Warnings specific to this chapter: Sex with a snake, Injection of paralyzing poison/aphrodisiac via fangs. Author's Notes: My muses insisted I do something with a snake, and since Arbok is purple, I decided to pair the snake with Onpu. Ojamajo and Pokemon by Imouto Kitten Chapter 4: Onpu and Arbok Onpu is in her bedroom, rolling a red and white sphere around in her palm, contemplating what she's about to do. Gathering her nerve, she begins stripping out of her clothes, not bothering with any privacy spells as both her parents are working late. Once down to her panties, she tosses the sphere, which breaks open and emits a white light. Onpu nearly loses her nerve as the light solidifies into a large, purple cobra looming over her. Staring at the face-like markings on the underside ofArbok's hood instead of its actual eyes to avoid the serpent's paralyzing glare, Onpu swallows hard before spreading her arms and declaring, "M-make me yours!" Accepting the child idol's invitation, the massive snake approaches the purple-haired girl, coiling around her torso thrice before pressing his hood against her upper back and lapping his forked tongue at her neck. Letting her guard down, Onpu rests her arms atop Arbok's scaley hide before tilting her head to give the serpent better access to her neck. She regrets this almost immediately as the snake sinks his fangs into the tender flesh of her neck. Fearing for her life, Onpu lets out a blood curddling scream and struggles in vain against the grip Arbok has on her, her bladder releasing its contents in her terror struck state as she tries to escape becoming the cobra's next meal. Fortunately for the flailing girl, the poison being injected in to her is not one intended for subdueing prey, but rather one intended for subdueing a potential mate. As the snake's organic love potion takes affect, instead of agonizing pain and numbness followed by unconsciousness as she expected, Onpu feels her body starting to heat up as her every nerve ending becomes hyper-sensitive. The snake's scales, which were already cool to the touch, now feel like ice against her skin, but she relishes the sensation as her drug-induced fever threatens to drive her mad and her pee soaked panties are further drenched by a discharge of her own love juices. As Arbok's aphrodisiac venom fully takes affect, Onpu goes limp in the serpent's coils, falling to her knees as her legs give out, the snake holding her up the only thing preventing her from crashing to her bedroom floor. Satisfied that the girl is completely at his mercy, Arbok snakes his tail between Onpu's legs before wrapping it around the crotch of her panties and ripping the garment away. At the same time, he withdraws his fangs from her neck, licking the puncture wounds to help seal them, eliciting a moan from the defensless girl. Done with his version of foreplay, the snake's twin erections emerge from their sheath, both standing at over six inches and tapering from less than half an inch across at the tip to more than two inches at the base. Positioning one of his tips at her dripping wet cunny, Arbok hisses seductively into the child idol's ear, tracing her earlobe with the fork of his tonguebefore tightening his coils around her and impaling her on his length. Onpu screams in a mixture of pain and pleasure as Arbok's tip pierces her cervix and his base stretches her passage, the spines lining his shaft digging in to her internal walls. Thanks to the hyper-sensitivity granted her by the venom, Onpu has her first orgasm just from being penetrated, her internal muscles contracting around his girth, pressing the spines even deeper in to her flesh. Even as her orgasm subsides, shivers continue to run up her spine as the snake cock feels like ice within her yet still fails to relieve the heat brought on by the serpent's lovebite. When her internal walls relax enough for him to move without shredding her insides, Arbok begins to repeatedly thrust his member into the witch apprentice's hot, slippery passage, greatly enjoying the fiery sensation of fucking a warm-blooded pussy. After several minutes of ravaging the purple-haired girl's passage, Arbok hilts himself within the child idol once again and sinks his fangs in to the punctures he made earlier. The sensation of having ice-cold semen the consistency of frozen yogurt squirted directly into her womb sends Onpu into another orgasm, her internal walls convulsing around the snake cock to milk him of every last drop. As their orgasms subside, Arbok wastes no time pulling his member from the child idol's battered passage before impaling her on his other, thus far ignored, erection. The purple serpent continues mercilessly fucking the purple ojamajo for what seems like hours to the young girl, alternating between his two cocks everytime he orgasms. By the time Arbok starts to tire, his mating poison is starting to wear off and he has run out of semen. Regaining her mobility and taking advantage of the tiring snake's loosening coils, Onpu manages to turn around, spiny snake prick still inside her and wraps her arms around her scaley lover's neck. Although her insides have been rubbed raw, Onpu has grown to love the sensation of Arbok's spines scrapeing against her internal walls and surprises the drowsy serpent by moving her hips of her own accord. Getting an idea, Onpu asks, "uncoil from around me." Sensing that his mate won't attempt to escape, Arbok does as she requests. Sitting up, Onpu discovers that Arbok's lower penis is in the perfect position for what she has in mind. With the serpent's upper cock still within her pussy, she spreads her butt cheeks and impales her virgin ass upon the snake's lower member. Both of her holes now filled with spiny snake prick, Onpu renews her motions, sending the snake writhing in pleasure beneath her at having both of his members stimulated at the same time. After a while, they reach a final shared orgasm before Onpu collapses upon Arbok's scales and falls asleep from the prolonged exertion. Exhausted himself, Arbok curls protectively around his mate and trainer before letting sleep claim him as well.