Cream Cheese by Imouto Kitten Cheese was in heat and had been so for about a week, and as he lay cuddled in the arms of the girl who took care of him and whom he had sworn to protect, he was finding it hard to sleep. Chao generally weren't picky about there mates, and had he been living among Chao, he would've mated with the nearest adult who was either already in heat or would've responded to his pheromones. As a guardian chao, however, there were no mating candidates of his own kind, and while his instincts had been screaming at him to mate with a suitable individual of another species, he had been fighting those urges as the nearest mating candidate had been his beloved Lady Cream, and his honor as a Guardian Chao told him it would be wrong to defile his lady. Cheese's honor and willpower had been fighting a losing battle against his biological imparitive to reproduce, and as he laid in the arms of the sleeping girl he was sworn to protect, had been a loyal friend to, and wanted as his mate, honor and willpower surrendered to desire. Cheese gently extracts himself from Cream's relaxed grasp and crawls under the covers to get between her legs. The sleeping rabbit is already lying on her back, a position conducive to what the chao has in mind. Despite his small size, Cheese has no trouble pulling Cream's pretty, pink panties down the young rabbit's slim legs or spreading her thighs wide apart after removing the garment, the latter causing the sleeping girl's pink nightie to ride up enough to reveal that her stomach fur matches the white of her muzzle and extends down to cover her virgin mound. For a few minutes, Cheese just stares mesmerized by the sight of his lady's most precious place as his fingerless paws caress the short, velvet-like fur of her thighs and lower abdomen. Eventually, Cheese leans forward, spreads the lips that conceal Cream's bunny cunny, and begins licking, mainly to coax his body into shifting in preparation for the act, but pleased at the soft moans that escape the sleeping girl's other lips. For you see, outside of mating, Chao are truly without sex or gender, completely lacking genitalia and less obvious signs of sexual dimorphism until their shapeshifting grants them the appropriate equipment during preparations to mate. As Cheese laps away at his sleeping lady's love juices, an erect cock starts to form between his legs. As his mate is an anthro and most anthros have human-like genitals, the chao's cock resembles a human's, though it takes on an azure hue as it swells with Cheese's cyanoglobin-based blood. When his member reaches its full size, it is only about 4 inches long and a half-inch accross, tiny by human standards, but quite impressive looking on Cheese's small frame and likely more than enough to fully satisfy the small girl about to recieve it. As Cheese crams his cute, little chao cock up the sleeping Cream's cozy, little bunny cunny, he can't help letting out a shout of "Chao!" as his emote-ball changes into a heart. As he starts to pound the sleeping girl's pussy as quickly as his little body can move, the moans from the unconscious girl grow louder and more frequent. After several minutes, the stimulation to her bunny cunny is more than her sleeping body can process and Cream slowly wakes. As the young rabbit regains consciousness, she can feel intense pleasure radiating from between her legs. Lifting the cover to investigate the cause, she can see the outline of a Chao and concludes that it's Cheese and remembering her training as a Chao Breeder, deduces what her little companion is up to. When Cream throws off the covers and lays a hand on the back of Cheese's head, the Chao freezes in place, his cute little chao cock half buried in Cream's cozy little buny cuny as he locks eyes with his now wide awake lady. Gripping him firmly but gently by the back of the head, Cream asks, "Why did you stop, Cheese?" After listening to him explain himself in Chaosian, Cream says gently, a tender smile on her face, " You poor thing! If you had told me sooner, I could've found you a nice Chao to mate with." Cheese blushes deeply at this, his entire face going azure not that Cream can see it in the dim light. Continueing she adds, "but I'm okay with being your mate, in fact, I'm quite honored you would choose me. Besides, what you were doing earlier felt really nice!" To emphasize her point, she moves her hand down to Cheese's rear and pushes him forward, his little cock sliding all the way into Cream's buny cunny even as she clenches her internal muscles, causing the small creature to squeal in pleasure. That's all the encouragement Cheese needs as he starts pounding the pussy of the one he swore to protect once again, enjoying it even more now that he knows his chosen mate is okay with his choice and is actively trying to milk his littl chao cock. Moaning loudly, pass the point of caring if her mother overhears, Cream places her hands under her knees and pulls her legs upward and outward to give her tiny lover better access to her hungry bunny cunny. Several minutes later, Cheese says something comprehensible only to Cream and she replies, "Huh? You're about to cum?" As the chao frantically fucks the rabbit, a memory from her chao breeding lessons slowly penetrates Cream's pleasured fogged consciousness: Chao polymorphism, in addition to allowing them to have extremely variable metamorphosis and assimulate proteins and even DNA from other animals, it allows chao to reproduce with any sexually reproducing animal species. Furthermore, contrary to popular belief, not all anthros matured at a human rate, and rabbits were among the earliest bloomers. While she will more than triple in age before reaching her full adult height and physical development, Cream had already passed puberty and was of a mental and biological age on par with a human teenager. As the rabbit realizes the implications of these facts, she yells, "Cheese! You can't cum inside me!" but her warning comes too late as her last word coincides with the first spurt of semen from the tip of Cheese's chao cock. Buried to the hilt within Cream's hot, tight bunny cunny and with his tip pressed firmly against the rabbit's cervix, Cheese shoots at least a quart of chao cum directly into Cream's unprotected and very fertile womb. The