Content warnings specific to this chapter: Electrostimulation, knotting. Author's notes: Sorry this took so long to get out. It certainly wasn't for lack of ideas of which Pokemon to pair Momoko with(though most of the Pokemon I plan to pair her with either seemed wrong for her first time or I want to write them with the appropriate non-human penis and have had no luck doing my research, which is also hindering my other beastiality stories). Also, I'd like to thank my A3O readers for making Ojamajo and Pokemon my first story with over 100 kudos. Ojamajo and Pokemon by Imouto Kitten Chapter 6: Momoko and Jolteon As Momoko locks her bedroom door behind her, she pulls a red and white orb from her schoolbag, and pressing a button on it's equator, summons a flash of light that solidifies into a yellow canid with a spikey, white mane around it's neck. As the blonde kneels before the Jolteon, the energetic pokemon runs up to her, rises on it's hind legs to put it's forepaws on her shoulders and lick her face as it wags it's tail. Giggling from the licking, Momoko runs her hand from Jolteon's head, down it's back to his tail, sparks of static electricity left in her hand's wake. When the electric type is done with its enthusiastic greeting, Momoko helps lower the pokemon to the carpet before rolling him over on his back. Momoko scratches him under his chin before running her hand across his chest and down his belly. Before long the blonde his running both hands all over Jolteon's underside, the Pokemon purring under her caresses and Momoko enjoying the tingling sensation from the electrified fur under her palms. The belly rub also causes Jolteon's member to start poking from its sheath, and before long, the entirety of his pointed prick is lying on his lower belly, the blood red flesh highly visible against his pale yellow fur. Jolteon lets out an adorable yip as Momoko grasps his erection and starts gently stroking it. The pokemon's dick feels warm in Momoko's hand and sends out a stronger tingle that extends up the blonde's arm. Lowering her head for a better look at the pokeprick she's jacking off, Momoko sees a bead of precum form at it's tip and recieves a small shock to her tongue when she licks it away. Feeling adventurous, Momoko opens her mouth wide and engulfes Jolteon's prick down to the deflated knot. With her saliva serving as a conductor, Momoko can now feel the electric charge of Jolteon's cock tingling throughout her entire body. As Momoko starts sucking and licking the pokemon's member, Jolteon starts bucking his hips. After several minutes, Jolteon shoots his load into Momoko's mouth, involuntarily letting out a thundershock as he howls in pleasure. The sudden surge in current is a bit painful for the human girl, but she bares it as she swallows the mon's seed. While Jolteon pants in afterglow, Momoko strips off her skirt and panties, the latter damp not only with her pussy juice, but with urine from where the thundershock had caused her bladder to spasm and her spincter to leak a bit. In only her orange shirt and black socks, Momoko gets on all fours, her rear facing the Jolteon. Glancing over her shoulder to see Jolteon coming to, Momoko reaches a hand between her legs to spread her pussy lips and shakes her butt as she says, "Come on, boy." Getting up, Jolteon pads over to Momoko and starts sniffing at her pussy. Finding her scent pleasant, the pokemon sticks out his tongue and plunges it into the blonde's folds. As Jolteon eats out his trainer, Momoko withdraws her hand to hold herself up as the pleasant tingle of low voltage electricity flowing through her body returns, this time originating from her core and joined by the sexual pleasure of the pokemon's rough tongue probing her intimately. After several minutes, Jolteon withdraws his tongue and licks Momoko's juices from his muzzle. Momoko feels him place his forepaws on her butt and expects to feel him thrusting into her, but instead hears a frustrated whimper. Glanceing back between her legs, Momoko realizes that Jolteon's hind legs aren't long enough for his member to reach her pussy and let him mount her properly. Dropping to her elbows, the blonde spreads her knees apart until her pussy is at the same height as Jolteon's dick. With their hips now at the same level, Jolteon starts humping against Momoko's nether regions, and his pointed tip soon finds her virgin opening and pierces through her maidenhead. Momoko is grateful her pussy doesn't have to stretch to accomodate the pokemon's modest girth as Jolteon gives her no time to recover from the tearing of her hymen. Pressing his belly and chest against her butt and lower back, Jolteon wraps his fore limbs tightly around her waist as he ruts the blonde like a bitch in heat. As he increases his pace, Jolteon also increases the current he's pumping into Momoko through every point of contact. Soon enough, Momoko's body is paralyzed, her muscles seizing up and preventing her from escaping her partner's wild thrusts, not that she wants to. At the same time, the current causes her internal muscles to tighten around the member buried in her cunt and she feels an extra jolt of pleasure and electricity shoot up her spine everytime Jolteon's swinging balls collide with her clit. Eventually, Jolteon lets out a howl as he reaches climax, pumping more electricity into Momoko than at any previous point. Momoko can barely feel Jolteon's knot swelling within her and his seed shooting into her young womb as her every nerve screams out in the pleasure of orgasm and the pain of electrocution that is just below the threshold for doing lasting harm. As their shared climax subsides, Jolteon's electric output returns to static cling levels and Momoko collapses completely to the floor as her muscles relax and she passes out from exhaustion. Still knotted firmly within the blonde's pussy, Jolteon decides to use Momoko's butt as a pillow and curls up best he can to go to sleep, feeling rather proud of himself for mounting and dominating a female so much larger than himself so thoroughly. ### When the Ojamajo reconvened at the MAHO-Dou the next day, they all agreed that using magic to turn toys into real Pokemon and having sex with them was one of Hana's better ideas and they apologized for being so harsh in their initial reaction to what hana had done with Pikachu. They all decided that they wanted to continue having fun with the pokemon they had already brought to life and that they wanted to try other Pokemon.