Creamy Vanilla by Imouto Kitten It is well past sunset as Vanilla the rabbit pads her way to her daughters room, only a candle to light her way and only a lavender silk dressing gown to cover her matronly figure. Reaching her destination, she finds Cream already dressed for bed, the younger rabbit looking absolutely adorable in pink footy pajamas. "Hi, Mama!" exclaims the little bunny, bouncing from foot-to-foot upon noticing her mother has entered the child's bedroom, the elder rabbit making a concerted effort to keep her desires under control at the innocent display as she sits the candle holder upon Cream's desk and shifts her robe to conceal the forming tent. "Hello, Creamy dear," greets mother to her daughter, "are you ready for our nightly mother-daughter bedtime bonding?" "Sure am!" replies Cream excitedly, hopping onto her bed and laying back, limbs spread in invitation. "Good, good, my dear little Cream." replies Vanilla, untying the sash of her gown and slowly letting it roll off of her shoulders and arms to pool on the floor as she approaches her daughter's bed, a lack of undergarments leaving the elder rabbit's mature curves on full display for her daughter's appraisal. But there is more for Cream to admire about her mother's form than just the elegant hourglass shape the young rabbit might have when she grows up, for you see, right above where Vanilla's thighs meet, stands a rather prominent penis, the mother rabbit's phallus a full foot long and rather thick. It wasn't well known among other anthros, but female rabbits would occasionally grow an extra bit of anatomy upon reaching puberty, and Vanilla was among those so blessed, or cursed, depending on perspective. Though Vanilla gave off the outer appearance of being a proper, if somewhat old-fashioned lady and the ideal homemaker, the truth was that she was almost constantly horny, and prior to Cream's birth, it had been hard to keep her libido under wraps. In fact, while she usually claimed to be a widow whenever anyone asked about Cream's father, the truth she kept from everyone, even her own daughter, was that Cream had been concieved when, in desperation to plant her seed deep within a woman, Vanilla had quite literally, to use the vulgar colloquialism, fucked herself and was actually Cream's sire as well as the little bunny's mother. Vanilla is snapped out of her introspection as a pair of flannel-clad feet sandwich the base of her member, gloved hands wrapping around the upper part of her shaft as a tiny tongue flicks across the swollen tip. Glancing down, she smiles at the sight of her daughter stroking her large member with both hands and feet as the young bunny's tongue works the mother's cockhead. Patting her daughter on the head, Vanilla lets out a soft moan as she encourages, "Very good, dear. Now, oepn wide and suckle at the opening." "Yes, mama!" cries the little bunny in response as her tongue prods at her mother's peehole, Creams lips stretching as she tries to take the head of her beloved mama's girlcock into her small mouth. As Cream strokes her mother's member with ever increasing speed, sucking on the tip like a starving child upon her mother's teet, the little rabbit's tiny tongue lapping up every drop of precum, Vanilla's calm demeanor starts to dissolve, the elder rabbit panting heavily as she strokes the short, fleece-like fur upon her daughter's scalp, "Yes, that's a good, little bunny, Creamy dear! "You milk mommy's member so good! Mommy has a nice, big load of mommy cream saved up for my dear, little Creamy!" As she continues to enjoy her daughter's ministrations, it's all Vanilla can do to resist the urge to place her hand on the back of Cream's head and force her member pass those delightfully suckling lips and down the smaller rabbit's tiny throat, but the mother manages to hold back from choking her child on her cock, not wanting to hurt her beloved little bunny. Having done this bonding ritual nearly everynight for as long as she can remember, it isn't long before Cream hears her mother crying out in ecstasy, "Creamy! I'm creaming!" as the first dollop of thick, creamy futa rabbit jizz is deposited on the little bunny's tiny tongue, soon to be followed by a seemingly unrelentless stream of seed. But Cream is used to the massive loads her mother's member produces, and though her mouth is small and her cheeks bulge almost painfully, the young rabbit's lips continue sucking, maintaining a tight seal as Cream greedily swallows every last drop of the copious, creamy cum her beloved mama gives her. By the time Vanilla has finished her climax and pulled away from her daughter's wonderful mouth, Cream's belly is bulging noticeably from all the cum she's consumed, and opening her mouth to show off the last mouthful of cream, Cream sits up, rubbing her tummy like she just finished the most delicious meal before swallowing and commenting, "Wow, Mama sure had a lot of delicious cream for me tonight!" "Well, I hope you saved room for your milk." comments the elder rabbit, "Now, are you ready to have your lower mouth creamed as well?" "Sure am Mama!" replies the little bunny excitedly as she lays