Ojamajo and Pokemon by Imouto Kitten Chapter 8: Onpu and Haunter Onpu sat on her bed, rolling a pokeball back and forth. As with so many other evenings, the child idol found herself home alone, both of her parents working late, making it the perfect opportunity to try out her newest Pokemon. No longer able to contain her excitement, she opens the ball, and a haunter soon materializes in the middle of her bedroom. Standing up, the purple-haired girl declares, "Haunter, I'm a naughty, little nymphet. Please punish me by turning me into your pretty, little plaything." Before she's even finished her command, Haunter's disembodied hands have shot out more than a dozen times, each creating an extra hand for the ghost to manipulate his surroundings. Half-a-dozen pairs of hands grab the human girl by her shoulders, elbows, and wrists and her hips, knees, and ankles, lifting her off the floor as a few additional hands start to strip the purple ojamajo, her clothes phasing through the hands holding her. By the time she can properly react, Onpu is completely naked, the disembodied hands holding her thighs and upper arms out to her sides, her elbows and knees bent at right angles as she squirms in the pokemon's ghostly grasp. Laughing at the girl's futile struggling and looking far more menacing than the idol expected, Haunter floats over to the prone ojamajo to get a closer look at her nubile body. As the ghost's lusty leer lands upon her vulva, the pokemon sticks out his long, red tongue and gives the girl a long, slow lick from her pussy all the way up to her chin. As Haunter's poison saliva seeps into her skin, Onpu's squirming turns into near violent convulsions, the hands holding her shifting in the air to prevent the child idol from hurting herself as her limbs jerk with enough force to dislocate joints and her bladder gives out. Enjoying the control he has over her, the ghost-type laps up her golden liquid as he buries his tongue deep in her preteen passage. As the poison runs its course, Onpu goes limp, paralyzed by her pokemon's actions and Haunter withdraws his tongue as a spectral hand cups the back of her head and a spectral cock materializes between her legs. As the pokemon lifts her head to give her a view of her paralyzed body and she feels the tip of the dark purple member prodding at her entrance, Onpu notices just how thick the ghost's pokeprick is. Her eyes widen in fear at the sight of something long and thick as her thigh prodding at her pussy, and she fights the paralysis to slur out, her jaw and tongue barely cooperating, "pease, that thing ill tair ee afart!" Laughing atthe helpless girl, the ghostly pokemon just increases the pressure his poltergeist penis is putting on the popstar's pussy, and with a scream from Onpu, plunges it all the way into Onpu's passage. It is only after the phantom prick is hilted within her that the purple-haired girl realizes there was no pain accompanying the penetration, and even now, it feels more like she was impaled with a magic marker or maybe the handle of a hairbrush than something as thick as a rolling pin, and as the pokemon laughs even louder and a cold feeling fills her lower abdomen, she realizes most of the massive member simply phased through her nether regions. Onpu wants to glare at the pokemon, but has almost no control over the muscles of her face and can only let out incoherent sounds as the part of the ghost's phantom penis that forms a solid object in her passage slowly grows and starts to slide back and forth. As the pleasure builds in Onpu's pussy, Haunter slowly stretching her insides in ways she never thought possible, Onpu's eyes flutter shut and she stops trying to fight the paralysis, her moans filling the room as her head lulls back with only on of the many spectral hands to support it. A tendril grows tangible right in the middle of the girl's cervix before growing wider, prying that inner most barrier open, making the child idol gasp in a mixture of pain and pleasure as her first orgasm of the evening rips through her.. With her mouth hanging open in an orgasmic scream, Haunter takes advantage, summoning a second spectral cock and ramming it down the child idol's throat. Although she gags on the thick pokeprick as it stretches her lips, jaw, and throat to their limits, she has no trouble breathing, the phantom phallus letting air pass as if it isn't there. As the cock buried in her pussy becomes fully tangible, long enough to jab the top of her womb while still stretching her labia to the limit and still distracted by being forced to deep throat a member her throat insists is choking her, Haunter summons a third of the ghostly genitals and yet another pair of spectral hands, this time spreading the purple apprentices half-moons so that the Pokemon can claim her anus. As the ghost does his best to be a one mon gangbang, Onpu loses herself in the pleasure, all three of her holes stuff to the max and soon sending the girl into multiple orgasms. Onpu isn't sure how much time has passed or how many climaxes the ghost has given her when Haunter finally cums, all three of the poltergeist's phantom pokepricks erupting in unison, flooding Onpu's womb, stomach, and bowels with copious amounts of poke seed. As he finishes filling her holes with semen, Haunter pulls out of Onpu's mouth while leaving her other holes plugged with pokeprick. Positioning the member so it is pointing straight down, Haunter phases the tip into the child idol's lower tummy as a pair of ghostly hands start to vigorously jack off the member. Onpu is curious what Haunter is doing, but between exhaustion and paralysis can't muster the strength to voice this. However, the pokemon doesn't keep her in suspense for long as he is soon cumming once more, a need to pee stronger than any the girl can remember coming over her. Onpu wants to clamp her hands over her crotch and twist her legs together and would be fighting Haunter's many hands to do just that if she wasn't still paralyzed as the only thought in her mind is, 'Oh Kami! He's cumming in my bladder!" Once he's done filling Onpu's bloated bladder to bursting with baby batter, The ghost lets out a yawn as he lays the paralyzed, desperate, and thoroughly fucked girl on her bed before picking up his pokeball and returning himself. Exhausted from the experience of letting Haunter have his way with her, Onpu lets sleep claim her in short order, too tired to care that she'll likely wake up to a cummy mess.