Liza, Tate, and Sableye by Imouto Kitten Liza and Tate, the twin Gym Leaders of Mossdeep City brandished a pair of flashlights as they stepped foot into a darkened section of Shoal Cave. Erosion from the constantly shifting tides had recently caused one of the cave's many sandstone walls to crumble away, opening up new caverns for trainers to explore, and there had been a number of reports, mostly from young, inexperienced trainers, of the new area having Pokemon far more aggressive than the more thoroughly explored parts of the cave. Normally, Steven Stone, the strongest trainer to come out of Mossdeep in living memory would be tasked with investigating such reports, but as the former Grand Champion of Hoenn was currently occupied elsewhere, leaving the Mystic Duo as the strongest trainers on the small Island, it fell to them to find and, if needed, neutralize the threat endangering local trainers. As the pair journeyed deeper into the Darken Shoal, they spread out their psychic senses in hopes of detecting their quarry's minds before the beams of their flashlights illuminated their bodies, but all they could feel on their telepathic radar were the ever present Spheal, Zubat, and Tentacool with the occasional Snorunt far below or the occasional evolved pokemon watching over a nest of particularly young specimens of their unevolved form. Nothing unusual for Shoal Cave, and none of them with aggressive surface thoughts to indicate they would attack unprovoked. 'I'm starting to think those trainers were just crying Absol.' comments Liza telepathically to her brother. 'I think you're right.' replies Tate. As the pair turn around to head back the way they came, a shared sense of having wasted their time settling over them, a pair of purple, semi-intangible hands emerge unnoticed from the sandy floor, and grabbing the psychics by the ankles of their back feet mid step, cause the twins to trip, both face planting hard in the sand and their flashlights flying out of their hands. Pushing themselves up to their hands and knees, their gi muddy from the wet sand, Liza and Tate cry out mentally to each other, 'We're under attack!' but before they can reach for Solrock and Lunatone's pokeballs, additional spectral hands emerge from the ground to hold them in place by the ankles, knees, wrists, and elbows, leaving the youngest of Hoenn's gym leaders completely immobile. As the defenseless duo watch from their bound positions, more than a dozen small, bipedal figures emerge from the stone walls, sandy floor, and the shadows, the light from the dropped flashlights gleaming off their crystalline eyes and the rubies embedded in their chests. 'A Sableye swarm!' screams Liza telepathically, her mental voice thick with terror as she struggles to break the grip of the clawed hands holding her limbs. 'No wonder we couldn't sense them.' replies Tate, his thoughts nearly a whisper as he and his sister are surrounded by one of a psychic's worst nightmares. Sure, Sableye weren't that strong, but they were completely immune to mental attacks, and their ghostly nature effectively shutdown psychics with enough brute strength to deal with most other dark-types, and even weak pokemon could be dangerous in large numbers, especially if they managed to ambush a couple of human children before they could release any pokemon. As the Sableye close in, the twins' terror spikes further as the limited light from the flashlights reveals that about half of the swarm, presumably all the males, are sporting crystalline spikes jutting from their crotches. The reports had been vague, and disproportionately from female trainers, and Liza and Tate were starting to get an idea as to why... and their suspicions seem to be born out as two of the erect males break from the perimeter to approach the twins. Up close, the pair can make out the details of the darkness pokemon's pokepricks, both of them seeming to have a single, large crystal of amethyst emerging from their sheaths, their cocks the same rich purple as their velvety fur, the shafts hexagonal in cross-section and the tips coming to a point at the apex of a pyramid. They weren't very big by human standards, maybe 2 cm wide and 10 cm long, but to the young trainers and on such small bodies, the literaly rock hard cocks looked quite intimidating even if those points proved not as sharp as they looked. However, neither Liza norr Tate had long to examine the bit of unusual anatomy the Sableye usually kept hidden as the pair buried their clawed hands in the twin's navy lockes and attempt to stab their stony spikes down their throats. Liza and Tate try to keep their teeth clenched and their lips pursed to deny their captors what they want, but the Sableye simply pinch the twins' noses, and when the pair are forced to reflexively gasp for air, bury their amethyst shafts in the pair's throats, and with two fistfuls of hair each, the pair of Sableye proceed to face fuck the twin trainers as their fellows watch, the males wrapping a clawed hand around their own gemstone glands, and the ones without stony protrusions, clearly the females of the pack, scratching themselves between the legs. Despite the unwillingness of their fellators, the pair of Sableye soon erupt in the twins' mouths, and unlike the globby, creamy texture of human seed, the Sableye's release is far grittier, as if made of fine sand suspended in oil, and as the twins try and fail not to gag on the stuff, their cheeks bulging as it oozes out around the sableye's shafts and coughing the remainder onto the sandy ground when the pair finally release them, they can see that the seed has a sheen reminiscent of mother of pearl, as if the pokemon's seed was literally made of millions