back, and placing a gloved hand under each foot, pulls her legs back until her knees are pressed against her shoulders and her fluffy tail is in the air, "Do you think tonight will be the night mama finally puts a baby bunny of my own in my belly?" "I don't know, Creamy dear. We rabbits mature earlier than many others, but you're still quite young." giving her daughter a warm smile, Vanilla adds, "but I'm sure we'll have lots of fun finding out." With that, the elder rabbit takes advantage of her daughter's position to unbutton the butt flap of the little rabbit's pajamas, flipping it forward to reveal that Vanilla isn't the only one who foregoes underwear for their bedtime rendezvous, the creme fur of Cream's butt and upper thighs and the white of her pubic mound on full display to her mother's lustful gaze. Though still hard and throbbing despite the massive load she shot down her daughter's throat mere minutes earlier, Vanilla resists the urge to hilt herself in her little bunny's cozy, little bunny cunny right away, fearful of hurting the young rabbit despite how many times they've done this before. Instead, Vanilla places her hands gently upon her daughter's thighs where they meet the young rabbit's half-moons, gently kneading the ample flesh of the little bunny's bubble butt before using her thumbs to part the sea of downy white upon her daughter's crotch, exposing the pink flesh within. Lowering her head until cream can feel a puff of warm air on her young girlhood every time the elder rabbit exhales, Vanilla comments, "Oh my, Creamy dear, you look and smell good enough to eat." before the elder rabbit buries her tongue deep in her daughter's depths. "Mama!" cries Cream, tightening her grip on her feet as she rocks back-and-forth under her mother's ministrations, "That feels incredible!" "And your nectar is as delectible as ever, Creamy dear." comments Vanilla,, pausing just long enough to make the comment before resuming her eating of her little bunny's cunny. Eventually, the throbbing from her futahood is more than Vanilla can endure, and pulling her mouth away from her daughter's now well lubricated nether regions, she pulls Cream into a hug, nearly smothering the young rabbit in her mother's bosom as she balances the little bunny girl atop her erection, Cream's creamy cunny kissing the tip of Vanilla's member. Offering a nipple to her daughter, Vanilla slowly lowers the smaller rabit upon her shaft, slowly stretching the little bunny's cunny to accomodate her mother's massive member as Cream starts to suckle, as eager for her mother's milk now as when she was a newborn kitten. As Cream is fully seated upon her mother's member, Vanilla caresses one of her daughter's ears as she encourages, "Drink up, Creamy dear, Mommy has plenty of milk for you tonight." Lowering her hands to her little bunny's bubble butt, Vanilla starts to piston Cream upon her shaft, slowly at first and gradually building speed, the mother able to feel her daughter's moans of pleasure through mouthfuls of milk and mammary. "Oh yes, Creamy dear, your lower mouth is as delightful as ever." Comments the mother, barely holding back moans of her own as she bounces the little bunny upon her throbbing rabbit rod, "Mommy has plenty of cream for you tonight as well." Throughout all this, Cream simply enjoys the ride, hugging her mother as well as she can with her short arms and legs, and continuing to indulge in her mother's warm, sweet milk straight from the source. Eventually, Vanilla yanks her daughter down as far as possible as she unleashes her second load of the evening, this time with her tip pressed firmly against Cream's cervix, flooding the little rabbit's womb to an extent that would leve a visible belly bulge if not for the way the butt flap of Cream's pajamas bunches up between them. Pulling her daughter's head away from her breast, Vanilla, feeling euphoric after creaming her dear, little Creamy's cozy, little bunny cunny praises her daughter, "You did a very good job tonight, Creamy dear." only to realize that her daughter is sound asleep. "Oh my, she must've tuckered herself out a bit too much frolicking in the woods today," comments the mother as her daughter snoozes quietly, "and I'm still got plenty of milk and cream to let out." Cradling the sleeping rabbit against her abdomen, Vanilla slowly stands up, still hilted in her daughter's bunny cunny and doing her best not to wake her child. Retrieving her discarded robe and pulling it on, wrapping it around her lower half to keep Cream warm, Vanilla blows out the candle, leaving the room lit with only a sliver of moonlight through a window before walking over to a wooden rocking chair. Sitting down, Vanila comments, "I guess I have no choice." as she offers her sleeping, little bunny her other breast and starts to slowly raise and lower Cream upon her member, the child suckling in her sleep as Vanilla starts rocking back and forth at the same slow pace, "At least it's a good night for some more tender bonding." Leaning down, Vanilla plants a kiss upon her sleeping daughter's forehead as she whispers, "Good night, Creamy dear, sweet dreams."