sensation of having her womb filled sends Cream over the edge as well, and as her body trembles uncontrollably in pleasure and her bunny cunny convulses around Cheese to milk him dry, the only thought running through the rabbit's mind is "Cheese is making me a mommy! I'm too young to be a mommy!' When he's done cumming, Cheese's chao cock swells into a ball shape and detaches, forming a mating plug to prevent his seed from draining from Cream's womb. Still euphoric from having just mated, Cheese climbs up Cream's body and gives her a hug. She wants to be mad at him for cumming in her, but her heart melts upon seeing the expression of joy on Cheese's face. Rubbing the bulge of her cream-filled womb, Cream says, "I hope you're proud of yourself, Cheese, because you're going to be a daddy very soon." Continueing to rub her belly, Cream tries to remember what her mother told her about the laying process with Chao and drawing a blank except for the fact that the time from insemination to laying is generally measured in minutes. As she wracks her brain trying to prepare for her impending labor, Cream feels the bulge under her hand harden and the contents of her womb shift from roughly spherical to more ellipsoidal as the shell of the egg forms. At the same time, the chao cock turned mating plug in her pussy starts to dissolve and be absorbed by the walls of her vagina. Once the egg is fully formed and her passage cleared, Cream feels the first contraction. Instead of excruciating pain as the egg tries to force her cervix open, the young rabbit instead feels an overwhelming wave of pleasure wash over her, nearly orgasming each time a contraction hits and moaning even louder than when Cheese was mating her. Had her mind been clear, Cream might have recalled that Chao semen contains a substance, that applied topically, vastly increases the elasticity of certain tissues and caused affected nerves to fire pleasure signals when they should fire pain signals. This mechanism not only allowed Chao to lay eggs nearly as large as the parent's body, but made the laying procedure infinitely easier for small mammals who had mated with a chao and there had even been efforts to isolate the substance for assisting anthros in childbirth since anthros tended to have a higher cranium-to-pelvis size ratio than humans. Though smarter than most humans five times her age, Cream was too lost in pleasure to think of any of this information and could only think that she wanted to thank Cheese for giving her such pleasure. Clutching the small creature to her chest, Cream captures Cheese's lips in a passionate kiss, one hand holding his head in place as her other snakes between his legs to rub his crotch. Though he is once again sexless with his part in the mating done and won't possess genitals again until his next heat, Cheese is quite happy that his lady doesn't appear to be mad at him for disobeying her order and eagerly returns the kiss as he basks in the pleasure of being caressed in what is one of his most sensitive areas even when he isn't in heat. When her cervix gives way and the egg slides into her birth canal, Cream really does start having multiple orgasms in time with her contractions and breaks the kiss to scream her pleasure. Awoken by her daughter's screams, Vanilla gets out of bed and rushes for Cream's bedroom, throwing open the door and flipping on the light just in time to see a blue-spotted, white egg emerge from between the younger rabbit's thighs, Cream's young bunny cunny stretched obscenely around the widest part of the egg, the six-year-old too lost in pleasure to realize she has an audience. As her mother watches, Cream makes one last push, the egg finally sliding out of her bunny cunny completely, before the young rabbit collapses panting to the bed, exhausted but awash in euphoric afterglow, Cheese still laying on her heaving chest. Before her daughter can recover from the laying, an uncharacteristically angry Vanilla storms over to the bed and snatches Cheese up by the nape of the neck. "How dare you defile my daughter! You were supposed to protect her from those who would take advantage of her, not do so yourself!" Yells the mother rabbit, a murderous look in her eyes, Cheese trembling in her grasp. Before Vanilla can continue her tirade, her daughter's voice cuts-in softly, "Mama, please don't be mad at Cheese." Her mother's attention turned towards the younger rabbit, Cream continues, "I was asleep when Cheese started, but I know he wouldn't have continued after i woke if I hadn't encouraged him. I should've noticed the signs earlier so we could've found him a nice chao girlfriend, but I'm happy cheese chose me as his mate! It was a bit scary when I realized I would be laying an egg, but even that turned out to be a wonderful experience!" At these words, Cream cradles her and Cheese's egg to her velvet-covered chest, the shell still slick with the bunny's cunny juice before continuing, "In fact, I think I'd like to get some heart fruit so we can do that again without waiting for Cheese's next natural heat, so, please Mama, if you're going to be mad at anyone, be mad at me for enjoying being mated by a Chao too much to stop him." Releasing Cheese and making no attempt to recapture him as he flutters over to Cream to join her in cradling their egg, Vanilla speaks, her usual gentleness returning, "I can't say I fully approve of this relationship, but it's obvious you two truly care for each other very deeply and even I sometimes forget how quickly our kind mature." Speaking more sternly but without any anger, she adds, "But, if you want to use heart fruit to make such escapades a habit, you'll have to buy them out of your own allowance and I expect you to take responsibility for either raising my grandchildren yourself or ensuring they find good homes. Do you understand me?" Jumping off the bed and wrapping her arms around Vanilla's waist, Cream ansers, "Yes, Mama! Thank You Mama!" Patting her daughter's head, Vanilla says, "Good girl. Now, I'm going back to bed and you should get some sleep as well. Good night, Cream." As her mother leaves the room, Cream yells, "Good night, Mama!" before crawling back into bed, her and cheese cuddling under the covers with their egg cradled between them as rabbit and chao drift off to sleep.