Content warnings specific to this chapter: Extreme insertion, cum inflation, cum shower. Author's Notes: I'm open to suggestions for OjamajoxPokemon pairings, though I make no guarantees that I will write every requested pairing. Regarding the choice of pairing for this chapter, my Muses insist I did something with Ponyta, and it just seemed natural to pair a fire type with the orange Ojamajo. Ojamajo and Pokemon by Imouto Kitten Chapter 2: Hazuki and Ponyta A nervous Hazuki is standing in the middle of her spacious bedroom, having already setup the privacy spells Hana had suggested, a plushie of the fire-type Ponyta standing before her. Lifting her Jewelry Poron, the orange apprentice yells, " Paipai Ponpoi Puwapuwa Puu! Turn this Plushie into a real Pokemon in a pokeball!" As the spell takes effect, the plushie shrinks and becomes more rounded until a palm-sized orb, half-red, half-white with a black divider is all that remains. Picking up the pokeball and sitting it on her dresser, Hazuki undoes her apprentice transformation before pulling her creme-colored nightgown over her head and discarding her underwear. Now standing naked, the bespeckled girl grabs the Pokeball and gives herself a pep talk, "Okay, Hazuki, you can do this. Your daughter has already done this and your best friends are doing it as you speak." before tossing the Pokeball and saying, "Come out, Ponyta!" As the white light from the Pokeball fades to reveal the fire horse's form, Hazuki approaches the creature and gingerly strokes it's flame-like mane, which while hot to the touch is not uncomfortably so and a far cry from burning like one would expect from it's appearance. Realizing the pokemon only comes up to her shoulder, the brunette comments, "You're a lot smaller than I expected." As she continues to stroke the Ponyta's mane, the equine affectionately licks her, his tongue grazing her nipple in the process, causing her to let out a moan. Dropping to her knees to hug the Pokemon, Hazuki is rewarded with another lick from the playful colt, this time to her face. Pulling away from the tongue lashing, she comments, "You're an affectionate one, aren't you girl." before noticing the penis hanging between the pokemon's hindlegs and amending, "Better make that boy." Getting down on her hands and knees, Hazuki crawls beneath the fire horse and wraps a hand around the modest horsecock and begins stroking the 6-inch member. Emboldened by the sounds of the pokemon winnening in pleasure, she gives a tentative lick to the flatten tip of the penis. Liking the taste, she begins lapping hungrily at the pokemon's pre-cum but lets out a loud "Eek!" when she feels something hot and wet slide along her buttcrack. Looking over her shoulder, she can see that Ponyta has lowered his neck to lick her, but her position prevents him from having easy access to her pussy. Shifting position to lie on her back, she props her legs against his forelegs, giving him easy access to eat her out. Grabbing the horsecock and pointing it at her mouth, she discovers that she just can lift her head enough to wrap her lips around the cockhead As she licks his cockhead while stroking his shaft, the Ponyta is busy lapping away at her juices, the pokemon's not quite scalding saliva doing more to stoke the fires of her arousal than to quench them. It's not long before she feels the underside of his cock bulge and almost immediately afterwards that a dollop of semen with a taste that reminds the girl of strong wasabi hits her tongue. Her eyes tearing up at the spicy flavor, she pulls the cockhead from her mouth and directs the semen to splatter on her chest and stomach, the near-searing cum sizzling against her relatively cool skin. Being covered in liquid fire from neck to crotch is more than Hazuki can take and she lets out a scream as her first orgasm wracks her body. When he finishes showering the girl in molten jizz, he proceeds to lick her clean. As he finishes cleaning her by licking her face, she wraps her arms around his neck and asks, "Did you enjoy that boy?" Looking down to see his cock still erect, she adds, "I guess you still want more." Getting up on her hands and knees, she uses one hand to guide the flattened tip of his cock to her opening before pushing back against him. She pauses when she feels his tip pressing against her hymen, but before she can prepare herself to continue, the impatient equine bucks his hips forward, not only ripping through her barrier, but burying his entire length in her depths in a single thrust. She screams in pain at the sudden intrusion, but has no time to adjust as he begins rutting with the bespeckled girl in earnest Fortunately for Hazuki, the heat of Ponyta's cock helps to quickly ease the pain of losing her virginity and she is soon panting heavily as he repeatedly plunges his hot rod deep within her with all the speed the Ponyta line is known for. Wrapping her arms around the fire horse's forelegs to avoid being crushed against the floor, the young lady turned broodmare manages to exclaim in-between pants, "Good BOY! Keep fucking me hard and fast with that burning hot cock of yours!", not that Ponyta really needs the encouragement. After a few minutes of being at the fire horse's mercy, Hazuki can feel his tip flare within her and instinctually pushes back against him, locking out her arms and forming a watertight seal between cockhead and cervix just as the first shot of pokeseed ripples along the underside of his member before splattering the walls of her womb. The searing heat in her belly sends the brunette