Bred by the Werehog by Imouto Kitten Amy Rose was wandering the streets of Empire City searching for a certain blue hedgehog whom she had on good authority had been spotted around here just earlier that day. The sun had recently set and while the hustle and bustle of the surrounding city would make such impossible even if she found the object of her desires, she was distracted by daydreams of a moonlit stroll with Sonic and not paying attention to where she was going. Opening her eyes to discover that she had wandered down a poorly lit alley and had reached a dead-end, she turned around and soon came face-to-face with a monster the likes of which she had never seen before. The creature before her had dark blue fur and looked like some hellish hybrid of wolf and hedgehog devoid of intelligence. Neither realizing that this was actually the hedgehog she had been seeking nor that he had been attracted by the scent of her arousal from her daydream, the Pink hedgehog pulls out her trusty Piko Piko Hammer and lifts it to smash the creature grinning at her menacingly. As she brings the hammer down, the werehog catches it in one hand and crushes the head. Standing with the useless handle of her destroyed hammer in her hands, Amy is overcome with fear the likes of which she hasn't felt since she was kidnapped by the original Metal Sonic. Backing into a corner, her bladder dumps its contents into her panties as the beast comes closer, not the least bit repelled by her accident. The werehog brandishes it's razor sharp claws and Amy lets out a blood-curddling scream as the beast slashes at her. Fortunately for the pink hedgehog, the creature wasn't aiming to hurt her as her clothes are shredded but not a mark is left on her. As the rags that were once Amy's dress and panties fall to the ground along with the handle of her destroyed weapon, the werehog reaches out with one massive hand and wraps his clawed fingers around her chest. Seeing the beast open its gaping mawl to reveal dozens of razor sharp teeth, the pink hedgehog struggles futilely in his grip, screaming, "Please! Don't eat me!" The monster's slobbery, red tongue lolls out of its mouth before licking her from crotch to chin, leaving a trail of saliva glistening in the glow of the streetlights on the bare flesh of her abdomen. This action sends shivers of both pleasure and disgust through the young girl and she exclaims, "How disgusting!" In a surprisingly gentle gesture, the werehog lays her on the paved ground, but before she can consider escape, he has clutched each of her boot-clad feet in his massive fists and is spreading her thin legs with nearly enough force to dislocate her hips. Enduring the pain and looking up at her assailant, she can see another red appendage, this one decidedly thicker and more rigid and covered in bulging veins, dangling between his legs, the tip mere inches from her exposed girlhood. Realizing his intentions, she begins thrashing with all her strength, screaming, "Nonononono! Noooooo! I'm saving myself for Sonic!" Not seeming to understand her protests, the beast lines the pointed tip of his canine member up with her virgin opening, the girls petite frame making his substantial girth look truly monstrous. With a single thrust of his hips and an agonized scream from Amy, the werehog plunges his entire cock inside her, not only mercilessly ripping through her maidenhead, but piercing her cervix and stretching her walls to an extent that would normally only occur during childbirth. Seemingly oblivious to her discomfort, the werehog pulls back on its massive member, nearly pulling her inside out as her over stretched cervix squeezes tightly around his shaft and prevents withdrawal from her womb. When most of his dick is again exposed to the cool, night air, the beast slams his cock deep into the pink hedgehog once again, another scream of agony escaping her throat. As the werehog proceeds to fuck her like the savage beast it is, Amy eventually grows hoarse from screaming and can only whimper at the pain in her abused girlhood. However, in spite of the violent raping she's recieving and how much the beast's girth is stretching her, Amy eventually grows numb to the pain and starts to feel pleasure from being fucked by this monster. At first, she only moans softly and stops her futile attempts at breaking free as much from exhaustion as out of starting to enjoy the experience, but eventually, she subconsciously wraps her legs around the beast's hips having not notice when he released his grip on them, buries her hands in the beast's chest fur, which is surprisingly soft, and is moaning as loud as her scratchy throat will allow as she bucks her own hips to meet his thrusts. After what seems like forever, the werehog bottoms out within Amy and doesn't withdraw as the lower half of his member swells suddenly to completely fill her vagina and trap her on his shaft more thoroughly than ever before. At the same time, hot, thick semen erupts from his tip buried deep in her womb, the beast letting out a primal howl as his seed quickly fills the girl's womb and forces it to expand as the knot prevents any from leaking out. The sudden stretching of her pussy to accomodate his knot and her womb to accomodate his seed sends Amy into her very first orgasm, her internal walls convulsing around the knot trapped within her. However, she doesn't have long to enjoy her afterglow, as the beast, his sexual appetite sated for the moment, uses his powerful hind legs to launch himself skywards, the action causing his knot to yank on her insides. Fearing that either she'll be flung around like a ragdoll with only his knot holding her to the beast or that his knot will deflate enough for them to separate and leave her in free fall, Amy tightens her grip on his fur and tries to pull herself closer to her rapist's body as the beast leaps from rooftop to rooftop and back and forth between roofs and the street. Eventually, Amy passes out from the extreme Gs she's experiencing as the beast jumps around seemingly oblivious to his passenger. Fortunately for the pink hedgehog, the death grip she had on the werehog fails to loosen with her loss of consciousness. ### When dawn cracks the next morning, the werehog is running accross grassy fields outside Empire City, his unconscious passenger still clutching to his chest and his member knotted within her. As the first rays of the sun's light strike the beast, his form starts to shrink as his features become less feral. Once the transformation is complete, the first thing Sonic sees upon opening his eyes is the unconscious Amy lying before him, her clothes missing, several bruises and minor scratches covering her body and a mixture of partially dried blood and semen oozing from her gaping pussy. Having only hazy recollection of what he did while in that monsterous form the night before, the blue hedgehog fears the worst. Shaking her gently by the shoulder, Sonic calls out, "Amy! Wake up!" To Sonic's relief, her eyes flutter open and she sits up, several of her joints popping as she stretches before rubbing at some of her aching muscles from the night before. Noticing Sonic and not seeming to care about still being naked from where her clothes had been destroyed, Amy greets the Blue blur, "Oh, hi Sonic! Did you see a blue beast that looked like a cross between a wolf and hedgehog pass by here?" Clasping her hands in front of her bare chest and going starry eyed, she continues, "I just had the most wonderful evening with that magnificent beast. Sure he was quite rough and it hurt a lot at first, but a girl could learn to love such raw, primal passion!" Not knowing how to deal with the confirmation that he really did rape Amy while his inner beast was on the prowl and the revelation that she enjoyed it, Sonic decides to deflect, saying, "I didn't see anyone else anywhere near where I found you." Blushing he adds, "Um, you do realize you're naked, right?" Looking down as if noticing her lack of clothing for the first time, she replies, her own cheeks burning scarlet, "Oh yeah, the handsome beast tore my clothes to shreds with his claws." Going starry eyed again, she adds, "It was really scary at the time, but he did it with such precision that he didn't leave a mark on me despite doing it in a single lightning motion." Her blush deepening, she asks, "Um, mind getting me to my hotel room in Empire City so I can get dressed before anyone else sees me like this?" His own blush deepening at the realization that this means carrying Amy naked, he answers, "Um, sure." before gathering her up in a princess carry and rushing towards the city. As he runs, the pink hedgehog thinks to herself, 'I hope I run into that beast again. hmmm, I need to think of something to wear that won't lead to him shredding it again.'