Maylene and Riolu by Imouto Kitten Maylene's private Dojo at the Veilstone Gym was filled with the sounds of combat as the diminutive Gym Leader sparred with one of her Riolu. It was an unusually warm day and the Dojo lacks air conditioning, so the pinkette had exchanged her typical attire, already quite light, for a short tank top that was little more than a sports bra and a similarly skimpy pair of short shorts, and yet she was still drenched in sweat from head-to-toe from the workout her partner was giving her. Despite being more than a head shorter than his trainer and having even thinner limbs, the blue and black Jackal was incredibly fast and met everyone of Maylene's strikes with equal force. Though panting heavily from the heat and the exertion, the Pokemon's fur remained unmatted thanks to a lack of sweat glands. Neither combatant had any idea how long their fight lasted and there was no referee to keep track, but when it came to an end, Maylene found herself with her back against the floor mat, 45 pounds of canine pokemon straddling her exposed midsection, and a tiny Aura Sphere mere inches from her face. Despite the loss, Maylene has a wide grin on her face as she praises her Pokemon, "You got me good." Wagging his tail and using Aura to 'speak' directly to his trainer's mind, Riolu asks, "Mistress pleased?" as he lets his imperfect Aura Sphere dissipate. "Very pleased!" Replies Maylene, "I may just use you the next time a trainer shows up looking for their third badge." Riolu's tail wags more vigorously excited at the prospect of being promoted from his trainer's Second Badge team to her third badge Team, but Maylene notices the sign of her pokemon becoming excited in another way. "If that red rocket I spy is any indicator, I think I know the perfect way of rewarding you for your outstanding performance." and indeed, the combination of praise from the female he saw as the alpha of his pack coupled with straddling her well-toned stomach when she's practically in little more than underwear had caused Riolu's bright red cock to emerge from it's sheath. and it was now pointing directly at Maylene's face. Wriggling out from under her pokemon, Maylene gets on her hands and knees before reaching back to pull down her shorts to reveal her lack of panties and expose her pussy to Riolu and shaking her butt as she says, "You've dominated me on the battlefield, now let's see if you can satisfy me in the bedroom." Somewhat confused, Riolu replies, "Mistress want mate me?" "Yes!" replies Maylene, starting to get impatient. Riolu walks up behind her, places his forepaws on her cute little butt and lining up the pointed tip of his member with her opening drives himself balls deep into his trainer's cunny. "Mistress tight! Mistress warm!" says Riolu over their aura connection as his cock is engulfed by Maylene's pussy. "That hot, little cock feels pretty good too!" replies Maylene, delighted to have a Riolu inside her once more. Gripping her hips tightly, Riolu starts thrusting into his trainer, the pinkette taking the opportunity to practice her kegels as she shouts, "YES! Rut me like a little bitch!" Riolu picking up his pace at her words. Maylene is enjoying being fucked by her pokemon, but wants to be further dominated, so she reaches her hands behind her, Riolu taking her hint and grabbing her wrists and using her arms for extra leverage to fuck her harder. But then something Maylene hadn't planned for happens as Riolu is engulfed in a bright light. Maylene gasps as the cock within her starts to lengthen, the pointed tip pushing through her cervix, but then that innermost portal is pried open and her passage stretched to it's limit as the member more than doubles in diameter. At the same time, the grip on her wrists tightens and becomes stronger than steel and she's lifted further off the mat as her partner's legs elongate. As the newly evolved Lucario procedes to fuck her harder than any Riolu has ever managed, panicked thoughts of 'OH SHIT! OH FUCK! This is bad! This is very bad!" race through her mind. Maylene bred and trained Riolu and Lucario partly because they were mostly male, Riolu dicks tended to be just the right size for her tight, tiny twatty, and as long as they were Riolu, they could only shoot blanks, but in addition to the fact the Lucario cock she now found herself impaled upon was stretching her insides to a rather uncomfortable extent, Lucario belonged to the human-like egg group, making them capable of producing offspring with humans and Maylene was presently at the most fertile part of her cycle. She had rewarded dozens of eager male Riolu with sex once they were strong and skilled enough to beat her and the few female Riolu and Lucario she raised were usually more than willing to let the male Lucario shoot inside them, but this was the first time a Riolu had evolved in