into her own orgasm, her cunny doing everything it can to suck out every last drop as her womb greedily guzzles down the spicy semen. "YES! Pump me full of your hot seed! Boil my eggs with that molten horse spunk!" As the equine continues to pour his hot seed into the girl's womb, a bulge starts to form on her lower abdomen as her womb stretches to accomodate the horse's load. By the time he finishes, her belly is distended to the point that she looks several months pregnant. As she lets her body go limp, Hazuki comments, "You certaintly poured a lot in me, didn't you boy?" Releasing her grip on the Ponyta's forelegs, the brunette collapses onto the floor, the horsecock sliding from her passage. The Ponyta steps away from the girl as his semen pours from her hole to pool beneath her, the tired girl covered in sweat. After resting for several minutes, Hazuki crawls to her bed, leaving a trail of cum stains in her bedroom carpet. Doing her best not to stain her bedspread, she sits on the edge of her bed and lays back before calling out, "Here boy, come lick me clean." Without hesitation, the Ponyta walks over to the girl and proceeds to lick his cum from her legs and stomach before burying his muzzle between her legs and lapping at her cunny. Unlike earlier, when he just licked around her opening, he now plunges his tongue into her depths, his long tongue reaching the girls cervix. Feeling the equine's tongue wriggle around inside her still overly sensitive pussy sends the girl into another bout of moans and she's soon cumming all over her lover's muzzle. Once the pokemon has had his fill of her juices, he places his front hooves on the bed, one to either side of the girl to proudly display his once again erect member. Seeing the erection, Hazuki smiles befor saying, "You're quite the stud, aren't you boy?" Reaching her hand for the horsecock, she lines it up with her opening before adding, "It's okay, I'll gladly be your broodmare and let you cum in me as much as you need to!" Needing no further prodding, the fire horse pushes forward, burying his cock within the brunette once again. As he bottoms out within her, Hazuki wraps her legs around his flanks and pulls his head down to hers, prompting him to lick her face before she opens her mouth and begins sucking on his tongue. As she's trying to teach the pony to french kiss, both of their hips are bucking against each other in a frantic rhythm. Closing her eyes in bliss, she doesn't see it when a bright, white light envelopes Ponyta, and she's too lost in her own pleasure to process as her lover grows to the point her legs can no longer encircle the equine's flank or that her arms are now hugging the fiery beast's chest rather than its neck. What she does notice is the cock within her elongating and thickening, doubling in both length and diameter and stretching her passage to new limits the girl never thought possible. Her eyes snapping open, she sees that, instead of a Ponyta, she now has a majestic Rapidash atop her, and the now larger equine shows no signs of slowing down to let her adjust to the more massive member within her. If anything, the fire horse only increases pace as the girl screams, "OH GOD! You're going to split me apart with that monster cock!" As Rapidash continues to pound away at Hazuki's pussy, a flaming aura erupts around the equine, but instead of burning the girl, it wraps her in a pleasant inferno, causing her sweat to flash to steam as soon as it forms. Feeling the stallion hammering his cock against her cervix, Hazuki screams, "NO! Not so hard! My pussy is going to break!", but the equine ignores the girl's pleas. Feeling the fire horse's cock tip flare, the brunette knows another round of insemination is imminent, and braces herself best she can for the impending flood. With a final powerful thrust, Rapidash hilts himself within the girl's battered passage as a torrent of thick horse cum erupts from his tip. Like the rest of his body, the stallion's testicles grew significantly with evolution and so the volume of semen he pumps into Hazuki's womb is greatly increased compared to the load delivered as a ponyta. As she feels her womb stretching well past where it had earlier, the massive cock in her passage forming too tight a seal for any to leak out, Hazuki screams, "Please pull out! I'm going to pop like a balloon if you pour much more inside me!", but the stallion isn't going to seperate from his broodmare until his balls are empty. When he's finally done filling the girl's womb, having inflated her belly to the point that she looks ready to give birth to triplets, He pulls out, a deluge of semen cascading from her gaping passage now that the plug is gone. Finally satisfied, the pokemon finds a clean section of carpet to lay down. Once she's recovered enough from the rough fucking to stand, Hazuki allows the rest of the semen within her to drip onto the floor, forming a nice sized pool. Once empty, she uses her bedspread, torn by Rapidash's hooves to wipe as much of the cum from her lower body as possible before dropping it on the floor to soak up the mess. Deciding she'll use magic to properly clean the mess come morning, Hazuki walks over to Rapidash and gives the equine a hug, saying, "You where a bit rougher with me than I'd like, boy, but I quite enjoyed that and wouldn't mind doing it again sometime." With a yawn, the girl climbs onto the pokemon's broad back and lays down, mumbling, "Good night." before drifting off to sleep, the heat radiating off the fire horse's body eliminating the need for any covering.