of tiny, grain-sized pearls. Liza and Tate barely have time to catch their breath before another pair of Sableye approach to take their turn having their crystalline cocks sucked. This pair take things slower, but any relief Liza and Tate feel from this is soon shattered as a third pair of male Sableye walk up behind them and pull down their pants, exposing the twins's tight, little butts and cute, little genitals to the cool, damp air of the cave. The Sableye behind Liza seems to drool at the sight of her puffy, preteen pussy while the one behind Tate initially seems disappointed to discover that instead of a pair of cute girls, they've captured a cute girl and a boy cute enough to pass as a girl before waving over one of the females. As the female positions herself in the gap between Tate's svelt body and the sandy cave floor, the male behind the immobilized boy starts stroking Tate to an erection, the boy's body responding just as the sableye desires despite the boy's unwillingness. Once satisfied Tate is hard enough, the male sableye lines the boy's tip up with the female Sableye's opening before parting the boy's butt cheeks and pressing amethyst point to puckered anus and turning to his fellow who has been patiently waiting with his own tip poised to pop Liza's cherry. Unable to know what the Sableye are thinking, the twins have spent the time since being pantsed in terror of what their captors are going to do, and when the pair of Sableye finally hilt their rock hard erections in the twins, the one in Liza's virgin pussy, the other in Tate's equally virgin ass, neither making any attempt to prepare the twins' tight holes for penetration and not caring what they stab with the sharp points of their pricks, both trainers scream around their respective mouthfuls of crystal cock and bite down reflexively from the pain, made all the worse by the fact that it feels like Liza's rapist not only stabbed through her hymen, but her cervix as well, and pain unfortunately being one of the things the twins share through their telepathic bond. To make matters worse for the Mystic Duo, in addition to looking like amethyst, the sableye's cocks prove to be as hard as amethyst, both psychics chipping their teeth on the monolithic members in their mouths. The sableye plucking his rosebud also forces Tate's preteen prick balls deep into the waiting female Sableye's snatch, the pokemon's vice-like tightness threatening to crush Tate's tender boyhood, especially since it feels like she has a number of hard, smooth stones lining the walls of her tight tunnel. But as rough as the deflowering was, it is just the beginning of the twins' torment as their respective rapists start to relentlessly fuck their respective holes. As the onlookers let out cries of encouragement, the quartet of males at the center of the developing orgy mercilessly spitroast their latest captives, the twins unable to formulate an escape plan with the mixture of pain and pleasure their rapists are inflicting upon them. The Sableye in Tate's ass is the first to cum, and as she feels her brother's bowels being flooded with the oily, gritty seed, Liza recalls a little detail that makes her blood run cold... namely that Sableye belonged to the human-like egg group, a group named not only for their generally humanoid body plans, but for their ability to crossbreed with humans. Though still held down by what she can only assume are several Sableye phased into the ground, Liza starts to thrash in panic, the prospect of bearing her rapist's child making her forget just how helpless she'd be in a direct fight with a Sableye, Tate mirroring his sister's struggles,, the boy just as desperate to save his twin as she is to escape. However, their struggles only serve to further stimulate their captives, the pair in front soon giving the twins their second taste of pokeseed as the female beneath Tate writhes in her own climax, ther gem-lined snatch nearly strangling Tate's tiny cock. However, when the Sableye that had claimed Liza's virginity approaches his own climax, he suddenly withdraws his amethyst prick, spilling his pearly seed all over the backs of Liza's thighs instead of inside the young gym leader, much to her surprise. However, Liza's relief that at least some of the sableye are only interested in getting off instead of breeding her is short lived as the sableye holding down her and Tate's arms rise out of the ground and force the twins upright, though keeping them kneeling at just the right height for the Sableye to access their human fucktoy's privates. The spent Sableye step back only for a new trio of males and another female to step forward, two of the males claiming the twins asses, both trainers experiencing the pain of unprepared anal deflowering once more as Liza's last virgin hole is violated while the third male goes for sloppy seconds in Liza's tight twatty and the female squating over Tate's abused boyhood. The twins aren't sure how much time passes as it seems like dozens of sableye step forward to take their turns squirting their seed in Liza or Tate's ass, fucking Liza's pussy only to spill their seed upon her thoroughly caked thighs or the sandy ground, and the females roughly milking Tate until his balls are completely spent and his battered boyhood is just one massive bruise. Eventually, the Sableye seem to have their fill, depositing the twins on the sandy ground as they retreat to form a circular perimeter. However, as Liza and Tate catch their breath, the ring parts to allow in a Sableye very different from the others to enter. For starters, it's coat is gold and its gems are of a different assortment, making it clear this is a rare color variation. It is also