon her prodigious posterior, though he refrains from using enough force to make his strikes sting As suddenly as he started his treatment of the bunny's booty, Tails Halts his strikes and gripping her hips, he haulsCream to her feet before gripping her tail around it's base and gently leading her to the bed. As Tails sits on the mattress and pulls Cream towards him, a blushing Cream comments, "Do-Don't you think you should prepare me first, Mr. Tails?" thinking he intends to skip any further foreplay and going straight to impaling her virgin bunny cunny on one of his fox cocks. However, as Tails falls back and jerks Cream's tail so she lands on his chest, she lets out a sigh of relief only to be cut off by a gasp of pleasure as the Fox makes quick work of pulling her backward until she's sitting on his face, his tongue going to work on her bunny cunny as his hands start to knead her very plump rabbit rump. As Cream loses herself in the wonderful sensations stirring in her nether regions thanks to Tails's ministrations, it's Cosmo's turn to go crazy with lust. Enflamed from Tails leaving her on the edge, Cosmo's flower demands attention, but while Tails hadn't bothered telling her not to, the seedrian dare not give in to her urges, certain the fox would insist on making her watch as he fucks Cream or something equally torturous if she failed to display the same self-restraint he forced the rabbit to endure. Cosmo is torn from her internal conflict as Cream cries out, "Mr. Tails! I...I'm... I'm gonna CUM!" Only for the fox to shove Cream off his face, the rabbit sprawling over his stomach, his throbbing fox cocks nearly poking her in the eyes. Before Cream can compose herself, Tails comments, "I think that's enough foreplay." "Ye-Yes," agrees Cosmo, approaching the bed. "Come on, Cream." adds the Seedrian as she helps the prone rabbit up. Straddling Tails's waist, Cosmo lines the pointed tip of Tails's lower member with her virgin opening before pulling Cream into a hug, the two girls kissing as Cream encircles Cosmo's waist with her legs and Cosmo lines up Tails's upper member with the shorter girl's bunny cunny. Taking a deep breath through her nose in preparation, Cosmo drops her hips, the motion forcing Tails's twin cocks balls deep in the two girls' pussies, Cream and cosmo swallowing each other's cries of pain as their maidenheads are torn asunder, Tails crying out in pleasure as both of his fox cocks are engulfed in the warm, wet, wonderful embrace of virgin girlhoods. Cream and Cosmo sit there, adjusting to having something so hot, long, and hard inside them for quite some time, Tails more than happy to lay back and let the girls set the pace. It takes a few minutes for the girls to recover from the loss of their virginities, but as the pair finally start moving up and down upon their vulpine lover's twin shafts, the wait proves more than worth it. Having both of his fox cocks fellated by the rabbit and seedrian had been incredible, and simply being wrapped in their folds had felt amazing, but neither of those sensations could compare to actually being ridden by the two girls. Naturally, once the pain of their torn hymens had passed, both Cream and Cosmo had started to enjoy having Tails inside them as much as the fox enjoyed being inside them, and with how the girls had left Tails hanging and he had left them hanging in turn, it isn't long before all three are on the verge of an overdue climax. "Cr-Cream! Co-Cosmo! I...I'm going to cum!" cries the fox, thrusting his twin cocks up into the two girls in time with their own movements. Breaking the kiss her and Cosmo have been keeping up since before they gave Tails their virginities, Cream cries out in ecstacy, "YES, Mr. Tails! Give my cozy, little bunny cunny lots of honey!" "Yes, Tails," adds Cosmo, her tone more reserved but no less desirous, "please pollenate my flower." With that, the two girls resume making out and shortly there after, Tails thrusts his hips skyward one last time, hilting a cock in each of the girls as both of his knots swell within their depths and twin jets of virile, vulpine semen shoot straight into the two young women's waiting wombs, both Cosmo and Cream throwing their heads back and holding on to each other for dear life as their own climaxes wash over them, their respective pussies working to milk the fox for all he's worth. It's only as they're coming down from their climaxes that Cream and Cosmo realize just how thoroughly stuck they are on Tail's's swollen knots. Wriggling on the fox's upper cock, marveling at how his knot stretches her insides as the outermost ring of vaginal muscle refuses to let it out, Cream comments, "Wow, you're really stuck in there, Mr. Tails! Feels kind of weird, but also kind of nice." With a murmur of agreement, Cosmo adds, "It's kind of romantic, not only are we joined as one, but we're held together." Getting a mischievious smile, the seedrian continues, "but since we're not going anywhere, I guess we should give Tails a show." With that, Cosmo resumes making out with Cream, her dainty hands stroking the rabbit's long ears like one might stroke the hair of a girl with twin tails, Cream stroking Cosmo's leafy hair in turn. The sight has Tails wishing he could go a second round right