Content warnings specific to this chapter: Male dominating female, rough sex, anal rape(male on female) Author's Notes: I couldn't resist pairing up the most athletic of the Ojamajo with the gen 1 pokemon whose design screams physical strength the loudest, and the Machamp hereknows his own strength enough not to break his human partner, but not quite enough to avoid hurting her. I'd say the anal at the end is the only thing that crosses the line into real rape territory, but the whole thing is quite rough. Ojamajo and Pokemon by Imouto Kitten Chapter 3: Aiko and Machamp Aiko stands naked in her small bedroom, and with her dad working the late shift sees no need to put up any sort of privacy spell. Pulling a red and white sphere from her school bag, she tosses it to the floor where it breaks open to release a white light. Moments later, the light has solidified into a muscular, humanoid form with four arms. As the machamp's eyes roam over Aiko svelt, athletic form, a very prominent bulge forms in the pokemon's speedo shorts, a bulge which doesn't go unnoticed by the blunette. Despite barely coming to Machamp's pecs, the girl shows no fear as she teasingly addresses the clearly aroused pokemon, "Like what you see, big boy?" Recieving a nod from Machamp, Aiko turns her back to the muscular pokemon and bends over as if readying for the start of a race, placing her hands on the floor and holding her bare ass high in the air to give Machamp a good look at her virgin girlhood. Effortlessly holding the pose thanks to her training, she commands her Pokemon, "Have your way with me!" Glancing through her legs, she can see Machamp unzip the well-hidden fly of his shorts and freeing his erect member. The penis could pass for human with a cursory glance if not for the stone-gray coloring that matches the rest of the Pokemon's skin, but is fairly large at at least 10 inches in length and 2 inches accross. As Machamp walks up and places his lower hands on Aiko's hips, the blunette closes her eyes and braces for impact expecting to be violently impaled on the large prick. The girl instead gets a surprise as she is lifted off the floor and the pokemon's upper hands grab her ankles. Now suspended upsidedown, the hands on her hips move to grasp her wrists before Machamp uses his tremendous upper body strength To immobilize the athlete with all four limbs stretched out. Placing his legs in a sturdy stance, Machamp brings the girl's pussy to his mouth and begins eating out the athlete. The blunette begins moaning at the sensation of Machamp's rough tongue against her girlhood, but soon finds herself being slapped in the face by the pokemon's member. Needing no further prompting, Aiko opens her mouth and begins sucking on Machamp's erection. She soon discovers that the pokemon's gray skin has texture closer to smooth stone than human skin and that Machamp's prick is literally rock hard with none of the flexibility or squishiness of human flesh. As a result, the blunette has to tilt her head backwards to swallow the cock as Machamp thrusts his hips, insistent on fucking the girl's throat. Despite the somewhat rough treatment, it isn't long before Machamp's tongue brings Aiko to orgasm, the blunette's juices spraying all over his face and his firm grip on her extremities the only thing preventing full-body tremors. As she cums, Aiko screams in pleasure around Machamp's member, sending the pokemon over the edge as well as he rams his cock into the girl's esophagus and sprays nearly 2 liters of semen almost directly into her stomach. When he pulls her off of his cock, her throat is sore from being fucked and her stomach is aching from the massive load she was forced to swallow. Lifting her up and away from his body enough that they can make eye contact, he gives her a leer that promises that was just the beginning. Lifting her wrists high, he lets go of her ankles to let her flip right side up before shifting the grip on her wrists to his upper hands. this leaves her hanging from her wrists, but not for long as his now free lower hands grab her ankles. Once again holding her with her limbs fully extended, Machamp positions his tip at the entrance of Aiko's girlhood. Closing her eyes, she says, "DO IT!" before clenching her teeth and bracing for impact, but a solid minute passes without Machamp penetrating her. Blinking in confusion as she relaxes in Machamp's