Content warnings specific to this chapter: Living clothes/Bodysuit, perverted blobs, not quite incest between sisters, knotting, cum inflation. Author's notes: When I first thought of this scenario, I had imagined a Duplica/Ditto pairing, but decided to adapt it to work with Ojamajo and Pokemon. The decision to pair Ditto with the Harukaze sisters was motivated primarily by Ditto sometimes being portrayed as being pink and wanting an excuse to bring Poppu into the story. Ojamajo and Pokemon by Imouto Kitten Chapter 5: Doremi, Ditto, and Poppu. Doremi stands naked in her bedroom, a pokeball in hand. Tossing it on her bed, the ball opens and a Ditto materializes. Retrieving a photo of Akatsuki from her desk and holding it before the pink blob, Doremi asks, "I want you to transform into the boy in this picture." Saying it's name as way of acknowledgement, the blob-like pokemon starts to glow, but instead of growing and taking on a human form, the ditto shrinks and has soon become a perfect copy of the photograph. "No! I want you to transform into the boy in the photograph, not the photograph itself." cries Doremi before realizing maybe Ditto needs an actual human to base it's transformation off of and says, "Try transforming into me."Complying with the request, Ditto transforms into a perfect copy of Doremi. Pleasedwith the result, Doremi says, "Now, try to change your features to match the photo." to which she just gets a confused look from her doppelganger. Starting to get frustrated, Doremi yells, "Can you at least try turning into a boy?" At this request, the red hair of Doremi's doppelganger starts to shorten, the odango coming undone before it eventually shrinks to a more typical length for a boy. At the same time, the Ditto's clitoris starts to elongate and the labia fuse along the slit, the former eventually growing into a penis as the latter expands into a scrotum, complete with testicles. Once the transformation is complete, the Ditto looks much like Doremi did that time her, Hazuki, and Aiko had magically disguised themselves as boys to infiltrate the MAHO-Dou during its time under Majoruka's management, only naked. With Ditto in the form of a human boy, Doremi starts to give the pokemon instructions for changing individual features to be more like Akatsuki, but Ditto seems to have trouble deviating from the blueprint that Doremi provides, often one change comingwith the regression of a previous change. After half an hour of failing to get Ditto to look like anything resembling an attractive boy that doesn't look like her twin brother, much less a passable facsimile of Akatsuki,the frustrated girl collapses on her bed, complaining about what a mistake choosing a ditto was. Deciding that having Ditto take on a human form without an attractive male around to model is hopeless but knowing that she couldn't face her fellow Ojamajo if she was the only one to chicken out of having sex with the Pokemon each of them had chosen, Doremi turns to the Ditto and says, "Return to your true form." Once the Ditto is once again a blob laying on her bed, she asks, "How would you have sex with me without taking a human form?" Taking her question as a command to pleasure her in anyway the blob-like pokemon sees fit, the Ditto approaches his trainer's crotch and starts to wrap it's gelatin-like body around her pelvis forming something resembling a pair of panties, but made of a thick, pink gel instead of fabric. Insteadof just wrapping aroundher pelvis, Doremi can feel Ditto conforming to her every curve and even seeping into her buttcrack. Once Ditto has fully encased Doremi's pelvis, it starts pulsing and squeezing around her in a way that feels like a pleasant massage, the parts of the pokemon in contact with her skin taking on a skin-like texture. As ditto manipulates her buttocks in a manner similar to being fondled by human hands, the region in contact with her vulva becomes wet and rough like a tongue and starts shifting in a way that simulates licking. Eventually, the tongue-like area starts to protrude inward, pressing at Doremi's virgin opening and wriggling ever more vigorously as it finds a gap in her hymen and slithers into her passage, the pseudo tongue eventually licking her cervix. At the same time, a second tongue-like appendage forms at her anus and invades her bowels, and the part of ditto in direct contact with her clit forms into something resembling a tiny mouth and starts to suck on her pleasure nub. Doremi moans loudly at Ditto's ministrations, and just when she thinks the pleasure can't get any better, Ditto starts to spread down her thighs and up her torso. Before long, Doremi is covered completely except for her hands, feet, and head in a living body suit formed from Ditto's gelatinous body, the inside textured and moving in a way that every square inch of covered skin feels like it's either being massaged, licked, or caressed, and changing in a way that Doremi can't predict. Within a minute of Ditto starting it's ministrations, Doremi is trembling in orgasm, her juices flooding the crotch of her living suit as her vision is filled with stars. When Doremi's orgasm subsides, the tongue-like appendage in her pussy retracts. Once the tongue has fully melted back into Ditto's main mass, a knob