away, but when Tails's knots finally deflate, Cosmo reveals she has other plans. Sliding her hands down Cream's back before bringing them to rest on Cream's bunny booty, Cosmo lifts both herself and the rabbit off of Tails's dual dicks as she spreads the rabbit's ample half-moons, exposing the bunny's pink, little rosebud to Tails's appreciative gaze. As Cosmo lines up the fox cock that was in the bunny's cunny with the rabbit's backdoor and the one that was in the seedrian's snatch with Cream's pussy, the shorter girl asks, "Miss Cosmo, what are you doing?", but the flower girl's only response is another mischievious smile before she pushes the rabbit down, driving dual dicks balls deep into the bunny's butt and cunny, Cream crying out from the sensation of having not one, but two hard fox cocks within her. "Oh my!" cries Cream, wriggling her bunny butt at the loss of her anal virginity, "I would've never thought of having something in that hole." As Cosmo tightens her grip on the rabbit's rump, bouncing the bunny upon the fox's twin cocks, Tails is rendered speechless. Not only is Cream's cunny somewhat tighter and warmer than the seedrian's snatch, but that bunny butthole is even hotter and tighter. After a minute or two, Cosmo lets go of Cream's ample half-moons to run her hands up the lagamorph's spine, leaving the younger girl squirming on Tails's dual dicks until Cream decides to unwrap her legs from around Cosmo's waist so she can start bouncing under her own accord. And bounce she does. Though not as prone to hopping as a primary form of locomotion as pockies and mundane rabbits, Cream's thigh muscles are no less developed and both Tails and Cosmo are surprised by how quickly the lusty, little lagamorph bounces upon Tails's members, her ears flopping all over the place and the bed rocking so hard that it's all Cosmo can do to hold on to Cream's arms tightly enough to avoid being thrown to the floor. Cream is so lost in her lust that she doesn't hear when Tails cries out, "Cream, I'm gonna cum again!" and when the fox's knots swell within the bunny's butt and cunny, the resulting downward yank breaks her rhythm so suddenly that she ends up toppling backwards, knocking the wind out of Tails as he empties his balls within the rabbit's womb and bowels, her ears nearly smacking him in the face. Cosmo's giggling brings the mammals back to reality just in time for them to hear the seedrian comment, "Well, aren't you two just so adorable?" But instead of offering a hand to help the double knotted bunny girl sit up, Cosmo places a hand between the bunny's budding breasts, feeling the younger girl's racing heartbeat before sliding a finger down the midline of Cream's torso, teasing navel along the way before reaching Cream's clit, "But I don't think little Cream came with Tails that time." With that, Cosmo starts rubbing where the Rabbit's sensitive bunny cunny is stretched around Tails's knot, and by the time the seedrian brings the other girl to climax, Tails's knots have deflated enough to slide out of the rabbit's well fucked holes with a pop as Cosmo pushes Cream's knees up towards the bunny's budding breasts. Admiring the double creampie Tails gave Cream, Cosmo lines up her own holes with the fox's twin cocks, the one that was just in the rabbit's rump sliding smoothly into the seedrian's snatch as the foxcock that has shot off in both of the girl's cum hungry pussies stretches the alien's anus, the plant girl's dainty derriere sporting a proportionally smaller and tighter opening than the bunny's big, bubble butt. As the seedrian gyrates her hips, going at a far more sedate pace than Cream had, the rabbit comments, "Miss Cosmo, that's so dirty! I just had that up my butt!" Leaning down to whisper in the bunny's ear, Cosmo replies, "It's fine, Cream... animal excrement is quite nutrient rich for plants, and seedrians are no exception." With that, Cosmo gives Cream another kiss. When Cosmo breaks the kiss, she turns Cream around, the rabbit's head coming to rest just under the plant girl's green nipples and the bunny's creampied cunny coming to stare Tails in the face, the fox still dazed by having both of his cocks ridden thrice in such quick succession. "I think Cream could stand to have her creamy cunny eaten." comments Cosmo, and running on auto-pilot, Tails soon has the rabbit squirming atop him as the seedrian holds the lagamorph's legs up and apart to give the fox boy easy access. Before long, Tails is shooting with both barrels for the third time, knotting Cosmo in both the front and back as the Seedrian clamps down on the fox's dual dicks, milking what little is left in his vulpine balls as Cream soaks the fox's muzzle with her juices., the fox eager to lick Cream clean of even this. When Tails's knots deflate for the third and final time that evening, both of his fox cocks going flaccid after three rounds, Cream decides to take it upon herself to lick Cosmo clean before the pair of thoroughly satisfied girls cuddle up to either side of their foxy lover. As Cream and Cosmo each rest a leg atop one of Tails's, the fox reaches his gloved hands down to caress big, beautiful bunny booty and perky, petite, plant posterior, and before long the trio have fallen asleep in a mutual embrace.