grip, she says, "Huh?" but before she can comment further, the pokemon takes advantage of her lowered guard and rams his entire length up her passage in a single thrust. The cock slides easily within her due to how soaked she is, and her athleticism has left her without a hymen to rupture, but the sheer force of the penetration makes it feel like a full-force punch to the womb and Aiko is surprised Machamp didn't punch straight pass her cervix in the process. The blunette wants to scream in pain, but her sore throat only lets her let out a raspy cough. Wasting no time, Machamp proceeds to repeatedly impale the girl on his rock hard member, a mixture of pleasure and pain assaulting the blunette's senses from the rough fucking. Aiko struggles in the pokemon's grip, but only manages to stress her shoulders and hips, both of which feel like their on the verge of dislocation. In between moans of pleasure and groans of pain, the blunette manages to rasp, "It feels like your trying to tear me apart!", but Machamp doesn't let up in his brutal assault of the athlete's girlhood. After several minutes of being battered by Machamp's cock, Aiko's cervix gives way as the pokemon begins to fuck the blunette's womb. Her voice cracking, Aiko half screams, "TOO DEEP! That's way too fucking deep!", but all the girl can do is squeeze her eyes shut, grit her teeth, and try to endure as the pokemon continues to abuse her pussy and womb. After several more minutes of fucking the blunette senseless, Machamp yanks down on all four of Aiko's limbs, forcing his member so deep within her that it hits the far side of her womb and begins to pump the poor girl full of his seed. Despite the rough treatment, this sends Aiko over the edge, her eyes rolling backward and her tongue hanging out as orgasmic bliss washes over her and her pussy begins milking Machamp for all he's worth. When he's done cumming and she's regained her senses, Machamp releases Aiko's wrists and pushes her to lean forward until her palms are on the floor, her torso is roughly horizontal, and her legs are held at the level of his hips. Passing her ankles to his upper hands, he finishes inverting the girl before grabbing her hips with his lower hands and withdrawing, making sure to keep her oriented so none of his semen drips out. He carefully turns her around before passing her hips to his upper hands and gripping her wrists with his lower hands. Dropping to his knees, Machamp lowers Aiko to her futon, resting most of her weight on her shoulder blades. Keeping her pelvis elevated to keep his semen soaking into her womb, he spreads her buttocks and positions his tip at her anus. Alarm entering her scratchy voice, Aiko protests, "No fucking way! You aren't fucking my ass!" as she begins to kick in a futile attempt to get away. Ignoring her words, he slides the tip of his cock, slick with their combined juices, pass the tight ring of muscle at her rear entrance. Grabbing the blunette's flailing limbs by the ankles and folding the girl in half, pressing her feet into her pillow, Machamp shifts his weight behind his member and lets gravity do the work of forcing it into the girl's rectum. Clenching her anal spincter in an attempt at slowing his descent, Aiko pleads, "Please! Take it OUT! Don't fuck my ass!" but she's already worn out from having her throat and pussy fucked, and lacks the energy to keep the needed muscles clenched, another inch of Machamp's member sliding inside her with every involuntary relaxation of her anus. As Machamp's cock bottoms out in her ass, Aiko exclaims, "It's too fucking big! Take it OUT!" Machamp begins withdrawing, but just when it seems like the blunette's prayers are going to be answered, he rams his cock back up the girl's ass and proceeds to savagely abuse her rear passage. Tears streaming down her face, Aiko crys, "It hurts! Oh fucking GOD It Fucking hurts! Please! Stop before you shred my insides!", but Machamp ignores her and is soon flooding her colon with another load of his semen. Upon finishing in her ass, Machamp withdrawals, and fully satisfied, releases Aiko's limbs and leaves the girl laying on her futon, semen leaking from both of her holes with blood mixed in the seed leaking from her anus. Sobbing, Aiko thinks to herself, 'I need to find a way to control him the next time I let him out.' as Machamp picks up his pokeball and returns himself to the orb.