the middle of fucking the pinkette. Maylene is snapped out of her thoughts as Lucario, now capable of much clearer aura speech, comments, "Mistress Maylene is beautiful. I'm sure you will bare strong pups." With those words, the pokemon, now roughly the same height as his trainer, loops a forelimb under each of the gym leader's legs, letting her shorts fall to the floor as he lifts the girl against his furry chest, careful not to stab her with his chest spike. Starting to enjoy being fucked by the larger than she's used too cock ravaging her pussy, it takes all of Maylene's inner focus to shout between moans, "Please. Don't. Shoot. Inside. Me!" Not slowing in the least, Lucario replies through aura, "But I can smell it in mistress's scent and feel it in mistress's aura. Your body is at the peak of heat and longs for mutual climax with a mate.", and indeed, the trainer's body wants nothing more than to cum hard around the pokeprick buried in her depths, and she's not sure she'd be able to pull off if she was the one in control of this encounter, and even if her body would cooperate, there's no way she could break out of Lucario's grip. And yet, Maylene makes another desperate plee, "Please, I'm not ready to be a mother!" "Then why did you offer to mate with me?" Asks Lucario. "Because Riolu can't get girls pregnant! I didn't think you'd evolve so quickly!" cries the panicked girl. "But it is thanks to Mistress's love that I was able to evolve!" replies Lucario, "Please let me show mistress how much I love her!" Before Maylene can muster further protest, she feels her pussy stretched even further as Lucario's knot swells within her and his seed erupts straight into the gym leader's womb, but instead of sounds of outrage, only sounds of pleasure escape the pinkette as the strongest orgasm of her life crashes into her, making her forget about the fact she's being flooded with virile semen as euphoria overwhelms her, and she eventually passes out from the sensory overload. ### It is weeks later that a downtrodden Maylene enters her bedroom before pulling out the pokeball containing the cause of her sullied mood and summoning it's occupant into the physical world. As Lucario finishes materializing, Maylene informs him of the news she got just earlier that day, "I hope you're proud of yourself! I just got back from the doctor, and it's official. I'm pregnant, and it's your fault, you big, dumb, furry, sexy, horn dog!" "Mistress Maylene seems... moody." Replies Lucario to his trainer's tirade. "Moody! Is that all you have to say for yourself!" Screams the pinkette, falling to her knees and pounding her fists against Lucario's chest, the pokemon not even flinching as the gym leader let's out her frustrations. She soon tires, her anger giving way to tears as she balls her fists in his fur and soaks it with her waterworks, "I'm not ready to be a mother, and you wouldn't listen when I told you to stop." Wrapping his arms around his clearly distraught trainer, sorrow coming through his aura speech, Lucario says soothingly, "I'm sorry mistress. I didn't think completing the mating would upset you so. Is there anything I can do to help?" There is a long pause with only the sound of Maylene's sobs to break the silence before the pinkette, cried out and red eyed looks up to make eye contact with her pokemon, "I think...*hic* I think I just need to be held in a warm embrace for now." Careful to avoid stabbing her with his chest spike, Lucario scoops up his trainer bridal style and carries her over to the bed. Sitting in lotus position with Maylene sprawled accross his lap, Lucario focuses on both their auras, trying to project the calm of his own to wash over the girl and even out the turmoil he feels in hers. After some time, Maylene starts to relax in Lucario's arms, snuggling into his fur as she does so. "Does my mistress feel better?" Asks Lucario through the aura connection he's established. Her lips curling into a small smile, Maylene replies, "Much better. Thank you." after some time, she adds, "It feels a bit weird for you to continue calling me Mistress when we're having a baby together." "Would you prefer I called you just Maylene?" asks Lucario. "That'll do for now," replies the pinkette. "You know, I did enjoy mating with you. A lot more than the many times I've let a Riolu fuck me. Not tonight, but once I've recovered from the shock, I think... I think I'd like to mate with you repeatedly until the baby is born." "I'd be delighted to, Maylene." replies Lucario. After a brief pause, he adds, "I...I love you." Maylene is quiet for a long time before replying, "Ask me again when I'm not so mentally and emotionally drained, but I think... I think I love you too.", and with those words, Maylene drifts off to sleep in the arms of her mate, the Lucario watching protectively over her and their unborn child.