resembling the head of a penis forms in its place. Before Doremi can fully process the knob pressing against her virgin opening, Ditto suddenly plunges the knob all the way to Doremi's cervix, the shaft of the new formed penis erupting from the gelatinous mass that is the crotch of the ditto suit, Doremi letting out a pained gasp as her hymen is torn by the sudden intrusion. Out in the hallway, Poppu is returning from the bathroom in her nightgown when she overhears Doremi's pained gasp and decides to check on her older sister. Not bothering to knock, the pinkette barges into Doremi's bedroom and is surprised to find Doremi writhing in pleasure and wearing a strange outfit. Doremi is too lost in pleasure as Ditto mercilessly pounds her pussy to hear Poppu asking, "What are you doing, Onee-chan?" Feeling ignored, the pinkette walks up to Doremi's bed, brings her mouth to the odango-headed girl's ear and in normal speaking volume repeats the question. Finally noticing Poppu's presence, Doremi replies incoherently between moans, "Oh!" Feeling Ditto's penis suddenly gain in girth, the redhead continues, "OH GOD! It's...getting...bigger!! Poppu...should...join!" Terrified at her sister's unusual behavior, Poppu's mind is screaming she should run, but fear has the small girl paralyzed on the spot. Despite her whole body being in overwhelming pleasure, Doremi manages to force herself to sit up. Taking advantage of her little sister's immobilized state, the odango-headed girl grabs the sleeves of the smaller girl's nightgown and quickly pulls the garment over Poppu's head and disgards it on the floor. Lifting her sister off the floor, Doremi makes quick work of the pinkette's panties before sitting the now naked Poppu in her lap. Regaining her voice, Poppu asks, "What are you doing, Onee-chan?" Feeling another orgasm wash over her, Doremi chokes out, "Ditto! Make my sister feel as good as you're making me feel!" As Doremi convulses around Ditto's member, the Gelatinous mass starts to envelop the smaller girl as Doremi clutches Poppu to her chest in a tight embrace. Scared by the strange, amorphous creature encasing her, Poppu stutters out, "Wh-What's happening!?" but her fears are soon forgotten as her own living bodysuit is completed and starts to give her the same full-body massage treatment as Doremi. Relaxing into the embrace of both her sister and Ditto, Poppu comments, "Onee-chan was right. This does feel nice." Kissing Poppu on the forehead, Doremi replies, "!" Poppu starts to reply, "How could it get any..." when a pleasured gasp cuts her off as the tongue like patch goes to work on her girlhood and the pinkette exclaims, "Is...Is it licking me where I pee!?" Smiling at her sister, Doremi replies, "Probably, and you should soon feel it sucking on that little nub above your pee hole and licking up inside you." Even with Doremi's warning, Poppu is overwhelmed as the tongue slithers inside her girlhood, "it..It's licking inside me!" Gasping as the second tongue goes for her anus, Poppu yells, "It's licking my butt!!" Even quicker than with Doremi, Ditto brings Poppu to her first Orgasm, the smaller girl trembling violently from the overwhelming sensations. Barely giving the Pinkette time to recover, the tongue in her pussy retracts only to be immediately replaced by a cock. Despite the twinge of pain from having her hymen torn, the unexpected thrust of a cock while her nerves are still hypersensitive from her first orgasm is enough to give Poppu her second. Whispering in Poppu's ear, Doremi says, "I told you it gets better." Feeling another orgasm approach, Doremi shouts, "It's making me cum again!" This time, however, instead of continueing to thrust into the redhead's pussy as it convulses around him, Ditto leaves its cock buried cervix deep in the odango-headed girl as it swells into an ellipsoid in a manner similar to a canine's knot, but the entire shaft swells instead of just the base. At the same time, semen erupts from Ditto's tip, flooding the redhead's womb to capacity, and continueing to inflate the hollow organ. Going into multiple-orgasms, Doremi says in a trance like voice, "It keeps pouring into me! I can't believe I can hold so much!" As Doremi's womb expands, so does the part of her Ditto bodysuit covering her belly, and Poppu is pushed up until the sisters are at the same eye level. By the time Ditto is finished cumming in Doremi, Poppu is sitting atop a basketball-sized bulge in her sister's abdomen. Seeing the blissful expression on Doremi's face, Poppu wonders aloud, "Do you think it'll fill my tummy like that as well?" Shortly there after, Poppu gets her answer as her third orgasm crashes into her, Ditto knots within her, and starts to inflate the smaller girl. When Ditto has finished cumming in the pinkette, her cum-inflated belly is only the size of a cantalope, but no less filled to the limit. Exhausted, Doremi falls back on her pillow, her sister laying atop her,, the pair still encased by and bound together by Ditto and panting heavily. Upon catching their breath, they declare in unison, "I love you, Poppu/Onee-chan!" before kissing briefly and then drifting off to sleep in a mutual embrace, Ditto doubling as a blanket as the blob-like Pokemon remains knotted within their cunnies.