notably larger than the other Sableye, and if the wrinkles on its face and the piece of driftwood it's fashioned into a crude walking stick are any indicator, probably a bit older than it's fellows, likely the pack elder. However, what has Liza krabby walking away from the newcomer as quickly as her exhausted body can manage is the megalith protruding from the elder's crotch. Looking more like citrine than Amethyst, what has the girl nearly pissing herself is it's size, easily twice the diameter and length of any of the males that have already had a turn with the female half of the Mystic Duo. Feeling the spike of fear from his sister and then spotting the spike of crystal that caused it, Tate tries to throw himself between Liza and the Sableye Elder, only for a group of the common sableye to swarm him, making him watch helplessly as another group descend on Liza, ripping away the remains of her clothing and holding her up in a reclined position with her arms and legs stretched nearly to the point of dislocation as the elder approaches. "NO!" Screams Liza, adrenaline fueling one last futile struggle to break the grip of the Sableye holding her spread eagle, "That monster will rip me to shreds!!" But her pleas fall on deaf ears as the elder Sableye comes to stand between her thighs, a smirk on his face and a sadistic gleam in his crystalline eyes as he scrapes the oily gunk from her thighs to caress the supple flesh below. "Leave Liza alone!" Cries Tate from the sidelines, no longer molested by the Sableye, but forced to kneel in the muddy sand and puddled pokeseed as the elderly mon lines up his tip with Liza's well-fucked and well-loosened hole... though not quite loosened enough as the golden Sableye discards his walking stick, and grips the human girl's thighs for balance as he rams his bejeweled prick deep into Liza's depths. Both Twins let out a scream of agony, the much greater girth of the elder's pokeprick making the violent stretching of their deflowerings seem pleasant by comparison, and with a sadistic smile plastered on his wrinkled face, the Pokemon gives the gym leaders no time to adjust as he starts to pound the psychic girl's preteen pussy with total abandon, and with far more vigor than his elderly appearance would imply him capable of. To make matters worse for the twins, whereas the younger Sableye had cocks as smooth as polished glass, only the tip and edges sharp, the elder's prodigious pokeprick, in addition to it's different coloration and greater girth, is covered in small chips, the edges jagged, the rough, glass-hard surface abradeing Liza's already abused insides as the boss of the feral rape gang slides in and out of the young trainer at a blistering pace, the edges of his hexagonal member slicing her like a straight razor covered in nicks. Both twins are reduced to a whimpering mess, Tate forced to endure phantom pains over their bond, but just as the twins overtaxed minds are about to shutdown from their prolonged abuse at the hands of the Sableye, the Elder's thrusts grow more erratic and his breathing grows heavy, signs the twins have grown to know are evidence that the rapist is about to cum. Liza's blood runs colder than a Jynx's blizzard as she realizes the reason none of the younger Sableye deposited their oily, gritty seed in her womb... that that was a privilege reserved for their leader. As the golden sableye grips her hips, the tortured girl lets out a soft plea, "Please...please don't cum in me..." before panic grips her once more, the girl crying out as she tries to thrash out of the grip of her rapist and his assistants, "I don't want to be pregnant! I don't want to lay an egg!" the girl unsure which outcome would result from being bred by a genetically compatible pokemon, not sure which would be worse, but not wanting either. But as futile as her struggles had been when the Sableye had first ambushed the Mystic Duo, they are even less effective thanks to her exhaustion, and with a leer of sadistic euphoria, the elder Sableye hilts himself one last time in the trainer's abused twat, piercing her cervix and nearly piercing her womb as he unloads oily, pearlecent seed deep within her, his load more copious than any three of his underlings, the girl too shocked to do anything but go limp upon the wet sand as her womb is flooded with pokeseed to the point her belly bulges like a pregnancy that's just starting to show. The shiny Sableye savors his conquest for several minutes after erupting within her before pulling out, a few last drops dribbling upon her pubic mound as his seed pours from her abused pussy, her insides visibly inflamed and the iridescent sheen of his seed mixed with the crimson of her blood, and not just virgin's blood. Done playing with their latest victims, the Sableye fade back into the shadows, their Elder letting out a disturbing cackle as he retrieves his walking stick before vanishing himself. Less injured than his sister, Tate is the first to find his feet, stumbling over to Liza's prone body, clutching her limp hand as he chokes out, "Ar-are you okay?" "Br-brother..." Liza replies weakly before clinging to him and crying into his shirt, his clothes having been somewhat spared by their assailents, the boy simply holding his sister as she lets it out, the boy not in a great mental state himself but certain his sister had the worst of it. When Liza has cried herself to sleep, Tate uses the shreds of her clothes to wipe away the pokeseed clinging to her before removing his shirt and pulling it on her, the most he can think to protect her modesty for the trip back to Mossdeep before summoning his Gallade and ordering the knightly pokemon to teleport them to the Island's hospital.